Biodiversity Heritage Library Scientific Names Index
Creates an index of scientific names occurring in the collection of literature
in Biodiversity Heritage Library
This application allows to traverse all digitized corpus of Biodiversity
Heritage Library in a matter of hours. On a modern high-end laptop we
observed the following results:
- name-finding in 275,000 volumes, 60 million pages:
2.5 hours
- name-verification of 23 million unique name-strings:
3 hours
- preparing a CSV file with 250 million names occurrences/verification records
40 minutes
Installation on Linux
BHL corpus of OCRed data can be found as a >50GB compressed file.
When you run the app for the first time it will create a configuration file and
will provide information where the file is located (usually it is
Edit the file to provide credentials for PostgreSQL database.
Change the Jobs
setting according to the amount of memory and the number
of CPU. For 32Gb of memory Jobs: 7
works ok. This parameter sets the number
of concurrent jobs running for name-finding.
Set BHLdir
parameter to point to the root directory where BHL texts are
located (several hundred gigabytes of texts).
Other parameters a optional.
Environment Variables
It is possible to use Environment Variables instead of configuration file.
Environment Variable override the configuration file settings. The following
variable can be used:
Config |
Env. Variable |
BHLdir |
OutputFormat |
PgHost |
PgPort |
PgUser |
PgPass |
PgDatabase |
Jobs |
VerifierURL |
WithWebLogs |
WithoutConfirm |
Login to PostgreSQL server and create a database that has the same name as the
parameter in the configuration file (default name is bhlindex
This database will be used to keep found names. Its final size of the database
upon completion should be in a vicinity of 50GB.
Get BHLindex version
bhlindex -V
Find names in BHL
bhlindex find
# to avoid confirmation dialog (-y overrides configuration file)
bhlindec find -y
Verify detected names using [GNverifier] service
bhlindex verify
# to avoid confirmation dialog (-y overrides configuration file)
bhlindec verify -y
Dump data into tab-separated files
bhlindex dump
# to compress and save on disk
bhlindex dump | gzip > bhlindex-dump.csv.gz
# -f overrides configuration file settings for output format
bhlindex dump -f tsv | gzip > bhlindex-dump.tsv.gz
bhlindex dump -f json | gzip > bhlindex-dump.json.gz
To run all commands together
bhlindex find -y && \
bhlindex verify -y && \
bhlindex dump | gzip > bhlindex-dump.csv.gz
Serve detected items, pages, verified names, names occurrences via RESTful
interface (default port is 8080).
bhlindex rest
# using different port
bhlindex rest -p 8000
RESTful API endpoints
Query |
Usage |
items?offset_id=11&limit=100 |
get items with ids 11-110 |
pages?offset_id=11&limit=10 |
get pages of items with ids 11-20 |
names?offset_id=1&limit=10 |
get verified names with ids 1-10 |
names?offset_id=1&limit=10&data_sources=1 |
get verified names with ids 1-10 verified to the "Catalogue of Life" |
occurrences?offset=21&limit=10 |
get detected names with ids 21-30 |
occurrences?offset=21&limit=10&data_sources=1 |
get detected names with ids 21-30 verified to the "Catalogue of Life" |
Testing requires PostgreSQL database bhlindex_test
Testing will delete all data from the database.
go test