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Published: Mar 30, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 22 Imported by: 0


Yoti Go SDK

Go Report Card Build Status GoDoc License

Welcome to the Yoti Go SDK. This repo contains the tools and step by step instructions you need to quickly integrate your Go back-end with Yoti so that your users can share their identity details with your application in a secure and trusted way.

Table of Contents

  1. An Architectural view - High level overview of integration

  2. Installing the SDK - How to install our SDK

  3. SDK Project import - How to install the SDK to your project

  4. Configuration - How to initialise your configuration

  5. Profile Retrieval - How to retrieve a Yoti profile using the one time use token

  6. Handling users - How to manage users

  7. AML Integration - How to integrate with Yoti's AML (Anti Money Laundering) service

  8. Running the tests - Attributes defined

  9. Running the example - Attributes defined

  10. API Coverage - Attributes defined

  11. Support - Please feel free to reach out

  12. References

An Architectural View

Before you start your integration, here is a bit of background on how the integration works. To integrate your application with Yoti, your back-end must expose a GET endpoint that Yoti will use to forward tokens. The endpoint is configured in the Yoti Hub where you create/update your application. For more information on how to create an application please see integration steps.

The image below shows how your application back-end and Yoti integrate into the context of a Login flow. Yoti SDK carries out for you steps 6, 7 ,8 and the profile decryption in step 9.

alt text

Yoti also allows you to enable user details verification from your mobile app by means of the Android (TBA) and iOS (TBA) SDKs. In that scenario, your Yoti-enabled mobile app is playing both the role of the browser and the Yoti app. Your back-end doesn't need to handle these cases in a significantly different way. You might just decide to handle the User-Agent header in order to provide different responses for desktop and mobile clients.


Supported Go Versions:

  • 1.9.7+

Installing the SDK

As of version 2.4.0, modules are used. This means it's not necessary to get a copy or fetch all dependencies as instructed below, as the Go toolchain will fetch them as necessary. You can simply add a require github.com/getyoti/yoti-go-sdk/v2 to go.mod.

To download and install the Yoti SDK and its dependencies, run the following command from your terminal:

go get "github.com/getyoti/yoti-go-sdk/v2"

SDK Project import

You can reference the project URL by adding the following import:

import "github.com/getyoti/yoti-go-sdk/v2"


The YotiClient is the SDK entry point. To initialise it you need include the following snippet inside your endpoint initialisation section:

sdkID := "your-sdk-id";
key, err := ioutil.ReadFile("path/to/your-application-pem-file.pem")
if err != nil {
    // handle key load error

client := yoti.Client{
    SdkID: sdkID,
    Key: key}


  • sdkID is the SDK identifier generated by Yoti Hub in the Key tab when you create your app. Note this is not your Application Identifier which is needed by your client-side code.

  • path/to/your-application-pem-file.pem is the path to the application pem file. It can be downloaded from the Keys tab in the Yoti Hub.

Please do not open the pem file as this might corrupt the key and you will need to create a new application.

Keeping your settings and access keys outside your repository is highly recommended. You can use gems like godotenv to manage environment variables more easily.

Profile Retrieval

When your application receives a one time use token via the exposed endpoint (it will be assigned to a query string parameter named token), you can easily retrieve the activity details by adding the following to your endpoint handler:

activityDetails, errStrings := client.GetActivityDetails(yotiOneTimeUseToken)
if len(errStrings) != 0 {
  // handle unhappy path

You can then get the user profile from the activityDetails struct:

var rememberMeID string = activityDetails.RememberMeID()
var parentRememberMeID string = activityDetails.ParentRememberMeID()
var userProfile yoti.Profile = activityDetails.UserProfile

var selfie = userProfile.Selfie().Value()
var givenNames string = userProfile.GivenNames().Value()
var familyName string = userProfile.FamilyName().Value()
var fullName string = userProfile.FullName().Value()
var mobileNumber string = userProfile.MobileNumber().Value()
var emailAddress string = userProfile.EmailAddress().Value()
var address string = userProfile.Address().Value()
var gender string = userProfile.Gender().Value()
var nationality string = userProfile.Nationality().Value()
var dateOfBirth *time.Time
dobAttr, err := userProfile.DateOfBirth()
if err != nil {
    // handle error
} else {
    dateOfBirth = dobAttr.Value()
var structuredPostalAddress map[string]interface{}
structuredPostalAddressAttribute, err := userProfile.StructuredPostalAddress()
if err != nil {
    // handle error
} else {
    structuredPostalAddress := structuredPostalAddressAttribute.Value().(map[string]interface{})

If you have chosen Verify Condition on the Yoti Hub with the age condition of "Over 18", you can retrieve the user information with the generic .GetAttribute method, which requires the result to be cast to the original type:


GetAttribute returns an interface, the value can be acquired through a type assertion.

