Archived project. No maintenance.
This project is not maintained anymore and is archived. Feel free to fork and
make your own changes if needed. For more detail read my blog post: Taking an indefinite sabbatical from my projects
Thanks to everyone for their valuable feedback and contributions.
hclfmt is a command to format and prettify HCL files. It's similar to the
popular gofmt
command. Hook it with your favourite editor or use it from the
command line.
If you have Go installed just do:
go get
Editor integration
The usage is similar to gofmt
. If you pass a file it prints the formatted
output to std output:
$ hclfmt config.hcl
You can pass the -w
flag to directly overwrite your file:
$ hclfmt -w config.hcl
If no arguments are passed, it excepts the input from standard input.
The BSD 3-Clause License - see
for more