The etcd-backup-operator
takes backups of ETCD instances on both the control plane and tenant clusters.
The operator is meant to be run on the management cluster and can perform both V2 and V3 ETCD backup.
- When released, it triggers a deployment on all installations.
Getting Project
Clone the Git repository: https://github.com/giantswarm/etcd-backup-operator.git
How to build
Build it using the standard go build
cd etcd-backup-operator
go build
How to deploy
Use opsctl
the usual way. This project uses the app
method (opsctl deploy ... -m app
Example command run:
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<S3 access key ID>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<S3 secret access key>
go run -mod=vendor main.go daemon \
--service.kubernetes.incluster="true" \
--service.s3.bucket=<S3 bucket> \
--service.s3.region=<S3 region> \
--service.etcdv2.datadir="<Path of the directory where the V2 ETCD data is stored>" \
--service.etcdv3.cacert=<Path of the ETCD CA file> \
--service.etcdv3.cert=<Path of the ETCD Cert file> \
--service.etcdv3.key=<Path of the ETCD Private Key file> \
--service.etcdv3.endpoints=<URL to connect to ETCD with V3 protocol>
Available flags:
Kubernetes connection settings:
: (Optional, defaults to false
) Whether to use the in-cluster config to authenticate with Kubernetes.
: (Optional, defaults to
) Address used to connect to Kubernetes. When empty in-cluster config is created.
: (Optional) KubeConfig (formatted as JSON string) used to connect to Kubernetes. When empty other settings are used.
: (Optional) Certificate authority file path to use to authenticate with Kubernetes.
: (Optional) Certificate file path to use to authenticate with Kubernetes.
: (Optional) Key file path to use to authenticate with Kubernetes.
S3 settings:
: (Required) AWS S3 Bucket name.
: (Required) AWS S3 Region name.
: (Optional) Custom S3 endpoint URL.
: (Optional, defaults to false
) Enable path-style S3 URLs.
ETCD connection settings:
: (Optional, see below for details) ETCD v2 Data Dir path.
: (Optional, see below for details) Client certificate for ETCD v3 connection
: (Optional, see below for details) Client CA certificate for ETCD v3 connection
: (Optional, see below for details) Client private key for ETCD v3 connection
: (Optional, see below for details)
Either service.etcdv2.datadir
or all other fields are mandatory.
You can specify all of them as well (and you'll enable both V2 and V3 backups).
Environment variables:
: (Required) The AWS access key ID, used to upload the backup files to AWS S3.
: (Required) The AWS secret access key, used to upload the backup files to AWS S3.
Different schedules
You can schedule different cron datetimes to different clusters like it is explain here:
- cronjob: 0 */6 * * *
clusters: '^(?!<cluster-id>)' # all clusters but the id defined
- cronjob: 0 3 * * * *
clusters: '<cluster-id>' # only one cluster
etcd-backup-operator is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.