FlyCD adds ArgoCD/Flux style git-ops support for
Extending the standard fly.toml to eliminate the need for manual execution of CLI commands.
- FlyCD uses yaml by default - both formats are interchangeable. In the future, FlyCD may adopt toml if the authors
reconsider their stance on toml.
Keeping app repos separate from your environment configuration repos.
- It allows you to maintain numerous environments that utilize the app in varying versions and
configurations, eliminating the necessity of embedding environment-specific configurations into your app.
FlyCD operates like any other app within the environment in which it's installed. It listens to webhooks
from git pushes, fetches the most recent (or specific) versions of your apps from git, and deploys them to
The illustration below gives an idea of FlyCD enabled configuration:

$flycd --help
Starting FlyCD v0.0.22...
Complete documentation is available at
flycd [flags]
flycd [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
deploy Manually deploy a single flycd app, or all flycd apps inside a folder
help Help about any command
install Install flycd into your account, listening to webhooks from this cfg repo and your app repos
monitor (Used when installed in env) Monitors flycd apps, listens to webhooks, grabs new states from git, etc
-h, --help help for flycd
Use "flycd [command] --help" for more information about a command.
FlyCD v0.0.22 exiting normally, bye!
Current state
- It can install itself to an existing environment and point to a config repo
- It listens and acts on both config repo and app repo webhooks
- Config repos can point to app repos, or to other config repos, or a mix of both
- It can also operate as a manual CLI tool for deploying apps with a superset of fly.toml, such as:
- specifying a source git repo (+optional branch/tag/commit) to deploy the app from
- the target organisation to deploy to
- figures out if a deployment is actually warranted, by configuration folder and app folder checksum/app git hash
with hashes saved to env for the app (using app env vars for this)
- It can deploy many apps at the same time. Simply point it to a directory structure/hierarchy containing multiple
app.yaml files, and flycd will traverse the structure recursively, clone each app's source repo and deploy each app
Where it needs improvement
- It needs some persistence and queueing of incoming webhook commands to no run into data races, or lose data if flycd
crashes or is re-deployed :S. Currently, it just spins up a new go-routine for each webhook request.
- It needs a better way to scan existing available apps than re-read all of their specs from disk on every webhook
- It needs regular jobs/auto sync for apps that don't send webhooks, like 3rd party tools where we probably can't add
- It needs some security validation of webhooks from GitHub :D. Currently, there is none so DOS attacks are trivial to
create :S.
- It currently only supports git repos and file system directories as app sources. It might be useful to also support
regular docker images (right now to deploy from an image, you have to create a proxy Dockerfile)
I have no idea if I will have time or interest in continuing this project until it reaches a useful state :D.
Consider it proof of concept, and nothing more.
Other concerns
- Pretty hacky code right now, without many automated tests, just a 1-week hack so far with a lot of work delegated
to shell commands instead of proper go libraries :D
- This functionality might already exist/I might be reinventing the wheel here - we will see what is written in the
discussion thread over at community forums.
- Only supports GitHub webhooks
- The current handling of private repos is hacky (currently you have to manually save a secret with a private key
for git over ssh)
Current incomplete TODO list
- Fix current issues above ☝️☝️☝️
- better error handling :S
- better logging
- some status views or status APIs maybe
- if someone ever has time to build a UI :D
- Volumes & mounts
- Secrets
- Machine types, ram & cpu modifications
- native postgres, redis, etc...
Getting started
Quick setup
- Run
go install<version>
(currently v0.0.22
- Run
flycd deploy <your projects folder>
to ensure it deploys things the way you expect
- Run
flycd install --project-path <your projects folder>
to install flycd into your environment.
This will create a new app running flycd in monitoring mode/webhook listening mode. The install
command will
automatically issue a API token for itself, and store it as an app secret in You can ssh into your
flycd container and copy it from there if you want to use it for other purposes (you prob shouldn't) or just locally
verify that it works.
- Add a webhook to your git repo, pointing to your flycd app's url,
e.g. the default POST path
, which currently just supports GitHub push
- Watch the magic happen!
Sample project structure
Check the examples directory for some ideas.