Workshop slides in PDF format.
During the workshop the operator we create will manage PostgreSQL databases.
A Kubernetes deployment and service is provided to run PostgreSQL in Minikube.
Start a minikube.
minikube start --kubernetes-version 'v1.8.0'
Start a PostgreSQL instance inside Kubernetes.
kubectl apply -f ./manifest/postgresql.yaml
Running Example Solutions
First follow the steps in Setup.
There are three examples provided:
- solution1: is an example of the operator using Go http package.
- solution2: is an example of the operator using client-go
- solution3: is an example of the operator using operatorkit
Remote Mode
Remote mode means the operator runs outside the Kubernetes cluster and connects
to the remote Kubernetes API.
go run ./cmd/${name}/main.go \
-postgresql.host="$(minikube ip)" \
-postgresql.port="$(minikube service workshop-postgresql --format '{{.Port}}')" \
-postgresql.user="postgres" \
-postgresql.password="operator-workshop" \
-kubernetes.incluster="false" \
-kubernetes.server="https://$(minikube ip):8443" \
-kubernetes.crt="$HOME/.minikube/apiserver.crt" \
-kubernetes.key="$HOME/.minikube/apiserver.key" \
In-cluster Mode
The alternative, and most likely desired way to run the operator is the
in-cluster mode. In that mode the operator connects to the Kubernetes API with
credentials injected by the Kubernetes to the Pod.
Only solution2 and solution3 support this mode.
To run in in-cluster mode it is necessary to have a docker image in a registry
visible by the cluster and then create a deployment. When using minikube you can
reuse minikube's docker registry.
eval $(minikube docker-env)
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -o operator-workshop ./cmd/${name}/main.go
docker build --tag operator-workshop .
kubectl apply -f ./manifest/operator.yaml
Working with the Operator
Creating an Example Custom Object
kubectl apply -f ./manifest/example_cro.yaml
List databases
List the PostgreSQL databases and their owners.
kubectl exec \
$(kubectl get pod -l 'app=workshop-postgresql' -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') \
-- psql -U postgres postgres -c "\list"
Delete PostgreSQL database
Delete the k8s resources.
kubectl delete -f ./manifest/postgresql.yaml
Connect to the database
kubectl exec -it \
$(kubectl get pod -l 'app=workshop-postgresql' -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') \
-- psql -U postgres postgres