
package module
v21.3.0+incompatible Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

Go to latest
Published: Oct 19, 2018 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 0 Imported by: 0


Azure SDK for Go

godoc Build Status Go Report Card

azure-sdk-for-go provides Go packages for managing and using Azure services. It is continuously tested with Go 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and master.

To be notified about updates and changes, subscribe to the Azure update feed.

Users may prefer to jump right in to our samples repo at

Package Updates

Most packages in the SDK are generated from Azure API specs using Azure/autorest.go and Azure/autorest. These generated packages depend on the HTTP client implemented at Azure/go-autorest.

The SDK codebase adheres to semantic versioning and thus avoids breaking changes other than at major (x.0.0) releases. Because Azure's APIs are updated frequently, we release a new major version at the end of each month with a full changelog. For more details and background see SDK Update Practices.

To more reliably manage dependencies like the Azure SDK in your applications we recommend golang/dep.

Packages that are still in public preview can be found under the ./services/preview directory. Please be aware that since these packages are in preview they are subject to change, including breaking changes outside of a major semver bump.

Other Azure Go Packages

Azure provides several other packages for using services from Go, listed below. If a package you need isn't available please open an issue and let us know.

Service Import Path/Repo
Storage - Blobs
Storage - Files
Storage - Queues
Service Bus
Event Hubs
Application Insights

Install and Use:


$ go get -u

or if you use dep, within your repo run:

$ dep ensure -add

If you need to install Go, follow the official instructions.


For many more scenarios and examples see Azure-Samples/azure-sdk-for-go-samples.

Apply the following general steps to use packages in this repo. For more on authentication and the Authorizer interface see the next section.

  1. Import a package from the services directory.
  2. Create and authenticate a client with a New*Client func, e.g. c := compute.NewVirtualMachinesClient(...).
  3. Invoke API methods using the client, e.g. res, err := c.CreateOrUpdate(...).
  4. Handle responses and errors.

For example, to create a new virtual network (substitute your own values for strings in angle brackets):

package main

import (


func main() {
	// create a VirtualNetworks client
	vnetClient := network.NewVirtualNetworksClient("<subscriptionID>")

	// create an authorizer from env vars or Azure Managed Service Idenity
	authorizer, err := auth.NewAuthorizerFromEnvironment()
	if err == nil {
		vnetClient.Authorizer = authorizer

	// call the VirtualNetworks CreateOrUpdate API
			Location: to.StringPtr("<azureRegion>"),
			VirtualNetworkPropertiesFormat: &network.VirtualNetworkPropertiesFormat{
				AddressSpace: &network.AddressSpace{
					AddressPrefixes: &[]string{""},
				Subnets: &[]network.Subnet{
						Name: to.StringPtr("<subnet1Name>"),
						SubnetPropertiesFormat: &network.SubnetPropertiesFormat{
							AddressPrefix: to.StringPtr(""),
						Name: to.StringPtr("<subnet2Name>"),
						SubnetPropertiesFormat: &network.SubnetPropertiesFormat{
							AddressPrefix: to.StringPtr(""),


Typical SDK operations must be authenticated and authorized. The Authorizer interface allows use of any auth style in requests, such as inserting an OAuth2 Authorization header and bearer token received from Azure AD.

The SDK itself provides a simple way to get an authorizer which first checks for OAuth client credentials in environment variables and then falls back to Azure's Managed Service Identity when available, e.g. when on an Azure VM. The following snippet from the previous section demonstrates this helper.


// create a VirtualNetworks client
vnetClient := network.NewVirtualNetworksClient("<subscriptionID>")

// create an authorizer from env vars or Azure Managed Service Idenity
authorizer, err := auth.NewAuthorizerFromEnvironment()
if err == nil {
    vnetClient.Authorizer = authorizer

// call the VirtualNetworks CreateOrUpdate API
// ...

The following environment variables help determine authentication configuration:

  • AZURE_ENVIRONMENT: Specifies the Azure Environment to use. If not set, it defaults to AzurePublicCloud. Not applicable to authentication with Managed Service Identity (MSI).
  • AZURE_AD_RESOURCE: Specifies the AAD resource ID to use. If not set, it defaults to ResourceManagerEndpoint for operations with Azure Resource Manager. You can also choose an alternate resource programatically with auth.NewAuthorizerFromEnvironmentWithResource(resource string).
More Authentication Details

The previous is the first and most recommended of several authentication options offered by the SDK because it allows seamless use of both service principals and Azure Managed Service Identity. Other options are listed below.

Note: If you need to create a new service principal, run az ad sp create-for-rbac -n "<app_name>" in the azure-cli. See these docs for more info. Copy the new principal's ID, secret, and tenant ID for use in your app, or consider the --sdk-auth parameter for serialized output.

  • The auth.NewAuthorizerFromEnvironment() described above creates an authorizer from the first available of the following configuration:

    1. **Client Credentials**: Azure AD Application ID and Secret.
        - `AZURE_TENANT_ID`: Specifies the Tenant to which to authenticate.
        - `AZURE_CLIENT_ID`: Specifies the app client ID to use.
        - `AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET`: Specifies the app secret to use.
    2. **Client Certificate**: Azure AD Application ID and X.509 Certificate.
        - `AZURE_TENANT_ID`: Specifies the Tenant to which to authenticate.
        - `AZURE_CLIENT_ID`: Specifies the app client ID to use.
        - `AZURE_CERTIFICATE_PATH`: Specifies the certificate Path to use.
        - `AZURE_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD`: Specifies the certificate password to use.
    3. **Resource Owner Password**: Azure AD User and Password. This grant type is *not
       recommended*, use device login instead if you need interactive login.
        - `AZURE_TENANT_ID`: Specifies the Tenant to which to authenticate.
        - `AZURE_CLIENT_ID`: Specifies the app client ID to use.
        - `AZURE_USERNAME`: Specifies the username to use.
        - `AZURE_PASSWORD`: Specifies the password to use.
    4. **Azure Managed Service Identity**: Delegate credential management to the
       platform. Requires that code is running in Azure, e.g. on a VM. All
       configuration is handled by Azure. See [Azure Managed Service
       for more details.
  • The auth.NewAuthorizerFromFile() method creates an authorizer using credentials from an auth file created by the Azure CLI. Follow these steps to utilize:

    1. Create a service principal and output an auth file using az ad sp create-for-rbac --sdk-auth > client_credentials.json.
    2. Set environment variable AZURE_AUTH_LOCATION to the path of the saved output file.
    3. Use the authorizer returned by auth.NewAuthorizerFromFile() in your client as described above.
  • The auth.NewAuthorizerFromCLI() method creates an authorizer which uses Azure CLI to obtain its credentials. To use this method follow these steps:

    1. Install Azure CLI v2.0.12 or later. Upgrade earlier versions.
    2. Use az login to sign in to Azure.

    If you receive an error, use az account get-access-token to verify access.

    If Azure CLI is not installed to the default directory, you may receive an error reporting that az cannot be found.
    Use the AzureCLIPath environment variable to define the Azure CLI installation folder.

