Octane: Kubernetes Cost Engine
Octane helps Development Teams easily manage their cloud spend on Kubernetes. Octane provides detailed cost attribution of running infrastructure (e.g. cpu, mem, storage) to Kubernetes resources (clusters, namespaces, pods).
Octane makes it easy to get a real time view into financial spend on your cloud infrastructure. It works on any main cloud provider (AWS, GCP, Azure).
Core Features
- Detailed cost attribution for pods per application
- Consolidation of spend across multiple clusters (e.g. aws + gcp cluster cost in a single pane)
- Filter spend by pod, namespace, cluster
- Filter spend by Compute and Storage
- Get % cost changes day over day
- Cost attribution by Teams (e.g. Security Team spent $400 today)
- GPU Attribution per pod
- Data Transfer Costs
Reach out to support@getoctane.io to get an Octane cluster key to begin using
the cost engine. Replace OCTANE_CLUSTER_KEY with the octane key provided by
support and execute the following command:
helm install octane-collector ./helm/charts/collector \
--set ledgerHost=https://api.demo.getoctane.io \
--set clusterKey=OCTANE_CLUSTER_KEY \
--set opaGatekeeperEnabled=true # (if you want the budget constraint)
Budget constraint setup
kubectl apply -f opa-gatekeeper-manifests/constraint-template.yaml
# This is just an example manifest. You will need to update the namespaces to target.
kubectl apply -f opa-gatekeeper-manifests/example-constraint.yaml
Head over to https://cloud.getoctane.io
Enter the username and password given to you by the Octane Support Team
Voila! You should see real-time cost data coming in. [NOTE: it will take roughly 5 minutes for the data to start populating in UI]