
package module
v0.0.1 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Nov 25, 2024 License: BSD-2-Clause Imports: 23 Imported by: 1


About notionapi

This is an unofficial, Go API for Mostly for reading, limited write capabilities.

It allows you to retrieve content of a Notion page in structured format.

You can then e.g. convert that format to HTML.

Note: official Notion API is still in beta and not as capable as this unofficial API.


You can learn how I reverse-engineered the Notion API in order to write this library.

Real-life usage

I use this API to publish my blog and series of programming books from content stored in Notion.

Notion serves as a CMS (Content Management System). I write and edit pages in Notion.

I use custom Go program to download Notion pages using this this library and converts pages to HTML. It then publishes the result to Netlify.

You can see the code at and

Implementations for other languages




View Source
const (
	// BlockAudio is audio embed (e.g. an mp3 file)
	BlockAudio = "audio"
	// BlockBookmark is a bookmark block
	BlockBookmark = "bookmark"
	// BlockBreadcrumb is breadcrumb block
	BlockBreadcrumb = "breadcrumb"
	// BlockBulletedList is a bulleted list block
	BlockBulletedList = "bulleted_list"
	// BlockCode is a code block
	BlockCode = "code"
	// BlockCodepen is embedded codepen block
	BlockCodepen = "codepen"
	// BlockCallout is a callout
	BlockCallout = "callout"
	// BlockColumn is a child of TypeColumnList
	BlockColumn = "column"
	// BlockColumnList is for multi-column. Number of columns is
	// number of content blocks of type TypeColumn
	BlockColumnList = "column_list"
	// BlockCollectionView is a collection view block for inline collections
	BlockCollectionView = "collection_view"
	// BlockCollectionViewPage is a page that is a collection
	BlockCollectionViewPage = "collection_view_page"
	// BlockComment is a comment block
	BlockComment = "comment"
	// BlockDivider is a divider block
	BlockDivider = "divider"
	// BlockDrive is embedded Google Drive file
	BlockDrive = "drive"
	// BlockEmbed is a generic oembed link
	BlockEmbed = "embed"
	// BlockEquation is TeX equation block
	BlockEquation = "equation"
	// BlockFactory represents a factory block
	BlockFactory = "factory"
	// BlockFigma represents figma embed
	BlockFigma = "figma"
	// BlockFile is an embedded file
	BlockFile = "file"
	// BlockGist is embedded gist block
	BlockGist = "gist"
	// BlockHeader is a header block
	BlockHeader = "header"
	// BlockImage is an image block
	BlockImage = "image"
	// BlockMaps is embedded Google Map block
	BlockMaps = "maps"
	// BlockNumberedList is a numbered list block
	BlockNumberedList = "numbered_list"
	// BlockPDF is an embedded pdf file
	BlockPDF = "pdf"
	// BlockPage is a notion Page
	BlockPage = "page"
	// BlockQuote is a quote block
	BlockQuote = "quote"
	// BlockSubHeader is a header block
	BlockSubHeader = "sub_header"
	// BlockSubSubHeader
	BlockSubSubHeader = "sub_sub_header"
	// BlockTableOfContents is table of contents
	BlockTableOfContents = "table_of_contents"
	// BlockText is a text block
	BlockText = "text"
	// BlockTodo is a todo block
	BlockTodo = "to_do"
	// BlockToggle is a toggle block
	BlockToggle = "toggle"
	// BlockTweet is embedded gist block
	BlockTweet = "tweet"
	// BlockVideo is youtube video embed
	BlockVideo                 = "video"
	BlockCopyIndicator         = "copy_indicator"
	BlockLinkToCollection      = "link_to_collection"
	BlockLinkToPage            = "link_to_page"
	BlockMiro                  = "miro"
	BlockAlias                 = "alias"
	BlockTransclusionReference = "transclusion_reference"
View Source
const (
	// value of Permission.Type
	PermissionUser   = "user_permission"
	PermissionPublic = "public_permission"
View Source
const (
	// TODO: those are probably CollectionViewType
	// CollectionViewTypeTable is a table block
	CollectionViewTypeTable = "table"
	// CollectionViewTypeTable is a lists block
	CollectionViewTypeList = "list"
View Source
const (
	// PermissionTypeUser describes permissions for a user
	PermissionTypeUser = "user_permission"
	// PermissionTypePublic describes permissions for public
	PermissionTypePublic = "public_permission"
View Source
const (
	ColumnTypeCheckbox       = "checkbox"
	ColumnTypeCreatedBy      = "created_by"
	ColumnTypeCreatedTime    = "created_time"
	ColumnTypeDate           = "date"
	ColumnTypeEmail          = "email"
	ColumnTypeFile           = "file"
	ColumnTypeFormula        = "formula"
	ColumnTypeLastEditedBy   = "last_edited_by"
	ColumnTypeLastEditedTime = "last_edited_time"
	ColumnTypeMultiSelect    = "multi_select"
	ColumnTypeNumber         = "number"
	ColumnTypePerson         = "person"
	ColumnTypePhoneNumber    = "phone_number"
	ColumnTypeRelation       = "relation"
	ColumnTypeRollup         = "rollup"
	ColumnTypeSelect         = "select"
	ColumnTypeText           = "text"
	ColumnTypeTitle          = "title"
	ColumnTypeURL            = "url"