    If you are signed in to Azure CLI using multiple accounts or your account has access to multiple subscriptions, you need to specify the specific subscription to be used. To do so, use:

    az account set --subscription <subscription-id>

    To verify the current account settings, use:

    az account list
  • Finally, you can use OAuth's Device Flow by calling auth.NewDeviceFlowConfig() and extracting the Authorizer as follows:

    config := auth.NewDeviceFlowConfig(clientID, tenantID)
    a, err = config.Authorizer()


azure-sdk-for-go provides at least a basic Go binding for every Azure API. To provide maximum flexibility to users, the SDK even includes previous versions of Azure APIs which are still in use. This enables us to support users of the most updated Azure datacenters, regional datacenters with earlier APIs, and even on-premises installations of Azure Stack.

SDK versions apply globally and are tracked by git tags. These are in x.y.z form and generally adhere to semantic versioning specifications.

Service API versions are generally represented by a date string and are tracked by offering separate packages for each version. For example, to choose the latest API versions for Compute and Network, use the following imports:

import (

Occasionally service-side changes require major changes to existing versions. These cases are noted in the changelog.

All available services and versions are listed under the services/ path in this repo and in GoDoc. Run find ./services -type d -mindepth 3 to list all available service packages.


Azure API profiles specify subsets of Azure APIs and versions. Profiles can provide:

  • stability for your application by locking to specific API versions; and/or
  • compatibility for your application with Azure Stack and regional Azure datacenters.

In the Go SDK, profiles are available under the profiles/ path and their component API versions are aliases to the true service package under services/. You can use them as follows:

import ""
import ""
import ""

The 2017-03-09 profile is the only one currently available and is for use in hybrid Azure and Azure Stack environments. More profiles are under development.

In addition to versioned profiles, we also provide two special profiles latest and preview. These always include the most recent respective stable or preview API versions for each service, even when updating them to do so causes breaking changes. That is, these do not adhere to semantic versioning rules.

The latest and preview profiles can help you stay up to date with API updates as you build applications. Since they are by definition not stable, however, they should not be used in production apps. Instead, choose the latest specific API version (or an older one if necessary) from the services/ path.

As an example, to automatically use the most recent Compute APIs, use one of the following imports:

import ""
import ""

Inspecting and Debugging

All clients implement some handy hooks to help inspect the underlying requests being made to Azure.

  • RequestInspector: View and manipulate the go http.Request before it's sent
  • ResponseInspector: View the http.Response received

Here is an example of how these can be used with net/http/httputil to see requests and responses.

vnetClient := network.NewVirtualNetworksClient("<subscriptionID>")
vnetClient.RequestInspector = LogRequest()
vnetClient.ResponseInspector = LogResponse()


func LogRequest() autorest.PrepareDecorator {
	return func(p autorest.Preparer) autorest.Preparer {
		return autorest.PreparerFunc(func(r *http.Request) (*http.Request, error) {
			r, err := p.Prepare(r)
			if err != nil {
			dump, _ := httputil.DumpRequestOut(r, true)
			return r, err

func LogResponse() autorest.RespondDecorator {
	return func(p autorest.Responder) autorest.Responder {
		return autorest.ResponderFunc(func(r *http.Response) error {
			err := p.Respond(r)
			if err != nil {
			dump, _ := httputil.DumpResponse(r, true)
			return err



Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.





Package sdk provides Go packages for managing and using Azure services.

GitHub repo:

Official documentation:

API reference:



