Index ¶
- Constants
- type AcceptCHHeader
- type AcceptCHLifetimeHeader
- type AcceptCharsetHeader
- type AcceptControlAllowOriginHeader
- type AcceptControlExposeHeadersHeader
- type AcceptControlRequestHeadersHeader
- type AcceptControlRequestMethodHeader
- type AcceptEncodingHeader
- type AcceptHeader
- type AcceptLanguageHeader
- type AcceptPatchHeader
- type AcceptRangesHeader
- type AccessControlAllowCredentialsHeader
- type AccessControlAllowHeadersHeader
- type AccessControlMaxAgeHeader
- type AgeHeader
- type AllowHeader
- type AltSvcHeader
- type AuthorizationHeader
- type CacheControlHeader
- type ClearSiteDataHeader
- type ConnectionHeader
- type ContentDispositionHeader
- type ContentEncodingHeader
- type ContentLanguageHeader
- type ContentLengthHeader
- type ContentLocationHeader
- type ContentMD5Header
- type ContentRangeHeader
- type ContentSecurityPolicyHeader
- type ContentTypeHeader
- type CookieHeader
- type CrossOriginResourcePolicyHeader
- type DNTHeader
- type DPRHeader
- type DateHeader
- type DeviceMemoryHeader
- type DigestHeader
- type ETagHeader
- type EarlyDataHeader
- type ExpectCTHeader
- type ExpectHeader
- type ExpiresHeader
- type FeaturePolicyHeader
- type ForwardedHeader
- type FromHeader
- type HostHeader
- type IfMatchHeader
- type IfModifiedSinceHeader
- type IfNoneMatchHeader
- type IfRangeHeader
- type IfUnmodifiedSinceHeader
- type KeepAliveHeader
- type LargeAllocationHeader
- type LastModifiedHeader
- type LinkHeader
- type LocationHeader
- type OriginHeader
- type PragmaHeader
- type ProxyAuthenticateHeader
- type ProxyAuthorizationHeader
- type PublicKeyPinsHeader
- type PublicKeyPinsReporyOnlyHeader
- type RangeHeader
- type RefererHeader
- type ReferrerPolicyHeader
- type RetryAfterHeader
- type SaveDataHeader
- type SecFetchDestHeader
- type SecFetchModeHeader
- type SecFetchSiteHeader
- type SecFetchUserHeader
- type SecWebSocketAcceptHeader
- type ServerHeader
- type ServerTimingHeader
- type SetCookie2Header
- type SetCookieHeader
- type SourceMapHeader
- type StrictTransportSecurityHeader
- type TEHeader
- type TimingAllowOriginHeader
- type TkHeader
- type TrailerHeader
- type TransferEncodingHeader
- type TransferHeader
- type UpgradeInsecureRequestsHeader
- type UserAgentHeader
- type VaryHeader
- type ViaHeader
- type WWWAuthenticateHeader
- type XRealIPHeader
Constants ¶
const Accept string = "Accept"
Accept request HTTP header advertises which content types, expressed as MIME types, the client is able to understand.
const AcceptCH string = "Accept-CH"
AcceptCH HTTP header is set by the server to specify which Client Hints headers client should include in subsequent requests.
const AcceptCHLifetime string = "Accept-CH-Lifetime"
AcceptCHLifetime HTTP header is set by the server to specify the persistence of Accept-CH header value that specifies for which Client Hints headers client should include in subsequent requests.
const AcceptCharset string = "Accept-Charset"
AcceptCharset request HTTP header advertises which character encodings the client understands.
const AcceptEncoding string = "Accept-Encoding"
AcceptEncoding request HTTP header advertises which content encoding, usually a compression algorithm, the client is able to understand.
const AcceptLanguage string = "Accept-Language"
AcceptLanguage request HTTP header advertises which languages the client is able to understand, and which locale variant is preferred.
const AcceptPatch string = "Accept-Patch"
AcceptPatch response HTTP header advertises which media-type the server is able to understand.
const AcceptRanges string = "Accept-Ranges"
AcceptRanges response HTTP header is a marker used by the server to advertise its support of partial requests.
const AccessControlAllowCredentials string = "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials"
AccessControlAllowCredentials response HTTP header tells browsers whether to expose the response to frontend JavaScript code when the request's credentials mode is include.
const AccessControlAllowHeaders string = "Access-Control-Allow-Headers"
AccessControlAllowHeaders response HTTP header is used in response to a preflight request which includes the Access-Control-Request-Headers to indicate which HTTP headers can be used during the actual request.
const AccessControlAllowMethod string = "Access-Control-Allow-Method"
AccessControlAllowMethod response HTTP header specifies the method or methods allowed when accessing the resource in response to a preflight request.
const AccessControlAllowOrigin string = "Access-Control-Allow-Origin"
AccessControlAllowOrigin response HTTP header indicates whether the response can be shared with requesting code from the given origin.
const AccessControlExposeHeaders string = "Access-Control-Expose-Headers"
AccessControlExposeHeaders response HTTP header indicates which headers can be exposed as part of the response by listing their names.
const AccessControlMaxAge string = "Access-Control-Max-Age"
AccessControlMaxAge response HTTP header indicates how long the results of a preflight request (that is the information contained in the Access-Control-Allow-Methods and Access-Control-Allow-Headers headers) can be cached.
const AccessControlRequestHeaders string = "Access-Control-Request-Headers"
AccessControlRequestHeaders request HTTP header is used by browsers when issuing a preflight request, to let the server know which HTTP headers the client might send when the actual request is made.
const AccessControlRequestMethod string = "Access-Control-Request-Method"
AccessControlRequestMethod request HTTP header is used by browsers when issuing a preflight request, to let the server know which HTTP method will be used when the actual request is made.
const Age string = "Age"
Age HTTP header contains the time in seconds the object has been in a proxy cache.
const Allow string = "Allow"
Allow HTTP header lists the set of methods supported by a resource.
const AltSvc string = "Alt-Svc"
AltSvc HTTP response header is used to advertise alternative services through which the same resource can be reached.
const Authorization string = "Authorization"
Authorization HTTP request header contains the credentials to authenticate a user agent with a server.
const CacheControl string = "Cache-Control"
CacheControl HTTP header holds directives (instructions) for caching in both requests and responses.