Anchors, Sources and Verifiers

An Anchor represents how a given Attribute has been sourced or verified. These values are created and signed whenever a Profile Attribute is created, or verified with an external party.

For example, an attribute value that was sourced from a Passport might have the following values:

Anchor property Example value
subType OCR
signedTimestamp 2017-10-31, 19:45:59.123789

Similarly, an attribute verified against the data held by an external party will have an Anchor of type VERIFIER, naming the party that verified it.

From each attribute you can retrieve the Anchors, and subsets Sources and Verifiers (all as []*anchor.Anchor) as follows:

givenNamesAnchors := userProfile.GivenNames().Anchors()
givenNamesSources := userProfile.GivenNames().Sources()
givenNamesVerifiers := userProfile.GivenNames().Verifiers()

You can also retrieve further properties from these respective anchors in the following way:

var givenNamesFirstAnchor *anchor.Anchor = givenNamesAnchors[0]

var anchorType anchor.Type = givenNamesFirstAnchor.Type()
var signedTimestamp *time.Time = givenNamesFirstAnchor.SignedTimestamp().Timestamp()
var subType string = givenNamesFirstAnchor.SubType()
var value []string = givenNamesFirstAnchor.Value()

Handling Users

When you retrieve the user profile, you receive a user ID generated by Yoti exclusively for your application. This means that if the same individual logs into another app, Yoti will assign her/him a different ID. You can use this ID to verify whether (for your application) the retrieved profile identifies a new or an existing user. Here is an example of how this works:

activityDetails, err := client.GetActivityDetails(yotiOneTimeUseToken)
if err == nil {
    user := YourUserSearchFunction(activityDetails.RememberMeID())
    if user != nil {
        // handle login
    } else {
      // handle registration
} else {
    // handle unhappy path

Where yourUserSearchFunction is a piece of logic in your app that is supposed to find a user, given a RememberMeID. No matter if the user is a new or an existing one, Yoti will always provide her/his profile, so you don't necessarily need to store it.

The profile object provides a set of attributes corresponding to user attributes. Whether the attributes are present or not depends on the settings you have applied to your app on Yoti Hub.

Running the Tests

You can run the unit tests for this project by executing the following commands inside the repository folder

go get -t
go test

AML Integration

Yoti provides an AML (Anti Money Laundering) check service to allow a deeper KYC process to prevent fraud. This is a chargeable service, so please contact sdksupport@yoti.com for more information.

Yoti will provide a boolean result on the following checks:

  • PEP list - Verify against Politically Exposed Persons list
  • Fraud list - Verify against US Social Security Administration Fraud (SSN Fraud) list
  • Watch list - Verify against watch lists from the Office of Foreign Assets Control

To use this functionality you must ensure your application is assigned to your Organisation in the Yoti Hub - please see here for further information.

For the AML check you will need to provide the following:

  • Data provided by Yoti (please ensure you have selected the Given name(s) and Family name attributes from the Data tab in the Yoti Hub)
    • Given name(s)
    • Family name
  • Data that must be collected from the user:
    • Country of residence (must be an ISO 3166 3-letter code)
    • Social Security Number (US citizens only)
    • Postcode/Zip code (US citizens only)

Performing an AML check on a person requires their consent. You must ensure you have user consent before using this service.

Code Example

Given a YotiClient initialised with your SDK ID and KeyPair (see Client Initialisation) performing an AML check is a straightforward case of providing basic profile data.

givenNames := "Edward Richard George"
familyName := "Heath"

amlAddress := yoti.AmlAddress{
    Country: "GBR"}

amlProfile := yoti.AmlProfile{
    GivenNames: givenNames,
    FamilyName: familyName,
    Address:    amlAddress}

result, err := client.PerformAmlCheck(amlProfile)

    "AML Result for %s %s:",
    "On PEP list: %s",
    "On Fraud list: %s",
    "On Watch list: %s",

Additionally, an example AML application is provided in the examples folder.

  • Rename the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required configuration values (mentioned in the Configuration section)
  • Change directory to the aml example folder: cd examples/aml
  • Install the dependencies with go get
  • Start the example with go run main.go

Running the Profile Example

The profile retrieval example can be found in the examples folder.

  • Change directory to the profile example folder: cd examples/profile
  • On the Yoti Hub:
    • Set the application domain of your app to localhost:8080
    • Set the scenario callback URL to /profile
  • Rename the .env.example file to .env and fill in the required configuration values (mentioned in the Configuration section)
  • Install the dependencies with go get
  • Start the server with go run main.go certificatehelper.go

Visiting https://localhost:8080/ should show a Yoti Connect button

API Coverage

  • Activity Details
    • Remember Me ID RememberMeID()
    • Parent Remember Me ID ParentRememberMeID()
    • User Profile UserProfile
      • Selfie Selfie()
      • Selfie Base64 URL Selfie().Value().Base64URL()
      • Given Names GivenNames()
      • Family Name FamilyName()
      • Full Name FullName()
      • Mobile Number MobileNumber()
      • Email Address EmailAddress()
      • Date of Birth DateOfBirth()
      • Postal Address Address()
      • Structured Postal Address StructuredPostalAddress()
      • Gender Gender()
      • Nationality Nationality()


For any questions or support please email sdksupport@yoti.com. Please provide the following to get you up and working as quickly as possible:

  • Computer type
  • OS version
  • Version of Go being used
  • Screenshot

Once we have answered your question we may contact you again to discuss Yoti products and services. If you’d prefer us not to do this, please let us know when you e-mail.