Path Synopsis
Package addons implements the Azure ARM Addons service API version 2017-05-15.
Package addons implements the Azure ARM Addons service API version 2017-05-15.
Package addons implements the Azure ARM Addons service API version 2018-03-01.
Package addons implements the Azure ARM Addons service API version 2018-03-01.
Package adhybridhealthservice implements the Azure ARM Adhybridhealthservice service API version 2014-01-01.
Package adhybridhealthservice implements the Azure ARM Adhybridhealthservice service API version 2014-01-01.
Package advisor implements the Azure ARM Advisor service API version 2016-07-12-preview.
Package advisor implements the Azure ARM Advisor service API version 2016-07-12-preview.
Package advisor implements the Azure ARM Advisor service API version 2017-03-31.
Package advisor implements the Azure ARM Advisor service API version 2017-03-31.
Package advisor implements the Azure ARM Advisor service API version 2017-04-19.
Package advisor implements the Azure ARM Advisor service API version 2017-04-19.
Package analysisservices implements the Azure ARM Analysisservices service API version 2016-05-16.
Package analysisservices implements the Azure ARM Analysisservices service API version 2016-05-16.
Package analysisservices implements the Azure ARM Analysisservices service API version 2017-07-14.
Package analysisservices implements the Azure ARM Analysisservices service API version 2017-07-14.
Package analysisservices implements the Azure ARM Analysisservices service API version 2017-08-01-beta.
Package analysisservices implements the Azure ARM Analysisservices service API version 2017-08-01-beta.
Package analysisservices implements the Azure ARM Analysisservices service API version 2017-08-01.
Package analysisservices implements the Azure ARM Analysisservices service API version 2017-08-01.
Package apimanagement implements the Azure ARM Apimanagement service API version 2016-07-07.
Package apimanagement implements the Azure ARM Apimanagement service API version 2016-07-07.
Package apimanagement implements the Azure ARM Apimanagement service API version 2016-10-10.
Package apimanagement implements the Azure ARM Apimanagement service API version 2016-10-10.
Package apimanagement implements the Azure ARM Apimanagement service API version 2017-03-01.
Package apimanagement implements the Azure ARM Apimanagement service API version 2017-03-01.
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version 2015-05-01.
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version 2015-05-01.
Package implements the Azure ARM service API version v1.
Package implements the Azure ARM service API version v1.
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version v1.
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version v1.
Package authorization implements the Azure ARM Authorization service API version 2015-07-01.
Package authorization implements the Azure ARM Authorization service API version 2015-07-01.
Package authorization implements the Azure ARM Authorization service API version .
Package authorization implements the Azure ARM Authorization service API version .
Package authorization implements the Azure ARM Authorization service API version .
Package authorization implements the Azure ARM Authorization service API version .
Package automation implements the Azure ARM Automation service API version 2015-10-31.
Package automation implements the Azure ARM Automation service API version 2015-10-31.
Package automation implements the Azure ARM Automation service API version .
Package automation implements the Azure ARM Automation service API version .
Package fabric implements the Azure ARM Fabric service API version 2016-05-01.
Package fabric implements the Azure ARM Fabric service API version 2016-05-01.
Package infrastructureinsights implements the Azure ARM Infrastructureinsights service API version 2016-05-01.
Package infrastructureinsights implements the Azure ARM Infrastructureinsights service API version 2016-05-01.
Package azurestack implements the Azure ARM Azurestack service API version 2017-06-01.
Package azurestack implements the Azure ARM Azurestack service API version 2017-06-01.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2015-12-01.2.2.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2015-12-01.2.2.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2016-02-01.3.0.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2016-02-01.3.0.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2016-07-01.3.1.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2016-07-01.3.1.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-01-01.4.0.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-01-01.4.0.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-05-01.5.0.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-05-01.5.0.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-06-01.5.1.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-06-01.5.1.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-09-01.6.0.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-09-01.6.0.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2018-03-01.6.1.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2018-03-01.6.1.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2018-08-01.7.0.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2018-08-01.7.0.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2015-12-01.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2015-12-01.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-01-01.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-01-01.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-05-01.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-05-01.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-09-01.
Package batch implements the Azure ARM Batch service API version 2017-09-01.
Package batchai implements the Azure ARM Batchai service API version 2017-09-01-preview.
Package batchai implements the Azure ARM Batchai service API version 2017-09-01-preview.
Package batchai implements the Azure ARM Batchai service API version 2018-03-01.
Package batchai implements the Azure ARM Batchai service API version 2018-03-01.
Package batchai implements the Azure ARM Batchai service API version 2018-05-01.
Package batchai implements the Azure ARM Batchai service API version 2018-05-01.
Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version 2017-02-27-preview.
Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version 2017-02-27-preview.
Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version 2017-04-24-preview.
Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version 2017-04-24-preview.
Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package cdn implements the Azure ARM Cdn service API version 2015-06-01.
Package cdn implements the Azure ARM Cdn service API version 2015-06-01.
Package cdn implements the Azure ARM Cdn service API version 2016-04-02.
Package cdn implements the Azure ARM Cdn service API version 2016-04-02.
Package cdn implements the Azure ARM Cdn service API version 2016-10-02.
Package cdn implements the Azure ARM Cdn service API version 2016-10-02.
Package cdn implements the Azure ARM Cdn service API version 2017-04-02.
Package cdn implements the Azure ARM Cdn service API version 2017-04-02.
Package cdn implements the Azure ARM Cdn service API version 2017-10-12.
Package cdn implements the Azure ARM Cdn service API version 2017-10-12.
Package management provides the main API client to construct other clients and make requests to the Microsoft Azure Service Management REST API.
Package management provides the main API client to construct other clients and make requests to the Microsoft Azure Service Management REST API.
Package hostedservice provides a client for Hosted Services.
Package hostedservice provides a client for Hosted Services.
Package location provides a client for Locations.
Package location provides a client for Locations.
Package networksecuritygroup provides a client for Network Security Groups.
Package networksecuritygroup provides a client for Network Security Groups.
Package osimage provides a client for Operating System Images.
Package osimage provides a client for Operating System Images.
Package storageservice provides a client for Storage Services.
Package storageservice provides a client for Storage Services.
Package testutils contains some test utilities for the Azure SDK
Package testutils contains some test utilities for the Azure SDK
Package virtualmachine provides a client for Virtual Machines.
Package virtualmachine provides a client for Virtual Machines.
Package virtualmachinedisk provides a client for Virtual Machine Disks.
Package virtualmachinedisk provides a client for Virtual Machine Disks.
Package virtualmachineimage provides a client for Virtual Machine Images.
Package virtualmachineimage provides a client for Virtual Machine Images.
Package virtualnetwork provides a client for Virtual Networks.
Package virtualnetwork provides a client for Virtual Networks.
Package vmutils provides convenience methods for creating Virtual Machine Role configurations.
Package vmutils provides convenience methods for creating Virtual Machine Role configurations.
Package cognitiveservices implements the Azure ARM Cognitiveservices service API version 2016-02-01-preview.
Package cognitiveservices implements the Azure ARM Cognitiveservices service API version 2016-02-01-preview.
Package cognitiveservices implements the Azure ARM Cognitiveservices service API version 2017-04-18.
Package cognitiveservices implements the Azure ARM Cognitiveservices service API version 2017-04-18.
Package autosuggest implements the Azure ARM Autosuggest service API version 1.0.
Package autosuggest implements the Azure ARM Autosuggest service API version 1.0.
Package computervision implements the Azure ARM Computervision service API version 1.0.
Package computervision implements the Azure ARM Computervision service API version 1.0.
Package contentmoderator implements the Azure ARM Contentmoderator service API version 1.0.
Package contentmoderator implements the Azure ARM Contentmoderator service API version 1.0.
Package customimagesearch implements the Azure ARM Customimagesearch service API version 1.0.
Package customimagesearch implements the Azure ARM Customimagesearch service API version 1.0.
Package customsearch implements the Azure ARM Customsearch service API version 1.0.
Package customsearch implements the Azure ARM Customsearch service API version 1.0.
Package entitysearch implements the Azure ARM Entitysearch service API version 1.0.
Package entitysearch implements the Azure ARM Entitysearch service API version 1.0.
Package face implements the Azure ARM Face service API version 1.0.
Package face implements the Azure ARM Face service API version 1.0.
Package imagesearch implements the Azure ARM Imagesearch service API version 1.0.
Package imagesearch implements the Azure ARM Imagesearch service API version 1.0.
Package newssearch implements the Azure ARM Newssearch service API version 1.0.
Package newssearch implements the Azure ARM Newssearch service API version 1.0.
Package spellcheck implements the Azure ARM Spellcheck service API version 1.0.
Package spellcheck implements the Azure ARM Spellcheck service API version 1.0.
Package videosearch implements the Azure ARM Videosearch service API version 1.0.