const ClearSiteData string = "Clear-Site-Data"
ClearSiteData HTTP header clears browsing data (cookies, storage, cache) associated with the requesting website
const CloudfrontForwardedProto string = "Cloudfront-Forwarded-Proto"
CloudfrontForwardedProto HTTP request header is the AWS Cloudfront origin protocol that the request was forwarded from.
const CloudfrontIsDesktopViewer string = "Cloudfront-Is-Desktop-Viewer"
CloudfrontIsDesktopViewer HTTP request header is the AWS Cloudfront header that identifies that the requesting client is a desktop device.
const CloudfrontIsMobileViewer string = "Cloudfront-Is-Mobile-Viewer"
CloudfrontIsMobileViewer HTTP request header is the AWS Cloudfront header that identifies that the requesting client is a mobile device.
const CloudfrontIsSmartTvViewer string = "Cloudfront-Is-Smarttv-Viewer"
CloudfrontIsSmartTvViewer HTTP request header is the AWS Cloudfront header that identifies that the requesting client is a smart tv.
const CloudfrontIsTabletViewer string = "Cloudfront-Is-Tablet-Viewer"
CloudfrontIsTabletViewer HTTP request header is the AWS Cloudfront header that identifies that the requesting client is a tablet device.
const CloudfrontViewerCountry string = "Cloudfront-Viewer-Country"
CloudfrontViewerCountry HTTP request headr is the AWS Cloudfront header that identifies the requesting clients country of origin.
const Connection string = "Connection"
Connection HTTP header controls whether or not the network connection stays open after the current transaction finishes.
const ContentDPR string = "Content-DPR"
ContentDPR HTTP header is a header that indicates the ratio between physical pixels over CSS pixels of the selected image.
const ContentDisposition string = "Content-Disposition"
ContentDisposition HTTP response header is a header indicating if the content is expected to be displayed inline in the browser, that is, as a Web page or as part of a Web page, or as an attachment, that is downloaded and saved locally.
const ContentEncoding string = "Content-Encoding"
ContentEncoding HTTP header is used to compress the media-type.
const ContentLanguage string = "Content-Language"
ContentLanguage HTTP header is used to describe the language(s) intended for the audience, so that it allows a user to differentiate according to the users' own preferred language.
const ContentLength string = "Content-Length"
ContentLength HTTP header indicates the size of the entity-body, in bytes, sent to the recipient.
const ContentLocation string = "Content-Location"
ContentLocation header indicates an alternate location for the returned data.
const ContentMD5 string = "Content-MD5"
ContentMD5 HTTP header indicates the MD5 hash value of the HTTP request.
const ContentRange string = "Content-Range"
ContentRange response HTTP header indicates where in a full body message a partial message belongs.
const ContentSecurityPolicy string = "Content-Security-Policy"
ContentSecurityPolicy response header allows web site administrators to control resources the user agent is allowed to load for a given page.
const ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly string = "Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only"
ContentSecurityPolicyReportOnly response header allows web developers to experiment with policies by monitoring (but not enforcing) their effects.
const ContentType string = "Content-Type"
ContentType HTTP header is used to indicate the media type of the resource.
const Cookie string = "Cookie"
Cookie HTTP request header contains stored HTTP cookies previously sent by the server with the Set-Cookie header.
const Cookie2 string = "Cookie2"
Cookie2 HTTP request header used to advise the server that the user agent understands "new-style" cookies.
const CrossOriginResourcePolicy string = "Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy"
CrossOriginResourcePolicy HTTP response header conveys a desire that the browser blocks no-cors cross-origin/cross-site requests to the given resource.
const DNT string = "DNT"
DNT HTTP request header indicates the user's tracking preference.
const DPR string = "DPR"
DPR HTTP header is a Client Hints headers which represents the client device pixel ratio (DPR), which is the the number of physical device pixels corresponding to every CSS pixel.
const Date string = "Date"
Date HTTP header contains the date and time at which the message was originated.
const DeltaBase string = "Delta-Base"
DeltaBase HTTP response header specifies the delta-encoding entity tag of the response.
const DeviceMemory string = "Device-Memory"
DeviceMemory HTTP header is a Device Memory API header that works like Client Hints header which represents the approximate amount of RAM client device has.
const Digest string = "Digest"
Digest response HTTP header provides a digest of the requested resource.
const ETag string = "ETag"
ETag HTTP response header is an identifier for a specific version of a resource.
const EarlyData string = "Early-Data"
EarlyData HTTP header is set by an intermediate to indicate that the request has been conveyed in TLS early data.
const Expect string = "Expect"
Expect HTTP request header indicates expectations that need to be fulfilled by the server in order to properly handle the request.
const ExpectCT string = "Expect-CT"
ExpectCT HTTP header allows sites to opt in to reporting and/or enforcement of Certificate Transparency requirements.
const Expires string = "Expires"
Expires HTTP header contains the date/time after which the response is considered stale.
const FeaturePolicy string = "Feature-Policy"
FeaturePolicy HTTP header provides a mechanism to allow and deny the use of browser features in its own frame.
const Forwarded string = "Forwarded"
Forwarded HTTP header contains information from the client-facing side of proxy servers that is altered or lost when a proxy is involved in the path of the request.
const From string = "From"
From HTTP request header contains an Internet email address for a human user who controls the requesting user agent.
const HTTP2Settings string = "HTTP2-Settings"
HTTP2Settings HTTP request header specifies that a request upgrades from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2.
const Host string = "Host"
Host HTTP request header specifies the domain name of the server (for virtual hosting), and (optionally) the TCP port number on which the server is listening.
const IM string = "IM"
const IfMatch string = "If-Match"
IfMatch HTTP request header makes the request conditional.
const IfModifiedSince string = "If-Modified-Since"
IfModifiedSince request HTTP header makes the request conditional.
const IfNoneMatch string = "If-None-Match"
IfNoneMatch HTTP request header makes the request conditional.
const IfRange string = "If-Range"
IfRange HTTP request header makes a range request conditional.
const IfUnmodifiedSince string = "If-Unmodified-Since"
IfUnmodifiedSince request HTTP header makes the request conditional.
const KeepAlive string = "Keep-Alive"
KeepAlive HTTP header allows the sender to hint about how the connection may be used to set a timeout and a maximum amount of requests.
const LargeAllocation string = "Large-Allocation"
LargeAllocation response HTTP header tells the browser that the page being loaded is going to want to perform a large allocation.
