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Published: Dec 8, 2023 License: BSD-2-Clause


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GoDS (Golang范型数据结构)

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该项目基于gods项目进行开发。在开发lucene-go 的过程中使用了大量的go1.18+范型语法,在使用gods的过程中,由于原项目代码并非范型语法,开发过程中遇到不少问题, 便萌生想法实现一个范型版本的gods。

gods-generic主要使用范型的方式重新实现Sets, Lists, Stacks, Maps, Trees, Queues等数据结构,并移除了avltree(个人不太喜欢这种数据格式), 并移除了数据结构的序列化方式(由于时间问题,尚未重新进行设计)



// Container is base interface that all data structures implement.
type Container[T any] interface {
    Empty() bool
    Size() int
    Values() []T
    String() string
// List interface that all lists implement
type List[T any] interface {
    Get(index int) (T, bool)
    Remove(index int)
    Add(values ...T)
    Contains(values ...T) bool
    Sort(comparator utils.Comparator)
    Swap(index1, index2 int)
    Insert(index int, values ...T)
    Set(index int, value T)

package main

import (

// ArrayListExample to demonstrate basic usage of ArrayList
func main() {
    list := arraylist.New[string]()
    list.Add("a")                         // ["a"]
    list.Add("c", "b")                    // ["a","c","b"]
    list.Sort(cmp.Compare[string])        // ["a","b","c"]
    _, _ = list.Get(0)                    // "a",true
    _, _ = list.Get(100)                  // nil,false
    _ = list.Contains("a", "b", "c")      // true
    _ = list.Contains("a", "b", "c", "d") // false
    list.Swap(0, 1)                       // ["b","a",c"]
    list.Remove(2)                        // ["b","a"]
    list.Remove(1)                        // ["b"]
    list.Remove(0)                        // []
    list.Remove(0)                        // [] (ignored)
    _ = list.Empty()                      // true
    _ = list.Size()                       // 0
    list.Add("a")                         // ["a"]
    list.Clear()                          // []

package main

import (
	sll "github.com/geange/gods-generic/lists/singlylinkedlist"

// SinglyLinkedListExample to demonstrate basic usage of SinglyLinkedList
func main() {
	list := sll.New[string]()
	list.Add("a")                         // ["a"]
	list.Append("b")                      // ["a","b"] (same as Add())
	list.Prepend("c")                     // ["c","a","b"]
	list.Sort(cmp.Compare[string])        // ["a","b","c"]
	_, _ = list.Get(0)                    // "a",true
	_, _ = list.Get(100)                  // nil,false
	_ = list.Contains("a", "b", "c")      // true
	_ = list.Contains("a", "b", "c", "d") // false
	list.Remove(2)                        // ["a","b"]
	list.Remove(1)                        // ["a"]
	list.Remove(0)                        // []
	list.Remove(0)                        // [] (ignored)
	_ = list.Empty()                      // true
	_ = list.Size()                       // 0
	list.Add("a")                         // ["a"]
	list.Clear()                          // []
package main

import (
	dll "github.com/geange/gods-generic/lists/doublylinkedlist"

// DoublyLinkedListExample to demonstrate basic usage of DoublyLinkedList
func main() {
	list := dll.New[string]()
	list.Add("a")                         // ["a"]
	list.Append("b")                      // ["a","b"] (same as Add())
	list.Prepend("c")                     // ["c","a","b"]
	list.Sort(cmp.Compare[string])        // ["a","b","c"]
	_, _ = list.Get(0)                    // "a",true
	_, _ = list.Get(100)                  // nil,false
	_ = list.Contains("a", "b", "c")      // true
	_ = list.Contains("a", "b", "c", "d") // false
	list.Remove(2)                        // ["a","b"]
	list.Remove(1)                        // ["a"]
	list.Remove(0)                        // []
	list.Remove(0)                        // [] (ignored)
	_ = list.Empty()                      // true
	_ = list.Size()                       // 0
	list.Add("a")                         // ["a"]
	list.Clear()                          // []

type Set[T any] interface {
	Add(elements ...T)
	Remove(elements ...T)
	Contains(elements ...T) bool


package main

import "github.com/geange/gods-generic/sets/hashset"

// HashSetExample to demonstrate basic usage of HashSet
func main() {
	set := hashset.New[int]() // empty (keys are of type int)
	set.Add(1)                // 1
	set.Add(2, 2, 3, 4, 5)    // 3, 1, 2, 4, 5 (random order, duplicates ignored)
	set.Remove(4)             // 5, 3, 2, 1 (random order)
	set.Remove(2, 3)          // 1, 5 (random order)
	set.Contains(1)           // true
	set.Contains(1, 5)        // true
	set.Contains(1, 6)        // false
	_ = set.Values()          // []int{5,1} (random order)
	set.Clear()               // empty
	set.Empty()               // true
	set.Size()                // 0

package main

import "github.com/geange/gods-generic/sets/treeset"