for Schema.Type

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const (
	// those are Record.Type and determine the type of Record.Value
	TableSpace          = "space"
	TableActivity       = "activity"
	TableBlock          = "block"
	TableNotionUser     = "notion_user"
	TableUserRoot       = "user_root"
	TableUserSettings   = "user_settings"
	TableCollection     = "collection"
	TableCollectionView = "collection_view"
	TableComment        = "comment"
	TableDiscussion     = "discussion"
View Source
const (
	// RoleReader represents a reader
	RoleReader = "reader"
	// RoleEditor represents an editor
	RoleEditor = "editor"
View Source
const (
	// DateTypeDate represents a date in Date.Type
	DateTypeDate = "date"
	// DateTypeDateTime represents a datetime in Date.Type
	DateTypeDateTime = "datetime"
View Source
const (
	ExportTypeMarkdown = "markdown"
	ExportTypeHTML     = "html"
View Source
const (
	// AttrBold represents bold block
	AttrBold = "b"
	// AttrCode represents code block
	AttrCode = "c"
	// AttrItalic represents italic block
	AttrItalic = "i"
	// AttrStrikeThrought represents strikethrough block
	AttrStrikeThrought = "s"
	// AttrComment represents a comment block
	AttrComment = "m"
	// AttrLink represnts a link (url)
	AttrLink = "a"
	// AttrUser represents an id of a user
	AttrUser = "u"
	// AttrHighlight represents text high-light
	AttrHighlight = "h"
	// AttrDate represents a date
	AttrDate = "d"
	// AtttrPage represents a link to a Notion page
	AttrPage = "p"
View Source
const (
	CommandSet        = "set"
	CommandUpdate     = "update"
	CommandListAfter  = "listAfter"
	CommandListRemove = "listRemove"

Command Types

View Source
const (
	// key in LoaderReducer.Reducers map
	ReducerCollectionGroupResultsName = "collection_group_results"
View Source
const (
	// TextSpanSpecial is what Notion uses for text to represent @user and @date blocks
	TextSpanSpecial = "‣"


View Source
var (
	// PanicOnFailures will force panics on unexpected situations.
	// This is for debugging
	PanicOnFailures bool

	// TODO: maybe a logger io.Writer instead?
	// LogFunc allows intercepting debug logs
	LogFunc func(format string, args ...interface{})
View Source
var (
	PrettyPrintJS = PrettyPrintJSJsonit


func AttrGetComment

func AttrGetComment(attr TextAttr) string

func AttrGetHighlight

func AttrGetHighlight(attr TextAttr) string
func AttrGetLink(attr TextAttr) string

func AttrGetPageID

func AttrGetPageID(attr TextAttr) string

func AttrGetType

func AttrGetType(attr TextAttr) string

func AttrGetUserID

func AttrGetUserID(attr TextAttr) string

func Dump

func Dump(w io.Writer, page *Page)

Dump writes a simple representation of Page to w. A debugging helper.

func DumpToString

func DumpToString(page *Page) string

DumpToString returns a simple representation of Page as a string. A debugging helper.

func ExtractNoDashIDFromNotionURL

func ExtractNoDashIDFromNotionURL(uri string) string

ExtractNoDashIDFromNotionURL tries to extract notion page id from notion URL, e.g. given: returns ea07db1b9bff415ab180b0525f3898f6 returns "" if didn't detect valid notion id in the url

func ForEachBlock

func ForEachBlock(blocks []*Block, cb func(*Block))

ForEachBlock traverses the tree of blocks and calls cb on every block in depth-first order. To traverse every blocks in a Page, do: ForEachBlock([]*notionapi.Block{page.Root}, cb)

func FormatDate

func FormatDate(d *Date) string

FormatDate provides default formatting for Date TODO: add time zone, maybe

func GetFileContentType

func GetFileContentType(file *os.File) (contentType string, err error)

GetFileContentType tries to figure out the content type of the file using http detection

func GetUserNameByID

func GetUserNameByID(page *Page, userID string) string

GetUserNameByID returns a full user name given user id it's a helper function

func IsErrPageNotFound

func IsErrPageNotFound(err error) bool

IsErrPageNotFound returns true if err is an instance of ErrPageNotFound

func IsValidDashID

func IsValidDashID(id string) bool

IsValidDashID returns true if id looks like a valid Notion dash id

func IsValidNoDashID

func IsValidNoDashID(id string) bool

IsValidNoDashID returns true if id looks like a valid Notion no dash id

func Logf

func Logf(format string, args ...interface{})

Logf is for debug logging, will log using LogFunc (if set)

func MaybePanic

func MaybePanic(format string, args ...interface{})

MaybePanic will panic if PanicOnFailures is true

func Now

func Now() int64

Now returns now in micro seconds as expected by the notion API

func ParseRecordMap

func ParseRecordMap(recordMap *RecordMap) error

func PrettyPrintJSJsonit

func PrettyPrintJSJsonit(js []byte) []byte

TODO: doesn't work with some of Notion json responses? pretty-print if valid JSON. If not, return unchanged about 4x faster than naive version using json.Unmarshal() + json.Marshal()

func PrettyPrintJSStd

func PrettyPrintJSStd(js []byte) []byte

pretty-print if valid JSON. If not, return unchanged about 4x faster than naive version using json.Unmarshal() + json.Marshal()

func SafeName

func SafeName(s string) string

SafeName returns a file-system safe name

func TextSpansToString

func TextSpansToString(blocks []*TextSpan) string

TextSpansToString returns flattened content of inline blocks, without formatting

func ToDashID

func ToDashID(id string) string

ToDashID convert id in format bb760e2dd6794b64b2a903005b21870a to bb760e2d-d679-4b64-b2a9-03005b21870a If id is not in that format, we leave it untouched.

