
v0.7.3 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Nov 26, 2024 License: GPL-3.0 Imports: 5 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type BatchCreateRuneEntriesParams added in v0.6.0

type BatchCreateRuneEntriesParams struct {
	RuneIDArr           []string
	RuneArr             []string
	NumberArr           []int64
	SpacersArr          []int32
	PremineArr          []pgtype.Numeric
	SymbolArr           []int32
	DivisibilityArr     []int16
	TermsArr            []bool
	TermsAmountArr      []pgtype.Numeric
	TermsCapArr         []pgtype.Numeric
	TermsHeightStartArr []int32
	TermsHeightEndArr   []int32
	TermsOffsetStartArr []int32
	TermsOffsetEndArr   []int32
	TurboArr            []bool
	EtchingBlockArr     []int32
	EtchingTxHashArr    []string
	EtchedAtArr         []pgtype.Timestamp

type BatchCreateRuneEntriesPatchedParams added in v0.6.0

type BatchCreateRuneEntriesPatchedParams struct {
	TermsHeightStartArr []pgtype.Int4
	TermsHeightEndArr   []pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetStartArr []pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetEndArr   []pgtype.Int4

type BatchCreateRuneEntryStatesParams added in v0.6.0

type BatchCreateRuneEntryStatesParams struct {
	RuneIDArr            []string
	BlockHeightArr       []int32
	MintsArr             []pgtype.Numeric
	BurnedAmountArr      []pgtype.Numeric
	CompletedAtArr       []pgtype.Timestamp
	CompletedAtHeightArr []int32

type BatchCreateRuneEntryStatesPatchedParams added in v0.6.0

type BatchCreateRuneEntryStatesPatchedParams struct {
	CompletedAtHeightArr []pgtype.Int4

type BatchCreateRuneTransactionsParams added in v0.6.0

type BatchCreateRuneTransactionsParams struct {
	HashArr        []string
	BlockHeightArr []int32
	IndexArr       []int32
	TimestampArr   []pgtype.Timestamp
	InputsArr      [][]byte
	OutputsArr     [][]byte
	MintsArr       [][]byte
	BurnsArr       [][]byte
	RuneEtchedArr  []bool

type BatchCreateRunesBalancesParams added in v0.6.0

type BatchCreateRunesBalancesParams struct {
	PkscriptArr    []string
	BlockHeightArr []int32
	RuneIDArr      []string
	AmountArr      []pgtype.Numeric

type BatchCreateRunesOutpointBalancesParams added in v0.6.0

type BatchCreateRunesOutpointBalancesParams struct {
	RuneIDArr      []string
	PkscriptArr    []string
	TxHashArr      []string
	TxIdxArr       []int32
	AmountArr      []pgtype.Numeric
	BlockHeightArr []int32
	SpentHeightArr []int32

type BatchCreateRunesOutpointBalancesPatchedParams added in v0.6.0

type BatchCreateRunesOutpointBalancesPatchedParams struct {
	SpentHeightArr []pgtype.Int4

type BatchCreateRunestonesParams added in v0.6.0

type BatchCreateRunestonesParams struct {
	TxHashArr                  []string
	BlockHeightArr             []int32
	EtchingArr                 []bool
	EtchingDivisibilityArr     []int16
	EtchingPremineArr          []pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingRuneArr             []string
	EtchingSpacersArr          []int32
	EtchingSymbolArr           []int32
	EtchingTermsArr            []bool
	EtchingTermsAmountArr      []pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingTermsCapArr         []pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingTermsHeightStartArr []int32
	EtchingTermsHeightEndArr   []int32
	EtchingTermsOffsetStartArr []int32
	EtchingTermsOffsetEndArr   []int32
	EtchingTurboArr            []bool
	EdictsArr                  [][]byte
	MintArr                    []string
	PointerArr                 []int32
	CenotaphArr                []bool
	FlawsArr                   []int32

