
v0.6.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 5, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0




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type FivenetAccounts

type FivenetAccounts struct {
	ID               uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt        *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt        *time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
	Enabled          *bool      `json:"enabled"`
	Username         *string    `json:"username"`
	Password         *string    `json:"password"`
	License          string     `json:"license"`
	RegToken         *string    `json:"reg_token"`
	OverrideJob      *string    `json:"override_job"`
	OverrideJobGrade *int32     `json:"override_job_grade"`

type FivenetAttrs

type FivenetAttrs struct {
	ID           uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt    *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	PermissionID uint64     `json:"permission_id"`
	Key          string     `json:"key"`
	Type         string     `json:"type"`
	ValidValues  *string    `json:"valid_values"`

type FivenetAuditLog

type FivenetAuditLog struct {
	ID           uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt    *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UserID       int32      `json:"user_id"`
	UserJob      string     `json:"user_job"`
	TargetUserID *int32     `json:"target_user_id"`
	Service      string     `json:"service"`
	Method       string     `json:"method"`
	State        int16      `json:"state"`
	Data         *string    `json:"data"`

type FivenetDocuments

type FivenetDocuments struct {
	ID          uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt   *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt   *time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
	DeletedAt   *time.Time `json:"deleted_at"`
	CategoryID  *uint64    `json:"category_id"`
	Title       string     `json:"title"`
	ContentType int16      `json:"content_type"`
	Content     string     `json:"content"`
	Data        *string    `json:"data"`
	CreatorID   *int32     `json:"creator_id"`
	CreatorJob  string     `json:"creator_job"`
	State       string     `json:"state"`
	Closed      *bool      `json:"closed"`
	Public      bool       `json:"public"`

type FivenetDocumentsCategories

type FivenetDocumentsCategories struct {
	ID          uint64  `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	Name        string  `json:"name"`
	Description *string `json:"description"`
	Job         string  `json:"job"`

type FivenetDocumentsComments

type FivenetDocumentsComments struct {
	ID         uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt  *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt  *time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
	DeletedAt  *time.Time `json:"deleted_at"`
	DocumentID uint64     `json:"document_id"`
	Comment    *string    `json:"comment"`
	CreatorID  int32      `json:"creator_id"`

type FivenetDocumentsJobAccess

type FivenetDocumentsJobAccess struct {
	ID           uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt    *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt    *time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
	DeletedAt    *time.Time `json:"deleted_at"`
	DocumentID   uint64     `json:"document_id"`
	Job          string     `json:"job"`
	MinimumGrade int32      `json:"minimum_grade"`
	Access       int16      `json:"access"`

type FivenetDocumentsReferences

type FivenetDocumentsReferences struct {
	ID               uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt        *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	DeletedAt        *time.Time `json:"deleted_at"`
	SourceDocumentID uint64     `json:"source_document_id"`
	Reference        int16      `json:"reference"`
	TargetDocumentID uint64     `json:"target_document_id"`
	CreatorID        *int32     `json:"creator_id"`

type FivenetDocumentsRelations

type FivenetDocumentsRelations struct {
	ID           uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt    *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	DeletedAt    *time.Time `json:"deleted_at"`
	DocumentID   uint64     `json:"document_id"`
	SourceUserID *int32     `json:"source_user_id"`
	Relation     int16      `json:"relation"`
	TargetUserID int32      `json:"target_user_id"`

type FivenetDocumentsTemplates

type FivenetDocumentsTemplates struct {
	ID           uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt    *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt    *time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
	DeletedAt    *time.Time `json:"deleted_at"`
	Weight       *uint32    `json:"weight"`
	CategoryID   *uint64    `json:"category_id"`
	Title        string     `json:"title"`
	Description  string     `json:"description"`
	ContentTitle string     `json:"content_title"`
	Content      string     `json:"content"`
	Access       *string    `json:"access"`
	Schema       *string    `json:"schema"`
	CreatorID    *int32     `json:"creator_id"`
	CreatorJob   string     `json:"creator_job"`

type FivenetDocumentsTemplatesJobAccess

type FivenetDocumentsTemplatesJobAccess struct {
	ID           uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt    *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt    *time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
	DeletedAt    *time.Time `json:"deleted_at"`
	TemplateID   uint64     `json:"template_id"`
	Job          string     `json:"job"`
	MinimumGrade int32      `json:"minimum_grade"`
	Access       int16      `json:"access"`

type FivenetDocumentsUserAccess

type FivenetDocumentsUserAccess struct {
	ID         uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt  *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	DeletedAt  *time.Time `json:"deleted_at"`
	DocumentID *uint64    `json:"document_id"`
	UserID     int32      `json:"user_id"`
	Access     int16      `json:"access"`

type FivenetJobProps

type FivenetJobProps struct {
	Job                string     `json:"job"`
	UpdatedAt          *time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
	Theme              *string    `json:"theme"`
	LivemapMarkerColor *string    `json:"livemap_marker_color"`
	QuickButtons       *string    `json:"quick_buttons"`

type FivenetNotifications

type FivenetNotifications struct {
	ID        uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	ReadAt    *time.Time `json:"read_at"`
	UserID    int32      `json:"user_id"`
	Title     string     `json:"title"`
	Type      string     `json:"type"`
	Content   *string    `json:"content"`
	Category  int16      `json:"category"`
	Data      *string    `json:"data"`