View Source
const (
	AttrConstApplicationName           = "application_name"
	AttrConstApplicationURL            = "application_url"
	AttrConstApplicationReceiptBGColor = "application_receipt_bgcolor"

Attribute names for application attributes

View Source
const (
	// HTTPMethodPost Post HTTP method
	HTTPMethodPost = "POST"
	// HTTPMethodGet Get HTTP method
	HTTPMethodGet = "GET"
	// HTTPMethodPut Put HTTP method
	HTTPMethodPut = "PUT"
	// HTTPMethodPatch Patch HTTP method
	HTTPMethodPatch = "PATCH"

Deprecated will be removed in v3.0.0 Use http method constants from net/http

View Source
const (
	AnchorDrivingLicenceConst = "DRIVING_LICENCE"
	AnchorPassportConst       = "PASSPORT"
	AnchorNationalIDConst     = "NATIONAL_ID"
	AnchorPassCardConst       = "PASS_CARD"

Anchor name constants

View Source
const (
	AttrConstSelfie                  = "selfie"
	AttrConstGivenNames              = "given_names"
	AttrConstFamilyName              = "family_name"
	AttrConstFullName                = "full_name"
	AttrConstMobileNumber            = "phone_number"
	AttrConstEmailAddress            = "email_address"
	AttrConstDateOfBirth             = "date_of_birth"
	AttrConstAddress                 = "postal_address"
	AttrConstStructuredPostalAddress = "structured_postal_address"
	AttrConstGender                  = "gender"
	AttrConstNationality             = "nationality"
	AttrConstDocumentImages          = "document_images"
	AttrConstDocumentDetails         = "document_details"
	AttrConstAgeOver                 = "age_over:%d"
	AttrConstAgeUnder                = "age_under:%d"

Attribute names for user profile attributes


View Source
var (
	// ErrProfileNotFound profile was not found during activity retrieval for the provided one time use token
	ErrProfileNotFound = errors.New("ProfileNotFound")
	// ErrFailure there was a failure during activity retrieval
	ErrFailure = errors.New("Failure")
	// ErrSharingFailure there was a failure when sharing
	ErrSharingFailure = errors.New("SharingFailure")
View Source
var (
	// DefaultHTTPErrorMessages maps HTTP error status codes to format strings
	// to create useful error messages. -1 is used to specify a default message
	// that can be used if an error code is not explicitly defined
	DefaultHTTPErrorMessages = map[int]string{
		-1: defaultUnknownErrorMessageConst,
View Source
var (
	// ShareURLHTTPErrorMessages specifies the HTTP error status codes used
	// by the Share URL API
	ShareURLHTTPErrorMessages = map[int]string{
		400: "JSON is incorrect, contains invalid data: %[2]s",
		404: "Application was not found: %[2]s",


This section is empty.


type ActivityDetails

type ActivityDetails struct {
	UserProfile Profile

	ApplicationProfile ApplicationProfile
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ActivityDetails represents the result of an activity between a user and the application.

func (ActivityDetails) ExtraData added in v2.7.0

func (a ActivityDetails) ExtraData() *share.ExtraData

ExtraData represents extra pieces information on the receipt

func (ActivityDetails) ParentRememberMeID

func (a ActivityDetails) ParentRememberMeID() string

ParentRememberMeID is a unique, stable identifier for a user in the context of an organisation. You can use it to identify returning users. This value is consistent for a given user across different applications belonging to a single organisation.

func (ActivityDetails) ReceiptID added in v2.6.0

func (a ActivityDetails) ReceiptID() string

ReceiptID identifies a completed activity

func (ActivityDetails) RememberMeID

func (a ActivityDetails) RememberMeID() string

RememberMeID is a unique, stable identifier for a user in the context of an application. You can use it to identify returning users. This value will be different for the same user in different applications.

func (ActivityDetails) Timestamp added in v2.6.0

func (a ActivityDetails) Timestamp() string

Timestamp is the Time and date of the sharing activity

type AgeVerification added in v2.7.0

type AgeVerification struct {
	Age       int
	CheckType string
	Result    bool
	Attribute *yotiprotoattr.Attribute

AgeVerification encapsulates the result of a single age verification as part of a share

func (AgeVerification) New added in v2.7.0

New constructs an AgeVerification from a protobuffer

type AmlAddress

type AmlAddress struct {
	Country  string `json:"country"`
	Postcode string `json:"post_code"`