type BatchCreateRunestonesPatchedParams added in v0.6.0

type BatchCreateRunestonesPatchedParams struct {
	EtchingDivisibilityArr     []pgtype.Int2
	EtchingRuneArr             []pgtype.Text
	EtchingSpacersArr          []pgtype.Int4
	EtchingSymbolArr           []pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsArr            []pgtype.Bool
	EtchingTermsHeightStartArr []pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsHeightEndArr   []pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsOffsetStartArr []pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsOffsetEndArr   []pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTurboArr            []pgtype.Bool
	MintArr                    []pgtype.Text
	PointerArr                 []pgtype.Int4

type BatchSpendOutpointBalancesParams added in v0.6.0

type BatchSpendOutpointBalancesParams struct {
	SpentHeight int32
	TxHashArr   []string
	TxIdxArr    []int32

type CreateIndexedBlockParams

type CreateIndexedBlockParams struct {
	Hash                string
	Height              int32
	PrevHash            string
	EventHash           string
	CumulativeEventHash string

type CreateOutPointBalanceParams added in v0.6.0

type CreateOutPointBalanceParams struct {
	RuneID      string
	Pkscript    string
	TxHash      string
	TxIdx       int32
	Amount      pgtype.Numeric
	BlockHeight int32
	SpentHeight pgtype.Int4

type CreateRuneBalanceParams added in v0.6.0

type CreateRuneBalanceParams struct {
	Pkscript    string
	BlockHeight int32
	RuneID      string
	Amount      pgtype.Numeric

type CreateRuneEntryParams

type CreateRuneEntryParams struct {
	RuneID           string
	Rune             string
	Number           int64
	Spacers          int32
	Premine          pgtype.Numeric
	Symbol           int32
	Divisibility     int16
	Terms            bool
	TermsAmount      pgtype.Numeric
	TermsCap         pgtype.Numeric
	TermsHeightStart pgtype.Int4
	TermsHeightEnd   pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetStart pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetEnd   pgtype.Int4
	Turbo            bool
	EtchingBlock     int32
	EtchingTxHash    string
	EtchedAt         pgtype.Timestamp

type CreateRuneEntryStateParams

type CreateRuneEntryStateParams struct {
	RuneID            string
	BlockHeight       int32
	Mints             pgtype.Numeric
	BurnedAmount      pgtype.Numeric
	CompletedAt       pgtype.Timestamp
	CompletedAtHeight pgtype.Int4

type CreateRuneTransactionParams

type CreateRuneTransactionParams struct {
	Hash        string
	BlockHeight int32
	Index       int32
	Timestamp   pgtype.Timestamp
	Inputs      []byte
	Outputs     []byte
	Mints       []byte
	Burns       []byte
	RuneEtched  bool

type CreateRunestoneParams

type CreateRunestoneParams struct {
	TxHash                  string
	BlockHeight             int32
	Etching                 bool
	EtchingDivisibility     pgtype.Int2
	EtchingPremine          pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingRune             pgtype.Text
	EtchingSpacers          pgtype.Int4
	EtchingSymbol           pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTerms            pgtype.Bool
	EtchingTermsAmount      pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingTermsCap         pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingTermsHeightStart pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsHeightEnd   pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsOffsetStart pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsOffsetEnd   pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTurbo            pgtype.Bool
	Edicts                  []byte
	Mint                    pgtype.Text
	Pointer                 pgtype.Int4
	Cenotaph                bool
	Flaws                   int32

type DBTX

type DBTX interface {
	Exec(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (pgconn.CommandTag, error)
	Query(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) (pgx.Rows, error)
	QueryRow(context.Context, string, ...interface{}) pgx.Row

type GetBalanceByPkScriptAndRuneIdParams

type GetBalanceByPkScriptAndRuneIdParams struct {
	Pkscript    string
	RuneID      string
	BlockHeight int32

type GetBalancesByPkScriptParams

type GetBalancesByPkScriptParams struct {
	Pkscript    string
	BlockHeight int32
	Limit       int32
	Offset      int32

type GetBalancesByPkScriptRow

type GetBalancesByPkScriptRow struct {
	Pkscript    string
	BlockHeight int32
	RuneID      string
	Amount      pgtype.Numeric