Package videosearch implements the Azure ARM Videosearch service API version 1.0.
Package websearch implements the Azure ARM Websearch service API version 1.0.
Package websearch implements the Azure ARM Websearch service API version 1.0.
Package prediction implements the Azure ARM Prediction service API version 2.0.
Package prediction implements the Azure ARM Prediction service API version 2.0.
Package training implements the Azure ARM Training service API version 2.0.
Package training implements the Azure ARM Training service API version 2.0.
Package computervision implements the Azure ARM Computervision service API version 2.0.
Package computervision implements the Azure ARM Computervision service API version 2.0.
Package authoring implements the Azure ARM Authoring service API version 2.0.
Package authoring implements the Azure ARM Authoring service API version 2.0.
Package programmatic implements the Azure ARM Programmatic service API version v2.0 preview.
Package programmatic implements the Azure ARM Programmatic service API version v2.0 preview.
Package runtime implements the Azure ARM Runtime service API version 2.0.
Package runtime implements the Azure ARM Runtime service API version 2.0.
Package textanalytics implements the Azure ARM Textanalytics service API version v2.0.
Package textanalytics implements the Azure ARM Textanalytics service API version v2.0.
Package training implements the Azure ARM Training service API version 2.1.
Package training implements the Azure ARM Training service API version 2.1.
Package textanalytics implements the Azure ARM Textanalytics service API version v2.1-preview.
Package textanalytics implements the Azure ARM Textanalytics service API version v2.1-preview.
Package commerce implements the Azure ARM Commerce service API version 2015-06-01-preview.
Package commerce implements the Azure ARM Commerce service API version 2015-06-01-preview.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2015-06-15.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2015-06-15.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2016-03-30.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2016-03-30.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2016-04-30-preview.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2016-04-30-preview.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2017-03-30.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2017-03-30.
Package skus implements the Azure ARM Skus service API version 2017-09-01.
Package skus implements the Azure ARM Skus service API version 2017-09-01.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2017-12-01.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2017-12-01.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2018-04-01.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2018-04-01.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version .
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version .
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version .
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version .
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2017-04-24-preview.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2017-04-24-preview.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2017-11-30.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2017-11-30.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2017-12-30-preview.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2017-12-30-preview.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2018-01-31.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2018-01-31.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2018-03-31.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2018-03-31.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2018-05-31.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2018-05-31.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2018-06-30.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2018-06-30.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2018-08-31.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2018-08-31.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2018-10-01.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2018-10-01.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2017-08-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2017-08-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2017-10-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2017-10-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2017-12-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2017-12-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2018-02-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2018-02-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2018-04-01.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2018-04-01.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2018-06-01.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2018-06-01.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2018-09-01.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2018-09-01.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2018-10-01.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2018-10-01.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version 2016-06-27-preview.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version 2016-06-27-preview.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version 2017-03-01.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version 2017-03-01.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version 2017-06-01-preview.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version 2017-06-01-preview.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version 2017-10-01.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version 2017-10-01.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version .
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version .
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version 2016-03-30.
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version 2016-03-30.
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version 2016-09-30.
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version 2016-09-30.
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version 2017-01-31.
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version 2017-01-31.
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version 2017-07-01.
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version 2017-07-01.
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version .
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version .
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version .
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version .
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version .
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version .
Package documentdb implements the Azure ARM Documentdb service API version 2015-04-08.
Package documentdb implements the Azure ARM Documentdb service API version 2015-04-08.
Package mongodb provides Mongo DB dataplane clients for Microsoft Azure CosmosDb Services.
Package mongodb provides Mongo DB dataplane clients for Microsoft Azure CosmosDb Services.
Package costmanagement implements the Azure ARM Costmanagement service API version 2018-05-31.
Package costmanagement implements the Azure ARM Costmanagement service API version 2018-05-31.
Package customerinsights implements the Azure ARM Customerinsights service API version 2017-01-01.
Package customerinsights implements the Azure ARM Customerinsights service API version 2017-01-01.
Package customerinsights implements the Azure ARM Customerinsights service API version 2017-04-26.
Package customerinsights implements the Azure ARM Customerinsights service API version 2017-04-26.
Package databox implements the Azure ARM Databox service API version 2018-01-01.
Package databox implements the Azure ARM Databox service API version 2018-01-01.
Package databricks implements the Azure ARM Databricks service API version 2018-04-01.
Package databricks implements the Azure ARM Databricks service API version 2018-04-01.
Package datacatalog implements the Azure ARM Datacatalog service API version 2016-03-30.
Package datacatalog implements the Azure ARM Datacatalog service API version 2016-03-30.
Package datafactory implements the Azure ARM Datafactory service API version 2017-09-01-preview.
Package datafactory implements the Azure ARM Datafactory service API version 2017-09-01-preview.
Package datafactory implements the Azure ARM Datafactory service API version 2018-06-01.
Package datafactory implements the Azure ARM Datafactory service API version 2018-06-01.
Package catalog implements the Azure ARM Catalog service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package catalog implements the Azure ARM Catalog service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2016-03-20-preview.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2016-03-20-preview.
Package catalog implements the Azure ARM Catalog service API version 2016-11-01.
Package catalog implements the Azure ARM Catalog service API version 2016-11-01.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2016-11-01.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2016-11-01.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2017-09-01-preview.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2017-09-01-preview.
Package account implements the Azure ARM Account service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package account implements the Azure ARM Account service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package account implements the Azure ARM Account service API version 2016-11-01.
Package account implements the Azure ARM Account service API version 2016-11-01.
Package filesystem implements the Azure ARM Filesystem service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package filesystem implements the Azure ARM Filesystem service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package filesystem implements the Azure ARM Filesystem service API version 2016-11-01.
Package filesystem implements the Azure ARM Filesystem service API version 2016-11-01.
Package account implements the Azure ARM Account service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package account implements the Azure ARM Account service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package account implements the Azure ARM Account service API version 2016-11-01.
Package account implements the Azure ARM Account service API version 2016-11-01.
Package datamigration implements the Azure ARM Datamigration service API version 2017-11-15-preview.
Package datamigration implements the Azure ARM Datamigration service API version 2017-11-15-preview.
Package dtl implements the Azure ARM Dtl service API version 2015-05-21-preview.
Package dtl implements the Azure ARM Dtl service API version 2015-05-21-preview.
Package dtl implements the Azure ARM Dtl service API version 2016-05-15.
