Jor-El - Master of Scheduling on the Intergalactic Stock Exchange
Jor-El is the service extends Google Pub/Sub with some new features:
Routing - the message can be republished in the different topics based on their meta information.
Scheduling - the message can be republished with some delay.
Debounce - messages with the same aggregation-id can be debounced. It means, will be republished
ONLY the last message (or first) (not implemented yet).
Aggregation - messages with the same aggregation-id can be joined. It means, will be republished
one aggregated message contains an array of original messages (not implemented yet).
How to run the test project
create GCP project (or use existing) and download the service account key.
you need the following topics and subscriptions:
- ingress-topic topic with ingress-subs subscription;
- default-topic topic with default-topic-subs subscription;
- cancel-topic topic with cancel-topic-subs subscription;
activate Cloud SQL wth PostgresSQL 11 (documentation
create two databases: one for the production service, one for the tests
create tables using create_tables.sql script
set environment variables:
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS = path_to_the_account_key
JOR_EL_POSTGRES_URL - production database connection string
(something like postgresql://user:password@host:port/database)
JOR_EL_POSTGRES_TEST_URL - test database connection string
run tests go test ./...
run test receiver make run-receiver
run jor-el make run-jorel (or run several jorel instances in different terminals windows)
run test publisher make run-publisher
Jor-El config
project-id: jorel-test-project
ingress-subscription: ingress-subs
topic-name: default-topic
aggregation: no
- message-type: cancel
topic-name: cancel-topic
aggregation: no
The first two lines are pretty obvious: GCP project name and jor-el ingress subscription ID.
default section is the configuration for the jor-el default egress topic. jor-el handles all messages
without message type or with unknown message type according to this section rules. It's a mandatory section.
routing - section with routing rules. Optional.
The ‘Meta Message’ (or jor-el ingress message) wraps the ‘Target Message’ as jor-el only needs the bytes that will be sent and the name of the queue, the ‘Target Queue’. This way jor-el doesn’t need to know anything about the content of that ‘Target Message’.
Meta information is passing through message attributes:
- delay - message delay in seconds. Mandatory attribute. It can be 0, it means - republish immediately.
- message-type - using for the routing (if needed). Optional.
- aggregation-id - using for the debounce and aggregation. Optional. Not implemented yet.
Run in GKE
in progress