type GetBalancesByRuneIdParams

type GetBalancesByRuneIdParams struct {
	RuneID      string
	BlockHeight int32
	Limit       int32
	Offset      int32

type GetBalancesByRuneIdRow

type GetBalancesByRuneIdRow struct {
	Pkscript    string
	BlockHeight int32
	RuneID      string
	Amount      pgtype.Numeric

type GetLatestIndexerStatsRow

type GetLatestIndexerStatsRow struct {
	ClientVersion string
	Network       string

type GetOngoingRuneEntriesParams added in v0.4.6

type GetOngoingRuneEntriesParams struct {
	Height int32
	Search string
	Offset int32
	Limit  int32

type GetOngoingRuneEntriesRow added in v0.4.6

type GetOngoingRuneEntriesRow struct {
	RuneID            string
	Number            int64
	Rune              string
	Spacers           int32
	Premine           pgtype.Numeric
	Symbol            int32
	Divisibility      int16
	Terms             bool
	TermsAmount       pgtype.Numeric
	TermsCap          pgtype.Numeric
	TermsHeightStart  pgtype.Int4
	TermsHeightEnd    pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetStart  pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetEnd    pgtype.Int4
	Turbo             bool
	EtchingBlock      int32
	EtchingTxHash     string
	EtchedAt          pgtype.Timestamp
	RuneID_2          pgtype.Text
	BlockHeight       pgtype.Int4
	Mints             pgtype.Numeric
	BurnedAmount      pgtype.Numeric
	CompletedAt       pgtype.Timestamp
	CompletedAtHeight pgtype.Int4

type GetOutPointBalancesAtOutPointParams

type GetOutPointBalancesAtOutPointParams struct {
	TxHash string
	TxIdx  int32

type GetRuneEntriesByRuneIdsAndHeightParams

type GetRuneEntriesByRuneIdsAndHeightParams struct {
	RuneIds []string
	Height  int32

type GetRuneEntriesByRuneIdsAndHeightRow

type GetRuneEntriesByRuneIdsAndHeightRow struct {
	RuneID            string
	Number            int64
	Rune              string
	Spacers           int32
	Premine           pgtype.Numeric
	Symbol            int32
	Divisibility      int16
	Terms             bool
	TermsAmount       pgtype.Numeric
	TermsCap          pgtype.Numeric
	TermsHeightStart  pgtype.Int4
	TermsHeightEnd    pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetStart  pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetEnd    pgtype.Int4
	Turbo             bool
	EtchingBlock      int32
	EtchingTxHash     string
	EtchedAt          pgtype.Timestamp
	RuneID_2          pgtype.Text
	BlockHeight       pgtype.Int4
	Mints             pgtype.Numeric
	BurnedAmount      pgtype.Numeric
	CompletedAt       pgtype.Timestamp
	CompletedAtHeight pgtype.Int4

type GetRuneEntriesByRuneIdsRow

type GetRuneEntriesByRuneIdsRow struct {
	RuneID            string
	Number            int64
	Rune              string
	Spacers           int32
	Premine           pgtype.Numeric
	Symbol            int32
	Divisibility      int16
	Terms             bool
	TermsAmount       pgtype.Numeric
	TermsCap          pgtype.Numeric
	TermsHeightStart  pgtype.Int4
	TermsHeightEnd    pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetStart  pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetEnd    pgtype.Int4
	Turbo             bool
	EtchingBlock      int32
	EtchingTxHash     string
	EtchedAt          pgtype.Timestamp
	RuneID_2          pgtype.Text
	BlockHeight       pgtype.Int4
	Mints             pgtype.Numeric
	BurnedAmount      pgtype.Numeric
	CompletedAt       pgtype.Timestamp
	CompletedAtHeight pgtype.Int4

type GetRuneEntriesParams added in v0.4.6

type GetRuneEntriesParams struct {
	Search interface{}
	Offset int32
	Limit  int32
	Height int32