const LastModified string = "Last-Modified"
LastModified response HTTP header contains the date and time at which the origin server believes the resource was last modified.
const Link string = "Link"
Link HTTP header field provides a means for serialising one or more links in HTTP headers.
const Location string = "Location"
Location response HTTP header indicates the URL to redirect a page to.
const MaxForwards string = "Max-Forwards"
const Origin string = "Origin"
Origin request HTTP header indicates where a fetch originates from.
const P3P string = "P3P"
const Pragma string = "Pragma"
Pragma HTTP header is an implementation-specific header that is used for backwards compatibility with HTTP/1.0.
const ProxyAuthenticate string = "Proxy-Authenticate"
ProxyAuthenticate response HTTP header defines the authentication method that should be used to gain access to a resource behind a proxy server.
const ProxyAuthorization string = "Proxy-Authorization"
ProxyAuthorization request HTTP header contains the credentials to authenticate a user agent to a proxy server.
const PublicKeyPins string = "Public-Key-Pins"
PublicKeyPins response HTTP header associates a specific cryptographic public key with a certain web server.
const PublicKeyPinsReportOnly string = "Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only"
PublicKeyPinsReportOnly response HTTP header sends reports of pinning violation to the report-uri specified in the header.
const Range string = "Range"
Range HTTP request header indicates the part of a document that the server should return.
const Referer string = "Referer"
Referer request HTTP header contains the address of the previous web page from which a link to the currently requested page was followed.
const ReferrerPolicy string = "Referrer-Policy"
ReferrerPolicy HTTP header controls how much referrer information should be included with requests.
const Refresh string = "Refresh"
Refresh response HTTP header controls when a new resource has been created and the time until redirection.
const RetryAfter string = "Retry-After"
RetryAfter response HTTP header indicates how long the user agent should wait before making a follow-up request.
const SaveData string = "Save-Data"
SaveData HTTP header field is a boolean which, in requests, indicates the client's preference for reduced data usage.
const SecFetchDest string = "Sec-Fetch-Dest"
SecFetchDest HTTP header indicates the request's destination.
const SecFetchMode string = "Sec-Fetch-Mode"
SecFetchMode HTTP header indicates the request's mode.
const SecFetchSite string = "Sec-Fetch-Site"
SecFetchSite HTTP header indicates the relationship between a request initiator's origin and the origin of the resource.
const SecFetchUser string = "Sec-Fetch-User"
SecFetchUser HTTP header indicates whether or not a navigation request was triggered by a user activation.
const SecWebSocketAccept string = "Sec-WebSocket-Accept"
SecWebSocketAccept WS header is used in the websocket opening handshake.
const Server string = "Server"
Server response HTTP header contains information about the software used by the origin server to handle the request.
const ServerTiming string = "Server-Timing"
ServerTiming response HTTP header communicates one or more metrics and descriptions for a given request-response cycle.
const SetCookie string = "Set-Cookie"
SetCookie HTTP response header is used to send cookies from the server to the user agent, so the user agent can send them back to the server later.
const SetCookie2 string = "Set-Cookie2"
SetCookie2 HTTP response header used to send cookies from the server to the user agent.
const SourceMap string = "SourceMap"
SourceMap HTTP response header links generated code to a source map, enabling the browser to reconstruct the original source and present the reconstructed original in the debugger.
const Status string = "Status"
const StrictTransportSecurity string = "Strict-Transport-Security"
StrictTransportSecurity response HTTP header lets a web site tell browsers that it should only be accessed using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP.
const TE string = "TE"
TE request HTTP header specifies the transfer encodings the user agent is willing to accept.
const TimingAllowOrigin string = "Timing-Allow-Origin"
TimingAllowOrigin response HTTP header specifies origins that are allowed to see values of attributes retrieved via features of the Resource Timing API.
const Tk string = "Tk"
Tk response HTTP header indicates the tracking status that applied to the corresponding request.
const Trailer string = "Trailer"
Trailer response HTTP header allows the sender to include additional fields at the end of chunked messages.
const TransferEncoding string = "Transfer-Encoding"
TransferEncoding response HTTP header specifies the form of encoding used to safely transfer the payload body to the user.
const UpgradeInsecureRequests string = "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests"
UpgradeInsecureRequests request HTTP header sends a signal to the server expressing the client’s preference for an encrypted and authenticated response.
const UserAgent string = "User-Agent"
UserAgent request HTTP header is a characteristic string that lets servers and network peers identify the application, operating system, vendor, and/or version of the requesting user agent.
const Vary string = "Vary"
Vary response HTTP header determines how to match future request headers to decide whether a cached response can be used rather than requesting a fresh one from the origin server.
const Via string = "Via"
Via HTTP header is added by proxies, both forward and reverse proxies.
const ViewportWidth string = "Viewport-Width"
ViewportWidth response HTTP header is a HTTP header that indicates the layout viewport width in CSS pixels.
const WWWAuthenticate string = "WWW-Authenticate"
WWWAuthenticate response HTTP header defines the authentication method that should be used to gain access to a resource.
const WantDigest string = "Want-Digest"
WantDigest HTTP header is used to ask the responder to provide a digest of the requested resource.
const Warning string = "Warning"
Warning HTTP header contains information about possible problems with the status of the message.
const Width string = "Width"
Width request HTTP header is a number that indicates the desired resource width in physical pixels.
const XCSRFToken string = "X-CSRF-Token"
const XContentTypeOptions string = " X-Content-Type-Options"
XContentTypeOptions response HTTP header is a marker used by the server to indicate that the MIME types advertised in the Content-Type headers should not be changed.
const XCorrelationID string = "X-Correlation-ID"
XCorrelationID correlates HTTP requests between a client and server.
const XDNSPrefetchControl string = "X-DNS-Prefetch-Control"
XDNSPrefetchControl response HTTP header controls DNS prefetching.
const XForwardedFor string = "X-Forwarded-For"
XForwardedFor HTTP header is a standard header for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy or a load balancer.
const XForwardedHost string = "X-Forwarded-Host"
XForwardedHost HTTP header is a standard header for identifying the original host requested by the client.
const XForwardedProto string = "X-Forwarded-Proto"
XForwardedProto HTTP header is a standard header for identifying the protocol that a client used to connect to your proxy or load balancer.
const XFrameOptions string = "X-Frame-Options"
XFrameOptions response HTTP header can be used to indicate whether or not a browser should be allowed to render a page in a <frame>, <iframe>, <embed> or <object>.
