NOTE: This is a WIP. None of the interfaces are final yet.
A HipChat bot wrangler that works off HipChat's "Integration" system, meaning you need
to set up a name and command, the second parameter of your message will be used
to pick a specific bot to handle your request.
/bot <botname> <command> <args>...
For example; Switching to the next sheriff/engineer on duty.
/bot sheriff next
go get
go run main.go
copy config.json.example to config.json
Go to web interface, find your room and create an Integration,
put the generated auth key in config.json under "hipchat": { "bot_auth": "key-here" }
(Optional for Sheriff) Go to web interface, go to your settings,
under "API Access" and create a token for Administer room and Send notification scopes,
put the generated scope key in config.json under "hipchat": { "scope_auth": "key-here" }
Current bots
Sheriff - Keeps a list of engineers on duty and rotates daily