func ToNoDashID

func ToNoDashID(id string) string

ToNoDashID converts 2131b10c-ebf6-4938-a127-7089ff02dbe4 to 2131b10cebf64938a1277089ff02dbe4. If not in expected format, we leave it untouched


type Activity

type Activity struct {
	Role string `json:"role"`

	ID        string `json:"id"`
	SpaceID   string `json:"space_id"`
	StartTime string `json:"start_time"`
	EndTime   string `json:"end_time"`
	Type      string `json:"type"`
	Version   int    `json:"version"`

	ParentID    string `json:"parent_id"`
	ParentTable string `json:"parent_table"`

	// If the edit was to a block inside a regular page
	NavigableBlockID string `json:"navigable_block_id"`

	// If the edit was to a block inside a collection or collection row
	CollectionID    string `json:"collection_id"`
	CollectionRowID string `json:"collection_row_id"`

	Edits []Edit `json:"edits"`

	Index   int  `json:"index"`
	Invalid bool `json:"invalid"`

	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

Activity represents a Notion activity (ie. event)

type AliasPointer

type AliasPointer struct {
	ID      string `json:"id"`
	SpaceID string `json:"spaceId"`
	Table   string `json:"table"`

type Author

type Author struct {
	ID    string `json:"id"`
	Table string `json:"table"`

Author represents the author of an Edit

type Block

type Block struct {
	// values that come from JSON
	// a unique ID of the block
	ID string `json:"id"`
	// if false, the page is deleted
	Alive bool `json:"alive"`
	// List of block ids for that make up content of this block
	// Use Content to get corresponding block (they are in the same order)
	ContentIDs   []string `json:"content,omitempty"`
	CopiedFrom   string   `json:"copied_from,omitempty"`
	CollectionID string   `json:"collection_id,omitempty"` // for BlockCollectionView
	// ID of the user who created this block
	CreatedBy   string `json:"created_by"`
	CreatedTime int64  `json:"created_time"`

	CreatedByTable string `json:"created_by_table"` // e.g. "notion_user"
	CreatedByID    string `json:"created_by_id"`    // e.g. "bb760e2d-d679-4b64-b2a9-03005b21870a",
	// ID of the user who last edited this block
	LastEditedBy      string `json:"last_edited_by"`
	LastEditedTime    int64  `json:"last_edited_time"`
	LastEditedByTable string `json:"last_edited_by_table"` // e.g. "notion_user"
	LastEditedByID    string `json:"last_edited_by_id"`    // e.g. "bb760e2d-d679-4b64-b2a9-03005b21870a"

	// List of block ids with discussion content
	DiscussionIDs []string `json:"discussion,omitempty"`
	// those ids seem to map to storage in s3
	FileIDs []string `json:"file_ids,omitempty"`

	// TODO: don't know what this means
	IgnoreBlockCount bool `json:"ignore_block_count,omitempty"`

	// ID of parent Block
	ParentID    string `json:"parent_id"`
	ParentTable string `json:"parent_table"`
	// not always available
	Permissions *[]Permission          `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
	Properties  map[string]interface{} `json:"properties,omitempty"`
	SpaceID     string                 `json:"space_id"`
	// type of the block e.g. TypeText, TypePage etc.
	Type string `json:"type"`
	// blocks are versioned
	Version int64 `json:"version"`
	// for BlockCollectionView
	ViewIDs []string `json:"view_ids,omitempty"`

	// Parent of this block
	Parent *Block `json:"-"`

	// maps ContentIDs array to Block type
	Content []*Block `json:"-"`
	// this is for some types like TypePage, TypeText, TypeHeader etc.
	InlineContent []*TextSpan `json:"-"`

	// for BlockPage
	Title string `json:"-"`

	// For BlockTodo, a checked state
	IsChecked bool `json:"-"`

	// for BlockBookmark
	Description string `json:"-"`
	Link        string `json:"-"`

	// for BlockBookmark it's the url of the page
	// for BlockGist it's the url for the gist
	// for BlockImage it's url of the image. Sometimes you need to use DownloadFile()
	//   to get this image
	// for BlockFile it's url of the file
	// for BlockEmbed it's url of the embed
	Source string `json:"-"`

	// for BlockFile
	FileSize string `json:"-"`

	// for BlockCode
	Code         string `json:"-"`
	CodeLanguage string `json:"-"`

	// for BlockCollectionView. There can be multiple views
	// those correspond to ViewIDs
	TableViews []*TableView `json:"-"`

	// for BlockCollectionView without "collection_id" use ID from the CollectionPointer
	Format struct {
		CollectionPointer struct {
			ID      string `json:"id"`
			SpaceID string `json:"spaceId"`
			Table   string `json:"table"`
		} `json:"collection_pointer"`
		PageIcon string `json:"page_icon"`
	} `json:"format"`

	Page *Page `json:"-"`

	// RawJSON represents Block as
	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Block describes a block

func (*Block) BlockByID

func (b *Block) BlockByID(nid *NotionID) *Block

func (*Block) CollectionByID

func (b *Block) CollectionByID(nid *NotionID) *Collection

func (*Block) CollectionViewByID

func (b *Block) CollectionViewByID(nid *NotionID) *CollectionView

func (*Block) CreatedOn

func (b *Block) CreatedOn() time.Time

CreatedOn return the time the page was created

func (*Block) EmbedUploadedFileOps

func (b *Block) EmbedUploadedFileOps(client *Client, userID, fileID, fileURL string) (*Block, []*Operation)

