
v14.2.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Apr 24, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 0 Imported by: 0




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const (
	UndoContinueGuidance               = "" /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */
	AliasedCommands                    = "Aliased commands: %s\n"
	ArgumentUnknown                    = "unknown argument: %q"
	BranchAlreadyExistsLocally         = "there is already a branch %q"
	BranchAlreadyExistsRemotely        = "there is already a branch %q at the \"origin\" remote"
	BranchAuthorMultiple               = "\nMultiple people authored the %q branch.\n\n"
	BranchCheckoutProblem              = "cannot check out branch %q: %w"
	BranchCurrentProblem               = "cannot determine current branch: %w"
	BranchDeleted                      = "deleted branch %q"
	BranchDeletedHasUnmergedChanges    = "" /* 197-byte string literal not displayed */
	BranchDiffProblem                  = "cannot determine if branch %q has unmerged commits: %w"
	BranchDoesntContainCommit          = "branch %q does not contain commit %q. Found commits %s"
	BranchDoesntExist                  = "there is no branch %q"
	BranchHasWrongSHA                  = "cannot reset branch %q to %q because it received additional commits in the meantime. It should have SHA %q but has %q"
	BranchIsAlreadyContribution        = "branch %q is already a contribution branch"
	BranchIsAlreadyObserved            = "branch %q is already observed"
	BranchIsAlreadyParked              = "branch %q is already parked"
	BranchLocalSHAProblem              = "cannot determine SHA of local branch %q: %w"
	BranchLocalProblem                 = "cannot determine whether the local branch %q exists: %w"
	BranchParentChanged                = "branch %q is now a child of %q"
	BrowserOpen                        = "Please open in a browser: %s\n"
	CacheUnitialized                   = "using a cached value before initialization"
	CodeHosting                        = "Code hosting: %s\n"
	CommandsRun                        = "Ran %d shell commands."
	CommitMessageProblem               = "cannot determine last commit message: %w"
	CompressUnsynced                   = "please sync branch %q before compressing it"
	CompressIsPerennial                = "better not compress perennial branches"
	CompressAlreadyOneCommit           = "branch %q has already just one commit"
	CompressContributionBranch         = "you are merely contributing to branch %q and should leave compressing it to the branch owner"
	CompressNoCommits                  = "branch %q has no commits"
	CompressObservedBranch             = "you are merely observing branch %q and should leave compressing it to the branch owner"
	CompressParkedBranch               = "branch %q and should not compress it"
	CompletionTypeUnknown              = "unknown completion type: %q"
	ConfigFileCannotRead               = "cannot read the configuration file %q: %w"
	ConfigFileInvalidData              = "the configuration file %q does not contain TOML-formatted content: %w"
	ConfigLineageParentIsChild         = "removing lineage entry for %q because the parent is the child"
	ConfigMainbranchInConfigFile       = "please configure the main branch in the config file"
	ConfigNeeded                       = "Git Town needs to be configured\n\n"
	ConfigStorage                      = "Config storage: %s\n"
	ConfigSyncFeatureStrategyUnknown   = "unknown sync-feature strategy: %q"
	ConfigSyncPerennialStrategyUnknown = "unknown sync-perennial strategy: %q"
	ConfigRemoveError                  = "unexpected error while removing the 'git-town' section from the Git configuration: %w"
	ContinueMessage                    = `You can run "git town continue" to finish it.`
	ContinueSkipGuidance               = "To continue by skipping the current branch, run \"git town skip\"."
