FlyCD adds ArgoCD/Flux style git-ops support for
Extending the configuration file structure to eliminate the
need for manual execution of CLI commands.
FlyCD operates like any other app within the environment in which it's installed. It listens to webhooks
from git pushes, fetches the most recent (or specific) versions of your apps from git, and deploys them to
Keeping app repos separate from your environment configuration repos (or put everything in the same repo... if you
want to :D)
The illustration below gives an idea of FlyCD enabled configuration:

How to use it
- Run
go install<version>
(currently v0.0.34
- Run
flycd deploy <fs path>
to deploy a configuration (single app or folder structure, you decide)
- Optional: Run
flycd install --project-path <fs path>
to install flycd into your environment.
This will create a new app running flycd in monitoring mode/webhook listening mode. The install
command will
automatically issue a API token for itself, and store it as an app secret in You can ssh into your
flycd container and copy it from there if you want to use it for other purposes (you prob shouldn't) or just locally
verify that it works.
- To make it able to clone private git repos, create a secret called
flycd install
is also how you upgrade a deployed flycd installation to a new flycd version.
- Optional: Add a webhook to your GitHub repo(s), pointing to your flycd app's url,
e.g. the default POST path
, which currently just supports GitHub push
Using the flycd CLI
The best is probably to check the --help
$flycd --help
Starting FlyCD v0.0.34...
Complete documentation is available at
flycd [flags]
flycd [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
convert Convert app/apps from fly.toml(s) to app.yaml(s)
deploy Manually deploy a single flycd app, or all flycd apps inside a folder
help Help about any command
install Install FlyCD into your account, listening to webhooks from this cfg repo and your app repos
monitor (Used when installed in env) Monitors flycd apps, listens to webhooks, grabs new states from git, etc
repos Traverse the project structure and list all git repos referenced. Useful for finding your dependencies (and setting up webhooks).
-h, --help help for flycd
Use "flycd [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Configuration examples
Suppose you have a GitHub repo called my-cloud
in my-org
(, looking something
like this
├── cloud-x
│ └── stage
│ | ├── some-backend
│ | │ └── app.yaml
│ | ├── some-frontend
│ | │ └── app.yaml
│ | └── some-db
│ | ├── app.yaml
│ | ├── Dockerfile
│ | ├── settings.json
│ | └──
│ └── prod
│ ├── some-backend
│ │ └── app.yaml
│ ├── some-frontend
│ │ └── app.yaml
│ └── some-db
│ ├── app.yaml
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├── settings.json
│ └──
├── cloud-y
│ ├── auth-proxy
│ │ ├── app.yaml
│ │ ├── Dockerfile
│ │ ├── nginx.conf
│ │ └── start_proxy.bash
│ └── some-backend
│ ├── app.yaml
│ └── Dockerfile
└── project.yaml
The project structure doesn't have to look like this (flycd walks it recursively), so the above is just an example. Here
we have defined a top level of two "clouds" (cloud-x and cloud-y), cloud-x also having two environments (stage and
At the top we have a project.yaml
file which lets FlyCD know where this is located.
# project.yaml
project: "my-org-cloud"
type: git
repo: ""
Further down the tree we have app directories with app.yaml
files (or more project.yaml
files if you want to have
recursive projects/projects-in-projects :P).
Tip: Easy ways to create your own app.yaml files:
- Copy and modify an example
- Or use the
flycd convert
command to convert your existing fly.toml
files to app.yaml
- Or download existing definitions
fly config show [-a <your-app-name>] | yq -P > app.yaml
These might look something like this:
# app.yaml containing the regular app config + flycd's additional fields
# NOTE: Most of the below is optional! (essentially, dictates which fields are optional, and flycd will try not to enforce too much)
app: &app cloud-x--prod--some-backend # Unique dns name at <app>, as is the case with apps with automatic dns
