Discord Downloader
This project is a fork of Seklfreak's discord-image-downloader-go
For list of differences and why I made an independent project, see below.
This is a Discord bot program to download files posted in specified Discord channels to local folders. It can fetch highest possible quality files from various sources (listed below), aside from downloading any file directly linked or attached. See Features below for full list.
Need help? Have suggestions? Join the support & discussion Discord server for this project!
WARNING: Discord does not allow Automated User Accounts (Self-Bots)
Read more in Discord Trust & Safety Team's Official Statement...
NOTE: This only applies to real User Accounts, not Bot users. This program currently works for either.
Getting Started (Basic Setup)
Obviously, download the bot program (or compile yourself with Go) and put it in a folder of your choice.
You can either create a settings.json
following the examples & variables listed below, or have the program create a default file (if it is missing when you run the program, it will make one, and ask you if you want to enter in basic info for the new file). Ensure you follow proper JSON syntax to avoid any unexpected errors.
- If using a Bot User, enter the token into the
setting. Remove the lines for"username"
or leave blank (""
). To create a Bot User, go to and create aNew Application
. Once created, go toBot
and create. The token can be found on theBot
page. To invite to your server(s), go toOAuth2
and check"bot"
, copy the url, paste into browser and follow prompts for adding to server(s). - If using a Real User (Self-Bot), fill out the
settings. Remove the line for"token"
or leave blank (""
). - If using a Real User (Self-Bot) with 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication), enter the token into the
setting. Remove the lines for"username"
or leave blank (""
). Token can be found fromDeveloper Tools
in browser underlocalStorage.token
or in the Discord clientCtrl+Shift+I (Windows)
/Cmd+Option+I (Mac)
underApplication → Local Storage → → "token"
Bot Permissions in Discord...
- In order to perform basic downloading functions, the bot will need
Read Message
permissions in the server(s) of your designated channel(s). - In order to respond to commands, the bot will need
Send Message
permissions in the server(s) of your designated channel(s). If executing commands via an Admin Channel, the bot will only needSend Message
permissions for that channel, and that permission will not be required for the source channel. - In order to process history commands, the bot will need
Read Message History
permissions in the server(s) of your designated channel(s).
How to Find Discord IDs...
- Discord Developer Mode: Enable
Developer Mode
in Discord settings underAppearance
. - Finding Channel ID: Enable Discord Developer Mode (see above), right click on the channel and
Copy ID
. - Finding User ID: Enable Discord Developer Mode (see above), right click on the user and
Copy ID
. - Finding Emoji ID: Enable Discord Developer Mode (see above), right click on the emoji and
Copy ID
. - Finding DM/PM ID: Inspect Element on the DM icon for the desired user. Look for
. Using this ID in place of a normal channel ID should work perfectly fine.
- Supported File Downloading:
- Discord File Attachments
- Direct Links to Files
- Twitter (requires API key, see config section)
- Imgur (Single Posts & Albums)
- Flickr (requires API key, see config section)
- Google Drive (requires API Credentials, see config section)
- Tistory
- Streamable
- Gfycat
- Commands:
- Help (help - Alias: commands)
- Ping (ping - Alias: test)
- Status: Get an output of the current status of the bot (status - Alias: info)
- Stats: Have the bot dump stats (stats)
- [Must be Bot or Server Admin] History: Process all old messages in channel (history - Aliases: catalog, cache)
- [Must be Bot Admin] Exit (nice for process managers like pm2 for instant reload) (exit - Aliases: reload, kill)
Differences from Seklfreak's discord-image-downloader-go & Why I made this
- Go 1.15 rather than 1.13
- discordgo 0.22.0 rather than 0.16.1
- Implements dgrouter for commands
- Configuration is JSON-based rather than ini to allow more elaborate settings and better organization. With this came many features such as channel-specific settings.
- Channel-specific control of downloaded filetypes / content types (considers things like .mov as videos as well, rather than ignore them), Optional dividing of content types into separate folders.