AmlAddress Address for Anti Money Laundering (AML) purposes

type AmlProfile

type AmlProfile struct {
	GivenNames string     `json:"given_names"`
	FamilyName string     `json:"family_name"`
	Address    AmlAddress `json:"address"`
	SSN        string     `json:"ssn"`

AmlProfile User profile for Anti Money Laundering (AML) checks

type AmlResult

type AmlResult struct {
	OnFraudList bool `json:"on_fraud_list"`
	OnPEPList   bool `json:"on_pep_list"`
	OnWatchList bool `json:"on_watch_list"`

AmlResult Result of Anti Money Laundering (AML) check for a particular user

func GetAmlResult

func GetAmlResult(amlResponse []byte) (AmlResult, error)

GetAmlResult Parses AML result from response

func GetAmlResultFromResponse deprecated

func GetAmlResultFromResponse(amlResponse []byte) AmlResult

Deprecated: Will be removed in v3.0.0, please use GetAmlResult below instead. Parses AML result from response

type ApplicationProfile added in v2.6.0

type ApplicationProfile struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ApplicationProfile is the profile of an application with convenience methods to access well-known attributes.

func (p ApplicationProfile) ApplicationLogo() *attribute.ImageAttribute

ApplicationLogo is the logo of the application that will be displayed to those users that perform a share with it.

func (ApplicationProfile) ApplicationName added in v2.6.0

func (p ApplicationProfile) ApplicationName() *attribute.StringAttribute

ApplicationName is the name of the application

func (ApplicationProfile) ApplicationReceiptBgColor added in v2.6.0

func (p ApplicationProfile) ApplicationReceiptBgColor() *attribute.StringAttribute

ApplicationReceiptBgColor is the background colour that will be displayed on each receipt the user gets as a result of a share with the application.

func (ApplicationProfile) ApplicationURL added in v2.6.0

func (p ApplicationProfile) ApplicationURL() *attribute.StringAttribute

ApplicationURL is the URL where the application is available at

func (ApplicationProfile) GetAttribute added in v2.6.0

func (p ApplicationProfile) GetAttribute(attributeName string) *attribute.GenericAttribute

GetAttribute retrieve an attribute by name on the Yoti profile. Will return nil if attribute is not present.

func (ApplicationProfile) GetImageAttribute added in v2.6.0

func (p ApplicationProfile) GetImageAttribute(attributeName string) *attribute.ImageAttribute

GetImageAttribute retrieves an image attribute by name. Will return nil if attribute is not present.

func (ApplicationProfile) GetJSONAttribute added in v2.6.0

func (p ApplicationProfile) GetJSONAttribute(attributeName string) (*attribute.JSONAttribute, error)

GetJSONAttribute retrieves a JSON attribute by name. Will return nil if attribute is not present.

func (ApplicationProfile) GetStringAttribute added in v2.6.0

func (p ApplicationProfile) GetStringAttribute(attributeName string) *attribute.StringAttribute

GetStringAttribute retrieves a string attribute by name. Will return nil if attribute is not present.

type AttributeType deprecated

type AttributeType int

Deprecated: AttributeType format of the attribute

const (
	// AttributeTypeDate date format
	AttributeTypeDate AttributeType = 1 + iota
	// AttributeTypeText text format
	// AttributeTypeJPEG JPEG format
	// AttributeTypePNG PNG fornmat
	// AttributeTypeJSON JSON fornmat

type AttributeValue deprecated

type AttributeValue struct {
	// Type represents the format of the piece of user data, whether it is a date, a piece of text or a picture
	// Note the potential values for this variable are stored in constants with names beginning with
	// 'AttributeType'. These include:
	// 	yoti.AttributeTypeDate
	// 	yoti.AttributeTypeText
	// 	yoti.AttributeTypeJPEG
	// 	yoti.AttributeTypePNG
	// 	yoti.AttributeTypeJSON
	Type  AttributeType
	Value []byte

Deprecated: Will be removed in v3.0.0, values here will be available on Attribute objects. AttributeValue represents a small piece of information about a Yoti user such as a photo of the user or the user's date of birth.

func (AttributeValue) GetContentType deprecated

func (val AttributeValue) GetContentType() (result string)

Deprecated: Will be removed in v3.0.0, use GetMIMEType() instead. GetContentType returns the MIME type of this piece of Yoti user information. For more information see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_type

type Client

type Client struct {
	// SdkID represents the SDK ID and NOT the App ID. This can be found in the integration section of your
	// application hub at https://hub.yoti.com/
	SdkID string

	// Key should be the security key given to you by yoti (see: security keys section of
	// https://hub.yoti.com) for more information about how to load your key from a file see:
	// https://github.com/getyoti/yoti-go-sdk/blob/master/README.md
	Key []byte
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Client represents a client that can communicate with yoti and return information about Yoti users.