Package dtl implements the Azure ARM Dtl service API version 2016-05-15.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2015-05-04-preview.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2015-05-04-preview.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2016-04-01.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2016-04-01.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2017-09-01.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2017-09-01.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2017-10-01.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2017-10-01.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package aad implements the Azure ARM Aad service API version 2017-01-01.
Package aad implements the Azure ARM Aad service API version 2017-01-01.
Package aad implements the Azure ARM Aad service API version 2017-06-01.
Package aad implements the Azure ARM Aad service API version 2017-06-01.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2018-01-01.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2018-01-01.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2017-06-15-preview.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2017-06-15-preview.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2017-09-15-preview.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2017-09-15-preview.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2018-01-01.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2018-01-01.
Package eventhub implements the Azure ARM Eventhub service API version 2015-08-01.
Package eventhub implements the Azure ARM Eventhub service API version 2015-08-01.
Package eventhub implements the Azure ARM Eventhub service API version 2017-04-01.
Package eventhub implements the Azure ARM Eventhub service API version 2017-04-01.
Package graphrbac implements the Azure ARM Graphrbac service API version 1.6.
Package graphrbac implements the Azure ARM Graphrbac service API version 1.6.
Package hanaonazure implements the Azure ARM Hanaonazure service API version 2017-06-15-preview.
Package hanaonazure implements the Azure ARM Hanaonazure service API version 2017-06-15-preview.
Package hanaonazure implements the Azure ARM Hanaonazure service API version 2017-11-03-preview.
Package hanaonazure implements the Azure ARM Hanaonazure service API version 2017-11-03-preview.
Package hdinsight implements the Azure ARM Hdinsight service API version 2015-03-01-preview.
Package hdinsight implements the Azure ARM Hdinsight service API version 2015-03-01-preview.
Package iotcentral implements the Azure ARM Iotcentral service API version 2018-09-01.
Package iotcentral implements the Azure ARM Iotcentral service API version 2018-09-01.
Package devices implements the Azure ARM Devices service API version 2016-02-03.
Package devices implements the Azure ARM Devices service API version 2016-02-03.
Package devices implements the Azure ARM Devices service API version 2017-01-19.
Package devices implements the Azure ARM Devices service API version 2017-01-19.
Package devices implements the Azure ARM Devices service API version 2017-07-01.
Package devices implements the Azure ARM Devices service API version 2017-07-01.
Package devices implements the Azure ARM Devices service API version 2018-01-22.
Package devices implements the Azure ARM Devices service API version 2018-01-22.
Package devices implements the Azure ARM Devices service API version 2018-04-01.
Package devices implements the Azure ARM Devices service API version 2018-04-01.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 2015-06-01.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 2015-06-01.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 2016-10-01.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 2016-10-01.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 2015-06-01.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 2015-06-01.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 2016-10-01.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 2016-10-01.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 2018-02-14.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 2018-02-14.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 7.0.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 7.0.
Package location implements the Azure ARM Location service API version 2017-01-01-preview.
Package location implements the Azure ARM Location service API version 2017-01-01-preview.
Package logic implements the Azure ARM Logic service API version 2015-02-01-preview.
Package logic implements the Azure ARM Logic service API version 2015-02-01-preview.
Package logic implements the Azure ARM Logic service API version 2015-08-01-preview.
Package logic implements the Azure ARM Logic service API version 2015-08-01-preview.
Package logic implements the Azure ARM Logic service API version 2016-06-01.
Package logic implements the Azure ARM Logic service API version 2016-06-01.
Package workspaces implements the Azure ARM Workspaces service API version 2016-04-01.
Package workspaces implements the Azure ARM Workspaces service API version 2016-04-01.
Package commitmentplans implements the Azure ARM Commitmentplans service API version 2016-05-01-preview.
Package commitmentplans implements the Azure ARM Commitmentplans service API version 2016-05-01-preview.
Package webservices implements the Azure ARM Webservices service API version 2016-05-01-preview.
Package webservices implements the Azure ARM Webservices service API version 2016-05-01-preview.
Package webservices implements the Azure ARM Webservices service API version 2017-01-01.
Package webservices implements the Azure ARM Webservices service API version 2017-01-01.
Package experimentation implements the Azure ARM Experimentation service API version 2017-05-01-preview.
Package experimentation implements the Azure ARM Experimentation service API version 2017-05-01-preview.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2017-06-01-preview.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2017-06-01-preview.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2017-08-01-preview.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2017-08-01-preview.
Package managementpartner implements the Azure ARM Managementpartner service API version 2018-02-01.
Package managementpartner implements the Azure ARM Managementpartner service API version 2018-02-01.
Package maps implements the Azure ARM Maps service API version 2017-01-01-preview.
Package maps implements the Azure ARM Maps service API version 2017-01-01-preview.
Package maps implements the Azure ARM Maps service API version 2018-05-01.
Package maps implements the Azure ARM Maps service API version 2018-05-01.
Package marketplaceordering implements the Azure ARM Marketplaceordering service API version 2015-06-01.
Package marketplaceordering implements the Azure ARM Marketplaceordering service API version 2015-06-01.
Package media implements the Azure ARM Media service API version 2015-10-01.
Package media implements the Azure ARM Media service API version 2015-10-01.
Package media implements the Azure ARM Media service API version 2018-07-01.
Package media implements the Azure ARM Media service API version 2018-07-01.
Package migrate implements the Azure ARM Migrate service API version 2018-02-02.
Package migrate implements the Azure ARM Migrate service API version 2018-02-02.
Package mobileengagement implements the Azure ARM Mobileengagement service API version 2014-12-01.
Package mobileengagement implements the Azure ARM Mobileengagement service API version 2014-12-01.
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version .
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version .
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version .
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version .
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version .
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version .
Package msi implements the Azure ARM Msi service API version 2015-08-31-preview.
Package msi implements the Azure ARM Msi service API version 2015-08-31-preview.
Package mysql implements the Azure ARM Mysql service API version 2017-04-30-preview.
Package mysql implements the Azure ARM Mysql service API version 2017-04-30-preview.
Package mysql implements the Azure ARM Mysql service API version 2017-12-01-preview.
Package mysql implements the Azure ARM Mysql service API version 2017-12-01-preview.
Package mysql implements the Azure ARM Mysql service API version 2017-12-01.
Package mysql implements the Azure ARM Mysql service API version 2017-12-01.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2015-05-01-preview.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2015-05-01-preview.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2015-06-15.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2015-06-15.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2016-03-30.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2016-03-30.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2016-06-01.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2016-06-01.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2016-09-01.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2016-09-01.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2016-12-01.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2016-12-01.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version .
Package notificationhubs implements the Azure ARM Notificationhubs service API version 2014-09-01.
Package notificationhubs implements the Azure ARM Notificationhubs service API version 2014-09-01.
Package notificationhubs implements the Azure ARM Notificationhubs service API version 2016-03-01.
Package notificationhubs implements the Azure ARM Notificationhubs service API version 2016-03-01.
Package notificationhubs implements the Azure ARM Notificationhubs service API version 2017-04-01.
Package notificationhubs implements the Azure ARM Notificationhubs service API version 2017-04-01.
Package operationalinsights implements the Azure ARM Operationalinsights service API version 2015-03-20.
Package operationalinsights implements the Azure ARM Operationalinsights service API version 2015-03-20.
Package operationalinsights implements the Azure ARM Operationalinsights service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package operationalinsights implements the Azure ARM Operationalinsights service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package servicemap implements the Azure ARM Servicemap service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package servicemap implements the Azure ARM Servicemap service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package operationalinsights implements the Azure ARM Operationalinsights service API version v1.
Package operationalinsights implements the Azure ARM Operationalinsights service API version v1.
Package operationsmanagement implements the Azure ARM Operationsmanagement service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package operationsmanagement implements the Azure ARM Operationsmanagement service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2017-08-09-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2017-08-09-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2017-10-17-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2017-10-17-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2017-12-12-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2017-12-12-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2018-04-04.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2018-04-04.
Package postgresql implements the Azure ARM Postgresql service API version 2017-04-30-preview.
