Go analysis support for CodeQL
This open-source repository contains the extractor, CodeQL libraries, and queries that power Go
support in LGTM and the other CodeQL products that GitHub
makes available to its customers worldwide.
It contains two major components:
- an extractor, itself written in Go, that parses Go source code and converts it into a database
that can be queried using CodeQL.
- static analysis libraries and queries written in QL that can be
used to analyze such a database to find coding mistakes or security vulnerabilities.
The goal of this project is to provide comprehensive static analysis support for Go in CodeQL.
For the queries and libraries that power CodeQL support for other languages, visit the CodeQL
Simply clone this repository. There are no external dependencies.
If you want to use the CodeQL extension for Visual Studio Code, import this repository into your VS
Code workspace.
To analyze a Go codebase, either use the CodeQL command-line
interface to create a database yourself, or
download a pre-built database from LGTM.com. You can then run any of the
queries contained in this repository either on the command line or using the VS Code extension.
Note that the lgtm.com branch of this
repository corresponds to the version of the queries that is currently deployed on LGTM.com.
The main branch may contain changes that
have not been deployed yet, so you may need to upgrade databases downloaded from LGTM.com before
running queries on them.
Contributions are welcome! Please see our contribution guidelines and our
code of conduct for details on how to participate in our community.
The code in this repository is licensed under the MIT license.