HCL Light
This hcllight package removes position and location tags in hclsyntax , the official AST parsing package for HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language).
- It allows for dynamic manipulation of attributes, variables, expressions and blocks, after which the tree can be output back to HCL data.
- The output can be made with or without the evaluation of logic expressions in HCL.
Two applications are packed together:
- jsm, to parse JSON Schema document, draft-04, in HCL
- hcl, to parse OpenAPI description, version 3.0 and 3.1, in HCL
We obtain OpenAPI and JSON Schema files that are of 50% in size of the corresponding JSON files.
Here is a Medium article on JSON Schema.
To install,
go install github.com/genelet/hcllight
See the reference to use hcllight, JSON Schema and OpenAPI packages,
Here is a HCL sample:
TEST_FOLDER = "__test__"
EXECUTION_ID = random(6)
version = 2
say = {
for k, v in {hello: "world"}: k => v if k == "hello"
job check "this is a temporal job" {
python "run.py" {}
job e2e "running integration tests" {
python "app-e2e.py" {
root_dir = var.TEST_FOLDER
python_version = version + 6
slack {
channel = "slack-my-channel"
message = "Job execution ${EXECUTION_ID} completed successfully"
This program parses the HCL data into the document node, Body, and outputs it in HCL format, with and without evaluation.
package main
import (
func main() {
body, err := parseFile("random.hcl")
if err != nil {
hcl, err := body.Hcl()
if err != nil {
ref := getRef()
eval, err := body.Evaluate(ref)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("hcl: %s\n", hcl)
fmt.Printf("evaluated: %s\n", eval)
func parseFile(filename string) (*light.Body, error) {
dat, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return light.Parse(dat)
func getRef() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
"functions": map[string]function.Function{
"random": function.New(&function.Spec{
VarParam: nil,
Params: []function.Parameter{
{Type: cty.Number},
Type: func(args []cty.Value) (cty.Type, error) {
return cty.String, nil
Impl: func(args []cty.Value, retType cty.Type) (cty.Value, error) {
var letterRunes = []rune("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
n, _ := args[0].AsBigFloat().Int64()
b := make([]rune, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = letterRunes[rand.Intn(len(letterRunes))]
return cty.StringVal(string(b)), nil
The result is
TEST_FOLDER = "__test__"
EXECUTION_ID = random(6)
version = 2
say = {
for k, v in {hello:"world"}: k => v if k == "hello"
job "check" "this is a temporal job" {
python "run.py" {}
job "e2e" "running integration tests" {
python "app-e2e.py" {
root_dir = var.TEST_FOLDER
python_version = version + 6
slack {
message = "Job execution ${EXECUTION_ID} completed successfully"
channel = "slack-my-channel"
say = {
hello = "world"
TEST_FOLDER = "__test__"
version = 2
job "check" "this is a temporal job" {
python "run.py" {}
job "e2e" "running integration tests" {
python "app-e2e.py" {
root_dir = "__test__"
python_version = 8
slack {
message = "Job execution nOVqNf completed successfully"
channel = "slack-my-channel"