EmbedFile creates a set of operations to embed a file into a block

func (*Block) FixCollectionID

func (b *Block) FixCollectionID() string

func (*Block) FormatAlias

func (b *Block) FormatAlias() *FormatAlias

func (*Block) FormatBookmark

func (b *Block) FormatBookmark() *FormatBookmark

func (*Block) FormatBulletedList

func (b *Block) FormatBulletedList() *FormatBulletedList

func (*Block) FormatCallout

func (b *Block) FormatCallout() *FormatCallout

func (*Block) FormatColumn

func (b *Block) FormatColumn() *FormatColumn

func (*Block) FormatEmbed

func (b *Block) FormatEmbed() *FormatEmbed

func (*Block) FormatHeader

func (b *Block) FormatHeader() *FormatHeader

func (*Block) FormatImage

func (b *Block) FormatImage() *FormatImage

func (*Block) FormatNumberedList

func (b *Block) FormatNumberedList() *FormatNumberedList

func (*Block) FormatPage

func (b *Block) FormatPage() *FormatPage

FormatPage returns decoded format property for BlockPage TODO: maybe separate FormatCollectionViewPage

func (*Block) FormatText

func (b *Block) FormatText() *FormatText

func (*Block) FormatToggle

func (b *Block) FormatToggle() *FormatToggle

func (*Block) FormatVideo

func (b *Block) FormatVideo() *FormatVideo

func (*Block) GetCaption

func (b *Block) GetCaption() []*TextSpan

func (*Block) GetNotionID

func (b *Block) GetNotionID() *NotionID

func (*Block) GetParentNotionID

func (b *Block) GetParentNotionID() *NotionID

func (*Block) GetProperty

func (b *Block) GetProperty(name string) []*TextSpan

func (*Block) GetTitle

func (b *Block) GetTitle() []*TextSpan

func (*Block) IsCode

func (b *Block) IsCode() bool

IsCode returns true if block represents a code block

func (*Block) IsEmbeddedType

func (b *Block) IsEmbeddedType() bool

IsEmbeddedType returns true if block represents an embedded type

func (*Block) IsImage

func (b *Block) IsImage() bool

IsImage returns true if block represents an image

func (*Block) IsLinkToPage

func (b *Block) IsLinkToPage() bool

IsLinkToPage returns true if block element is a link to a page (as opposed to embedded page)

func (*Block) IsPage

func (b *Block) IsPage() bool

IsPage returns true if block represents a page (either a sub-page or a link to a page)

func (*Block) IsSubPage

func (b *Block) IsSubPage() bool

IsSubPage returns true if this is a sub-page (as opposed to link to a page that is not a child of that page)

func (*Block) LastEditedOn

func (b *Block) LastEditedOn() time.Time

LastEditedOn returns the time the page was last updated

func (*Block) ListAfterContentOp

func (b *Block) ListAfterContentOp(id, afterID string) *Operation

ListAfterContentOp creates an operation to list a child block block after another one if afterID is empty the block will be listed as the last one

func (*Block) ListAfterFileIDsOp

func (b *Block) ListAfterFileIDsOp(fileID string) *Operation

ListAfterFileIDsOp creates an operation to set the file ID

func (*Block) ListRemoveContentOp

func (b *Block) ListRemoveContentOp(id string) *Operation

ListRemoveContentOp creates an operation to remove a record from the block

func (*Block) NotionUserByID

func (b *Block) NotionUserByID(nid *NotionID) *NotionUser

func (*Block) Prop

func (b *Block) Prop(key string) (interface{}, bool)

func (*Block) PropAsString

func (b *Block) PropAsString(key string) (string, bool)

func (*Block) SetTitleOp

func (b *Block) SetTitleOp(title string) *Operation

SetTitleOp creates an Operation to set the title property

func (*Block) UpdateEmbeddedFileOps

func (b *Block) UpdateEmbeddedFileOps(userID, fileID, fileURL string) []*Operation

UpdateEmbeddedFileOps creates a set of operations to update an existing embedded file

func (*Block) UpdateFormatOp

func (b *Block) UpdateFormatOp(params interface{}) *Operation

TODO: Make the input more strict UpdateFormatOp creates an operation to update the block's format

func (*Block) UpdateOp

func (b *Block) UpdateOp(block *Block) *Operation

TODO: Make this work somehow for all of Block's fields UpdateOp creates an operation to update the block

func (*Block) UpdatePropertiesOp

func (b *Block) UpdatePropertiesOp(source string) *Operation

TODO: Generalize this for the other fields UpdatePropertiesOp creates an op to update the block's properties

type CachedPage

type CachedPage struct {
	PageFromCache  *Page
	PageFromServer *Page
	LatestVer      int64

type CachingClient

type CachingClient struct {
	CacheDir string

	// you can set it to over-ride location of where we store cached files
	// if not set, it'll be filepath.Join(CacheDir, "files")
	CacheDirFiles string
	Client        *Client

	Policy CachingPolicy

	// disable pretty-printing of json responses saved in the cache
	NoPrettyPrintResponse bool

	// maps no-dash id to info about a page
	IdToCachedPage map[string]*CachedPage

	DownloadedCount      int
	FromCacheCount       int
	DownloadedFilesCount int
	FilesFromCacheCount  int

	RequestsFromCache      int
	RequestsFromServer     int
	RequestsWrittenToCache int
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

CachingClient implements optimized (cached) downloading of pages. Cache of pages is stored in CacheDir. We return pages from cache. If RedownloadNewerVersions is true, we'll re-download latest version of the page (as opposed to returning possibly outdated version from cache). We do it more efficiently than just blindly re-downloading.