type GetRuneEntriesRow added in v0.4.6

type GetRuneEntriesRow struct {
	RuneID            string
	Number            int64
	Rune              string
	Spacers           int32
	Premine           pgtype.Numeric
	Symbol            int32
	Divisibility      int16
	Terms             bool
	TermsAmount       pgtype.Numeric
	TermsCap          pgtype.Numeric
	TermsHeightStart  pgtype.Int4
	TermsHeightEnd    pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetStart  pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetEnd    pgtype.Int4
	Turbo             bool
	EtchingBlock      int32
	EtchingTxHash     string
	EtchedAt          pgtype.Timestamp
	RuneID_2          pgtype.Text
	BlockHeight       pgtype.Int4
	Mints             pgtype.Numeric
	BurnedAmount      pgtype.Numeric
	CompletedAt       pgtype.Timestamp
	CompletedAtHeight pgtype.Int4

type GetRuneTransactionRow added in v0.4.0

type GetRuneTransactionRow struct {
	Hash                    string
	BlockHeight             int32
	Index                   int32
	Timestamp               pgtype.Timestamp
	Inputs                  []byte
	Outputs                 []byte
	Mints                   []byte
	Burns                   []byte
	RuneEtched              bool
	TxHash                  pgtype.Text
	BlockHeight_2           pgtype.Int4
	Etching                 pgtype.Bool
	EtchingDivisibility     pgtype.Int2
	EtchingPremine          pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingRune             pgtype.Text
	EtchingSpacers          pgtype.Int4
	EtchingSymbol           pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTerms            pgtype.Bool
	EtchingTermsAmount      pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingTermsCap         pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingTermsHeightStart pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsHeightEnd   pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsOffsetStart pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsOffsetEnd   pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTurbo            pgtype.Bool
	Edicts                  []byte
	Mint                    pgtype.Text
	Pointer                 pgtype.Int4
	Cenotaph                pgtype.Bool
	Flaws                   pgtype.Int4

type GetRuneTransactionsParams

type GetRuneTransactionsParams struct {
	Limit             int32
	Offset            int32
	FilterPkScript    bool
	PkScriptParam     []byte
	FilterRuneID      bool
	RuneIDParam       []byte
	RuneID            []byte
	RuneIDBlockHeight int32
	RuneIDTxIndex     int32
	FromBlock         int32
	ToBlock           int32

type GetRuneTransactionsRow

type GetRuneTransactionsRow struct {
	Hash                    string
	BlockHeight             int32
	Index                   int32
	Timestamp               pgtype.Timestamp
	Inputs                  []byte
	Outputs                 []byte
	Mints                   []byte
	Burns                   []byte
	RuneEtched              bool
	TxHash                  pgtype.Text
	BlockHeight_2           pgtype.Int4
	Etching                 pgtype.Bool
	EtchingDivisibility     pgtype.Int2
	EtchingPremine          pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingRune             pgtype.Text
	EtchingSpacers          pgtype.Int4
	EtchingSymbol           pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTerms            pgtype.Bool
	EtchingTermsAmount      pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingTermsCap         pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingTermsHeightStart pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsHeightEnd   pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsOffsetStart pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsOffsetEnd   pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTurbo            pgtype.Bool
	Edicts                  []byte
	Mint                    pgtype.Text
	Pointer                 pgtype.Int4
	Cenotaph                pgtype.Bool
	Flaws                   pgtype.Int4

type GetRunesUTXOsByPkScriptParams added in v0.3.0

type GetRunesUTXOsByPkScriptParams struct {
	Limit       int32
	Offset      int32
	Pkscript    string
	BlockHeight int32

type GetRunesUTXOsByPkScriptRow added in v0.3.0

type GetRunesUTXOsByPkScriptRow struct {
	TxHash   string
	TxIdx    int32
	Pkscript interface{}
	RuneIds  interface{}
	Amounts  interface{}

type GetRunesUTXOsByRuneIdAndPkScriptParams added in v0.3.0

type GetRunesUTXOsByRuneIdAndPkScriptParams struct {
	Limit       int32
	Offset      int32
	Pkscript    string
	BlockHeight int32
	RuneIds     []string