- (Optional) Reactions upon download success.
- (Optional) Discord messages upon encountered errors.
- Extensive bot status/presence customization.
- Consistent Log Formatting, Color-Coded Logging
- Somewhat different organization than original project; initially created from scratch then components ported over.
- Fixed Compatability Issue with
that required people to edit the project, regardingxurls.Strict.FindAllString
. The issue was due to some people having xurls v2 installed while the projects go.mod required v1.1; changing go.mod to require v2 specifically seems to be the correct fix.
I've been a user of Seklfreak's project since ~2018 and it's been great for my uses, but there were certain aspects I wanted to expand upon, one of those being customization of channel configuration, and other features like message reactions upon success, differently formatted statuses, etc. If some aspects are rudimentary or messy, please make a pull request, as this is my first project using Go and I've learned everything from observation & Stack Overflow.
History Cataloging Guide
This guide is to show you how to make the bot go through all old messages in a channel and catalog them as though they were being sent right now, in order to download them all.
You will need the Channel ID (see bottom of Setup) if attempting to catalog history from a specific channel or group of channels, within an admin channel.
to catalog the current channel the command is sent in (must be registered inchannels
in settings).<prefix>history cancel
to stop cataloging the current channel the command is sent in (must be registered inchannels
in settings).<prefix>history <Channel ID(s)>
to catalog specified channels from within a designated Admin Channel (must be registered inadminChannels
in settings). You can do multiple channels per command if desired, separated by commas.<prefix>history cancel <Channel ID(s)>
to stop cataloging specified channels from within a designated Admin Channel (must be registered inadminChannels
in settings). You can do multiple channels per command if desired, separated by commas.
Settings / Configuration Guide
I tried to make the configuration as user friendly as possible, though you still need to follow proper JSON syntax (watch those commas). All settings specified below labeled
will use default values if missing from the settings file, and those labeled[OPTIONAL]
will not be used if missing from the settings file.
The following example is for a Bot Application (using a token), bound to 1 channel.
This setup exempts many options so they will use default values (see below). It shows the bare minimum required settings for the bot to function.
When initially launching the bot it will create a default settings file if you do not create your own settings.json
Example - Barebones settings.json:
"credentials": {
"token": "YOUR_TOKEN"
"channels": [
Example - Selfbot settings.json:
"credentials": {
"scanOwnMessages": true,
"presenceEnabled": false,
"channels": [
"allowCommands": false,
"errorMessages": false,
"reactWhenDownloaded": false
Example - Advanced settings.json:
"credentials": {
"token": "YOUR_TOKEN",
"twitterAccessToken": "",
"twitterAccessTokenSecret": "",
"twitterConsumerKey": "",
"twitterConsumerSecret": ""
"adminChannels": [
"debugOutput": true,
"commandPrefix": "downloader_",
"allowSkipping": true,
"filterDuplicates": true,
"filterDuplicatesThreshold": 75,
"downloadRetryMax": 5,
"downloadTimeout": 120,
"githubUpdateChecking": true,
"presenceStatus": "dnd",
"presenceType": 3,
"presenceOverwrite": "{{count}} files",
"filenameDateFormat": "2006.01.02-15.04.05_",
"embedColor": "#29BEB0",
"inflateCount": 123456,
"channels": [
"destination": "EVERYTHING",
"overwriteEmbedColor": "#FF0000",
"userBlacklist": [ "USER_ID_FOR_PERSON_I_DONT_LIKE" ],
"divideFoldersByType": false,
"saveImages": true,
"saveVideos": true,
"saveAudioFiles": true,
"saveTextFiles": true,
"saveOtherFiles": true,
"savePossibleDuplicates": true,
"extensionBlacklist": [
"destination": "media",
"overwriteAllowSkipping": false,
"saveImages": true,
"saveVideos": true,
"saveAudioFiles": true,
"saveTextFiles": false,
"saveOtherFiles": false
"destination": "media2",
"usersAllWhitelisted": false,
"userWhitelist": [ "MY_USER_ID" ],
"saveImages": true,
"saveVideos": true,
"saveAudioFiles": true,
"saveTextFiles": false,
"saveOtherFiles": false,
"domainBlacklist": [ "" ]
"destination": "stealthy files",
"allowCommands": false,
"errorMessages": false,
"updatePresence": false,
"reactWhenDownloaded": false
"channels": [ "CHANNEL_1", "CHANNEL_2", "CHANNEL_3", "CHANNEL_4", "CHANNEL_5" ],
"destination": "lots of stuff",
"allowCommands": false,
"errorMessages": false,
"updatePresence": false
All JSON settings follow camelCase format.