	ContributeBranchIsNowContribution  = "branch %q is now a contribution branch\n"
	ContributionBranchCannotPark       = "cannot park contribution branches"
	ContributionBranchCannotPropose    = "cannot propose contribution branches"
	ContributionBranchCannotShip       = "cannot ship contribution branches"
	DiffConflictWithMain               = "conflicts between your uncommmitted changes and the main branch"
	DryRun                             = "" /* 250-byte string literal not displayed */
	ValueInvalid                       = "invalid value for %s: %q. Please provide either \"yes\" or \"no\""
	ValueGlobalInvalid                 = "invalid value for global %s: %q. Please provide either \"true\" or \"false\""
	ConflictDetectionProblem           = "cannot determine conflicts: %w"
	ContinueNothingToDo                = "nothing to continue"
	ContinueUnresolvedConflicts        = "you must resolve the conflicts before continuing"
	ContinueUntrackedChanges           = "please stage or commit the untracked changes first"
	DialogUnexpectedResponse           = "unexpected response: %s"
	DiffParentNoFeatureBranch          = "you can only diff-parent feature branches"
	DiffProblem                        = "cannot list diff of %q and %q: %w"
	DirCurrentProblem                  = "cannot determine the current directory"
	FileContentInvalidJSON             = "cannot parse JSON content of file %q: %w"
	FileDeleteProblem                  = "cannot delete file %q: %w"
	FileReadProblem                    = "cannot read file %q: %w"
	FileStatProblem                    = "cannot check file %q: %w"
	FileWriteProblem                   = "cannot write file %q: %w"
	GiteaToken                         = "Gitea token: %s\n"
	GitHubEnterpriseInitializeError    = "cannot initialize GitHub Enterprise client: %s"
	GitHubToken                        = "GitHub token: %s\n"
	GitLabToken                        = "GitLab token: %s\n"
	GitOutputIrregular                 = `` /* 219-byte string literal not displayed */

	GitUserEmailMissing                   = `please set the Git user email by running: git config --global "<your email>"`
	GitUserNameMissing                    = `please set the Git user name by running: git config --global "<your name>"`
	GitVersionMajorNotNumber              = "cannot convert major version %q to int: %w"
	GitVersionMinorNotNumber              = "cannot convert minor version %q to int: %w"
	GitVersionProblem                     = "cannot determine Git version: %w"
	GitVersionUnexpectedOutput            = "'git version' returned unexpected output: %q.\nPlease open an issue and supply the output of running 'git version'"
	GitVersionTooLow                      = "this app requires Git 2.30 or higher"
	HackTooManyArguments                  = "please provide only one branch to create"
	HackBranchIsAlreadyFeature            = "branch %q is already a feature branch"
	HackBranchIsNowFeature                = "branch %q is now a feature branch\n"
	HackCannotFeatureMainBranch           = "cannot make the main branch a feature branch"
	HackCannotFeaturePerennialBranch      = "branch %q is a perennial branch and therefore be a feature branch"
	HostingBitBucketNotImplemented        = "" /* 190-byte string literal not displayed */
	HostingGitlabMergingViaAPI            = "GitLab API: Merging MR !%d ... "
	HostingGitlabUpdateMRViaAPI           = "GitLab API: Updating target branch for MR !%d to %q ... "
	HostingGiteaNotImplemented            = "" /* 186-byte string literal not displayed */
	HostingGiteaUpdatePRViaAPI            = "Gitea API: Updating base branch for PR #%d to #%s"
	HostingGithubMergingViaAPI            = "GitHub API: merging PR #%d ... "
	HostingGithubUpdatePRViaAPI           = "GitHub API: updating base branch for PR #%d ... "
	HostingPlatformUnknown                = "unknown hosting platform: %q"
	InputAddOrRemove                      = `invalid argument %q. Please provide either "add" or "remove"`
	InputYesOrNo                          = `invalid argument: %q. Please provide either "yes" or "no".\n`
	KillBranchOtherWorktree               = `branch %q is active in another worktree`
	KillCannotKillMainBranch              = "you cannot kill the main branch"
	KillCannotKillPerennialBranches       = "you cannot kill perennial branches"
	MainBranch                            = "Main branch: %s\n"
	MainBranchCannotMakeContribution      = "cannot make the main branch a contribution branch"
	MainBranchCannotObserve               = "cannot observe the main branch"
	MainBranchCannotPark                  = "cannot park the main branch"
	MainBranchCannotPropose               = "cannot propose the main branch"
	MainBranchCannotShip                  = "cannot ship the main branch"
	ObservedBranchCannotPark              = "cannot park observed branches"
	ObservedBranchCannotPropose           = "cannot propose observed branches"
	ObservedBranchCannotShip              = "cannot ship observed branches"
	ObservedBranchIsNowObserved           = "branch %q is now an observed branch\n"
	OfflineNotAllowed                     = "this command requires an active internet connection"
	OpcodeUnknown                         = "unknown opcode: %q, run \"git town status reset\" to reset it"
	OpenChangesProblem                    = "cannot determine open changes: %w"
	OriginHostname                        = "Origin hostname: %s\n"
	ParentDialogSelected                  = "Selected parent branch for %q: %s\n"
	ParkedBranchIsNowParked               = "branch %q is now parked\n"
	PerennialBranchCannotMakeContribution = "cannot make perennial branches contribution branches"
	PerennialBranchCannotObserve          = "cannot observe perennial branches"
	PerennialBranchCannotPark             = "cannot park perennial branches"
	PerennialBranchCannotPropose          = "cannot propose perennial branches"
	PerennialBranchCannotShip             = "cannot ship perennial branches"
	PerennialBranches                     = "Perennial branches: %s\n"
	PerennialBranchRemovedParentEntry     = "Removed parent entry for perennial branch %q\n"
	PerennialRegex                        = "Perennial regex: %s\n"
	PreviousCommandFinished               = "The previous Git Town command (%s) finished successfully.\n"
	PreviousCommandProblem                = "The last Git Town command (%s) hit a problem %v ago.\n"
	ProposalMultipleFound                 = "found %d proposals from branch %q to branch %q"
	ProposalNoNumberGiven                 = "no proposal number given"
	ProposalNotFoundForBranch             = "cannot determine proposal for branch %q: %w"
	ProposalTargetBranchUpdateProblem     = "cannot update the target branch of proposal %d via the API"
	ProposalURLProblem                    = "cannot determine proposal URL from %q to %q: %w"
	PullRequestDeprecation                = `DEPRECATION NOTICE

This command has been renamed to "git town propose"
nd will be removed in future versions of Git Town.`
	PushHook                       = "Push hook: %s\n"
	PushNewBranches                = "Push new branches: %s\n"
	RebaseProblem                  = "cannot determine rebase in progress: %w"
	RemoteExistsProblem            = "cannot determine if remote %q exists: %w"
	RemotesProblem                 = "cannot determine remotes: %w"
	RenameBranchNotInSync          = "%q is not in sync with its tracking branch, please sync the branches before renaming"
	RenameMainBranch               = "the main branch cannot be renamed"
	RenamePerennialBranchWarning   = "" /* 138-byte string literal not displayed */
	RenameToSameName               = "cannot rename branch to current name"
	RepoOutside                    = "this is not a Git repository"
	RunAutoUndo                    = "%s\nAuto-undo... "
	RunCommandProblem              = "error running command %q: %w"
	RunstateDeleted                = "Runstate file deleted."
