Test mocks & stubs made easy for Postgres functions.
You can verify that a function was called with the expected parameters. You can also replace the body of a function or make it raise a SQL exception.
How to mock?
db := GetTestDB()
defer db.Close()
function := pgexpect.Function{
Name: "some_function_name",
Args: []pgexpect.Argument{
{Name: "param1", Type: "integer"},
{Name: "param2", Type: "text"},
ReturnType: "SETOF stuff",
Body: `INSERT INTO ...` // You can add some SQL that the mock should run.
expectedCalls := []pgexpect.Call{
{Values: []interface{}{uint64(123), "Gemnasium is awesome! ;)"}},
pgexpect.MockFunction(function, expectedCalls, t, db, func(t *testing.T, db *sqlx.DB) {
service := SomeDBService{DB: db}
err := service.CreateStuff(123, "Gemnasium is awesome! ;)")
if err != nil {
How to stub?
db := GetTestDB()
defer db.Close()
function := pgexpect.Function{
Name: "your_super_smart_function",
Args: []pgexpect.Argument{
{Name: "name", Type: "text"},
ReturnType: "VOID",
RaiseErrorCode: "GM007", // in case you need to simulate an error in your SQL function
pgexpect.StubFunction(function, t, db, func() {
service := UserDBService{DB: db}
_, err := service.Create("")
if err == nil || err != ErrUserEmailAlreadyExists {
t.Errorf("An ErrUserEmailAlreadyExists error was expected but we got %s", err)