const XRealIP string = "X-Real-Ip"
XRealIP request HTTP header is the IP address of the origin client.
const XRequestID string = "X-Request-ID"
XRequestID correlates HTTP requests between a client and server.
const XRequestedWith string = "X-Requested-With"
XRequestedWith HTTP header is a request header used to indicate whether the HTTP request was an AJAX request.
const XUIDH string = "X-UIDH"
const XXSSProtection string = "X-XSS-Protection"
XXSSProtection response HTTP header is a feature of Internet Explorer, Chrome and Safari that stops pages from loading when they detect reflected cross-site scripting.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AcceptCHHeader ¶
type AcceptCHHeader struct { AcceptCH bool `json:"accept_ch"` AcceptCHLifetime bool `json:"accept_ch_lifetime"` ContentDPR bool `json:"content_dpr"` DeviceMemory bool `json:"device_memory"` DPR bool `json:"dpr"` EarlyData bool `json:"early_data"` SaveData bool `json:"save_data"` ViewportWidth bool `json:"viewport_width"` Width bool `json:"width"` }
AcceptCHHeader is a struct to prepare a Accept-CH HTTP response header.
func (AcceptCHHeader) String ¶
func (a AcceptCHHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Accept-CH HTTP header value.
type AcceptCHLifetimeHeader ¶
type AcceptCHLifetimeHeader struct {
Age int64 `json:"age"`
AcceptCHLifetimeHeader is a struct to prepare a Accept-CH-Lifetime HTTP response header.
func (AcceptCHLifetimeHeader) String ¶
func (a AcceptCHLifetimeHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Accept-CH-Lifetime HTTP header value.
type AcceptCharsetHeader ¶
AcceptCharsetHeader is a struct to prepare a Accept-Charset HTTP request header.
func (AcceptCharsetHeader) String ¶
func (a AcceptCharsetHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Accept-Charset HTTP header value.
type AcceptControlAllowOriginHeader ¶
type AcceptControlAllowOriginHeader struct {
Origin string `json:"origin"`
AcceptControlAllowOriginHeader is a struct to prepare a Accept-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header value.
func (AcceptControlAllowOriginHeader) String ¶
func (a AcceptControlAllowOriginHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header value.
type AcceptControlExposeHeadersHeader ¶
type AcceptControlExposeHeadersHeader struct {
Headers []string `json:"headers"`
AcceptControlExposeHeadersHeader is a struct to prepare a Access-Control-Expose-Headers HTTP header value.
func (AcceptControlExposeHeadersHeader) String ¶
func (a AcceptControlExposeHeadersHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Access-Control-Expose-Headers HTTP header value.
type AcceptControlRequestHeadersHeader ¶
type AcceptControlRequestHeadersHeader struct {
Headers []string `json:"headers"`
AcceptControlRequestHeadersHeader is a struct to prepare a Access-Control-Request-Headers HTTP header value.
func (AcceptControlRequestHeadersHeader) String ¶
func (a AcceptControlRequestHeadersHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Access-Control-Request-Headers HTTP header value.
type AcceptControlRequestMethodHeader ¶
type AcceptControlRequestMethodHeader struct {
Method string `json:"method"`
AcceptControlRequestMethodHeader is a struct to prepare a Access-Control-Request-Method HTTP header value.
func (AcceptControlRequestMethodHeader) String ¶
func (a AcceptControlRequestMethodHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Access-Control-Request-Method HTTP header value.
type AcceptEncodingHeader ¶
AcceptEncodingHeader is a struct to prepare a Accept-Encoding HTTP request header.
func (AcceptEncodingHeader) String ¶
func (a AcceptEncodingHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Accept-Charset HTTP header value.
type AcceptHeader ¶
type AcceptHeader struct { MIMESubType string `json:"mime_subtype"` MIMEType string `json:"mime_type"` Q float32 `json:"q"` }
AcceptHeader is a struct to prepare a Accept HTTP request header.
func (AcceptHeader) String ¶
func (a AcceptHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Accept HTTP header value.
type AcceptLanguageHeader ¶
AcceptLanguageHeader is a struct to prepare a Accept-Language HTTP request header.
func (AcceptLanguageHeader) String ¶
func (a AcceptLanguageHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Accept-Language HTTP header value.
type AcceptPatchHeader ¶
type AcceptPatchHeader struct { MIMESubType string `json:"mime_subtype"` MIMEType string `json:"mime_type"` Charset string `json:"charset"` }
AcceptPatchHeader is a struct to prepare a Accept-Patch HTTP header value.
func (AcceptPatchHeader) String ¶
func (a AcceptPatchHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Accept-Patch HTTP header value.
type AcceptRangesHeader ¶
type AcceptRangesHeader struct {
Bytes bool `json:"bytes"`
AcceptRangesHeader is a struct to prepare a Accept-Ranges HTTP header value.
func (AcceptRangesHeader) String ¶
func (a AcceptRangesHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Accept-Ranges HTTP header value.
type AccessControlAllowCredentialsHeader ¶
type AccessControlAllowCredentialsHeader struct {
Allow bool `json:"allow"`
AccessControlAllowCredentialsHeader is a struct to prepare a Access-Control-Allow-Credentials HTTP header value.
func (AccessControlAllowCredentialsHeader) String ¶
func (a AccessControlAllowCredentialsHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Access-Control-Allow-Credentials HTTP header value.
type AccessControlAllowHeadersHeader ¶
type AccessControlAllowHeadersHeader struct {
Headers []string `json:"headers"`
AccessControlAllowHeadersHeader is a struct to prepare a Access-Control-Allow-Headers HTTP header value.
func (AccessControlAllowHeadersHeader) String ¶
func (a AccessControlAllowHeadersHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Access-Control-Allow-Headers HTTP header value.
type AccessControlMaxAgeHeader ¶
type AccessControlMaxAgeHeader struct {
Age int64 `json:"age"`
AccessControlMaxAgeHeader is a struct to prepare a Access-Control-Max-Age HTTP response header.
func (AccessControlMaxAgeHeader) String ¶
func (a AccessControlMaxAgeHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Access-Control-Max-Age HTTP header value.
type AgeHeader ¶
type AgeHeader struct {
Age int64 `json:"age"`
AgeHeader is a struct to prepare a Age HTTP response header.
