fasthttploader (Go 1.7+)
Fasthttploader was created to simplify http benchmarking. Options like QueryPerSecond(QPS) and number of connections are not required anymore. Fasthttploader detects server possibilities by analyzing repsonses and choosing optimal conditions for testing. To avoid adjustment stage (cause it takes some extra time) - just set -q and -c flags.
Fasthttploader generates html-report after testing with some useful charts.
go get github.com/hagen1778/fasthttploader
Run test:
fasthttploader http://google.com
Expected results:
------ Burst Throughput ------
Elapsed time: 5.000740s
Req done: 2955; Success: 100.00 %
Rps: 590.912523; Connections: 500
Errors: 0; Timeouts: 0
------ Adjustment test ------
Elapsed time: 30.000411s
Req done: 37684; Success: 100.00 %
Rps: 1256.116142; Connections: 1509
Errors: 0; Timeouts: 0
------ Loading test ------
Elapsed time: 20.000837s
Req done: 36433; Success: 100.00 %
Rps: 1821.573798; Connections: 1738
Errors: 0; Timeouts: 0
Check generated html-report:

Usage: fasthttploader [options...] <url>
Notice: fasthttploader would force agressive burst stages before testing to detect
max qps and number for clients.
To avoid this you need to set -c and -q parameters.
-A string
Set Accept headers
-T string
Set content-type headers (default "text/html")
-b string
Set body
-c int
Number of supposed clients (default 500)
-cpuprofile string
write cpu profile to file
-d duration
Cant be less than 20sec (default 30s)
Print debug messages if true
Disables compression if true
-gatewayAddr string
Address of PushGateway service (default "localhost:9091")
-h string
Set headers
-httpClientKeepAlivePeriod duration
Interval for sending keep-alive messageson keepalive connections.
Zero disables keep-alive messages (default 5s)
-httpClientReadBufferSize int
Per-connection read buffer size for httpclient (default 8192)
-httpClientRequestTimeout duration
Maximum time to wait for http response (default 10s)
-httpClientWriteBufferSize int
Per-connection write buffer size for httpclient (default 8192)
-jobName string
Name of the job for PushGateway (default "pushGateway")
-k Disable keepalive if true
-m string
Set HTTP method (default "GET")
-memprofile string
write memory profile to this file
-q int
Request per second limit. Detect automatically, if not setted
-r string
Set filename to store final report (default "report.html")
-successStatusCode int
Status code on which a successful request would be determined (default 200)
-t duration
Request timeout (default 5s)
Auto open generated report at browser
Testing consist of 3 stages:
- Burst - 5sec test with no limits by QPS and number of clients equal (by default, but can be changed by -c passing) to 500. Burst stage helps to detect possible QPS rate for further stages
- Adjustment - 30sec test with smoothly QPS and clients tunning. Initial QPS and number of clients are taken from results of Burst stage. During 30s fasthttploader would increase QPS and number of clients till timeout or getting errors
- Testing - just loading test, based on settings achieved from previous stage.
To rebuild assets use:
go-bindata -pkg report -ignore=\\.img -o report/binddata.go report/static/...