func NewCachingClient

func NewCachingClient(cacheDir string, client *Client) (*CachingClient, error)

func (*CachingClient) DownloadFile

func (c *CachingClient) DownloadFile(uri string, block *Block) (*DownloadFileResponse, error)

DownloadFile downloads a file refered by block with a given blockID and a parent table we cache the file

func (*CachingClient) DownloadPage

func (c *CachingClient) DownloadPage(pageID string) (*Page, error)

func (*CachingClient) DownloadPagesRecursively

func (c *CachingClient) DownloadPagesRecursively(startPageID string, afterDownload func(*DownloadInfo) error) ([]*Page, error)

func (*CachingClient) GetPageIDs

func (c *CachingClient) GetPageIDs() []string

GetPageIDs returns ids of pages in the cache

func (*CachingClient) PreLoadCache

func (c *CachingClient) PreLoadCache()

PreLoadCache will preload all pages in the cache. It does so concurrently (which is not allowed in general) so should be faster

type CachingPolicy

type CachingPolicy int
const (
	// PolicyCacheOnly - will only read from cache, no calling Notion server
	PolicyCacheOnly CachingPolicy = iota
	// PolicyDownloadNewer - will only download from Notion server if there is a newer version of the page
	// PolicyDownloadAlways - will always download from Notion server (and update the cache with updated version)

type Client

type Client struct {
	// AuthToken allows accessing non-public pages.
	// Deprecated: Use IntegrationSecret instead for Notion API v1
	AuthToken string
	// IntegrationSecret is the secret token from an internal integration
	// created at
	IntegrationSecret string
	// HTTPClient allows over-riding http.Client
	HTTPClient *http.Client
	// Logger is used to log requests and responses for debugging.
	// By default is not set.
	Logger io.Writer
	// DebugLog enables debug logging
	DebugLog bool
	// MinRequestDelay is for controlling rate limiting. it's 333 ms by default
	// because
	// says rate limit is, on average, 3 requests per second
	MinRequestDelay time.Duration
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Client is client for invoking Notion API

func (*Client) CreateEmailUser

func (c *Client) CreateEmailUser(email string) (*NotionUser, error)

CreateEmailUser invites a new user through his email address

func (*Client) DownloadFile

func (c *Client) DownloadFile(uri string, block *Block) (*DownloadFileResponse, error)

DownloadFile downloads a file stored in Notion referenced by a block with a given id and of a given block with a given parent table (data present in Block)

func (*Client) DownloadPage

func (c *Client) DownloadPage(pageID string) (*Page, error)

DownloadPage returns Notion page data given its id

func (*Client) DownloadURL

func (c *Client) DownloadURL(uri string) (*DownloadFileResponse, error)

DownloadURL downloads a given url with possibly authenticated client

func (*Client) ExportPages

func (c *Client) ExportPages(id string, exportType string, recursive bool) ([]byte, error)

ExportPages exports a page as html or markdown, potentially recursively

func (*Client) GetActivityLog

func (c *Client) GetActivityLog(spaceID string, startingAfterID string, navBlockID string, limit int) (*GetActivityLogResponse, error)

GetActivityLog executes a raw API call /api/v3/getActivityLog. If startingAfterId is "", starts at the most recent log entry. navBlockID is the ID of a navigable block (like a page in a database)

func (*Client) GetBlockRecords

func (c *Client) GetBlockRecords(ids []string) ([]*Block, error)

GetBlockRecords emulates deprecated /api/v3/getRecordValues with /api/v3/syncRecordValues Gets Block records with given ids Used to retrieve version information for each block so that we can skip re-downloading pages that didn't change

func (*Client) GetSignedURLs

func (c *Client) GetSignedURLs(urls []string, block *Block) (*GetSignedURLsResponse, error)

GetSignedURLs executes a raw API call /api/v3/getSignedFileUrls

func (*Client) GetSubscriptionData

func (c *Client) GetSubscriptionData(spaceID string) (*SubscriptionData, error)

GetSubscriptionData executes a raw API call /api/v3/getSubscriptionData

func (*Client) LoadCachedPageChunk

func (c *Client) LoadCachedPageChunk(pageID string, chunkNo int, cur *cursor) (*LoadCachedPageChunkResponse, error)

LoadPageChunk executes a raw API call /api/v3/loadCachedPageChunk

func (*Client) LoadUserContent

func (c *Client) LoadUserContent() (*LoadUserResponse, error)

func (*Client) QueryCollection

func (c *Client) QueryCollection(req QueryCollectionRequest, query *Query) (*QueryCollectionResponse, error)

QueryCollection executes a raw API call /api/v3/queryCollection

func (*Client) RequestPageExportURL

func (c *Client) RequestPageExportURL(id string, exportType string, recursive bool) (string, error)

RequestPageExportURL executes a raw API call to enqueue an export of pages and returns the URL to the exported data once the task is complete

func (*Client) SetNewRecordOp

func (c *Client) SetNewRecordOp(userID string, parent *Block, recordType string) (newBlock *Block, operation *Operation)

TODO: Support adding new records to collections and other non-block parent tables SetNewRecordOp creates an operation to create a new record

func (*Client) SubmitTransaction

func (c *Client) SubmitTransaction(ops []*Operation) error

func (*Client) SyncRecordValues

func (c *Client) SyncRecordValues(req syncRecordRequest) (*SyncRecordValuesResponse, error)