List of Settings
- credentials
[key/value object]
- token
- Required for Bot Login or User Login with 2FA, don't include if using User Login without 2FA.
- email
- Required for User Login without 2FA, don't include if using Bot Login.
- password
- Required for User Login without 2FA, don't include if using Bot Login.
- Default:
- Set to
for a User Login with 2FA, keep asfalse
if using a normal Bot.
- Default:
- Won't use Twitter API for fetching media from tweets if credentials are missing.
- Won't use Twitter API for fetching media from tweets if credentials are missing.
- Won't use Twitter API for fetching media from tweets if credentials are missing.
- Won't use Twitter API for fetching media from tweets if credentials are missing.
- Won't use Flickr API for fetching media from posts/albums if credentials are missing.
- Path for Google Drive API credentials JSON file.
- Won't use Google Drive API for fetching files if credentials are missing.
- token
admins[array of strings]
- Array of User ID strings for users allowed to use admin commands
adminChannels[array of key/value objects]
- channel
- channel
- Default:
- Output debugging information.
- Default:
- Default:
"ddg "
- Default:
- Default:
- Allow scanning for keywords to skip content downloading.
"skip", "ignore", "don't save", "no save"
- Default:
- Default:
- Scans the bots own messages for content to download, only useful if using as a selfbot.
- Default:
- Default:
- Experimental feature to filter out images that are too similar to other cached images.
- Caching of image data is stored via a database file; it will not read all pre-existing images.
- Default:
- Default:
- Threshold for what the bot considers too similar of an image comparison score. Lower = more similar (lowest is around -109.7), Higher = less similar (does not really have a maximum, would require your own testing).
- Default:
- Autorun history for all registered channels in background upon launch.
- This can take anywhere between 2 minutes and 2 hours. It depends on how many channels your bot monitors and how many messages it has to go through. It can help to disable it by-channel for channels that don't require it (see
in channel options).
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Check for updates from this repo.
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Presence status type.
- Default:
- Default:
- Presence label type. ("Playing <activity>", "Listening to <activity>", etc)
Game = 0, Streaming = 1, Listening = 2, Watching = 3, Custom = 4
- If Bot User, Streaming & Custom won't work properly.
- Default:
- Unused by Default
- Replace counter status with custom string.
- see Presence Placeholders for customization...
- Unused by Default
- Replace counter status details with custom string (only works for User, not Bot).
- see Presence Placeholders for customization...
- Unused by Default
- Replace counter status state with custom string (only works for User, not Bot).
- see Presence Placeholders for customization...
- Default:
"2006-01-02_15-04-05 "
- see this Stack Overflow post regarding Golang date formatting.
- Default:
- Unused by Default
- Supports
, or RGB in hex or int format (ex: #FF0000 or 16711680).
- Unused by Default
- Inflates the count of total files downloaded by the bot. I only added this for my own personal use to represent an accurate total amount of files downloaded by previous bots I used.
- Default: false
- Formats numbers as
rather than123,456.78
- channels
[array of key/value objects]
- Channel ID to monitor.
channels[array of strings]
- Channel IDs to monitor, for if you want the same configuration for multiple channels.
- destination
- Folder path for saving files, can be full path or local subfolder.
- Default:
- Toggles bot functionality for channel.
- Default:
- Default:
- Allow use of commands like ping, help, etc.