auto_start_machines: true
auto_stop_machines: true
force_https: true
internal_port: 8081
min_machines_running: 0
- app
primary_region: &primary_region arn
## source: The most important field for FlyCD. It tells FlyCD where to find the app's git repo.
# You can also set it to type "local" and point it to a local directory within the config repo/project.
# see examples on how to configure local vs git types, and the use of their path and ref parameters
type: git # or local
#path: "some/path/within/local/or/repo"
repo: "" # only needed for type git
#ref: # only applies for type git
# commit: "some-commit-hash"
# branch: "some-branch-name"
# tag: "some-tag-name"
## more optional example config below
## Optional env vars
PORT: "8081"
## Optional volumes and mounts. It has some limitations:
# - Currently, only supports 1 mount point and volume per machine.
# In principle, flycd supports arbitrary numbers of both, should change this in the future.
# - The number of volume instances will be created to match the number of app instances (machines).
# This is the max between current existing instances/machines and the min_machines_running field,
# but no less than 1. So if you have min_machines_running: 0, you will always have at least 1 volume instance.
- name: my-volume
size_gb: 10
- destination: /mnt/my-volume-goes-here
source: my-volume
## Optional build config (this is something cli can generate for you)
builder: paketobuildpacks/builder:base
vm_size: &vm_size "shared-cpu-1x"
org: &org personal
# Modify to your needs. By default, we will create a new
# app without any user interaction/confirmation.
# For the most simple apps, you probably don't need to modify these at all
- "--ha=false"
- "--auto-confirm"
- "--now"
- "--copy-config"
- "--name"
- *app
- "--region"
- *primary_region
- "--org"
- *org
- "--vm-size"
- *vm_size
# Modify to your needs. By default, we will deploy the
# app without any user interaction/confirmation.
# For the most simple apps, you probably don't need to modify these at all
- "--ha=false"
- "--vm-size"
- *vm_size
- Test deploy your config with
flycd deploy .
- Before installing it into your account with
flycd install --project-path .
FlyCD will convert the app.yaml
back to fly.toml
before deploying to, and will keep all fields you put in
it (i.e. flycd doesn't have to implement the full domain model). There are several reasons flycd doesn't just use
a fly.toml
instead of app.yaml
. One reason is because flycd
uses the cli (fly
) under the hood,
and the cli actually modifies the fly.toml
in place when deploying :S. Another is that we want to re-use data
within the config, and .toml
is not a very good format for that. There are probably more reasons, some
subjective, like the author of FlyCD just likes yaml more than toml :D.
Check the examples directory for more ideas.
Where it needs improvement
- Performance: It needs some way of determining if webhooks interfere with each other. Right now they are just executed
one at a time (they are queued to a single worker to avoid races)..
- Consistency: It needs some persistence of incoming webhooks. Right now if FlyCD goes down during a deployment, the
deployment will be lost.
- Consistency: It needs regular jobs/auto sync for apps that don't send webhooks, like's ArgoCD's 3-minute polling.
- Security: It needs some security validation of webhooks from GitHub :D. Currently, there is none so DOS attacks are
trivial to create :S.
- Non-Github: It currently only supports webhooks from git repos at GitHub.
- Non-Git sources: It might be useful to also support regular docker images and different docker registries (right now
to deploy from an image, you have to create a proxy Dockerfile, Or create a single line inline Dockerfile in your
app.yaml, which is a bit ugly).
- Currently, there is no support for private image registries. You have to point to a private git repo instead
containing a Dockerfile.
- Authentication: It currently only supports authentication via git over ssh, and only a single private key can be
- It would be nice to support other authentication methods, such tokens for https.
- Quality: Could probably do with some cleanup and refactoring, and maybe some more automated tests
- Support for creation/updating secrets (not sure how though :S)
- Support for setting env vars, secrets and common values on a project level
- More practical ways to configure Machine types, ram & cpu modifications
- Right now it is possible, but only by setting the
and/or deploy_params
fields (see examples)
- better error handling :S
- better logging
- native postgres, redis, etc...
Contact @gigurra if you want to contribute, or just create a PR.