Tmux Sessionizer
Tmux Sessionizer is a tool for navigating through folders and projects as tmux sessions.
Inspired by ThePrimeagen's tmux-sessionizer, this version has been modified to fit my preferences.
- navigate directories: switch between directories and projects as tmux sessions.
- custom configuration: configure targets and session options through a JSON file.
- fzf integration: use fzf options to customize session selection.
- tmux: ensure tmux is installed on your system.
go install
Create a configuration file at ~/.config/ts/config.json
- targets: List of directories to be navigated, with path specifying the directory and depth determining the level of subdirectories to display.
- selector: Options passed to fzf for customizing the selection interface. (Optional)
To start the sessionizer, run the following command:
To list all of your available targets, use:
ts -l
# example output
To attach to or switch to a target (it doesn't have to be in your config), use:
ts -t "~/other_target"
To start with a pre-filtered result, use:
ts -f "some_filter"
To output the selected target for use in another command, you can:
ts -ot
cd "$(ts -ot)"
ts -ot > selected.txt
For more information about command-line options, use:
ts --help
Adding a shortcut to tmux
To bind a key to create a new window and run the ts
command, add the following line to your .tmux.conf
bind-key -r f run-shell "tmux neww ts"
The new window will close automatically after the command completes.