Blog source code
Running locally
Start database
docker compose up -d
Install migrate
make install_golang_migrate
Migrate database
make db_migrate
make db_test_migrate
Run tests
make test
Start the project locally
make run
Create migration
make generate_migration name=migration_name
Run migrations on dev database
make db_migrate
Run migrations on test database
make db_test_migrate
Run migration on a custom database
make db_migrate db_url='DATABASE_URL'
Rollback 1 migration on dev database
make db_rollback
Rollback 1 migration on test database
make db_test_rollback
Rollback 1 migration on a custom database
make db_rollback db_url='DATABASE_URL'
Force migration version on dev database
In case there is a migration error and you receive the message Dirty database version 20211109080746. Fix and force version.
. You can fix it by running the following command. Be sure to pass the previous version and not the one specified in the error.
make db_force version=20211108120029
Force migration version on test database
make db_test_force version=20211108120029
Run with docker locally
Build the image
docker build -t blog .
Change the POSTGRES_URL to point to the docker container on the .env file
Run using docker
docker run --rm --env-file .env -p 3000:3000 --network blog_default blog