Package postgresql implements the Azure ARM Postgresql service API version 2017-04-30-preview.
Package postgresql implements the Azure ARM Postgresql service API version 2017-12-01-preview.
Package postgresql implements the Azure ARM Postgresql service API version 2017-12-01-preview.
Package postgresql implements the Azure ARM Postgresql service API version 2017-12-01.
Package postgresql implements the Azure ARM Postgresql service API version 2017-12-01.
Package powerbidedicated implements the Azure ARM Powerbidedicated service API version 2017-10-01.
Package powerbidedicated implements the Azure ARM Powerbidedicated service API version 2017-10-01.
Package powerbiembedded implements the Azure ARM Powerbiembedded service API version 2016-01-29.
Package powerbiembedded implements the Azure ARM Powerbiembedded service API version 2016-01-29.
Package addons implements the Azure ARM Addons service API version 2017-05-15.
Package addons implements the Azure ARM Addons service API version 2017-05-15.
Package addons implements the Azure ARM Addons service API version 2018-03-01.
Package addons implements the Azure ARM Addons service API version 2018-03-01.
Package advisor implements the Azure ARM Advisor service API version 2016-07-12-preview.
Package advisor implements the Azure ARM Advisor service API version 2016-07-12-preview.
Package alertsmanagement implements the Azure ARM Alertsmanagement service API version 2018-05-05-preview.
Package alertsmanagement implements the Azure ARM Alertsmanagement service API version 2018-05-05-preview.
Package analysisservices implements the Azure ARM Analysisservices service API version 2017-08-01-beta.
Package analysisservices implements the Azure ARM Analysisservices service API version 2017-08-01-beta.
Package apimanagement implements the Azure ARM Apimanagement service API version 2017-03-01.
Package apimanagement implements the Azure ARM Apimanagement service API version 2017-03-01.
Package apimanagement implements the Azure ARM Apimanagement service API version 2018-01-01.
Package apimanagement implements the Azure ARM Apimanagement service API version 2018-01-01.
Package apimanagement implements the Azure ARM Apimanagement service API version 2018-06-01-preview.
Package apimanagement implements the Azure ARM Apimanagement service API version 2018-06-01-preview.
Package authorization implements the Azure ARM Authorization service API version .
Package authorization implements the Azure ARM Authorization service API version .
Package authorization implements the Azure ARM Authorization service API version .
Package authorization implements the Azure ARM Authorization service API version .
Package authorization implements the Azure ARM Authorization service API version .
Package authorization implements the Azure ARM Authorization service API version .
Package automation implements the Azure ARM Automation service API version .
Package automation implements the Azure ARM Automation service API version .
Package automation implements the Azure ARM Automation service API version .
Package automation implements the Azure ARM Automation service API version .
Package automation implements the Azure ARM Automation service API version .
Package automation implements the Azure ARM Automation service API version .
Package batchai implements the Azure ARM Batchai service API version 2017-09-01-preview.
Package batchai implements the Azure ARM Batchai service API version 2017-09-01-preview.
Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version 2017-02-27-preview.
Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version 2017-02-27-preview.
Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version 2017-04-24-preview.
Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version 2017-04-24-preview.
Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package billing implements the Azure ARM Billing service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package blueprint implements the Azure ARM Blueprint service API version 2017-11-11-preview.
Package blueprint implements the Azure ARM Blueprint service API version 2017-11-11-preview.
Package botservice implements the Azure ARM Botservice service API version 2017-12-01.
Package botservice implements the Azure ARM Botservice service API version 2017-12-01.
Package botservice implements the Azure ARM Botservice service API version 2018-07-12.
Package botservice implements the Azure ARM Botservice service API version 2018-07-12.
Package cognitiveservices implements the Azure ARM Cognitiveservices service API version 2016-02-01-preview.
Package cognitiveservices implements the Azure ARM Cognitiveservices service API version 2016-02-01-preview.
Package visualsearch implements the Azure ARM Visualsearch service API version 1.0.
Package visualsearch implements the Azure ARM Visualsearch service API version 1.0.
Package commerce implements the Azure ARM Commerce service API version 2015-06-01-preview.
Package commerce implements the Azure ARM Commerce service API version 2015-06-01-preview.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2016-04-30-preview.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2016-04-30-preview.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2017-04-24-preview.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2017-04-24-preview.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2017-12-30-preview.
Package consumption implements the Azure ARM Consumption service API version 2017-12-30-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2017-08-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2017-08-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2017-10-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2017-10-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2017-12-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2017-12-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2018-02-01-preview.
Package containerinstance implements the Azure ARM Containerinstance service API version 2018-02-01-preview.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version 2016-06-27-preview.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version 2016-06-27-preview.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version 2017-06-01-preview.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version 2017-06-01-preview.
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version .
Package containerregistry implements the Azure ARM Containerregistry service API version .
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version .
Package containerservice implements the Azure ARM Containerservice service API version .
Package costmanagement implements the Azure ARM Costmanagement service API version 2018-08-01-preview.
Package costmanagement implements the Azure ARM Costmanagement service API version 2018-08-01-preview.
Package datafactory implements the Azure ARM Datafactory service API version 2017-09-01-preview.
Package datafactory implements the Azure ARM Datafactory service API version 2017-09-01-preview.
Package catalog implements the Azure ARM Catalog service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package catalog implements the Azure ARM Catalog service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2016-03-20-preview.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2016-03-20-preview.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2017-09-01-preview.
Package job implements the Azure ARM Job service API version 2017-09-01-preview.
Package account implements the Azure ARM Account service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package account implements the Azure ARM Account service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package filesystem implements the Azure ARM Filesystem service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package filesystem implements the Azure ARM Filesystem service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package account implements the Azure ARM Account service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package account implements the Azure ARM Account service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package datamigration implements the Azure ARM Datamigration service API version 2017-11-15-preview.
Package datamigration implements the Azure ARM Datamigration service API version 2017-11-15-preview.
Package datamigration implements the Azure ARM Datamigration service API version 2018-03-31-preview.
Package datamigration implements the Azure ARM Datamigration service API version 2018-03-31-preview.
Package deploymentmanager implements the Azure ARM Deploymentmanager service API version 2018-09-01-preview.
Package deploymentmanager implements the Azure ARM Deploymentmanager service API version 2018-09-01-preview.
Package devspaces implements the Azure ARM Devspaces service API version 2018-06-01-preview.
Package devspaces implements the Azure ARM Devspaces service API version 2018-06-01-preview.
Package dtl implements the Azure ARM Dtl service API version 2015-05-21-preview.
Package dtl implements the Azure ARM Dtl service API version 2015-05-21-preview.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2015-05-04-preview.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2015-05-04-preview.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package dns implements the Azure ARM Dns service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2017-06-15-preview.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2017-06-15-preview.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2017-09-15-preview.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2017-09-15-preview.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2018-05-01-preview.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2018-05-01-preview.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2018-09-15-preview.
Package eventgrid implements the Azure ARM Eventgrid service API version 2018-09-15-preview.
Package eventhub implements the Azure ARM Eventhub service API version 2018-01-01-preview.
Package eventhub implements the Azure ARM Eventhub service API version 2018-01-01-preview.
Package frontdoor implements the Azure ARM Frontdoor service API version .
Package frontdoor implements the Azure ARM Frontdoor service API version .
Package hanaonazure implements the Azure ARM Hanaonazure service API version 2017-11-03-preview.
Package hanaonazure implements the Azure ARM Hanaonazure service API version 2017-11-03-preview.
Package hdinsight implements the Azure ARM Hdinsight service API version 2015-03-01-preview.
Package hdinsight implements the Azure ARM Hdinsight service API version 2015-03-01-preview.
Package hdinsight implements the Azure ARM Hdinsight service API version 2018-06-01-preview.
Package hdinsight implements the Azure ARM Hdinsight service API version 2018-06-01-preview.
Package iotcentral implements the Azure ARM Iotcentral service API version 2018-09-01.
Package iotcentral implements the Azure ARM Iotcentral service API version 2018-09-01.
Package iotspaces implements the Azure ARM Iotspaces service API version 2017-10-01-preview.
Package iotspaces implements the Azure ARM Iotspaces service API version 2017-10-01-preview.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 7.0-preview.
Package keyvault implements the Azure ARM Keyvault service API version 7.0-preview.
