The admission controller that applies default imagePullSecrets to pods.
Getting Started
Install cert-manager
default-imagepullsecrets uses cert-manager for
certificate management of Admission Webhook. Make sure you have already
installed cert-manager before you start.
Deploy default-imagepullsecrets
export VERSION=latest
export DEFAULT_IMAGEPULLSECRETS="mysecret0,my-secret1"
envsubst < default-imagepullsecrets.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
# Wait for default-imagepullsecrets to be rollout
kubectl rollout status -n default-imagepullsecrets deployment default-imagepullsecrets
# Deploy MutatingWebHookConfiguration
kubectl apply -f mutating-webhook-configuration.yaml
# Run a test pod
kubectl run test --image=nginx
# Make sure that default imagePullSecrets are applied
kubectl get pods test -o jsonpath='{.spec.imagePullSecrets}{"\n"}'
Clean up
kubectl delete -f mutating-webhook-configuration.yaml
export VERSION=latest
export DEFAULT_IMAGEPULLSECRETS="mysecret0,my-secret1"
envsubst < default-imagepullsecrets.yaml | kubectl delete -f -