Watches a directory for files and uploads them to a paperless-ng instance.
This project has only been tested with go1.17+. To compile just run go install
and the executable should be built for you automatically in your $GOPATH
Optionally you can clone the repo and run make install
to build and copy the executable to /usr/local/bin/
with correct permissions.
Alternately, you can download the latest release for your platform from github.
Once you have an executable, make sure to copy it somewhere on your path like /usr/local/bin
or C:/Program Files/
If on a *nix/mac system, make sure to run chmod +x /path/to/paperless-uploader
You can also run paperless-uploader from the provided Docker image:
docker run -d -v $PWD/docker:/config -v /path/to/watch:/watch gesquive/paperless-uploader:latest
To get the sample config working, you will need to configure the SMTP server and add target configs.
For more details read the Docker image documentation.
Precedence Order
The application looks for variables in the following order:
- command line flag
- environment variable
- config file variable
- default
So any variable specified on the command line would override values set in the environment or config file.
Config File
The application looks for a configuration file at the following locations in order:
Copy pkg/config.example.yml
to one of these locations and populate the values with your own. Since the config contains a writable API token, make sure to set permissions on the config file appropriately so others cannot read it. A good suggestion is chmod 600 /path/to/config.yml
If you are planning to run this app as a service, it is recommended that you place the config in /etc/paperless-uploader/config.yml
Environment Variables
Optionally, instead of using a config file you can specify config entries as environment variables. Use the prefix PAPERLESS_UPLOADER_
in front of the uppercased variable name. For example, the config variable paperless-url
would be the environment variable PAPERLESS_UPLOADER_PAPERLESS_URL
This application was developed to run as a service.
You can use upstart, init, runit or any other service manager to run the paperless-uploader
executable. Example scripts for systemd and upstart can be found in the pkg/services
directory. A logrotate script can also be found in the pkg/services
directory. All of the configs assume the user to run as is named paperless-uploader
, make sure to change this if needed.
Watches a directory for files and uploads them to paperless-ng
paperless-uploader [flags]
--config string Path to a specific config file (default "./config.yml")
-h, --help help for paperless-uploader
-l, --log-file string Path to log file (default "/var/log/paperless-uploader.log")
-t, --paperless-token string Authenticate the paperless server with this user token
-u, --paperless-url string The base URL for your paperless instance
-x, --upload-path strings Path to the file(s) to upload, can be entered multiple times or comma delimited.
-f, --watch-filter string The inclusive file filter regex for uploads.
-i, --watch-interval duration The interval between polling for changes. (default 1s)
-p, --watch-path string Directory to watch for files.
--version Display the version number and exit
Optionally, a hidden debug flag is available in case you need additional output.
Hidden Flags:
-D, --debug Include debug statements in log output
This documentation can be found at
This package is made available under an MIT-style license. See LICENSE.
PRs are always welcome!
There is no documentation for this package.