Tarantula - Go HTTP toolkit
tarantula is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit allow to run multiple probers
go get github.com/ghaini/tarantula
t := tarantulas.NewTarantula()
t.MultiThread(100) // optional - default: 1 thread
t.SetTimeout(15) // optional - default: 5 seconds
t.SetPorts([]int{443,80,8080}) // optional - default: 80,443
t.SetRetry(5) // optional - on failure request - default: 80,443
t.SetUserAgents([]string{"curl"}) // optional - use custom user agent
t.HTTPProxy("proxy.com:80") // optional - use http proxy for requests (if you have socks proxy, you can use t.SocksProxy())
t.GetAssets(domain, []string{subdomains}) // receive active assets
The wiki contains all the documentation related to Tarantula.
Bugs and feature requests:
Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub
Tarantula is under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.