type AllowHeader ¶
type AllowHeader struct {
Methods []string `json:"methods"`
AllowHeader is a struct to prepare a Allow HTTP header value.
func (AllowHeader) String ¶
func (a AllowHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Allow HTTP header value.
type AltSvcHeader ¶
type AltSvcHeader struct { AltAuthority string `json:"alt_authority"` Clear bool `json:"clear"` MaxAge int64 `json:"max_age"` Persist bool `json:"persist"` ProtocolID string `json:"protocol_id"` }
AltSvcHeader is a struct to prepare a Alt-Svc HTTP header value.
func (AltSvcHeader) String ¶
func (a AltSvcHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Alt-Svc HTTP header value.
type AuthorizationHeader ¶
type AuthorizationHeader struct { Credentials string `json:"credentials"` Type string `json:"type"` }
AuthorizationHeader is a struct to prepare a Authorization HTTP header value.
func (AuthorizationHeader) String ¶
func (a AuthorizationHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Authorization HTTP header value.
type CacheControlHeader ¶
type CacheControlHeader struct { Immutable bool `json:"immutable"` MaxAge int64 `json:"max_age"` MaxStale int64 `json:"max_stale"` MinFresh int64 `json:"min_stale"` MustRevalidate bool `json:"must_revalidate"` NoCache bool `json:"no_cache"` NoStore bool `json:"no_store"` NoTransform bool `json:"no_transform"` OnlyIfCached bool `json:"only_if_cached"` Private bool `json:"private"` ProxyRevalidate bool `json:"proxy_revalidate"` Public bool `json:"public"` SMaxAge int64 `json:"s_max_age"` StaleIfError int64 `json:"stale_if_error"` StaleWhileRevalidate int64 `json:"stale_while_revalidate"` }
CacheControlHeader is a struct to prepare a Cache-Control HTTP header value.
func (CacheControlHeader) String ¶
func (c CacheControlHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Cache-Control HTTP header value.
type ClearSiteDataHeader ¶
type ClearSiteDataHeader struct { All bool `json:"all"` ExecutionContexts bool `json:"execution_contexts"` Cache bool `json:"cache"` Cookies bool `json:"cookies"` Storage bool `json:"storage"` }
ClearSiteDataHeader is a struct to prepare a Clear-Site-Data HTTP header value.
func (ClearSiteDataHeader) String ¶
func (c ClearSiteDataHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Clear-Site-Data HTTP header value.
type ConnectionHeader ¶
type ConnectionHeader struct {
Close bool `json:"close"`
ConnectionHeader is a struct to prepare a Connection HTTP header.
func (ConnectionHeader) String ¶
func (c ConnectionHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Connection HTTP header value.
type ContentDispositionHeader ¶
type ContentDispositionHeader struct { Attachment bool `json:"attachment"` FileName string `json:"file_name"` FormData bool `json:"form_data"` Name string `json:"name"` }
ContentDispositionHeader is a struct to prepare a Content-Disposition HTTP header.
func (ContentDispositionHeader) String ¶
func (c ContentDispositionHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Content-Disposition HTTP header value.
type ContentEncodingHeader ¶
type ContentEncodingHeader struct { Br bool `json:"br"` Compress bool `json:"compress"` Deflate bool `json:"deflate"` Identity bool `json:"identity"` GZip bool `json:"gizp"` }
ContentEncodingHeader is a struct to prepare a Content-Encoding HTTP header.
func (ContentEncodingHeader) String ¶
func (c ContentEncodingHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Content-Encoding HTTP header value.
type ContentLanguageHeader ¶
type ContentLanguageHeader struct {
LanguageTags []string `json:"language_tags"`
ContentLanguageHeader is a struct to prepare a Content-Language HTTP header.
func (ContentLanguageHeader) String ¶
func (c ContentLanguageHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Content-Language HTTP header value.
type ContentLengthHeader ¶
type ContentLengthHeader struct {
Length int64 `json:"length"`
ContentLengthHeader is a struct to prepare a Content-Length HTTP header.
func (ContentLengthHeader) String ¶
func (c ContentLengthHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Content-Length HTTP header value.
type ContentLocationHeader ¶
type ContentLocationHeader struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
ContentLocationHeader is a struct to prepare a Content-Location HTTP header.
func (ContentLocationHeader) String ¶
func (c ContentLocationHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Content-Location HTTP header value.
type ContentMD5Header ¶
type ContentMD5Header struct {
MD5 string `json:"md5"`
ContentMD5Header is a struct to prepare a Content-MD5 HTTP header.
type ContentRangeHeader ¶
type ContentRangeHeader struct { RangeEnd int64 `json:"range_end"` RangeStart int64 `json:"range_start"` Size int64 `json:"size"` Units string `json:"units"` }
ContentRangeHeader is a struct to prepare a Content-Range HTTP header.
func (ContentRangeHeader) String ¶
func (c ContentRangeHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Content-Range HTTP header value.
type ContentSecurityPolicyHeader ¶
type ContentSecurityPolicyHeader struct { ChildSrc []string `json:"child_src"` ConnectSrc []string `json:"connect_src"` DefaultSrc []string `json:"default_src"` FontSrc []string `json:"font_src"` FrameSrc []string `json:"frame_src"` ImgSrc []string `json:"img_src"` ManifestSrc []string `json:"manifest_src"` MediaSrc []string `json:"media_src"` ObjectSrc []string `json:"object_src"` PrefetchSrc []string `json:"prefetch_src"` ScriptSrc []string `json:"script_src"` ScriptSrcElem []string `json:"script_src_elem"` ScriptSrcAttr []string `json:"script_src_attr"` StyleSrc []string `json:"style_src"` StyleSrcElem []string `json:"style_src_elem"` StyleSrcAttr []string `json:"style_src_attr"` WorkerSrc []string `json:"worker_src"` }
ContentSecurityPolicyHeader is a struct to prepare a Content-Security-Policy HTTP header.
type ContentTypeHeader ¶
type ContentTypeHeader struct { Boundary string `json:"boundary"` Charset string `json:"charset"` MIMESubType string `json:"mime_subtype"` MIMEType string `json:"mime_type"` }
ContentTypeHeader is a struct to prepare a Content-Type HTTP header.
func (ContentTypeHeader) String ¶
func (c ContentTypeHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Content-Type HTTP header value.
type CookieHeader ¶
CookieHeader is a struct to prepare a Cookie HTTP header.