// TreeSetExample to demonstrate basic usage of TreeSet
func main() {
	set := treeset.New[int]() // empty
	set.Add(1)                // 1
	set.Add(2, 2, 3, 4, 5)    // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (in order, duplicates ignored)
	set.Remove(4)             // 1, 2, 3, 5 (in order)
	set.Remove(2, 3)          // 1, 5 (in order)
	set.Contains(1)           // true
	set.Contains(1, 5)        // true
	set.Contains(1, 6)        // false
	_ = set.Values()          // []int{1,5} (in order)
	set.Clear()               // empty
	set.Empty()               // true
	set.Size()                // 0
package main

import "github.com/geange/gods-generic/sets/linkedhashset"

// LinkedHashSetExample to demonstrate basic usage of LinkedHashSet
func main() {
	set := linkedhashset.New[int]() // empty
	set.Add(5)                      // 5
	set.Add(4, 4, 3, 2, 1)          // 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (in insertion-order, duplicates ignored)
	set.Remove(4)                   // 5, 3, 2, 1 (in insertion-order)
	set.Remove(2, 3)                // 5, 1 (in insertion-order)
	set.Contains(1)                 // true
	set.Contains(1, 5)              // true
	set.Contains(1, 6)              // false
	_ = set.Values()                // []int{5, 1} (in insertion-order)
	set.Clear()                     // empty
	set.Empty()                     // true
	set.Size()                      // 0
type Stack[T any] interface {
	Push(value T)
	Pop() (value T, ok bool)
	Peek() (value T, ok bool)

package main

import lls "github.com/geange/gods-generic/stacks/linkedliststack"

// LinkedListStackExample to demonstrate basic usage of LinkedListStack
func main() {
	stack := lls.New[int]() // empty
	stack.Push(1)           // 1
	stack.Push(2)           // 1, 2
	stack.Values()          // 2, 1 (LIFO order)
	_, _ = stack.Peek()     // 2,true
	_, _ = stack.Pop()      // 2, true
	_, _ = stack.Pop()      // 1, true
	_, _ = stack.Pop()      // nil, false (nothing to pop)
	stack.Push(1)           // 1
	stack.Clear()           // empty
	stack.Empty()           // true
	stack.Size()            // 0
package main

import "github.com/geange/gods-generic/stacks/arraystack"

// ArrayStackExample to demonstrate basic usage of ArrayStack
func main() {
	stack := arraystack.New[int]() // empty
	stack.Push(1)                  // 1
	stack.Push(2)                  // 1, 2
	stack.Values()                 // 2, 1 (LIFO order)
	_, _ = stack.Peek()            // 2,true
	_, _ = stack.Pop()             // 2, true
	_, _ = stack.Pop()             // 1, true
	_, _ = stack.Pop()             // nil, false (nothing to pop)
	stack.Push(1)                  // 1
	stack.Clear()                  // empty
	stack.Empty()                  // true
	stack.Size()                   // 0

type Map[K, V any] interface {
	Put(key K, value V)
	Get(key K) (value V, found bool)
	Remove(key K)
	Keys() []K


package main

import "github.com/geange/gods-generic/maps/hashmap"

// HashMapExample to demonstrate basic usage of HashMap
func main() {
	m := hashmap.New[int, string]() // empty
	m.Put(1, "x")                   // 1->x
	m.Put(2, "b")                   // 2->b, 1->x  (random order)
	m.Put(1, "a")                   // 2->b, 1->a (random order)
	_, _ = m.Get(2)                 // b, true
	_, _ = m.Get(3)                 // nil, false
	_ = m.Values()                  // []interface {}{"b", "a"} (random order)
	_ = m.Keys()                    // []interface {}{1, 2} (random order)
	m.Remove(1)                     // 2->b
	m.Clear()                       // empty
	m.Empty()                       // true
	m.Size()                        // 0
package main

import "github.com/geange/gods-generic/maps/treemap"