SyncRecordValues executes a raw API call /api/v3/syncRecordValues

func (*Client) UploadFile

func (c *Client) UploadFile(file *os.File) (fileID, fileURL string, err error)

UploadFile Uploads a file to notion's asset hosting(aws s3)

type Collection

type Collection struct {
	ID          string                   `json:"id"`
	Version     int                      `json:"version"`
	Name        interface{}              `json:"name"`
	Schema      map[string]*ColumnSchema `json:"schema"`
	Format      *CollectionFormat        `json:"format"`
	ParentID    string                   `json:"parent_id"`
	ParentTable string                   `json:"parent_table"`
	Alive       bool                     `json:"alive"`
	CopiedFrom  string                   `json:"copied_from"`
	Cover       string                   `json:"cover"`
	Description []interface{}            `json:"description"`

	// TODO: are those ever present?
	Type          string   `json:"type"`
	FileIDs       []string `json:"file_ids"`
	Icon          string   `json:"icon"`
	TemplatePages []string `json:"template_pages"`

	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Collection describes a collection

func (*Collection) GetName

func (c *Collection) GetName() string

GetName parses Name and returns as a string

type CollectionColumnOption

type CollectionColumnOption struct {
	Color string `json:"color"`
	ID    string `json:"id"`
	Value string `json:"value"`

CollectionColumnOption describes options for ColumnTypeMultiSelect collection column

type CollectionFormat

type CollectionFormat struct {
	CoverPosition  float64                   `json:"collection_cover_position"`
	PageProperties []*CollectionPageProperty `json:"collection_page_properties"`

CollectionFormat describes format of a collection

type CollectionGroupResults

type CollectionGroupResults struct {
	Type     string   `json:"type"`
	BlockIds []string `json:"blockIds"`
	Total    int      `json:"total"`

type CollectionPageProperty

type CollectionPageProperty struct {
	Property string `json:"property"`
	Visible  bool   `json:"visible"`

CollectionPageProperty describes properties of a collection

type CollectionView

type CollectionView struct {
	ID          string       `json:"id"`
	Version     int64        `json:"version"`
	Type        string       `json:"type"` // "table"
	Format      *FormatTable `json:"format"`
	Name        string       `json:"name"`
	ParentID    string       `json:"parent_id"`
	ParentTable string       `json:"parent_table"`
	Query       *Query       `json:"query2"`
	Alive       bool         `json:"alive"`
	PageSort    []string     `json:"page_sort"`
	SpaceID     string       `json:"space_id"`

	// set by us
	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

CollectionView represents a collection view

type ColumnFormula

type ColumnFormula struct {
	Args       []FormulaArg `json:"args"`
	Name       string       `json:"name"`
	Operator   string       `json:"operator"`
	ResultType string       `json:"result_type"`
	Type       string       `json:"type"`

type ColumnInfo

type ColumnInfo struct {
	// TableView that owns this column
	TableView *TableView

	// so that we can access TableRow.Columns[Index]
	Index    int
	Schema   *ColumnSchema
	Property *TableProperty

ColumnInfo describes a schema for a given cell (column)

func (*ColumnInfo) ID

func (c *ColumnInfo) ID() string

func (*ColumnInfo) Name

func (c *ColumnInfo) Name() string

func (*ColumnInfo) Type

func (c *ColumnInfo) Type() string

type ColumnSchema

type ColumnSchema struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	// ColumnTypeTitle etc.
	Type string `json:"type"`

	// for Type == ColumnTypeNumber, e.g. "dollar", "number"
	NumberFormat string `json:"number_format"`

	// For Type == ColumnTypeRollup
	Aggregation        string `json:"aggregation"` // e.g. "unique"
	TargetProperty     string `json:"target_property"`
	RelationProperty   string `json:"relation_property"`
	TargetPropertyType string `json:"target_property_type"`

	// for Type == ColumnTypeRelation
	CollectionID string `json:"collection_id"`
	Property     string `json:"property"`

	// for Type == ColumnTypeFormula
	Formula *ColumnFormula

	Options []*CollectionColumnOption `json:"options"`

ColumnSchema describes a info of a collection column

type Comment

type Comment struct {
	ID             string      `json:"id"`
	Version        int64       `json:"version"`
	Alive          bool        `json:"alive"`
	ParentID       string      `json:"parent_id"`
	ParentTable    string      `json:"parent_table"`
	CreatedBy      string      `json:"created_by"`
	CreatedTime    int64       `json:"created_time"`
	Text           interface{} `json:"text"`
	LastEditedTime int64       `json:"last_edited_time"`

	// set by us
	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

Comment describes a single comment in a discussion

type CopiedFromPointer

type CopiedFromPointer struct {
	ID      string `json:"id"`
	Table   string `json:"table"`
	SpaceID string `json:"spaceId"`

type Date

type Date struct {
	// "MMM DD, YYYY", "MM/DD/YYYY", "DD/MM/YYYY", "YYYY/MM/DD", "relative"
	DateFormat string    `json:"date_format"`
	Reminder   *Reminder `json:"reminder,omitempty"`
	// "2018-07-12"
	StartDate string `json:"start_date"`
	// "09:00"
	StartTime string `json:"start_time,omitempty"`
	// "2018-07-12"
	EndDate string `json:"end_date,omitempty"`
	// "09:00"
	EndTime string `json:"end_time,omitempty"`
	// "America/Los_Angeles"
	TimeZone *string `json:"time_zone,omitempty"`
	// "H:mm" for 24hr, not given for 12hr
	TimeFormat string `json:"time_format,omitempty"`
	// "date", "datetime", "datetimerange", "daterange"
	Type string `json:"type"`