func (CookieHeader) String ¶
func (c CookieHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Cookie HTTP header value.
type CrossOriginResourcePolicyHeader ¶
type CrossOriginResourcePolicyHeader struct { CrossOrigin bool `json:"cross_origin"` SameOrigin bool `json:"same_origin"` SameSite bool `json:"same_site"` }
CrossOriginResourcePolicyHeader is a struct to prepare a Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy HTTP header.
func (CrossOriginResourcePolicyHeader) String ¶
func (c CrossOriginResourcePolicyHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy HTTP header.
type DNTHeader ¶
type DNTHeader struct {
DNT bool `json:"dnt"`
DNTHeader is a struct to prepare a DNT HTTP header.
type DPRHeader ¶
type DPRHeader struct {
DPR float32 `json:"dpr"`
DPRHeader is a struct to prepare a DPR HTTP header.
type DateHeader ¶
DateHeader is a struct to prepare a Date HTTP header.
func (DateHeader) String ¶
func (d DateHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Date HTTP header.
type DeviceMemoryHeader ¶
type DeviceMemoryHeader struct {
Memory float32 `json:"memory"`
DeviceMemoryHeader is a struct to prepare a Device-Memory HTTP header.
func (DeviceMemoryHeader) String ¶
func (d DeviceMemoryHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Device-Memory HTTP header.
type DigestHeader ¶
DigestHeader is a struct to prepare a Digest HTTP header.
func (DigestHeader) String ¶
func (d DigestHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Digest HTTP header.
type ETagHeader ¶
ETagHeader is a struct to prepare a ETag HTTP header.
func (ETagHeader) String ¶
func (e ETagHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a ETag HTTP header.
type EarlyDataHeader ¶
type EarlyDataHeader struct {
EarlyData bool `json:"early_data"`
EarlyDataHeader is a struct to prepare a Early-Header HTTP header.
func (EarlyDataHeader) String ¶
func (e EarlyDataHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Early-Data HTTP header.
type ExpectCTHeader ¶
type ExpectCTHeader struct { Enforce bool `json:"enforce"` MaxAge int64 `json:"max_age"` ReportURI string `json:"report_uri"` }
ExpectCTHeader is a a struct to prepare a Expect-CT HTTP header.
func (ExpectCTHeader) String ¶
func (e ExpectCTHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Expect-CT HTTP header.
type ExpectHeader ¶
type ExpectHeader struct{}
ExpectHeader is a struct to prepare a Expect HTTP header.
func (ExpectHeader) String ¶
func (e ExpectHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Expect HTTP header.
type ExpiresHeader ¶
ExpiresHeader is a struct to prepare a Expires HTTP header.
func (ExpiresHeader) String ¶
func (e ExpiresHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Expires HTTP header.
type FeaturePolicyHeader ¶
type FeaturePolicyHeader struct { Accelerometer string `json:"accelerometer"` AmbientLightSensor string `json:"ambient_light_sensor"` Autoplay string `json:"autoplay"` Battery string `json:"battery"` Camera string `json:"camera"` DisplayCapture string `json:"display_capture"` DocumentDomain string `json:"document_domain"` EncryptedMedia string `json:"encrypted_media"` ExecutionWhileNotRendered string `json:"execution_while_not_rendered"` ExecutionWhileOutOfViewport string `json:"execution_while_out_of_viewport"` Fullscreen string `json:"fullscreen"` Geolocation string `json:"geolocation"` Gyroscope string `json:"gyroscope"` LayoutAnimations string `json:"layout_animations"` LegacyImageFormats string `json:"legacy_image_formats"` Magnetometer string `json:"magnetometer"` Microphone string `json:"microphone"` Midi string `json:"midi"` OversizedImages string `json:"oversized_images"` Payment string `json:"payment"` PictureInPicture string `json:"picture_in_picture"` PublicKeyCredentials string `json:"publickey_credentials"` SyncXHR string `json:"sync_xhr"` USB string `json:"usb"` VR string `json:"vr"` WakeLock string `json:"wake_lock"` XRSpatialTracking string `json:"xr_spatial_tracking"` }
FeaturePolicyHeader is a struct to prepare a Feature-Policy HTTP header.
func (FeaturePolicyHeader) String ¶
func (f FeaturePolicyHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Feature-Policy HTTP header.
type ForwardedHeader ¶
type ForwardedHeader struct { By string `json:"by"` Host string `json:"host"` Identifier net.IP `json:"identifier"` Proto string `json:"proto"` }
ForwardedHeader is a struct to prepare a Forwarded HTTP header.
func (ForwardedHeader) String ¶
func (f ForwardedHeader) String() string
type FromHeader ¶
FromHeader is a struct to prepare a From HTTP header.
func (FromHeader) String ¶
func (f FromHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a From HTTP header.
type HostHeader ¶
HostHeader is a struct to prepare a Host HTTP header.
func (HostHeader) String ¶
func (h HostHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Host HTTP header.
type IfMatchHeader ¶
type IfMatchHeader struct {
Value string `json:"value"`
IfMatchHeader is a struct to prepare a If-Match HTTP header.
func (IfMatchHeader) String ¶
func (i IfMatchHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a If-Match HTTP header.
type IfModifiedSinceHeader ¶
IfModifiedSinceHeader is a struct to prepare a If-Modified-Since HTTP header.
func (IfModifiedSinceHeader) String ¶
func (i IfModifiedSinceHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a If-Modified-Since HTTP header.
type IfNoneMatchHeader ¶
type IfNoneMatchHeader struct {
Value string `json:"value"`
IfNoneMatchHeader is a struct to prepare a If-None-Match HTTP header.
func (IfNoneMatchHeader) String ¶
func (i IfNoneMatchHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a If-None-Match HTTP header.
type IfRangeHeader ¶
IfRangeHeader is a struct to prepare a If-Range HTTP header.
func (IfRangeHeader) String ¶
func (i IfRangeHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a If-Range HTTP header.
type IfUnmodifiedSinceHeader ¶
IfUnmodifiedSinceHeader is a struct to prepare a If-Unmodified-Since HTTP header.
func (IfUnmodifiedSinceHeader) String ¶
func (i IfUnmodifiedSinceHeader) String() string
String return a string representation of a If-Unmodified-Since HTTP header.
type KeepAliveHeader ¶
KeepAliveHeader is a struct to prepare a Keep-Alive HTTP header.
