Terraform provider implementation for the Instana REST API.
Terraform Registry: https://registry.terraform.io/providers/gessnerfl/instana/latest
Changes Log: CHANGELOG.md
The documentation of the provider can be found on the Terraform Registry Page https://registry.terraform.io/providers/gessnerfl/instana/latest.
Implementation Details
Tests are co-located in the package next to the implementation. We use gomock (https://github.com/golang/mock) for mocking. Mocks are
created using the source mode. All mocks are create in the mock
package. To generate mocks you can use the helper script
generate-mock-for-file <source-file>
from the root directory of this project.
Alternatively you can manually execute mockgen
as follows
mockgen -source=<source_file> -destination=mocks/<source_file_name>_mocks.go -package=mocks
Release a new version
- Create a new tag follow semantic versioning approach
- Update changelog before creating a new release by using github-changelog-generator
- Push the tag to the remote to build the new release