Date represents a date

func AttrGetDate

func AttrGetDate(attr TextAttr) *Date

type Discussion

type Discussion struct {
	ID          string   `json:"id"`
	Version     int64    `json:"version"`
	ParentID    string   `json:"parent_id"`
	ParentTable string   `json:"parent_table"`
	Resolved    bool     `json:"resolved"`
	Comments    []string `json:"comments"`
	// set by us
	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

Discussion represents a discussion

type DownloadFileResponse

type DownloadFileResponse struct {
	URL           string
	CacheFilePath string
	Data          []byte
	Header        http.Header
	FromCache     bool

DownloadFileResponse is a result of DownloadFile()

type DownloadInfo

type DownloadInfo struct {
	Page               *Page
	RequestsFromCache  int
	ReqeustsFromServer int
	Duration           time.Duration
	FromCache          bool

type DriveProperties

type DriveProperties struct {
	FileID       string `json:"file_id"`
	Icon         string `json:"icon"`
	ModifiedTime int64  `json:"modified_time"`
	Thumbnail    string `json:"thumbnail"` // url
	Title        string `json:"title"`
	Trashed      bool   `json:"trashed"`
	URL          string `json:"url"`
	UserName     string `json:"user_name"`
	Version      int    `json:"version"`

type DriveStatus

type DriveStatus struct {
	Authed      bool  `json:"authed"`
	LastFetched int64 `json:"last_fetched"`

type Edit

type Edit struct {
	SpaceID   string   `json:"space_id"`
	Authors   []Author `json:"authors"`
	Timestamp int64    `json:"timestamp"`
	Type      string   `json:"type"`
	Version   int      `json:"version"`

	CommentData  Comment `json:"comment_data"`
	CommentID    string  `json:"comment_id"`
	DiscussionID string  `json:"discussion_id"`

	BlockID   string `json:"block_id"`
	BlockData struct {
		BlockValue Block `json:"block_value"`
		Before     struct {
			BlockValue Block `json:"block_value"`
		} `json:"before"`
		After struct {
			BlockValue Block `json:"block_value"`
		} `json:"after"`
	} `json:"block_data"`
	NavigableBlockID string `json:"navigable_block_id"`

	CollectionID    string `json:"collection_id"`
	CollectionRowID string `json:"collection_row_id"`

Edit represents a Notion edit (ie. a change made during an Activity)

type ErrPageNotFound

type ErrPageNotFound struct {
	PageID string

ErrPageNotFound is returned by Client.DownloadPage if page cannot be found

func (*ErrPageNotFound) Error

func (e *ErrPageNotFound) Error() string

Error return error string

type FormatAlias

type FormatAlias struct {
	Alias *AliasPointer `json:"alias_pointer"`

FormatAlias describes format for BlockAlias

type FormatBookmark

type FormatBookmark struct {
	BlockColor string `json:"block_color"`
	Cover      string `json:"bookmark_cover"`
	Icon       string `json:"bookmark_icon"`

FormatBookmark describes format for BlockBookmark

type FormatBulletedList

type FormatBulletedList struct {
	BlockColor string `json:"block_color"`

FormatBulletedList describes format for BlockBulletedList

type FormatCallout

type FormatCallout struct {
	BlockColor string `json:"block_color"`
	Icon       string `json:"bookmark_icon"`

FormatCallout describes format for BlockCallout

type FormatCode

type FormatCode struct {
	CodeWrap bool `json:"code_wrap"`

FormatCode describes format for BlockCode

type FormatCodepen

type FormatCodepen struct {
	BlockFullWidth     bool    `json:"block_full_width"`
	BlockHeight        float64 `json:"block_height"`
	BlockPageWidth     bool    `json:"block_page_width"`
	BlockPreserveScale bool    `json:"block_preserve_scale"`
	BlockWidth         float64 `json:"block_width"`
	DisplaySource      string  `json:"display_source,omitempty"`

type FormatCollectionView

type FormatCollectionView struct {
	BlockFullWidth bool    `json:"block_full_width"`
	BlockHeight    float64 `json:"block_height"`
	BlockPageWidth bool    `json:"block_page_width"`
	BlockWidth     float64 `json:"block_width"`

type FormatColumn

type FormatColumn struct {
	// e.g. 0.5 for half-sized column
	ColumnRatio float64 `json:"column_ratio"`

FormatColumn describes format for BlockColumn

type FormatDrive

type FormatDrive struct {
	DriveProperties *DriveProperties `json:"drive_properties"`
	DriveStatus     *DriveStatus     `json:"drive_status"`

type FormatEmbed

type FormatEmbed struct {
	BlockFullWidth     bool    `json:"block_full_width"`
	BlockHeight        float64 `json:"block_height"`
	BlockPageWidth     bool    `json:"block_page_width"`
	BlockPreserveScale bool    `json:"block_preserve_scale"`
	BlockWidth         float64 `json:"block_width"`
	DisplaySource      string  `json:"display_source"`

