The aws-servicequotas-operator
ensures all service quotas are set in each AWS account where workload clusters are running. It only create requests to set the recommended quotas from our documentation, it won't decrease quotas which are already higher than recommended.
In case you want to add a new quota for a service, you can run the the CLI tool insides /codes
. Take the ServiceCode
from servicecodes.json
and run:
AWS_REGION=$REGION AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=$KEY AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=$SECRET go run codes/main.go --arn arn:aws:iam::ACCOUNT_ID:role/GiantSwarmAWSOperator --code $SERVICECODE --region $REGION
This will return all quota codes for your service, e.g.:
"Adjustable": true,
"ErrorReason": null,
"GlobalQuota": false,
"Period": null,
"QuotaArn": "arn:aws:servicequotas:eu-west-1:ACCOUNT_ID:autoscaling/L-6B80B8FA",
"QuotaCode": "L-6B80B8FA",
"QuotaName": "Launch configurations per region",
"ServiceCode": "autoscaling",
"ServiceName": "Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling",
"Unit": "None",
"UsageMetric": null,
"Value": 500
You can only add quota codes which are adjustable
Once you have the information of the QuotaCode
, you can add it to pkg/quotas/quotas.go
. There's a map for quotas which will be applied.
The key of quotas is the ServiceCode
which can contain multiple quotas. Add the `QuodaCode from above and ensure it has a reasonable value.
Also make sure to update the documentation once you add new quotas.
After changing everything you only need to release and aws-servicequotas-operator
with the new version gets applied in each AWS installation.