func (*Client) GetActivityDetails

func (client *Client) GetActivityDetails(token string) (ActivityDetails, []string)

GetActivityDetails requests information about a Yoti user using the one time use token generated by the Yoti login process. It returns the outcome of the request. If the request was successful it will include the users details, otherwise it will specify a reason the request failed.

func (*Client) GetSdkID added in v2.6.0

func (client *Client) GetSdkID() string

GetSdkID gets the Client SDK ID attached to this client instance

func (*Client) GetUserProfile deprecated

func (client *Client) GetUserProfile(token string) (userProfile UserProfile, firstError error)

Deprecated: Will be removed in v3.0.0. Use `GetActivityDetails` instead. GetUserProfile requests information about a Yoti user using the one time use token generated by the Yoti login process. It returns the outcome of the request. If the request was successful it will include the users details, otherwise it will specify a reason the request failed.

func (*Client) OverrideAPIURL added in v2.6.0

func (client *Client) OverrideAPIURL(apiURL string)

OverrideAPIURL overrides the default API URL for this Yoti Client to permit testing

func (*Client) PerformAmlCheck

func (client *Client) PerformAmlCheck(amlProfile AmlProfile) (amlResult AmlResult, err error)

PerformAmlCheck performs an Anti Money Laundering Check (AML) for a particular user. Returns three boolean values: 'OnPEPList', 'OnWatchList' and 'OnFraudList'.

type DynamicPolicy added in v2.6.0

type DynamicPolicy struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DynamicPolicy represents a dynamic policy for a share

func (*DynamicPolicy) MarshalJSON added in v2.6.0

func (policy *DynamicPolicy) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON returns the JSON encoding

type DynamicPolicyBuilder added in v2.6.0

type DynamicPolicyBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DynamicPolicyBuilder constructs a json payload specifying the dynamic policy for a dynamic scenario



func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) Build added in v2.6.0

Build constructs a dynamic policy object

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) New added in v2.6.0

New initializes a DynamicPolicyBuilder

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithAgeDerivedAttribute added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithAgeDerivedAttribute(derivation string, options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithAgeDerivedAttribute is a helper method for setting age based derivations Prefer to use WithAgeOver and WithAgeUnder instead of using this directly

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithAgeOver added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithAgeOver(age int, options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithAgeOver sets this dynamic policy as requesting whether the user is older than a certain age



func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithAgeUnder added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithAgeUnder(age int, options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithAgeUnder sets this dynamic policy as requesting whether the user is younger than a certain age

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithDateOfBirth added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithDateOfBirth(options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithDateOfBirth adds the date of birth attribute

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithEmail added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithEmail(options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithEmail adds the email address attribute

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithFamilyName added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithFamilyName(options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithFamilyName adds the family name attribute



func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithFullName added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithFullName(options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithFullName adds the full name attribute



func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithGender added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithGender(options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithGender adds the gender attribute

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithGivenNames added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithGivenNames(options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithGivenNames adds the given names attribute

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithNationality added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithNationality(options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithNationality adds the nationality attribute

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithPhoneNumber added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithPhoneNumber(options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithPhoneNumber adds the phone number attribute

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithPinAuth added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithPinAuth() *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithPinAuth sets this dynamic policy as requiring PIN authentication

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithPostalAddress added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithPostalAddress(options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithPostalAddress adds the postal address attribute

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithSelfie added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithSelfie(options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithSelfie adds the selfie attribute



func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithSelfieAuth added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithSelfieAuth() *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithSelfieAuth sets this dynamic policy as requiring Selfie-based authentication



func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithStructuredPostalAddress added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithStructuredPostalAddress(options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithStructuredPostalAddress adds the structured postal address attribute

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithWantedAttribute added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithWantedAttribute(attribute WantedAttribute) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithWantedAttribute adds an attribute from WantedAttributeBuilder to the policy

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithWantedAttributeByName added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithWantedAttributeByName(name string, options ...interface{}) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithWantedAttributeByName adds an attribute by its name. This is not the preferred way of adding an attribute - instead use the other methods below