type GetRunesUTXOsByRuneIdAndPkScriptRow added in v0.3.0

type GetRunesUTXOsByRuneIdAndPkScriptRow struct {
	TxHash   string
	TxIdx    int32
	Pkscript interface{}
	RuneIds  interface{}
	Amounts  interface{}

type GetTotalHoldersByRuneIdsParams added in v0.4.6

type GetTotalHoldersByRuneIdsParams struct {
	RuneIds     []string
	BlockHeight int32

type GetTotalHoldersByRuneIdsRow added in v0.4.6

type GetTotalHoldersByRuneIdsRow struct {
	RuneID string
	Count  int64

type Queries

type Queries struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func New

func New(db DBTX) *Queries

func (*Queries) BatchCreateRuneEntries added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) BatchCreateRuneEntries(ctx context.Context, arg BatchCreateRuneEntriesParams) error

func (*Queries) BatchCreateRuneEntriesPatched added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) BatchCreateRuneEntriesPatched(ctx context.Context, arg BatchCreateRuneEntriesPatchedParams) error

func (*Queries) BatchCreateRuneEntryStates added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) BatchCreateRuneEntryStates(ctx context.Context, arg BatchCreateRuneEntryStatesParams) error

func (*Queries) BatchCreateRuneEntryStatesPatched added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) BatchCreateRuneEntryStatesPatched(ctx context.Context, arg BatchCreateRuneEntryStatesPatchedParams) error

func (*Queries) BatchCreateRuneTransactions added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) BatchCreateRuneTransactions(ctx context.Context, arg BatchCreateRuneTransactionsParams) error

func (*Queries) BatchCreateRunesBalances added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) BatchCreateRunesBalances(ctx context.Context, arg BatchCreateRunesBalancesParams) error

func (*Queries) BatchCreateRunesOutpointBalances added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) BatchCreateRunesOutpointBalances(ctx context.Context, arg BatchCreateRunesOutpointBalancesParams) error

func (*Queries) BatchCreateRunesOutpointBalancesPatched added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) BatchCreateRunesOutpointBalancesPatched(ctx context.Context, arg BatchCreateRunesOutpointBalancesPatchedParams) error

func (*Queries) BatchCreateRunestones added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) BatchCreateRunestones(ctx context.Context, arg BatchCreateRunestonesParams) error

func (*Queries) BatchCreateRunestonesPatched added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) BatchCreateRunestonesPatched(ctx context.Context, arg BatchCreateRunestonesPatchedParams) error

func (*Queries) BatchSpendOutpointBalances added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) BatchSpendOutpointBalances(ctx context.Context, arg BatchSpendOutpointBalancesParams) error

func (*Queries) CountRuneEntries

func (q *Queries) CountRuneEntries(ctx context.Context) (int64, error)

func (*Queries) CreateIndexedBlock

func (q *Queries) CreateIndexedBlock(ctx context.Context, arg CreateIndexedBlockParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateOutPointBalance added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) CreateOutPointBalance(ctx context.Context, arg CreateOutPointBalanceParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateRuneBalance added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) CreateRuneBalance(ctx context.Context, arg CreateRuneBalanceParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateRuneEntry

func (q *Queries) CreateRuneEntry(ctx context.Context, arg CreateRuneEntryParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateRuneEntryState

func (q *Queries) CreateRuneEntryState(ctx context.Context, arg CreateRuneEntryStateParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateRuneTransaction

func (q *Queries) CreateRuneTransaction(ctx context.Context, arg CreateRuneTransactionParams) error

func (*Queries) CreateRunestone

func (q *Queries) CreateRunestone(ctx context.Context, arg CreateRunestoneParams) error

func (*Queries) DeleteIndexedBlockSinceHeight

func (q *Queries) DeleteIndexedBlockSinceHeight(ctx context.Context, height int32) error

func (*Queries) DeleteOutPointBalancesSinceHeight

func (q *Queries) DeleteOutPointBalancesSinceHeight(ctx context.Context, blockHeight int32) error

