A CLI to check if your network setup is suitable for the installation of Gitpod.
Download the latest
binary using:curl -s | \ grep "browser_download_url.*$(uname -s)_$(uname -m)" | \ cut -d : -f 2,3 | \ tr -d \" | \ xargs curl -L | tar -xz
You can also download and untar the binary directly from the Github releases page here
Try running the command with help flag, to see if it downloaded properly:
./gitpod-network-check --help
Set up AWS credentials
needs access to the AWS account you are planning to use to deploy Gitpod in. Much like AWS CLI,gitpod-network-check
uses the available AWS profile in your terminal to authenticate against the account. This means that you can rely on any locally available AWS profiles or just set the right environment variables in your terminal for the CLI to use:export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=AQoDYXdzEJr...<remainder of security token> export AWS_REGION=eu-central-1 # Replace with the region you want to use
To run a diagnosis of the network that you want to use for Gitpod, the CLI command needs to know the subnets you have chosen to be used as the
subnets and thePod
subnets. You can read more about the distinction here in our docs. The CLI expects to read the IDs of these subnets in a configuration file. By default it tries to read it from a file namegitpod-network-check.yaml
in your current directory, but you can override this behavior by using the--config
flag of the CLI.For the sake of simplicity, let us create a file
in the current directory and populate it with the subnet IDs and AWS region as shown below:log-level: debug # Options: debug, info, warning, error region: eu-central-1 main-subnets: subnet-0554e84f033a64c56, subnet-08584621e7754e505, subnet-094c6fd68aea493b7 pod-subnets: subnet-028d11dce93b8eefc, subnet-04ec8257d95c434b7,subnet-00a83550ce709f39c https-hosts:, instance-ami: # put your custom ami id here if you want to use it, otherwise it will using latest ubuntu AMI from aws api-endpoint: # optional, put your API endpoint regional sub-domain here to test connectivity, like when the execute-api vpc endpoint is not in the same account as Gitpod
note: if using a custom AMI, please ensure the SSM agent and curl are both installed. We rely on SSM's SendCommand to test HTTPS connectivity.
Run the network diagnosis
To start the diagnosis, the the command:
./gitpod-network-check diagnose
./gitpod-network-check diagnose INFO[0000] ✅ Main Subnets are valid INFO[0000] ✅ Pod Subnets are valid INFO[0000] ℹ️ Checking prerequisites INFO[0000] ✅ VPC endpoint is configured INFO[0000] ✅ VPC endpoint is configured INFO[0000] ✅ VPC endpoint is configured INFO[0001] ℹ️ Launching EC2 instance in a Main subnet INFO[0007] ℹ️ Launching EC2 instance in a Pod subnet INFO[0009] ℹ️ Waiting for EC2 instances to become ready (can take up to 2 minutes) INFO[0167] ✅ EC2 Instances are now running successfully INFO[0167] ℹ️ Connecting to SSM... INFO[0175] ℹ️ Checking if the required AWS Services can be reached from the ec2 instances INFO[0178] ✅ Autoscaling is available INFO[0179] ✅ CloudFormation is available INFO[0179] ✅ CloudWatch is available INFO[0180] ✅ EC2 is available INFO[0181] ✅ EC2messages is available INFO[0182] ✅ ECR is available INFO[0183] ✅ ECR Api is available INFO[0184] ✅ EKS is available INFO[0185] ✅ Elastic LoadBalancing is available INFO[0185] ✅ KMS is available INFO[0186] ✅ Kinesis Firehose is available INFO[0187] ✅ SSM is available INFO[0188] ✅ SSMmessages is available INFO[0189] ✅ SecretsManager is available INFO[0190] ✅ Sts is available INFO[0190] ✅ DynamoDB is available INFO[0191] ✅ S3 is available INFO[0194] ✅ is available INFO[0194] ✅ is available INFO[0194] ✅ Instances terminated
Clean up after network diagnosis
Dianosis is designed to do clean-up before it finishes. However, if the process terminates unexpectedly, you may clean-up AWS resources it creates like so:
./gitpod-network-check clean INFO[0000] ✅ Main Subnets are valid INFO[0000] ✅ Pod Subnets are valid INFO[0000] ✅ Instances terminated INFO[0000] Cleaning up: Waiting for 2 minutes so network interfaces are deleted INFO[0121] ✅ Role 'GitpodNetworkCheck' deleted INFO[0121] ✅ Instance profile deleted INFO[0122] ✅ Security group 'sg-0a6119dcb6a564fc1' deleted INFO[0122] ✅ Security group 'sg-07373362953212e54' deleted
If the EC2 instances are timing out, or you cannot connect to them with Session Manager, be sure to add the following policies.
For the ssm vpc endpoint, add the following policy:
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Principal": {
"AWS": [
"Condition": {
"ArnEquals": {
"aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-id>:role/GitpodNetworkCheck"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Principal": {
"AWS": [
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"ec2:InstanceProfile": "arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-id>:instance-profile/GitpodNetworkCheck"
For the ec2messages and ssmmessages vpc endpoints, add the following policy:
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Principal": {
"AWS": [
"Condition": {
"ArnEquals": {
"aws:PrincipalArn": "arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-id>:role/GitpodNetworkCheck"
There is no documentation for this package.