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithWantedAuthType added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithWantedAuthType(wantedAuthType int) *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithWantedAuthType sets this dynamic policy as requiring a specific authentication type

func (*DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithWantedRememberMe added in v2.6.0

func (b *DynamicPolicyBuilder) WithWantedRememberMe() *DynamicPolicyBuilder

WithWantedRememberMe sets the Policy as requiring a "Remember Me ID"



type DynamicScenario added in v2.6.0

type DynamicScenario struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DynamicScenario represents a dynamic scenario

func (DynamicScenario) MarshalJSON added in v2.6.0

func (scenario DynamicScenario) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON returns the JSON encoding

type DynamicScenarioBuilder added in v2.6.0

type DynamicScenarioBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DynamicScenarioBuilder builds a dynamic scenario



func (*DynamicScenarioBuilder) Build added in v2.6.0

func (builder *DynamicScenarioBuilder) Build() DynamicScenario

Build constructs the DynamicScenario

func (*DynamicScenarioBuilder) New added in v2.6.0

New initializes the state of a DynamicScenarioBuilder before its use

func (*DynamicScenarioBuilder) WithCallbackEndpoint added in v2.6.0

func (builder *DynamicScenarioBuilder) WithCallbackEndpoint(endpoint string) *DynamicScenarioBuilder

WithCallbackEndpoint sets the callback URL

func (*DynamicScenarioBuilder) WithExtension added in v2.6.0

func (builder *DynamicScenarioBuilder) WithExtension(extension interface{}) *DynamicScenarioBuilder

WithExtension adds an extension to the scenario


{"policy":{"wanted":[{"name":"full_name"}],"wanted_auth_types":[],"wanted_remember_me":false},"extensions":[{"type":"TRANSACTIONAL_FLOW","content":"Transactional Flow Extension"}],"callback_endpoint":""}

func (*DynamicScenarioBuilder) WithPolicy added in v2.6.0

func (builder *DynamicScenarioBuilder) WithPolicy(policy DynamicPolicy) *DynamicScenarioBuilder

WithPolicy attaches a DynamicPolicy to the DynamicScenario



type HttpClient added in v2.8.0

type HttpClient interface {
	Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error)

HttpClient is a mockable HTTP Client Interface

type Image deprecated

type Image struct {
	Type ImageType
	Data []byte

Deprecated: Will be removed in v3.0.0 - use attribute.Image instead. ImageType struct containing the type of the image and the data in bytes.

func (*Image) GetContentType deprecated

func (image *Image) GetContentType() string

Deprecated: Will be removed in v3.0.0, please use image.GetMIMEType instead. GetContentType returns the MIME type of this piece of Yoti user information. For more information see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_type

func (*Image) URL deprecated

func (image *Image) URL() string

Deprecated: Will be removed in v3.0.0, please use image.Base64URL() instead. URL Image encoded in a base64 URL

type ImageType deprecated

type ImageType int

Deprecated: Will be removed in v3.0.0 - use attribute.ContentType instead. ImageType Image format

const (
	// ImageTypeJpeg JPEG format
	ImageTypeJpeg ImageType = 1 + iota
	// ImageTypePng PNG format
	// ImageTypeOther Other image formats

type Profile

type Profile struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Profile represents the details retrieved for a particular user. Consists of Yoti attributes: a small piece of information about a Yoti user such as a photo of the user or the user's date of birth.

func (Profile) Address

func (p Profile) Address() *attribute.StringAttribute

Address represents the user's address. Will be nil if not provided by Yoti.

func (Profile) AgeVerifications added in v2.7.0

func (p Profile) AgeVerifications() (out []AgeVerification, err error)

AgeVerifications returns a list of shared age verifications

func (Profile) DateOfBirth

func (p Profile) DateOfBirth() (*attribute.TimeAttribute, error)

DateOfBirth represents the user's date of birth. Will be nil if not provided by Yoti. Has an err value which will be filled if there is an error parsing the date.

func (Profile) DocumentDetails added in v2.6.0

func (p Profile) DocumentDetails() (*attribute.DocumentDetailsAttribute, error)

DocumentDetails represents information extracted from a document provided by the user

func (Profile) DocumentImages

func (p Profile) DocumentImages() (*attribute.ImageSliceAttribute, error)

DocumentImages returns a slice of document images cropped from the image in the capture page. There can be multiple images as per the number of regions in the capture in this attribute. Will be nil if not provided by Yoti.

func (Profile) EmailAddress

func (p Profile) EmailAddress() *attribute.StringAttribute

EmailAddress represents the user's verified email address. Will be nil if not provided by Yoti.

func (Profile) FamilyName

func (p Profile) FamilyName() *attribute.StringAttribute

FamilyName corresponds to primary name in passport, and surname in English. Will be nil if not provided by Yoti.

func (Profile) FullName

func (p Profile) FullName() *attribute.StringAttribute

FullName represents the user's full name. If family_name/given_names are present, the value will be equal to the string 'given_names + " " family_name'. Will be nil if not provided by Yoti.

func (Profile) Gender

func (p Profile) Gender() *attribute.StringAttribute

Gender corresponds to the gender in the registered document; the value will be one of the strings "MALE", "FEMALE", "TRANSGENDER" or "OTHER". Will be nil if not provided by Yoti.

func (Profile) GetAttribute

func (p Profile) GetAttribute(attributeName string) *attribute.GenericAttribute

GetAttribute retrieve an attribute by name on the Yoti profile. Will return nil if attribute is not present.