// TreeMapExample to demonstrate basic usage of TreeMap
func main() {
	m := treemap.New[int, string]() // empty (keys are of type int)
	m.Put(1, "x")                   // 1->x
	m.Put(2, "b")                   // 1->x, 2->b (in order)
	m.Put(1, "a")                   // 1->a, 2->b (in order)
	_, _ = m.Get(2)                 // b, true
	_, _ = m.Get(3)                 // nil, false
	_ = m.Values()                  // []interface {}{"a", "b"} (in order)
	_ = m.Keys()                    // []interface {}{1, 2} (in order)
	m.Remove(1)                     // 2->b
	m.Clear()                       // empty
	m.Empty()                       // true
	m.Size()                        // 0

package main

import "github.com/geange/gods-generic/maps/linkedhashmap"

// LinkedHashMapExample to demonstrate basic usage of LinkedHashMapExample
func main() {
	m := linkedhashmap.New[int, string]() // empty (keys are of type int)
	m.Put(2, "b")                         // 2->b
	m.Put(1, "x")                         // 2->b, 1->x (insertion-order)
	m.Put(1, "a")                         // 2->b, 1->a (insertion-order)
	_, _ = m.Get(2)                       // b, true
	_, _ = m.Get(3)                       // nil, false
	_ = m.Values()                        // []interface {}{"b", "a"} (insertion-order)
	_ = m.Keys()                          // []interface {}{2, 1} (insertion-order)
	m.Remove(1)                           // 2->b
	m.Clear()                             // empty
	m.Empty()                             // true
	m.Size()                              // 0

package main

import "github.com/geange/gods-generic/maps/hashbidimap"

// HashBidiMapExample to demonstrate basic usage of HashMap
func main() {
	m := hashbidimap.New[int, string]() // empty
	m.Put(1, "x")                       // 1->x
	m.Put(3, "b")                       // 1->x, 3->b (random order)
	m.Put(1, "a")                       // 1->a, 3->b (random order)
	m.Put(2, "b")                       // 1->a, 2->b (random order)
	_, _ = m.GetKey("a")                // 1, true
	_, _ = m.Get(2)                     // b, true
	_, _ = m.Get(3)                     // nil, false
	_ = m.Values()                      // []interface {}{"a", "b"} (random order)
	_ = m.Keys()                        // []interface {}{1, 2} (random order)
	m.Remove(1)                         // 2->b
	m.Clear()                           // empty
	m.Empty()                           // true
	m.Size()                            // 0
package main

import (

// TreeBidiMapExample to demonstrate basic usage of TreeBidiMap
func main() {
	m := treebidimap.New[int, string]()
	m.Put(1, "x")        // 1->x
	m.Put(3, "b")        // 1->x, 3->b (ordered)
	m.Put(1, "a")        // 1->a, 3->b (ordered)
	m.Put(2, "b")        // 1->a, 2->b (ordered)
	_, _ = m.GetKey("a") // 1, true
	_, _ = m.Get(2)      // b, true
	_, _ = m.Get(3)      // nil, false
	_ = m.Values()       // []interface {}{"a", "b"} (ordered)
	_ = m.Keys()         // []interface {}{1, 2} (ordered)
	m.Remove(1)          // 2->b
	m.Clear()            // empty
	m.Empty()            // true
	m.Size()             // 0
type Tree[T any] interface {
package main

import (

// RedBlackTreeExample to demonstrate basic usage of RedBlackTree
func main() {
	tree := rbtree.New[int, string]() // empty(keys are of type int)

	tree.Put(1, "x") // 1->x
	tree.Put(2, "b") // 1->x, 2->b (in order)
	tree.Put(1, "a") // 1->a, 2->b (in order, replacement)
	tree.Put(3, "c") // 1->a, 2->b, 3->c (in order)
	tree.Put(4, "d") // 1->a, 2->b, 3->c, 4->d (in order)
	tree.Put(5, "e") // 1->a, 2->b, 3->c, 4->d, 5->e (in order)
	tree.Put(6, "f") // 1->a, 2->b, 3->c, 4->d, 5->e, 6->f (in order)

	//  RedBlackTree
	//  │           ┌── 6
	//  │       ┌── 5
	//  │   ┌── 4
	//  │   │   └── 3
	//  └── 2
	//       └── 1

	_ = tree.Values() // []interface {}{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"} (in order)
	_ = tree.Keys()   // []interface {}{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} (in order)

	tree.Remove(2) // 1->a, 3->c, 4->d, 5->e, 6->f (in order)
	//  RedBlackTree
	//  │       ┌── 6
	//  │   ┌── 5
	//  └── 4
	//      │   ┌── 3
	//      └── 1

	tree.Clear() // empty
	tree.Empty() // true
	tree.Size()  // 0

package main

import (

// BTreeExample to demonstrate basic usage of BTree
func main() {
	tree := btree.New[int, string](3) // empty (keys are of type int)

	tree.Put(1, "x") // 1->x
	tree.Put(2, "b") // 1->x, 2->b (in order)
	tree.Put(1, "a") // 1->a, 2->b (in order, replacement)
	tree.Put(3, "c") // 1->a, 2->b, 3->c (in order)
	tree.Put(4, "d") // 1->a, 2->b, 3->c, 4->d (in order)
	tree.Put(5, "e") // 1->a, 2->b, 3->c, 4->d, 5->e (in order)
	tree.Put(6, "f") // 1->a, 2->b, 3->c, 4->d, 5->e, 6->f (in order)
	tree.Put(7, "g") // 1->a, 2->b, 3->c, 4->d, 5->e, 6->f, 7->g (in order)

