falcon-agent for mac
This is a mac monitor agent. Just like zabbix-agent and tcollector.
Breaking Changes! golang 1.8 is required
- golang 1.8 is required to build.
- support IOCountersStat in macOs.
- fully support Disk IO Stats in macOs.
It is a golang classic project
# set $GOPATH and $GOROOT
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/open-falcon
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/open-falcon
git clone https://github.com/open-falcon/common.git
cd ..
#set agent-mac
#把agent-mac放在非gopath路径下,否则会报:local import "./cron" in non-local package异常
git clone https://github.com/GitHamburg/agent-mac.git
cd agent-mac
./control build
./falcon-agent start -c cfg.json
# goto http://localhost:1988
I use linux-dash as the page theme.
- heartbeat: heartbeat server rpc address
- transfer: transfer rpc address
- ignore: the metrics should ignore