func (Profile) GetImageAttribute added in v2.6.0

func (p Profile) GetImageAttribute(attributeName string) *attribute.ImageAttribute

GetImageAttribute retrieves an image attribute by name. Will return nil if attribute is not present.

func (Profile) GetJSONAttribute added in v2.6.0

func (p Profile) GetJSONAttribute(attributeName string) (*attribute.JSONAttribute, error)

GetJSONAttribute retrieves a JSON attribute by name. Will return nil if attribute is not present.

func (Profile) GetStringAttribute added in v2.6.0

func (p Profile) GetStringAttribute(attributeName string) *attribute.StringAttribute

GetStringAttribute retrieves a string attribute by name. Will return nil if attribute is not present.

func (Profile) GivenNames

func (p Profile) GivenNames() *attribute.StringAttribute

GivenNames corresponds to secondary names in passport, and first/middle names in English. Will be nil if not provided by Yoti.

func (Profile) MobileNumber

func (p Profile) MobileNumber() *attribute.StringAttribute

MobileNumber represents the user's mobile phone number, as verified at registration time. The value will be a number in E.164 format (i.e. '+' for international prefix and no spaces, e.g. "+447777123456"). Will be nil if not provided by Yoti.

func (Profile) Nationality

func (p Profile) Nationality() *attribute.StringAttribute

Nationality corresponds to the nationality in the passport. The value is an ISO-3166-1 alpha-3 code with ICAO9303 (passport) extensions. Will be nil if not provided by Yoti.

func (Profile) Selfie

func (p Profile) Selfie() *attribute.ImageAttribute

Selfie is a photograph of the user. Will be nil if not provided by Yoti.

func (Profile) StructuredPostalAddress

func (p Profile) StructuredPostalAddress() (*attribute.JSONAttribute, error)

StructuredPostalAddress represents the user's address in a JSON format. Will be nil if not provided by Yoti. This can be accessed as a map[string]string{} using a type assertion, e.g.: structuredPostalAddress := structuredPostalAddressAttribute.Value().(map[string]string{})

type ShareURL added in v2.6.0

type ShareURL struct {
	ShareURL string `json:"qrcode"`
	RefID    string `json:"ref_id"`

ShareURL contains a dynamic share QR code

func CreateShareURL added in v2.6.0

func CreateShareURL(client clientInterface, scenario *DynamicScenario) (share ShareURL, err error)

CreateShareURL creates a QR code for a dynamic scenario


QR code: https://code.yoti.com/CAEaJDQzNzllZDc0LTU0YjItNDkxMy04OTE4LTExYzM2ZDU2OTU3ZDAC

type SourceConstraint added in v2.6.0

type SourceConstraint struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SourceConstraint describes a requirement or preference for a particular set of anchors


SourceConstraint: {"type":"SOURCE","preferred_sources":{"anchors":[{"name":"DRIVING_LICENCE","sub_type":""}],"soft_preference":true}}

func (*SourceConstraint) MarshalJSON added in v2.6.0

func (constraint *SourceConstraint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON returns the JSON encoding

type SourceConstraintBuilder added in v2.6.0

type SourceConstraintBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

SourceConstraintBuilder builds a source constraint

func (*SourceConstraintBuilder) Build added in v2.6.0

Build builds a SourceConstraint

func (*SourceConstraintBuilder) New added in v2.6.0

New initialises a SourceConstraintBuilder

func (*SourceConstraintBuilder) WithAnchor added in v2.6.0

WithAnchor adds an anchor to the preference list

func (*SourceConstraintBuilder) WithAnchorByValue added in v2.6.0

func (b *SourceConstraintBuilder) WithAnchorByValue(value, subtype string) *SourceConstraintBuilder

WithAnchorByValue is a helper method which builds an anchor and adds it to the source constraint

func (*SourceConstraintBuilder) WithDrivingLicence added in v2.6.0

func (b *SourceConstraintBuilder) WithDrivingLicence(subtype string) *SourceConstraintBuilder

WithDrivingLicence adds a Driving Licence anchor



func (*SourceConstraintBuilder) WithNationalID added in v2.6.0

func (b *SourceConstraintBuilder) WithNationalID(subtype string) *SourceConstraintBuilder

WithNationalID adds a national ID anchor



func (*SourceConstraintBuilder) WithPasscard added in v2.6.0

func (b *SourceConstraintBuilder) WithPasscard(subtype string) *SourceConstraintBuilder

WithPasscard adds a passcard anchor



func (*SourceConstraintBuilder) WithPassport added in v2.6.0

func (b *SourceConstraintBuilder) WithPassport(subtype string) *SourceConstraintBuilder

WithPassport adds a passport anchor



func (*SourceConstraintBuilder) WithSoftPreference added in v2.6.0

func (b *SourceConstraintBuilder) WithSoftPreference(soft bool) *SourceConstraintBuilder