	// BTree
	//         1
	//     2
	//         3
	// 4
	//         5
	//     6
	//         7

	_ = tree.Values() // []interface {}{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"} (in order)
	_ = tree.Keys()   // []interface {}{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7} (in order)

	tree.Remove(2) // 1->a, 3->c, 4->d, 5->e, 6->f (in order)
	// BTree
	//     1
	//     3
	// 4
	//     5
	//     6

	tree.Clear() // empty
	tree.Empty() // true
	tree.Size()  // 0

	// Other:
	tree.Height()     // gets the height of the tree
	tree.Left()       // gets the left-most (min) node
	tree.LeftKey()    // get the left-most (min) node's key
	tree.LeftValue()  // get the left-most (min) node's value
	tree.Right()      // get the right-most (max) node
	tree.RightKey()   // get the right-most (max) node's key
	tree.RightValue() // get the right-most (max) node's value
package main

import (

// BinaryHeapExample to demonstrate basic usage of BinaryHeap
func main() {

	// Min-heap
	heap := binaryheap.New[int]() // empty (min-heap)
	heap.Push(2)                  // 2
	heap.Push(3)                  // 2, 3
	heap.Push(1)                  // 1, 3, 2
	heap.Values()                 // 1, 3, 2
	_, _ = heap.Peek()            // 1,true
	_, _ = heap.Pop()             // 1, true
	_, _ = heap.Pop()             // 2, true
	_, _ = heap.Pop()             // 3, true
	_, _ = heap.Pop()             // nil, false (nothing to pop)
	heap.Push(1)                  // 1
	heap.Clear()                  // empty
	heap.Empty()                  // true
	heap.Size()                   // 0

	// Max-heap
	inverseIntComparator := func(a, b int) int {
		return -utils.IntComparator(a, b)
	heap = binaryheap.NewWith(inverseIntComparator) // empty (min-heap)
	heap.Push(2)                                    // 2
	heap.Push(3)                                    // 3, 2
	heap.Push(1)                                    // 3, 2, 1
	heap.Values()                                   // 3, 2, 1
type Queue[T any] interface {
	Enqueue(value T)
	Dequeue() (value T, ok bool)
	Peek() (value T, ok bool)

package main

import llq "github.com/geange/gods-generic/queues/linkedlistqueue"

// LinkedListQueueExample to demonstrate basic usage of LinkedListQueue
func main() {
	queue := llq.New[int]() // empty
	queue.Enqueue(1)        // 1
	queue.Enqueue(2)        // 1, 2
	_ = queue.Values()      // 1, 2 (FIFO order)
	_, _ = queue.Peek()     // 1,true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue()  // 1, true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue()  // 2, true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue()  // nil, false (nothing to deque)
	queue.Enqueue(1)        // 1
	queue.Clear()           // empty
	queue.Empty()           // true
	_ = queue.Size()        // 0
package main

import aq "github.com/geange/gods-generic/queues/arrayqueue"

// ArrayQueueExample to demonstrate basic usage of ArrayQueue
func main() {
	queue := aq.New[int]() // empty
	queue.Enqueue(1)       // 1
	queue.Enqueue(2)       // 1, 2
	_ = queue.Values()     // 1, 2 (FIFO order)
	_, _ = queue.Peek()    // 1,true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue() // 1, true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue() // 2, true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue() // nil, false (nothing to deque)
	queue.Enqueue(1)       // 1
	queue.Clear()          // empty
	queue.Empty()          // true
	_ = queue.Size()       // 0
package main

import cb "github.com/geange/gods-generic/queues/circularbuffer"

