Pandushi keeps track of every fuzz case and the injection type used for later manual analysis.
Key features
Store every request and response with their injection and injection type (sqli, xss, xxe, cmdi, os injection, etc.)
Extensible collection of payloads
Wish list
Add option to scan data to a file by passing file:// URI on the command line.
Add option to scan data to mongodb by passing mongodb:// URI on the command line.
Add option to scan data to elasticsearch by passing elastic:// URI on the command line.
Add option to scan data to an REST API by passing http:// URI on the command line.
Build front-end to analyze the scan data
Create injection/payload type
Create custom http request type
Create custom http response type
Create TestCase type to countain information about each individual injection (Request, Response, injection, injection type, injeciton point type, injection point location, total duration, status, response code)
Create function to count total injection points, url path injection points, query injection points, header injection points, cookie injection points, body injection points
Inject request headers
Inject request body x-www-form-urlencoded parameters
Inject request body multipart/form-data parameters
Inject request body application/json parameters
Inject request body application/xml parameters
Inject request query parameters
Inject request uri path
Inject marked (§§) requests
Store finished task with testcase in mongodb
Add check to make sure target is live before initiating scan
Write payload importer
Deduplicate payloads
Force https
Design notes
Create different a type of fuzzing tasks for each injection point type (url path, query parameters, headers, cookies, request body x-www-form-urlencoded, request body multipart/form-data, request body json)
Each injection point types get its own function that takes a list of injection types (sqli, xss, xxe, etc.)
These functions will follow the following pattern:
For each injection point
Grab all inputs from the mongodb database
Loop over the inputs
Create a new request for the current input
Send the newly created request or add it to a queue TBD (To be decided)
Get Response and store Request and Response with injection info to mongodb
Approach #1 for injecting parameters into a request
Query parameters
inject payload in URL.RawQuery or http.Request.Form