The Dore static site generator.
This takes content authored in ReStructuredText and converts it to HTML embedded in a technical documentation theme.
Directory Structure Dependencies
- The .toml configuration file must be in the /main directory.
- The /src directory contains reStructureText source files and image source files.
- The /pub directory contains published content with presentation files in the /pub/static directory.
go run .
Or, build binary executable and install in $GOPATH.
See demo directory for an mock example of a populated document.
See the mock demoyard example of the demo document generated by Dore.
- global refactoring
- code comments
- CSS and JavaScript clean up
- improved error detection and handling
- populate additional fields from .toml configuration file
- document constraints on ReST directives
- document process differences from typical SSGs
- document usability support
- syntax highlighting: map syntactic elements for additional languages
- provide templates for document types
- annunciate build progress
- provide default feedback mechanism
- provide version selection
- add analytics