type FivenetOauth2Accounts

type FivenetOauth2Accounts struct {
	AccountID  uint64     `json:"account_id"`
	CreatedAt  *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	Provider   string     `json:"provider"`
	ExternalID uint64     `json:"external_id"`
	Username   string     `json:"username"`
	Avatar     string     `json:"avatar"`

type FivenetPermissions

type FivenetPermissions struct {
	ID        uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	Category  string     `json:"category"`
	Name      string     `json:"name"`
	GuardName string     `json:"guard_name"`

type FivenetRoleAttrs

type FivenetRoleAttrs struct {
	RoleID    uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"role_id"`
	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updated_at"`
	AttrID    uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"attr_id"`
	Value     string     `json:"value"`

type FivenetRolePermissions

type FivenetRolePermissions struct {
	RoleID       uint64 `sql:"primary_key" json:"role_id"`
	PermissionID uint64 `sql:"primary_key" json:"permission_id"`
	Val          bool   `json:"val"`

type FivenetRoles

type FivenetRoles struct {
	ID        uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	Job       string     `json:"job"`
	Grade     int32      `json:"grade"`

type FivenetUserActivity

type FivenetUserActivity struct {
	ID           uint64     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	CreatedAt    *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	SourceUserID *int32     `json:"source_user_id"`
	TargetUserID int32      `json:"target_user_id"`
	Type         int16      `json:"type"`
	Key          string     `json:"key"`
	OldValue     *string    `json:"old_value"`
	NewValue     *string    `json:"new_value"`
	Reason       *string    `json:"reason"`

type FivenetUserLocations

type FivenetUserLocations struct {
	Identifier string     `sql:"primary_key" json:"identifier"`
	Job        *string    `json:"job"`
	X          *float64   `json:"x"`
	Y          *float64   `json:"y"`
	Hidden     *bool      `json:"hidden"`
	UpdatedAt  *time.Time `json:"updated_at"`

type FivenetUserProps

type FivenetUserProps struct {
	UserID   int32   `json:"user_id"`
	Wanted   *bool   `json:"wanted"`
	Job      *string `json:"job"`
	JobGrade *int32  `json:"job_grade"`

type GksphoneJobMessage

type GksphoneJobMessage struct {
	ID      int32     `sql:"primary_key" json:"id"`
	Name    *string   `json:"name"`
	Number  *string   `json:"number"`
	Message *string   `json:"message"`
	Photo   *string   `json:"photo"`
	Gps     *string   `json:"gps"`
	Owner   int32     `json:"owner"`
	Jobm    *string   `json:"jobm"`
	Anon    *string   `json:"anon"`
	Time    time.Time `json:"time"`

type JobGrades

type JobGrades struct {
	JobName    string `sql:"primary_key" json:"job_name"`
	Grade      int32  `sql:"primary_key" json:"grade"`
	Name       string `json:"name"`
	Label      string `json:"label"`
	Salary     int32  `json:"salary"`
	SkinMale   string `json:"skin_male"`
	SkinFemale string `json:"skin_female"`

type Jobs

type Jobs struct {
	Name  string  `sql:"primary_key" json:"name"`
	Label *string `json:"label"`

type Licenses

type Licenses struct {
	Type  string `sql:"primary_key" json:"type"`
	Label string `json:"label"`

type OwnedVehicles

type OwnedVehicles struct {
	Owner     *string `json:"owner"`
	Plate     string  `sql:"primary_key" json:"plate"`
	Model     string  `json:"model"`
	Vehicle   *string `json:"vehicle"`
	Type      string  `json:"type"`
	Stored    bool    `json:"stored"`
	Carseller *int32  `json:"carseller"`
	Owners    *string `json:"owners"`
	Trunk     *string `json:"trunk"`

type UserLicenses

type UserLicenses struct {
	Type  string `sql:"primary_key" json:"type"`
	Owner string `sql:"primary_key" json:"owner"`

type Users

type Users struct {
	ID           int32      `json:"id"`
	Identifier   string     `sql:"primary_key" json:"identifier"`
	License      *string    `json:"license"`
	Group        *string    `json:"group"`
	Skin         *string    `json:"skin"`
	Job          *string    `json:"job"`
	JobGrade     *int32     `json:"job_grade"`
	Loadout      *string    `json:"loadout"`
	Position     *string    `json:"position"`
	Firstname    *string    `json:"firstname"`
	Lastname     *string    `json:"lastname"`
	Dateofbirth  *string    `json:"dateofbirth"`
	Sex          *string    `json:"sex"`
	Height       *string    `json:"height"`
	IsDead       *bool      `json:"is_dead"`
	LastProperty *string    `json:"last_property"`
	Jail         int32      `json:"jail"`
	Inventory    *string    `json:"inventory"`
	PhoneNumber  *string    `json:"phone_number"`
	Accounts     *string    `json:"accounts"`
	Tattoos      *string    `json:"tattoos"`
	Disabled     *bool      `json:"disabled"`
	Visum        *int32     `json:"visum"`
	Playtime     *int32     `json:"playtime"`
	LevelData    *string    `json:"levelData"`
	OnDuty       *int8      `json:"onDuty"`
	Health       *int32     `json:"health"`
	Armor        *int32     `json:"armor"`
	CreatedAt    *time.Time `json:"created_at"`
	LastSeen     *time.Time `json:"last_seen"`
	Meta         *string    `json:"meta"`
	Metadata     *string    `json:"metadata"`

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