Package location implements the Azure ARM Location service API version 2017-01-01-preview.
Package location implements the Azure ARM Location service API version 2017-01-01-preview.
Package logic implements the Azure ARM Logic service API version 2015-02-01-preview.
Package logic implements the Azure ARM Logic service API version 2015-02-01-preview.
Package logic implements the Azure ARM Logic service API version 2015-08-01-preview.
Package logic implements the Azure ARM Logic service API version 2015-08-01-preview.
Package logic implements the Azure ARM Logic service API version 2018-07-01-preview.
Package logic implements the Azure ARM Logic service API version 2018-07-01-preview.
Package commitmentplans implements the Azure ARM Commitmentplans service API version 2016-05-01-preview.
Package commitmentplans implements the Azure ARM Commitmentplans service API version 2016-05-01-preview.
Package webservices implements the Azure ARM Webservices service API version 2016-05-01-preview.
Package webservices implements the Azure ARM Webservices service API version 2016-05-01-preview.
Package experimentation implements the Azure ARM Experimentation service API version 2017-05-01-preview.
Package experimentation implements the Azure ARM Experimentation service API version 2017-05-01-preview.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2017-08-01-preview.
Package compute implements the Azure ARM Compute service API version 2017-08-01-preview.
Package services implements the Azure ARM Services service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package services implements the Azure ARM Services service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package managementpartner implements the Azure ARM Managementpartner service API version 2018-02-01.
Package managementpartner implements the Azure ARM Managementpartner service API version 2018-02-01.
Package mariadb implements the Azure ARM Mariadb service API version 2018-06-01-preview.
Package mariadb implements the Azure ARM Mariadb service API version 2018-06-01-preview.
Package media implements the Azure ARM Media service API version 2018-03-30-preview.
Package media implements the Azure ARM Media service API version 2018-03-30-preview.
Package media implements the Azure ARM Media service API version 2018-06-01-preview.
Package media implements the Azure ARM Media service API version 2018-06-01-preview.
Package monitor implements the Azure ARM Monitor service API version 2018-09-01-preview.
Package monitor implements the Azure ARM Monitor service API version 2018-09-01-preview.
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version .
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version .
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version .
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version .
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version .
Package insights implements the Azure ARM Insights service API version .
Package msi implements the Azure ARM Msi service API version 2015-08-31-preview.
Package msi implements the Azure ARM Msi service API version 2015-08-31-preview.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2015-05-01-preview.
Package network implements the Azure ARM Network service API version 2015-05-01-preview.
Package operationalinsights implements the Azure ARM Operationalinsights service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package operationalinsights implements the Azure ARM Operationalinsights service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package servicemap implements the Azure ARM Servicemap service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package servicemap implements the Azure ARM Servicemap service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package operationsmanagement implements the Azure ARM Operationsmanagement service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package operationsmanagement implements the Azure ARM Operationsmanagement service API version 2015-11-01-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2017-08-09-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2017-08-09-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2017-10-17-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2017-10-17-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2017-12-12-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version 2017-12-12-preview.
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version .
Package policyinsights implements the Azure ARM Policyinsights service API version .
Package iothub implements the Azure ARM Iothub service API version 2017-08-21-preview.
Package iothub implements the Azure ARM Iothub service API version 2017-08-21-preview.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package managedapplications implements the Azure ARM Managedapplications service API version 2016-09-01-preview.
Package managedapplications implements the Azure ARM Managedapplications service API version 2016-09-01-preview.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version .
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version .
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2017-08-31-preview.
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2017-08-31-preview.
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2017-11-01-preview.
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2017-11-01-preview.
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2018-01-01-preview.
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2018-01-01-preview.
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package scheduler implements the Azure ARM Scheduler service API version 2014-08-01-preview.
Package scheduler implements the Azure ARM Scheduler service API version 2014-08-01-preview.
Package security implements the Azure ARM Security service API version .
Package security implements the Azure ARM Security service API version .
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version 2017-07-01-preview.
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version 2017-07-01-preview.
Package servicefabricmesh implements the Azure ARM Servicefabricmesh service API version 2018-07-01-preview.
Package servicefabricmesh implements the Azure ARM Servicefabricmesh service API version 2018-07-01-preview.
Package signalr implements the Azure ARM Signalr service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package signalr implements the Azure ARM Signalr service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version .
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version .
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version .
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version .
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version 2017-10-01-preview.
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version 2017-10-01-preview.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2015-05-01-preview.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2015-05-01-preview.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2018-03-01-preview.
Package storagesync implements the Azure ARM Storagesync service API version 2018-04-02.
Package storagesync implements the Azure ARM Storagesync service API version 2018-04-02.
Package subscription implements the Azure ARM Subscription service API version 2017-11-01-preview.
Package subscription implements the Azure ARM Subscription service API version 2017-11-01-preview.
Package subscription implements the Azure ARM Subscription service API version .
Package subscription implements the Azure ARM Subscription service API version .
Package timeseriesinsights implements the Azure ARM Timeseriesinsights service API version 2017-02-28-preview.
Package timeseriesinsights implements the Azure ARM Timeseriesinsights service API version 2017-02-28-preview.
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version .
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version .
Package visualstudio implements the Azure ARM Visualstudio service API version 2014-04-01-preview.
Package visualstudio implements the Azure ARM Visualstudio service API version 2014-04-01-preview.
Package web implements the Azure ARM Web service API version .
Package web implements the Azure ARM Web service API version .
Package iothub implements the Azure ARM Iothub service API version 2017-08-21-preview.
Package iothub implements the Azure ARM Iothub service API version 2017-08-21-preview.
Package iothub implements the Azure ARM Iothub service API version 2017-11-15.
Package iothub implements the Azure ARM Iothub service API version 2017-11-15.
Package iothub implements the Azure ARM Iothub service API version 2018-01-22.
Package iothub implements the Azure ARM Iothub service API version 2018-01-22.
Package backup implements the Azure ARM Backup service API version 2016-06-01.
Package backup implements the Azure ARM Backup service API version 2016-06-01.
Package recoveryservices implements the Azure ARM Recoveryservices service API version 2016-06-01.
Package recoveryservices implements the Azure ARM Recoveryservices service API version 2016-06-01.
Package siterecovery implements the Azure ARM Siterecovery service API version 2016-08-10.
Package siterecovery implements the Azure ARM Siterecovery service API version 2016-08-10.
Package backup implements the Azure ARM Backup service API version 2016-12-01.
Package backup implements the Azure ARM Backup service API version 2016-12-01.
Package backup implements the Azure ARM Backup service API version .
Package backup implements the Azure ARM Backup service API version .
Package siterecovery implements the Azure ARM Siterecovery service API version 2018-01-10.
Package siterecovery implements the Azure ARM Siterecovery service API version 2018-01-10.
Package redis implements the Azure ARM Redis service API version 2015-08-01.
Package redis implements the Azure ARM Redis service API version 2015-08-01.
Package redis implements the Azure ARM Redis service API version 2016-04-01.
Package redis implements the Azure ARM Redis service API version 2016-04-01.
Package redis implements the Azure ARM Redis service API version 2017-02-01.
Package redis implements the Azure ARM Redis service API version 2017-02-01.
Package redis implements the Azure ARM Redis service API version 2017-10-01.
Package redis implements the Azure ARM Redis service API version 2017-10-01.
Package redis implements the Azure ARM Redis service API version 2018-03-01.
Package redis implements the Azure ARM Redis service API version 2018-03-01.
Package relay implements the Azure ARM Relay service API version 2016-07-01.
Package relay implements the Azure ARM Relay service API version 2016-07-01.
Package relay implements the Azure ARM Relay service API version 2017-04-01.
Package relay implements the Azure ARM Relay service API version 2017-04-01.
Package reservations implements the Azure ARM Reservations service API version 2017-11-01.
Package reservations implements the Azure ARM Reservations service API version 2017-11-01.
Package reservations implements the Azure ARM Reservations service API version 2018-06-01.
Package reservations implements the Azure ARM Reservations service API version 2018-06-01.
Package resourcehealth implements the Azure ARM Resourcehealth service API version 2015-01-01.
Package resourcehealth implements the Azure ARM Resourcehealth service API version 2015-01-01.
