Kube Cover
Kube Cover is a short-term hack to enable security policies via the Kubernetes API. Presently, items such as privileged, host network, host, pid/ipc, host port range and docker capabilities are difficult or in some cases impossible to enforce a security policy. Kube Cover provide's a stepping stone into using those policies while we wait for the kubernetes project to resolve and release them. Note, the actually policies are based on a PR released into Openshift Origin
Usage of bin/kube-cover:
-alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
-bind string the interface and port for the service to listen on (default ":6444")
-log_backtrace_at value when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
-log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
-logtostderr log to standard error instead of files
-policy-file string the path to the policy file container authorization security policies
-stderrthreshold value logs at or above this threshold go to stderr
-tls-cert string the path to the tls cerfiicate for the service to use
-tls-key string the path to the tls private key for the service
-url string the url for the kubernetes upstream api service, must be https (default "")
-v value log level for V logs
-vmodule value comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
Example Usage
[jest@starfury kube-cover]$ bin/kube-cover \
-logtostderr=true -v=10 \
-tls-cert=tests/kubeapi.pem \
-tls-key=tests/kubeapi-key.pem \
-policy-file=tests/policies.json \
[jest@starfury openvpn]$ kubectl get pods
service-u6ea0 0/1 Image: nginx is ready, container is creating 0 2h
web-7jthn 1/1 Running 0 1d
I1116 16:34:49.748882 30023 server.go:32] create a new kube cover service
I1116 16:34:49.749001 30023 controller.go:41] loading the policies file: tests/policies.json
I1116 16:34:49.749355 30023 controller.go:46] found 1 polices in the file
[GIN] 2015/11/16 - 16:35:13 | 200 | 130.948277ms | | GET /api
[GIN] 2015/11/16 - 16:35:13 | 200 | 28.218429ms | | GET /api/v1/namespaces/default/pods
# attempt to create a pod with a hostpath mapped into /etc
[jest@starfury kube-cover]$ kubectl create -f tests/services/service-hostpaths.yml
Error from server: error when creating "tests/services/service-hostpaths.yml": security policy violation, reason: host path /run/vault
# logging from the kube-cover proxy filter
[GIN] 2015/11/16 - 16:38:13 | 200 | 55.299491ms | | GET /api
I1116 16:38:13.587799 30023 handlers.go:48] authorizating replication controller, namespace: default, name: service
I1116 16:38:13.587823 30023 controller.go:56] validating the pod spec, namespace: default
E1116 16:38:13.587832 30023 handlers.go:86] unauthorized request from: (, failure: host path /run/vault violation
E1116 16:38:13.587836 30023 handlers.go:87] failing specification:
.. -> plus a insert of pod json which violated the policy
Security Policies
The security policy file is a single json file containing an array of PodSecurityPolicy types (which you can find in
At the moment the filter / matching for security policies is applied at a namespace level (since that's what were using use to segregate projects - we then use a auth-policy to enforce which namespaces a user has permissions to access. You could technically grab the user / group from a JWT or tokenfile, BUT, depends on how long it takes for k8s to merge the security policy proposal.
"kind": "PodSecurityPolicyList",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"items": [
"kind": "PodSecurityPolicy",
"version": "v1",
"namespaces": [
"spec": {
"privileged" : false,
"hostNetwork" : false,
"hostPID": false,
"hostIPC": false,
"volumes": {
"hostPath": true,
"hostPathAllowed": [
"emptyDir": true,
"gitRepo": true,
"secret": true,
"rbd": true,
"downwardAPI": true