func (KeepAliveHeader) String ¶
func (k KeepAliveHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Keep-Alive HTTP header.
type LargeAllocationHeader ¶
type LargeAllocationHeader struct {
Megabytes int64 `json:"metabytes"`
LargeAllocationHeader is a struct to prepare a Large-Allocation HTTP header.
func (LargeAllocationHeader) String ¶
func (l LargeAllocationHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Large-Allocation HTTP header.
type LastModifiedHeader ¶
LastModifiedHeader is a struct to prepare a Last-Modified HTTP header.
func (LastModifiedHeader) String ¶
func (l LastModifiedHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Last-Modified HTTP header.
type LinkHeader ¶
LinkHeader is a struct to prepare a Link HTTP header.
func (LinkHeader) String ¶
func (l LinkHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Link HTTP header.
type LocationHeader ¶
LocationHeader is a struct to prepare a Location HTTP header.
func (LocationHeader) String ¶
func (l LocationHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Location HTTP header.
type OriginHeader ¶
OriginHeader is a struct to prepare a Origin HTTP header.
func (OriginHeader) String ¶
func (o OriginHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Origin HTTP header.
type PragmaHeader ¶
type PragmaHeader struct{}
PragmaHeader is a struct to prepare a Pragma HTTP header.
func (PragmaHeader) String ¶
func (p PragmaHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Pragma HTTP header.
type ProxyAuthenticateHeader ¶
ProxyAuthenticateHeader is a struct to prepare a Proxy-Authenticate HTTP header.
func (ProxyAuthenticateHeader) String ¶
func (p ProxyAuthenticateHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Proxy-Authenticate HTTP header.
type ProxyAuthorizationHeader ¶
type ProxyAuthorizationHeader struct { Credentials string `json:"credentials"` Type string `json:"type"` }
ProxyAuthorizationHeader is a struct to prepare a Proxy-Authorization HTTP header.
func (ProxyAuthorizationHeader) String ¶
func (p ProxyAuthorizationHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Proxy-Authorization HTTP header.
type PublicKeyPinsHeader ¶
type PublicKeyPinsHeader struct { IncludeSubDomains bool `json:"include_subdomains"` MaxAge int64 `json:"max_age"` PinSHA256 string `json:"pin_sha256"` ReportURI url.URL `json:"report_uri"` }
PublicKeyPinsHeader is a struct to prepare a Public-Key-Pins HTTP header.
func (PublicKeyPinsHeader) String ¶
func (p PublicKeyPinsHeader) String() string
type PublicKeyPinsReporyOnlyHeader ¶
type PublicKeyPinsReporyOnlyHeader struct { IncludeSubDomains bool `json:"include_subdomains"` MaxAge int64 `json:"max_age"` PinSHA256 string `json:"pin_sha256"` ReportURI url.URL `json:"report_uri"` }
PublicKeyPinsReporyOnlyHeader is a struct to prepare a Public-Key-Pins-Report-Only HTTP header.
func (PublicKeyPinsReporyOnlyHeader) String ¶
func (p PublicKeyPinsReporyOnlyHeader) String() string
type RangeHeader ¶
type RangeHeader struct { RangeEnd int64 `json:"range_end"` RangeStart int64 `json:"range_start"` SuffixLength int64 `json:"suffix_length"` Unit string `json:"unit"` }
RangeHeader is a struct to prepare a Range HTTP header.
func (RangeHeader) String ¶
func (r RangeHeader) String() string
type RefererHeader ¶
RefererHeader is a struct to prepare a Referer HTTP header.
func (RefererHeader) String ¶
func (r RefererHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Referer HTTP header.
type ReferrerPolicyHeader ¶
type ReferrerPolicyHeader struct { NoReferrer bool `json:"no_referrer"` NoReferrerWhenDowngrade bool `json:"no_referrer_when_downgrade"` Origin bool `json:"origin"` OriginWhenCrossOrigin bool `json:"origin_when_cross_origin"` SameOrigin bool `json:"same_origin"` StrictOrigin bool `json:"strict_origin"` StrictOriginWhenCrossOrigin bool `json:"strict_origin_when_cross_origin"` }
ReferrerPolicyHeader is a struct to prepare a Referrer Policy HTTP header.
func (ReferrerPolicyHeader) String ¶
func (r ReferrerPolicyHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Referrer-Policy HTTP header.
type RetryAfterHeader ¶
RetryAfterHeader is a struct to prepare a Retry-After HTTP header.
func (RetryAfterHeader) String ¶
func (r RetryAfterHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Retry-After HTTP header.
type SaveDataHeader ¶
type SaveDataHeader struct {
On bool `json:"on"`
SaveDataHeader is a struct to prepare a Save-Data HTTP header.
func (SaveDataHeader) String ¶
func (s SaveDataHeader) String() string
String is a struct to prepare a Save-Data HTTP header.
type SecFetchDestHeader ¶
type SecFetchDestHeader struct { Audio bool `json:"audio"` Audioworklet bool `json:"audioworklet"` Document bool `json:"document"` Embed bool `json:"embed"` Empty bool `json:"empty"` Font bool `json:"font"` Image bool `json:"image"` Manifest bool `json:"manifest"` NestedDocument bool `json:"nested_document"` Object bool `json:"object"` Paintworklet bool `json:"paintworklet"` Report bool `json:"report"` Script bool `json:"script"` Serviceworker bool `json:"serviceworker"` Style bool `json:"style"` Track bool `json:"track"` Video bool `json:"video"` Worker bool `json:"worker"` Xslt bool `json:"xslt"` }
SecFetchDestHeader is a struct to prepare a Sec-Fetch-Dest HTTP header.
func (SecFetchDestHeader) String ¶
func (s SecFetchDestHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Sec-Fetch-Dest HTTP header.
type SecFetchModeHeader ¶
type SecFetchModeHeader struct { Cors bool `json:"cors"` NoCors bool `json:"no_cors"` SameOrigin bool `json:"same_origin"` WebSocket bool `json:"websocket"` }
SecFetchModeHeader is a struct to preparea Sec-Fetch-Mode HTTP header.
func (SecFetchModeHeader) String ¶
func (s SecFetchModeHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Sec-Fetch-Mode HTTP header.
type SecFetchSiteHeader ¶
type SecFetchSiteHeader struct { CrossSite bool `json:"cross_site"` None bool `json:"none"` SameOrigin bool `json:"same_origin"` SameSite bool `json:"same_site"` }
SecFetchSiteHeader is a struct to prepare a Sec-Fetch-Site HTTP header.
