luet-geaaru (fork) - Container-based Package manager

Luet is a multi-platform Package Manager based off from containers - it uses Docker (and others) to build packages. It has zero dependencies and it is well suitable for "from scratch" environments. It can also version entire rootfs and enables delivery of OTA-alike updates, making it a perfect fit for the Edge computing era and IoT embedded devices.
It offers a simple specfile format in YAML notation to define both packages and rootfs. As it is based on containers, it can be also used to build stages for Linux From Scratch installations and it can build and track updates for those systems.
It is written entirely in Golang and where used as package manager, it can run in from scratch environment, with zero dependencies.
Major differences between upstream release
feature: Permit to define subsets to choice what files extract from original package.
This means that we could avoid splitting of a package, for example for Portage metadata, Include files, etc.
and customize the subsets defined in the original package definition with custom options that could be
configured from an user at runtime.
implementation: i begin the rewriting of all solver code and for now i only rewrite some internal
code to speedup solver logic. It's yet too slow for a stable condition but i hope to rewrite completly all
this part.
: the annotations are managed as interface{} struct without define only strings
luet q files
: following the command equo q files
from Sabayon entropy tool, this command supply the list
of the files of a package and in the near future the mapping of the files with the subsets configured.
luet q belongs
: following the command equo q belongs
from Sabayon entropy tool, this command supply the list of the packages that own files in input.
backend: i begin to rewrite the docker backend and using the tar-formers to manage the tar streams.
drop extensions
and plugin
support not used
In a glance
To install luet, you can grab a release on the Release page or to install it in your system:
$> curl | sh
$> luet search ...
$> luet install ..
$> luet --help
Build from source
$ git clone -b geaaru
$ cd luet
$ make build
Original Documentation is available, or
run luet --help
, any subcommand is documented as well, try e.g.: luet build --help
I hope to prepare an aligned documentation to the geaaru fork soon.
Dependency solving
Luet uses SAT and Reinforcement learning engine for dependency solving.
It encodes the package requirements into a SAT problem, using gophersat to solve the dependency tree and give a concrete model as result.
SAT encoding
Each package and its constraints are encoded and built around OPIUM. Additionally, Luet treats
also selectors seamlessly while building the model, adding ALO ( At least one ) and AMO ( At most one ) rules to guarantee coherence within the installed system.
Reinforcement learning
Luet also implements a small and portable qlearning agent that will try to solve conflict on your behalf
when they arises while trying to validate your queries against the system model.
To leverage it, simply pass --solver-type qlearning
to the subcommands that supports it ( you can check out by invoking --help
Luet is distributed under the terms of GPLv3, check out the LICENSE file.