WithSoftPreference sets this constraint as a 'soft requirement' if the parameter is true, and a hard requirement if it is false.

type UserProfile deprecated

type UserProfile struct {
	// ID is a unique identifier Yoti assigns to your user, but only for your app.
	// If the same user logs into your app again, you get the same id.
	// If she/he logs into another application, Yoti will assign a different id for that app.
	ID string

	// Selfie is a photograph of the user. This will be nil if not provided by Yoti
	Selfie *Image

	// GivenNames represents the user's given names. This will be an empty string if not provided by Yoti
	GivenNames string

	// Family represents the user's family name. This will be an empty string if not provided by Yoti
	FamilyName string

	// Full name represents the user's full name. This will be an empty string if not provided by Yoti
	FullName string

	// MobileNumber represents the user's mobile phone number. This will be an empty string if not provided by Yoti
	MobileNumber string

	// EmailAddress represents the user's email address. This will be an empty string if not provided by Yoti
	EmailAddress string

	// DateOfBirth represents the user's date of birth. This will be nil if not provided by Yoti
	DateOfBirth *time.Time

	// IsAgeVerified represents the result of the age verification check on the user. The bool will be true if they passed, false if they failed, and nil if there was no check
	IsAgeVerified *bool

	// Address represents the user's address. This will be an empty string if not provided by Yoti
	Address string

	// StructuredPostalAddress represents the user's address in a JSON format. This will be empty if not provided by Yoti
	StructuredPostalAddress interface{}

	// Gender represents the user's gender. This will be an empty string if not provided by Yoti
	Gender string

	// Nationality represents the user's nationality. This will be an empty string if not provided by Yoti
	Nationality string

	// OtherAttributes is a map of any other information about the user provided by Yoti. The key will be the name
	// of the piece of information, and the keys associated value will be the piece of information itself.
	OtherAttributes map[string]AttributeValue

Deprecated: Will be removed in v3.0.0. Use `Profile` instead. UserProfile represents the details retrieved for a particular

type WantedAnchor added in v2.6.0

type WantedAnchor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WantedAnchor specifies a preferred anchor for a user's details

func (*WantedAnchor) MarshalJSON added in v2.6.0

func (a *WantedAnchor) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON ...

type WantedAnchorBuilder added in v2.6.0

type WantedAnchorBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WantedAnchorBuilder describes a desired anchor for user profile data


Aadhaar: {"name":"NATIONAL_ID","sub_type":"AADHAAR"}

func (*WantedAnchorBuilder) Build added in v2.6.0

func (b *WantedAnchorBuilder) Build() WantedAnchor

Build constructs the anchor from the builder's specification

func (*WantedAnchorBuilder) New added in v2.6.0

New initialises a WantedAnchorBuilder before use

func (*WantedAnchorBuilder) WithSubType added in v2.6.0

func (b *WantedAnchorBuilder) WithSubType(subType string) *WantedAnchorBuilder

WithSubType sets the anchors subtype

func (*WantedAnchorBuilder) WithValue added in v2.6.0

func (b *WantedAnchorBuilder) WithValue(name string) *WantedAnchorBuilder

WithValue sets the anchor's name

type WantedAttribute added in v2.6.0

type WantedAttribute struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WantedAttribute represents a wanted attribute in a dynamic sharing policy

func (*WantedAttribute) MarshalJSON added in v2.6.0

func (attr *WantedAttribute) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)

MarshalJSON returns the JSON encoding

type WantedAttributeBuilder added in v2.6.0

type WantedAttributeBuilder struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WantedAttributeBuilder generates the payload for specifying a single wanted attribute as part of a dynamic scenario

func (*WantedAttributeBuilder) Build added in v2.6.0

func (builder *WantedAttributeBuilder) Build() WantedAttribute

Build generates the wanted attribute's specification

func (*WantedAttributeBuilder) New added in v2.6.0

New initialises the internal state of a WantedAttributeBuilder so that it can be used

func (*WantedAttributeBuilder) WithAcceptSelfAsserted added in v2.6.0

func (builder *WantedAttributeBuilder) WithAcceptSelfAsserted(accept bool) *WantedAttributeBuilder

WithAcceptSelfAsserted enables self-asserted user details such as from Aadhar



func (*WantedAttributeBuilder) WithConstraint added in v2.6.0

func (builder *WantedAttributeBuilder) WithConstraint(constraint constraintInterface) *WantedAttributeBuilder

WithConstraint adds a constraint to a wanted attribute



func (*WantedAttributeBuilder) WithDerivation added in v2.6.0

func (builder *WantedAttributeBuilder) WithDerivation(derivation string) *WantedAttributeBuilder

WithDerivation sets the derivation



func (*WantedAttributeBuilder) WithName added in v2.6.0

func (builder *WantedAttributeBuilder) WithName(name string) *WantedAttributeBuilder

WithName sets the name of the wanted attribute




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