func (SecFetchSiteHeader) String ¶
func (s SecFetchSiteHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Sec-Fetch-Site HTTP header.
type SecFetchUserHeader ¶
type SecFetchUserHeader struct {
Activated bool `json:"activated"`
SecFetchUserHeader is a struct to prepare a Sec-Fetch-User HTTP header.
func (SecFetchUserHeader) String ¶
func (s SecFetchUserHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Sec-Fetch-User HTTP header.
type SecWebSocketAcceptHeader ¶
type SecWebSocketAcceptHeader struct {
HashedKey string `json:"hashed_key"`
SecWebSocketAcceptHeader is a struct to prepare Sec-Web-Socket-Accept HTTP header.
func (SecWebSocketAcceptHeader) String ¶
func (s SecWebSocketAcceptHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Sec-Web-Socket-Accept HTTP header.
type ServerHeader ¶
type ServerHeader struct {
Server string `json:"server"`
ServerHeader is a struct to prepare a Server HTTP header.
func (ServerHeader) String ¶
func (s ServerHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Server HTTP header.
type ServerTimingHeader ¶
type ServerTimingHeader struct { Cache bool `json:"cache"` CPU bool `json:"cpu"` MissedCache bool `json:"missed_cache"` }
ServerTimingHeader is a struct to prepare a Server-Timing HTTP header.
type SetCookie2Header ¶
SetCookie2Header is a struct to prepare a Set-Cookie-2 HTTP header.
func (SetCookie2Header) String ¶
func (s SetCookie2Header) String() string
String reutrns a string representation of a Set-Cookie-2 HTTP header.
type SetCookieHeader ¶
SetCookieHeader is a struct to prepare a Set-Cookie HTTP header.
func (SetCookieHeader) String ¶
func (s SetCookieHeader) String() string
String returns a strings representation of a Set-Cookie HTTP header.
type SourceMapHeader ¶
SourceMapHeader is a struct to prepare a Source-Map HTTP header.
func (SourceMapHeader) String ¶
func (s SourceMapHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Source-Map HTTP header.
type StrictTransportSecurityHeader ¶
type StrictTransportSecurityHeader struct { IncludeSubDomains bool `json:"include_subdomains"` MaxAge int64 `json:"max_age"` Preload bool `json:"preload"` }
StrictTransportSecurityHeader is a struct to prepare a Strict-Transport-Security HTTP header.
func (StrictTransportSecurityHeader) String ¶
func (s StrictTransportSecurityHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Strict-Transport-Security HTTP header.
type TEHeader ¶
type TEHeader struct { Compress bool `json:"compress"` Deflate bool `json:"deflate"` GZip bool `json:"gzip"` Q float32 `json:"q"` Trailers bool `json:"trailers"` }
TEHeader is a struct to prepare a TE HTTP header.
type TimingAllowOriginHeader ¶
TimingAllowOriginHeader is a struct to prepare a Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP header.
func (TimingAllowOriginHeader) String ¶
func (t TimingAllowOriginHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Timing-Allow-Origin HTTP header.
type TkHeader ¶
type TkHeader struct { DisregardingDoNotTrack bool `json:"disregarding_do_not_track"` Dynamic bool `json:"dynamic"` Gateway bool `json:"gateway"` NotTracking bool `json:"not_tracking"` PotentialConsent bool `json:"potential_consent"` Tracking bool `json:"tracking"` TrackingWithConsent bool `json:"tracking_with_consent"` UnderConstruction bool `json:"under_construction"` Updated bool `json:"updated"` }
TkHeader is a struct to prepare a Tk HTTP header.
type TrailerHeader ¶
type TrailerHeader struct {
Headers []string `json:"headers"`
TrailerHeader is a struct to prepare a Trailer HTTP header.
func (TrailerHeader) String ¶
func (t TrailerHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Trailer HTTP header.
type TransferEncodingHeader ¶
type TransferEncodingHeader struct { Chunked bool `json:"chunked"` Compress bool `json:"compress"` Deflate bool `json:"delate"` GZip bool `json:"gzip"` Identity bool `json:"identity"` }
TransferEncodingHeader is a struct to prepare a Transfer-Encoding HTTP header.
func (TransferEncodingHeader) String ¶
func (t TransferEncodingHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Transfer-Encoding HTTP header.
type TransferHeader ¶
type TransferHeader struct{}
TransferHeader is a struct to prepare a Transfer HTTP header.
type UpgradeInsecureRequestsHeader ¶
type UpgradeInsecureRequestsHeader struct {
Upgrade bool `json:"upgrade"`
UpgradeInsecureRequestsHeader is a struct to prepare a Upgrade-Insecure-Request HTTP header.
func (UpgradeInsecureRequestsHeader) String ¶
func (u UpgradeInsecureRequestsHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Upgrade-Insecure-Request HTTP header.
type UserAgentHeader ¶
type UserAgentHeader struct {
UserAgent string `json:"user_agent"`
UserAgentHeader is a struct to prepare a User-Agent HTTP header.
func (UserAgentHeader) String ¶
func (u UserAgentHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a User-Agent HTTP header.
type VaryHeader ¶
type VaryHeader struct {
Headers []string `json:"headers"`
VaryHeader is a struct to prepare a Vary HTTP header.
func (VaryHeader) String ¶
func (v VaryHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a Vary HTTP header.
type ViaHeader ¶
type ViaHeader struct { ProtocolName string `json:"protocol_name"` ProtocolVersion string `json:"protocol_version"` Host string `json:"host"` Port string `json:"port"` Pseudonym string `json:"pseudonym"` }
ViaHeader is a struct to prepare a Via HTTP header.
type WWWAuthenticateHeader ¶
type WWWAuthenticateHeader struct { Charset string `json:"charset"` Realm string `json:"realm"` Type string `json:"type"` }
WWWAuthenticateHeader is a struct to preparea WWW-Authenticate HTTP header.
func (WWWAuthenticateHeader) String ¶
func (w WWWAuthenticateHeader) String() string
type XRealIPHeader ¶
XRealIPHeader is a struct to prepare a X-Real-Ip HTTP header.
func (XRealIPHeader) String ¶
func (x XRealIPHeader) String() string
String returns a string representation of a X-Real-Ip HTTP header.