func (*Queries) DeleteRuneBalancesSinceHeight

func (q *Queries) DeleteRuneBalancesSinceHeight(ctx context.Context, blockHeight int32) error

func (*Queries) DeleteRuneEntriesSinceHeight

func (q *Queries) DeleteRuneEntriesSinceHeight(ctx context.Context, etchingBlock int32) error

func (*Queries) DeleteRuneEntryStatesSinceHeight

func (q *Queries) DeleteRuneEntryStatesSinceHeight(ctx context.Context, blockHeight int32) error

func (*Queries) DeleteRuneTransactionsSinceHeight

func (q *Queries) DeleteRuneTransactionsSinceHeight(ctx context.Context, blockHeight int32) error

func (*Queries) DeleteRunestonesSinceHeight

func (q *Queries) DeleteRunestonesSinceHeight(ctx context.Context, blockHeight int32) error

func (*Queries) GetBalanceByPkScriptAndRuneId

func (q *Queries) GetBalanceByPkScriptAndRuneId(ctx context.Context, arg GetBalanceByPkScriptAndRuneIdParams) (RunesBalance, error)

func (*Queries) GetBalancesByPkScript

func (q *Queries) GetBalancesByPkScript(ctx context.Context, arg GetBalancesByPkScriptParams) ([]GetBalancesByPkScriptRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetBalancesByRuneId

func (q *Queries) GetBalancesByRuneId(ctx context.Context, arg GetBalancesByRuneIdParams) ([]GetBalancesByRuneIdRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetIndexedBlockByHeight

func (q *Queries) GetIndexedBlockByHeight(ctx context.Context, height int32) (RunesIndexedBlock, error)

func (*Queries) GetLatestIndexedBlock

func (q *Queries) GetLatestIndexedBlock(ctx context.Context) (RunesIndexedBlock, error)

func (*Queries) GetLatestIndexerState

func (q *Queries) GetLatestIndexerState(ctx context.Context) (RunesIndexerState, error)

func (*Queries) GetLatestIndexerStats

func (q *Queries) GetLatestIndexerStats(ctx context.Context) (GetLatestIndexerStatsRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetOngoingRuneEntries added in v0.4.6

func (q *Queries) GetOngoingRuneEntries(ctx context.Context, arg GetOngoingRuneEntriesParams) ([]GetOngoingRuneEntriesRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetOutPointBalancesAtOutPoint

func (q *Queries) GetOutPointBalancesAtOutPoint(ctx context.Context, arg GetOutPointBalancesAtOutPointParams) ([]RunesOutpointBalance, error)

func (*Queries) GetRuneEntries added in v0.4.6

func (q *Queries) GetRuneEntries(ctx context.Context, arg GetRuneEntriesParams) ([]GetRuneEntriesRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetRuneEntriesByRuneIds

func (q *Queries) GetRuneEntriesByRuneIds(ctx context.Context, runeIds []string) ([]GetRuneEntriesByRuneIdsRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetRuneIdFromRune

func (q *Queries) GetRuneIdFromRune(ctx context.Context, rune string) (string, error)

func (*Queries) GetRuneTransaction added in v0.4.0

func (q *Queries) GetRuneTransaction(ctx context.Context, hash string) (GetRuneTransactionRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetRuneTransactions

func (q *Queries) GetRuneTransactions(ctx context.Context, arg GetRuneTransactionsParams) ([]GetRuneTransactionsRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetRunesUTXOsByPkScript added in v0.3.0

func (q *Queries) GetRunesUTXOsByPkScript(ctx context.Context, arg GetRunesUTXOsByPkScriptParams) ([]GetRunesUTXOsByPkScriptRow, error)

func (*Queries) GetRunesUTXOsByRuneIdAndPkScript added in v0.3.0

func (*Queries) GetTotalHoldersByRuneIds added in v0.4.6

func (q *Queries) GetTotalHoldersByRuneIds(ctx context.Context, arg GetTotalHoldersByRuneIdsParams) ([]GetTotalHoldersByRuneIdsRow, error)