- Default:
- Default:
- Send response messages when downloads fail or other download-related errors are encountered.
- Default:
- Default:
- Check edits for un-downloaded media.
- Default:
- Overwrite global setting for autorunning history for all registered channels in background upon launch.
- Default:
- Update Discord Presence when download succeeds within this channel.
- Default:
- Default:
- Confirmation reaction that file(s) successfully downloaded.
- Default:
- Unused by Default
- Uses specified emoji rather than random server emojis. Simply pasting a standard emoji will work, for custom Discord emojis use "name:ID" format.
- Unused by Default
- Overwrites the global setting
(see above) - see this Stack Overflow post regarding Golang date formatting.
- Unused by Default
- Allow scanning for keywords to skip content downloading.
"skip", "ignore", "don't save", "no save"
- Unused by Default
- Supports
, or RGB in hex or int format (ex: #FF0000 or 16711680).
- Default:
- Allow messages from all users to be handled. Set to
if you wish to useuserWhitelist
to only permit specific users messages to be handled.
- Default:
userWhitelist[array of strings]
- Use with
to only permit specific users to have their messages handled by the bot. Only accepts User ID's in the array.
- Use with
userBlacklist[array of strings]
- Use with
as the defaulttrue
to block certain users messages from being handled by the bot. Only accepts User ID's in the array.
- Use with
- Default:
- Separate files into subfolders by server of origin (e.g. "My Server", "My Friends Server")
- Default:
- Default:
- Separate files into subfolders by channel of origin (e.g. "my-channel", "my-other-channel")
- Default:
- Default:
- Separate files into subfolders by user who sent (e.g. "Me#1234", "My Friend#0000")
- Default:
- Default:
- Separate files into subfolders by type (e.g. "images", "video", "audio", "text", "other")
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
- Default:
extensionBlacklist[array of strings]
- Default:
[ ".htm", ".html", ".php", ".exe", ".dll", ".bin", ".cmd", ".sh", ".py", ".jar" ]
- Ignores files containing specified extensions. Ensure you use proper formatting.
- Default:
domainBlacklist[array of strings]
- Ignores files from specified domains. Ensure you use proper formatting.
- Saves all sent links to file, does not account for any filetypes or duplicates, it just simply appends every raw link sent in the channel to the specified file.
Presence Placeholders
For presenceOverwrite
, presenceOverwriteDetails
, presenceOverwriteState
: discord-go version{{ddgVersion}}
: Project version{{apiVersion}}
: Discord API version{{countNoCommas}}
: Raw total count of downloads (without comma formatting){{count}}
: Raw total count of downloads{{countShort}}
: Shortened total count of downloads{{numGuilds}}
: Number of guilds bot is a member of{{numChannels}}
: Number of bound channels{{numAdminChannels}}
: Number of admin channels{{numAdmins}}
: Number of designated admins{{timeSavedShort}}
: Last save time formatted as3:04pm
: Last save time formatted as3:04pm MST
: Last save time formatted as3:04pm MST 1/2/2006
: Last save time formatted as3:04:05pm MST - January 2, 2006
: Last save time formatted as15:04
: Last save time formatted as15:04 MST
: Last save time formatted as15:04 MST 2/1/2006
: Last save time formatted as15:04:05 MST - 2 January, 2006
: Current time formatted as3:04pm
: Current time formatted as3:04pm MST
: Current time formatted as3:04pm MST 1/2/2006
: Current time formatted as3:04:05pm MST - January 2, 2006
: Current time formatted as15:04
: Current time formatted as15:04 MST
: Current time formatted as15:04 MST 2/1/2006
: Current time formatted as15:04:05 MST - 2 January, 2006
: Shortened duration of bot uptime
Info for Developers
- I'm a complete amateur with Golang. If anything's bad please make a pull request.
- Versioning is
- I try to be consistent with annotation but it's not perfect.
- Logging generally follows certain standards and patterns with formatting and color-coding.
There is no documentation for this package.