Package resourcehealth implements the Azure ARM Resourcehealth service API version 2017-07-01.
Package resourcehealth implements the Azure ARM Resourcehealth service API version 2017-07-01.
Package locks implements the Azure ARM Locks service API version 2015-01-01.
Package locks implements the Azure ARM Locks service API version 2015-01-01.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version 2015-10-01-preview.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2015-11-01.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2015-11-01.
Package subscriptions implements the Azure ARM Subscriptions service API version 2015-11-01.
Package subscriptions implements the Azure ARM Subscriptions service API version 2015-11-01.
Package features implements the Azure ARM Features service API version 2015-12-01.
Package features implements the Azure ARM Features service API version 2015-12-01.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2016-02-01.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2016-02-01.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version 2016-04-01.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version 2016-04-01.
Package subscriptions implements the Azure ARM Subscriptions service API version 2016-06-01.
Package subscriptions implements the Azure ARM Subscriptions service API version 2016-06-01.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2016-07-01.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2016-07-01.
Package managedapplications implements the Azure ARM Managedapplications service API version 2016-09-01-preview.
Package managedapplications implements the Azure ARM Managedapplications service API version 2016-09-01-preview.
Package links implements the Azure ARM Links service API version 2016-09-01.
Package links implements the Azure ARM Links service API version 2016-09-01.
Package locks implements the Azure ARM Locks service API version 2016-09-01.
Package locks implements the Azure ARM Locks service API version 2016-09-01.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2016-09-01.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2016-09-01.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version 2016-12-01.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version 2016-12-01.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2017-05-10.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2017-05-10.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version .
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version .
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2017-08-31-preview.
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2017-08-31-preview.
Package managedapplications implements the Azure ARM Managedapplications service API version 2017-09-01.
Package managedapplications implements the Azure ARM Managedapplications service API version 2017-09-01.
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2017-11-01-preview.
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2017-11-01-preview.
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2018-01-01-preview.
Package managementgroups implements the Azure ARM Managementgroups service API version 2018-01-01-preview.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2018-02-01.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2018-02-01.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version 2018-03-01.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version 2018-03-01.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version 2018-05-01.
Package policy implements the Azure ARM Policy service API version 2018-05-01.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2018-05-01.
Package resources implements the Azure ARM Resources service API version 2018-05-01.
Package managedapplications implements the Azure ARM Managedapplications service API version 2018-06-01.
Package managedapplications implements the Azure ARM Managedapplications service API version 2018-06-01.
Package scheduler implements the Azure ARM Scheduler service API version 2014-08-01-preview.
Package scheduler implements the Azure ARM Scheduler service API version 2014-08-01-preview.
Package scheduler implements the Azure ARM Scheduler service API version 2016-01-01.
Package scheduler implements the Azure ARM Scheduler service API version 2016-01-01.
Package scheduler implements the Azure ARM Scheduler service API version 2016-03-01.
Package scheduler implements the Azure ARM Scheduler service API version 2016-03-01.
Package search implements the Azure ARM Search service API version 2015-02-28.
Package search implements the Azure ARM Search service API version 2015-02-28.
Package search implements the Azure ARM Search service API version 2015-08-19.
Package search implements the Azure ARM Search service API version 2015-08-19.
Package servicebus implements the Azure ARM Servicebus service API version 2015-08-01.
Package servicebus implements the Azure ARM Servicebus service API version 2015-08-01.
Package servicebus implements the Azure ARM Servicebus service API version 2017-04-01.
Package servicebus implements the Azure ARM Servicebus service API version 2017-04-01.
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version 1.0.0.
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version 1.0.0.
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version 5.6.*.
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version 5.6.*.
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version 6.1.2.
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version 6.1.2.
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version 2016-09-01.
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version 2016-09-01.
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version 2017-07-01-preview.
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version 2017-07-01-preview.
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version .
Package servicefabric implements the Azure ARM Servicefabric service API version .
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version 2014-04-01.
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version 2014-04-01.
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version .
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version .
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version .
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version .
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version 2017-10-01-preview.
Package sql implements the Azure ARM Sql service API version 2017-10-01-preview.
Package storagedatalake implements the Azure ARM Storagedatalake service API version 2018-06-17.
Package storagedatalake implements the Azure ARM Storagedatalake service API version 2018-06-17.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2015-05-01-preview.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2015-05-01-preview.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2015-06-15.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2015-06-15.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2016-01-01.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2016-01-01.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2016-05-01.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2016-05-01.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2016-12-01.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2016-12-01.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2017-06-01.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2017-06-01.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2017-10-01.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2017-10-01.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2018-02-01.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version 2018-02-01.
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version .
Package storage implements the Azure ARM Storage service API version .
Package storageimportexport implements the Azure ARM Storageimportexport service API version 2016-11-01.
Package storageimportexport implements the Azure ARM Storageimportexport service API version 2016-11-01.
Package storagesync implements the Azure ARM Storagesync service API version 2018-04-02.
Package storagesync implements the Azure ARM Storagesync service API version 2018-04-02.
Package storsimple implements the Azure ARM Storsimple service API version 2016-10-01.
Package storsimple implements the Azure ARM Storsimple service API version 2016-10-01.
Package storsimple implements the Azure ARM Storsimple service API version 2017-06-01.
Package storsimple implements the Azure ARM Storsimple service API version 2017-06-01.
Package streamanalytics implements the Azure ARM Streamanalytics service API version 2016-03-01.
Package streamanalytics implements the Azure ARM Streamanalytics service API version 2016-03-01.
Package timeseriesinsights implements the Azure ARM Timeseriesinsights service API version 2017-02-28-preview.
Package timeseriesinsights implements the Azure ARM Timeseriesinsights service API version 2017-02-28-preview.
Package timeseriesinsights implements the Azure ARM Timeseriesinsights service API version 2017-11-15.
Package timeseriesinsights implements the Azure ARM Timeseriesinsights service API version 2017-11-15.
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version 2015-11-01.
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version 2015-11-01.
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version 2017-03-01.
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version 2017-03-01.
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version 2017-05-01.
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version 2017-05-01.
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version .
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version .
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version .
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version .
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version 2018-03-01.
Package trafficmanager implements the Azure ARM Trafficmanager service API version 2018-03-01.
Package visualstudio implements the Azure ARM Visualstudio service API version 2014-04-01-preview.
Package visualstudio implements the Azure ARM Visualstudio service API version 2014-04-01-preview.
Package web implements the Azure ARM Web service API version .
Package web implements the Azure ARM Web service API version .
Package web implements the Azure ARM Web service API version .
Package web implements the Azure ARM Web service API version .
Package web implements the Azure ARM Web service API version 2018-02-01.
Package web implements the Azure ARM Web service API version 2018-02-01.
Package storage provides clients for Microsoft Azure Storage Services.
Package storage provides clients for Microsoft Azure Storage Services.
generator scours the repository in search for REST functionality that has Go configuration, then generates packages accordingly.
generator scours the repository in search for REST functionality that has Go configuration, then generates packages accordingly.
Package model holds the business logic for the operations made available by profileBuilder.
Package model holds the business logic for the operations made available by profileBuilder.

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