CoWatchBenchmark-go is a tool written by Go for benchmarking the performance of the cowatch server.
CoWatchBenchmark-go supports the following commands:
-c string
[Mandatory] configure: configure file
-cr string
[Mandatory] remote configure: remote configure. No coexistence with -c
-host string
[Mandatory] host: address of coWatch server. schema://host
-httpTimeout int
http timeout(1~60s): http request timeout for create room (default 25)
-msgFreq int
frequency: frequency of sending message per minute (default 10)
-msglen int
message length: size of a message (default 48)
-parallel int
[Mandatory] mode for socket requesting server.1 means parallel, 0 means serial (default 1)
-parallelStartTimeRoom string
[Mandatory] start time for creating room: following RFC3339. For example: 2017-12-08T00:08:00.00+08:00
-parallelStartTimeUser string
[Mandatory] start time for creating user: following RFC3339. For example: 2017-12-08T00:08:00.00+08:00
-room int
room size: number of room to create (default 10)
-rtcID string
[Mandatory] webrtc app id
-standalone int
[Mandatory] set to 1 means run cowatch-benchamrk in one point. 0 means multi-point in the same time (default 1)
-user int
user size: maximum number of user in room (default 10)
-v int
verbose log enable:1, disable(default):0
-websocketTimeout int
websocket timeout(1~60s): websocket request timeout for create user (default 45)
-wsCon int
for parallel mode, it means that the number of room which fire websockets. It should be positive and only valid when parallel_mode=2 (default 1)
-wsOnlineDuration int
websocket link survival duration. In second. (default 300)
The configure file is json style. The full content of the configure file as follow:
"host": "http://server_host:80",
"room": 2,
"user": 10,
"msg_len": 1024,
"msg_frequency": 10,
"log_enable": 0,
"http_timeout": 25,
"websocket_timeout": 45,
"start_time_room": "2021-01-20T21:34:00.00+08:00",
"start_time_user": "2021-01-20T21:35:00.00+08:00",
"single_client_mode": 1,
"parallel_mode": 2,
"app_id": "8dad41adda7a4d939aa1aae8484c3981",
"ws_request_speed_number": 100,
"ws_online_duration_in_second": 1200
Configure file mode will override other arguments
CoWatchBenchmark-go can be started with a configure file which locates in local driver. For example:
./CoWatchBenchmark -c ./config.json # config.json and CoWatchBenchmark are in the same directory.
# or
./CoWatchBenchmark -c /etc/cowatch/config.json
CoWatchBenchmark-go can also be started with a remote configure file. It's very powerful when you want to getRooms multiple jobs in different client mechine. For example:
./CoWatchBenchmark -cr https://server_host/path/to/your/config
Using remote configure file can be start this program parallel in different client by setting the field start_time_room
and start_time_user
Note: `start_time_user` should be after `start_time_room`. The time difference shouldn't be less then 60s.
Cammond line arguements mode
Refer to Arguments block