func (*Queries) SetIndexerState

func (q *Queries) SetIndexerState(ctx context.Context, arg SetIndexerStateParams) error

func (*Queries) SpendOutPointBalance added in v0.6.0

func (q *Queries) SpendOutPointBalance(ctx context.Context, arg SpendOutPointBalanceParams) error

func (*Queries) UnspendOutPointBalancesSinceHeight

func (q *Queries) UnspendOutPointBalancesSinceHeight(ctx context.Context, spentHeight pgtype.Int4) error

func (*Queries) UpdateIndexerStats

func (q *Queries) UpdateIndexerStats(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateIndexerStatsParams) error

func (*Queries) WithTx

func (q *Queries) WithTx(tx pgx.Tx) *Queries

type RunesBalance

type RunesBalance struct {
	Pkscript    string
	BlockHeight int32
	RuneID      string
	Amount      pgtype.Numeric

type RunesEntry

type RunesEntry struct {
	RuneID           string
	Number           int64
	Rune             string
	Spacers          int32
	Premine          pgtype.Numeric
	Symbol           int32
	Divisibility     int16
	Terms            bool
	TermsAmount      pgtype.Numeric
	TermsCap         pgtype.Numeric
	TermsHeightStart pgtype.Int4
	TermsHeightEnd   pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetStart pgtype.Int4
	TermsOffsetEnd   pgtype.Int4
	Turbo            bool
	EtchingBlock     int32
	EtchingTxHash    string
	EtchedAt         pgtype.Timestamp

type RunesEntryState

type RunesEntryState struct {
	RuneID            string
	BlockHeight       int32
	Mints             pgtype.Numeric
	BurnedAmount      pgtype.Numeric
	CompletedAt       pgtype.Timestamp
	CompletedAtHeight pgtype.Int4

type RunesIndexedBlock

type RunesIndexedBlock struct {
	Height              int32
	Hash                string
	PrevHash            string
	EventHash           string
	CumulativeEventHash string

type RunesIndexerStat

type RunesIndexerStat struct {
	Id            int64
	ClientVersion string
	Network       string
	CreatedAt     pgtype.Timestamptz

type RunesIndexerState

type RunesIndexerState struct {
	Id               int64
	DbVersion        int32
	EventHashVersion int32
	CreatedAt        pgtype.Timestamptz

type RunesOutpointBalance

type RunesOutpointBalance struct {
	RuneID      string
	Pkscript    string
	TxHash      string
	TxIdx       int32
	Amount      pgtype.Numeric
	BlockHeight int32
	SpentHeight pgtype.Int4

type RunesRunestone

type RunesRunestone struct {
	TxHash                  string
	BlockHeight             int32
	Etching                 bool
	EtchingDivisibility     pgtype.Int2
	EtchingPremine          pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingRune             pgtype.Text
	EtchingSpacers          pgtype.Int4
	EtchingSymbol           pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTerms            pgtype.Bool
	EtchingTermsAmount      pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingTermsCap         pgtype.Numeric
	EtchingTermsHeightStart pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsHeightEnd   pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsOffsetStart pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTermsOffsetEnd   pgtype.Int4
	EtchingTurbo            pgtype.Bool
	Edicts                  []byte
	Mint                    pgtype.Text
	Pointer                 pgtype.Int4
	Cenotaph                bool
	Flaws                   int32

type RunesTransaction

type RunesTransaction struct {
	Hash        string
	BlockHeight int32
	Index       int32
	Timestamp   pgtype.Timestamp
	Inputs      []byte
	Outputs     []byte
	Mints       []byte
	Burns       []byte
	RuneEtched  bool

type SetIndexerStateParams

type SetIndexerStateParams struct {
	DbVersion        int32
	EventHashVersion int32

type SpendOutPointBalanceParams added in v0.6.0

type SpendOutPointBalanceParams struct {
	SpentHeight pgtype.Int4
	TxHash      string
	TxIdx       int32

type UpdateIndexerStatsParams

type UpdateIndexerStatsParams struct {
	ClientVersion string
	Network       string

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