Index ¶
Constants ¶
const AutomountEtcdVolume = `
Description=etcd3 data volume
const AwsCNIManifest = `` /* 12262-byte string literal not displayed */
const DecryptKeysAssetsScript = `` /* 1116-byte string literal not displayed */
const DecryptKeysAssetsService = `` /* 237-byte string literal not displayed */
const DecryptTLSAssetsScript = `` /* 1152-byte string literal not displayed */
const DecryptTLSAssetsService = `` /* 237-byte string literal not displayed */
const ETCDHealthCheck = `` /* 452-byte string literal not displayed */
const EncryptionConfig = `` /* 197-byte string literal not displayed */
const EphemeralVarLibContainerdMount = `` /* 181-byte string literal not displayed */
const EphemeralVarLibDockerMount = `` /* 169-byte string literal not displayed */
const EphemeralVarLibKubeletMount = `` /* 171-byte string literal not displayed */
const EphemeralVarLogMount = `` /* 160-byte string literal not displayed */
const Etcd3AttachDepService = `` /* 1039-byte string literal not displayed */
const Etcd3ExtraConfig = `
const EtcdClusterMigratorInstaller = `` /* 308-byte string literal not displayed */
const EtcdClusterMigratorManifest = `` /* 1110-byte string literal not displayed */
const EtcdClusterMigratorService = `` /* 216-byte string literal not displayed */
TODO we install etcd-cluster-migrator in every case of HA masters. The etcd-cluster-migrator app does not have negative effects on Tenant Clusters that were already created using the HA masters setup. Already migrated Tenant Clusters can also safely run this app for the time being. The workaround here for now is only so we don't have to spent too much time implementing a proper managed app via our app catalogue, which only deploys the etcd-cluster-migrator on demand in case a Tenant Cluster is migrating automatically from 1 to 3 masters. See also the TODO issue below.
const IngressControllerConfigMap = `` /* 251-byte string literal not displayed */
const InstanceStorage = `` /* 145-byte string literal not displayed */
const InstanceStorageClassContent = `` /* 299-byte string literal not displayed */
const InstanceStorageClassEncryptedContent = InstanceStorageClassContent + `
encrypted: "true"
const MasterInstanceHealtCheckService = `` /* 274-byte string literal not displayed */
const MasterInstanceHealtCheckTimer = `` /* 134-byte string literal not displayed */
const MasterInstanceHealthCheck = `` /* 3164-byte string literal not displayed */
const MasterInstanceLifecycleContinue = `` /* 924-byte string literal not displayed */
const MasterInstanceLifecycleContinueService = `` /* 335-byte string literal not displayed */
Startlimitburst is set to 70 because the hook has a timelimit of 17 minutes. (60/15sec retry)*17 = 68 StartLimitIntervalSec is set to 17 minutes as anyways the hook will be sent automatically
const MountEtcdVolumeAsgMasters = `` /* 165-byte string literal not displayed */
const NVMESetTimeoutsUnit = `` /* 315-byte string literal not displayed */
const NVMEUdevRule = `` /* 150-byte string literal not displayed */
const NVMEUdevScript = `` /* 178-byte string literal not displayed */
const NVMEUdevTriggerUnit = `` /* 408-byte string literal not displayed */
const PersistentVarLibContainerdMount = `` /* 182-byte string literal not displayed */
const PersistentVarLibDockerMount = `` /* 170-byte string literal not displayed */
const SetHostname = `` /* 335-byte string literal not displayed */
const SystemdNetworkdEth1Network = `
# disable DHCP
const WaitDockerConf = `
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
This section is empty.
Source Files
- automount_etcd_volume.go
- aws_cni.go
- decrypt_keys_assets_script.go
- decrypt_keys_assets_service.go
- decrypt_tls_assets_script.go
- decrypt_tls_assets_service.go
- encryption_config.go
- ephemeral_var_lib_containerd_mount.go
- ephemeral_var_lib_docker_mount.go
- etcd3_attach_dep_service.go
- etcd3_extra_config.go
- etcd_cluster_migrator.go
- ingress_controller_config_map.go
- instance_health_check.go
- instance_storage.go
- instance_storage_class.go
- lifecycle_continue.go
- mount_etcd_volume_asg_masters.go
- mount_kubelet_volume.go
- mount_log_volume.go
- nvme_set_timeouts_unit.go
- nvme_udev_hack.go
- persistent_var_lib_containerd_mount.go
- persistent_var_lib_docker_mount.go
- set-hostname.go
- systemd-networkd-eth1-network.go
- wait_docker_conf.go