	RunstateDeleteProblem          = "cannot delete previous run state: %w"
	RunstateLoadProblem            = "cannot load previous run state: %w"
	RunstateSerializeProblem       = "cannot encode run-state: %w"
	RunstatePathProblem            = "cannot determine the runstate file path: %w"
	RunstateSaveProblem            = "cannot save run state: %w"
	SetParentNoFeatureBranch       = "the branch %q is not a feature branch. Only feature branches can have parent branches"
	SettingDeprecatedGlobalMessage = "Upgrading deprecated global setting %q to %q."
	SettingGlobalCannotRemove      = "ERROR: cannot remove global Git setting %q: %v"
	SettingGlobalCannotWrite       = "ERROR: cannot write global Git setting %q: %v"
	SettingIgnoreInvalid           = "Notice: ignoring invalid dialog input setting %q\n"
	SettingLocalDeprecatedMessage  = "Upgrading deprecated local setting %q to %q."
	SettingLocalCannotRemove       = "ERROR: cannot remove local Git setting %q: %v"
	SettingLocalCannotWrite        = "ERROR: cannot write local Git setting %q: %v"
	ShipAbortedMergeError          = "aborted because commit exited with error"
	ShipBranchOtherWorktree        = "branch %q is active in another worktree"
	ShipBranchNothingToDo          = "the branch %q has no shippable changes"
	ShipChildBranch                = "shipping this branch would ship %s as well,\nplease ship %q first"
	ShipDeletesTrackingBranches    = "Ship deletes tracking branches: %s\n"
	ShipOpenChanges                = "you have uncommitted changes. Did you mean to commit them before shipping?"
	ShippableChangesProblem        = "cannot determine whether branch %q has shippable changes: %w"
	SkipBranchHasConflicts         = "cannot skip branch that resulted in conflicts"
	SkipMessage                    = `You can run "git town skip" to skip the currently failing operation.`
	SkipNothingToDo                = "nothing to skip"
	SquashCannotReadFile           = "cannot read squash message file %q: %w"
	SquashCommitAuthorQuery        = "Please choose an author for the squash commit:"
	SquashCommitAuthorProblem      = "error getting squash commit author: %w"
	SquashCommitAuthorSelection    = "Selected squash commit author: %s\n"
	SquashMessageProblem           = "cannot comment out the squash commit message: %w"
	StatusFileNotFound             = "No status file found for this repository."
	SwitchUncommittedChanges       = "uncommitted changes\n"
	SyncBeforeShip                 = "Sync before ship: %s\n"
	SyncFeatureBranches            = "Sync feature branches: %s\n"
	SyncPerennialBranches          = "Sync perennial branches: %s\n"
	SyncStatusNotRecognized        = "cannot determine the sync status for Git remote %q and branch name %q"
	SyncWithUpstream               = "Sync with upstream: %s\n"
	UndoCreateOpcodeProblem        = "cannot create undo operations for %q: %w"
	UndoMessage                    = `You can run "git town undo" to go back to where you started.`
	UndoNothingToDo                = "nothing to undo"
	UnfinishedCommandHandle        = "Handle unfinished command: %s\n"
	UnfinishedRunStateContinue     = "Continue the \"%s\" command after having resolved conflicts"
	UnfinishedRunStateDiscard      = "Discard the unfinished state and run the new command"
	UnfinishedRunStateQuit         = "Quit without running anything"
	UnfinishedRunStateSkip         = "Skip the current branch and continue the \"%s\" command on the next branch"
	UnfinishedRunStateUndo         = "Undo the previous \"%s\" command"


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