// CircularBufferExample to demonstrate basic usage of CircularBuffer
func main() {
	queue := cb.New[int](3) // empty (max size is 3)
	queue.Enqueue(1)        // 1
	queue.Enqueue(2)        // 1, 2
	queue.Enqueue(3)        // 1, 2, 3
	_ = queue.Values()      // 1, 2, 3
	queue.Enqueue(3)        // 4, 2, 3
	_, _ = queue.Peek()     // 4,true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue()  // 4, true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue()  // 2, true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue()  // 3, true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue()  // nil, false (nothing to deque)
	queue.Enqueue(1)        // 1
	queue.Clear()           // empty
	queue.Empty()           // true
	_ = queue.Size()        // 0
package main

import (
	pq "github.com/geange/gods-generic/queues/priorityqueue"

// Element is an entry in the priority queue
type Element struct {
	name     string
	priority int

// comparator function (sort by element's priority value in descending order)
func byPriority(a, b Element) int {
	priorityA := a.priority
	priorityB := b.priority
	return -utils.IntComparator(priorityA, priorityB) // "-" descending order

// PriorityQueueExample to demonstrate basic usage of BinaryHeap
func main() {
	a := Element{name: "a", priority: 1}
	b := Element{name: "b", priority: 2}
	c := Element{name: "c", priority: 3}

	queue := pq.NewWith(byPriority) // empty
	queue.Enqueue(a)                // {a 1}
	queue.Enqueue(c)                // {c 3}, {a 1}
	queue.Enqueue(b)                // {c 3}, {b 2}, {a 1}
	_ = queue.Values()              // [{c 3} {b 2} {a 1}]
	_, _ = queue.Peek()             // {c 3} true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue()          // {c 3} true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue()          // {b 2} true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue()          // {a 1} true
	_, _ = queue.Dequeue()          // <nil> false (nothing to dequeue)
	queue.Clear()                   // empty
	_ = queue.Empty()               // true
	_ = queue.Size()                // 0

gods-generic 是在BSD风格的许可证下分发的,该许可证位于 LICENSE.


Path Synopsis
Package cmp provides types and functions related to comparing ordered values.
Package cmp provides types and functions related to comparing ordered values.
Package containers provides core interfaces and functions for data structures.
Package containers provides core interfaces and functions for data structures.
Package lists provides an abstract List interface.
Package lists provides an abstract List interface.
Package arraylist implements the array list.
Package arraylist implements the array list.
Package doublylinkedlist implements the doubly-linked list.
Package doublylinkedlist implements the doubly-linked list.
Package singlylinkedlist implements the singly-linked list.
Package singlylinkedlist implements the singly-linked list.
Package maps provides an abstract Map interface.
Package maps provides an abstract Map interface.
Package hashbidimap implements a bidirectional map backed by two hashmaps.
Package hashbidimap implements a bidirectional map backed by two hashmaps.
Package hashmap implements a map backed by a hash table.
Package hashmap implements a map backed by a hash table.
Package linkedhashmap is a map that preserves insertion-order.
Package linkedhashmap is a map that preserves insertion-order.
Package treebidimap implements a bidirectional map backed by two red-black tree.
Package treebidimap implements a bidirectional map backed by two red-black tree.
Package treemap implements a map backed by red-black tree.
Package treemap implements a map backed by red-black tree.
Package queues provides an abstract Queue interface.
Package queues provides an abstract Queue interface.
Package arrayqueue implements a queue backed by array list.
Package arrayqueue implements a queue backed by array list.
Package circularbuffer implements the circular buffer.
Package circularbuffer implements the circular buffer.
Package linkedlistqueue implements a queue backed by a singly-linked list.
Package linkedlistqueue implements a queue backed by a singly-linked list.
Package priorityqueue implements a priority queue backed by binary queue.
Package priorityqueue implements a priority queue backed by binary queue.
Package sets provides an abstract Set interface.
Package sets provides an abstract Set interface.
Package hashset implements a set backed by a hash table.
Package hashset implements a set backed by a hash table.
Package linkedhashset is a set that preserves insertion-order.
Package linkedhashset is a set that preserves insertion-order.
Package treeset implements a tree backed by a red-black tree.
Package treeset implements a tree backed by a red-black tree.
Package stacks provides an abstract Stack interface.
Package stacks provides an abstract Stack interface.
Package arraystack implements a stack backed by array list.
Package arraystack implements a stack backed by array list.
Package linkedliststack implements a stack backed by a singly-linked list.
Package linkedliststack implements a stack backed by a singly-linked list.
Package trees provides an abstract Tree interface.
Package trees provides an abstract Tree interface.
Package binaryheap implements a binary heap backed by array list.
Package binaryheap implements a binary heap backed by array list.
Package btree implements a B tree.
Package btree implements a B tree.
Package rbtree implements a red-black tree.
Package rbtree implements a red-black tree.
Package utils provides common utility functions.
Package utils provides common utility functions.

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