FormatEmbed describes format for BlockEmbed

type FormatFigma

type FormatFigma struct {
	BlockFullWidth     bool    `json:"block_full_width"`
	BlockHeight        float64 `json:"block_height"`
	BlockPageWidth     bool    `json:"block_page_width"`
	BlockPreserveScale bool    `json:"block_preserve_scale"`
	BlockWidth         float64 `json:"block_width"`
	DisplaySource      string  `json:"display_source"`

type FormatHeader

type FormatHeader struct {
	BlockColor string `json:"block_color,omitempty"`

FormatHeader describes format for BlockHeader, BlockSubHeader, BlockSubSubHeader

type FormatImage

type FormatImage struct {
	// comes from notion API
	BlockAspectRatio   float64 `json:"block_aspect_ratio"`
	BlockFullWidth     bool    `json:"block_full_width"`
	BlockHeight        float64 `json:"block_height"`
	BlockPageWidth     bool    `json:"block_page_width"`
	BlockPreserveScale bool    `json:"block_preserve_scale"`
	BlockWidth         float64 `json:"block_width"`
	DisplaySource      string  `json:"display_source,omitempty"`

FormatImage describes format for BlockImage

type FormatMaps

type FormatMaps struct {
	BlockFullWidth     bool    `json:"block_full_width"`
	BlockHeight        float64 `json:"block_height"`
	BlockPageWidth     bool    `json:"block_page_width"`
	BlockPreserveScale bool    `json:"block_preserve_scale"`
	BlockWidth         float64 `json:"block_width"`
	DisplaySource      string  `json:"display_source,omitempty"`

type FormatNumberedList

type FormatNumberedList struct {
	BlockColor string `json:"block_color"`

FormatNumberedList describes format for BlockNumberedList

type FormatPDF

type FormatPDF struct {
	BlockFullWidth     bool    `json:"block_full_width"`
	BlockHeight        float64 `json:"block_height"`
	BlockPageWidth     bool    `json:"block_page_width"`
	BlockPreserveScale bool    `json:"block_preserve_scale"`
	BlockWidth         float64 `json:"block_width"`

type FormatPage

type FormatPage struct {
	// /images/page-cover/gradients_11.jpg
	PageCover string `json:"page_cover"`
	// e.g. 0.6
	PageCoverPosition float64 `json:"page_cover_position"`
	PageFont          string  `json:"page_font"`
	PageFullWidth     bool    `json:"page_full_width"`
	// it's url like
	// or emoji like "✉️"
	PageIcon      string `json:"page_icon"`
	PageSmallText bool   `json:"page_small_text"`
	BlockColor    string `json:"block_color"`

	BlockLocked   bool   `json:"block_locked"`
	BlockLockedBy string `json:"block_locked_by"`

	CopiedFromPointer *CopiedFromPointer `json:"copied_from_pointer"`
	// calculated by us
	PageCoverURL string `json:"page_cover_url,omitempty"`

FormatPage describes format for BlockPage

type FormatTable

type FormatTable struct {
	PageSort        []string         `json:"page_sort"`
	TableWrap       bool             `json:"table_wrap"`
	TableProperties []*TableProperty `json:"table_properties"`

FormatTable describes format for BlockTable

type FormatTableOfContents

type FormatTableOfContents struct {
	BlockColor string `json:"block_color,omitempty"`

type FormatText

type FormatText struct {
	BlockColor string `json:"block_color,omitempty"`

FormatText describes format for BlockText

type FormatToggle

type FormatToggle struct {
	BlockColor string `json:"block_color"`

FormatToggle describes format for BlockToggle

type FormatVideo

type FormatVideo struct {
	BlockAspectRatio   float64 `json:"block_aspect_ratio"`
	BlockFullWidth     bool    `json:"block_full_width"`
	BlockHeight        int64   `json:"block_height"`
	BlockPageWidth     bool    `json:"block_page_width"`
	BlockPreserveScale bool    `json:"block_preserve_scale"`
	BlockWidth         int64   `json:"block_width"`
	DisplaySource      string  `json:"display_source"`

FormatVideo describes fromat form BlockVideo

type FormulaArg

type FormulaArg struct {
	Name       *string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	ResultType string  `json:"result_type"`
	Type       string  `json:"type"`
	Value      *string `json:"value,omitempty"`
	ValueType  *string `json:"value_type,omitempty"`

type GetActivityLogResponse

type GetActivityLogResponse struct {
	ActivityIDs []string   `json:"activityIds"`
	RecordMap   *RecordMap `json:"recordMap"`
	NextID      string     `json:"-"`

	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

GetActivityLogResponse is a response to /api/v3/getActivityLog api

type GetSignedURLsResponse

type GetSignedURLsResponse struct {
	SignedURLS []string               `json:"signedUrls"`
	RawJSON    map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

GetSignedURLsResponse represents response to /api/v3/getSignedFileUrls api Note: it depends on Table type in request

type GetUploadFileUrlResponse

type GetUploadFileUrlResponse struct {
	URL          string `json:"url"`
	SignedGetURL string `json:"signedGetUrl"`
	SignedPutURL string `json:"signedPutUrl"`

	FileID string `json:"-"`

	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

GetUploadFileUrlResponse is a response to POST /api/v3/getUploadFileUrl

func (*GetUploadFileUrlResponse) Parse

func (r *GetUploadFileUrlResponse) Parse()

type LoadCachedPageChunkResponse

type LoadCachedPageChunkResponse struct {
	RecordMap *RecordMap `json:"recordMap"`
	Cursor    cursor     `json:"cursor"`

	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

LoadPageChunkResponse is a response to /api/v3/loadPageChunk api

type LoadUserResponse

type LoadUserResponse struct {
	ID    string `json:"id"`
	Table string `json:"table"`
	Role  string `json:"role"`

	Value json.RawMessage `json:"value"`

	Block *Block      `json:"-"`
	Space *Space      `json:"-"`
	User  *NotionUser `json:"-"`

	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

type LoaderReducer

type LoaderReducer struct {
	Type         string                 `json:"type"` //"reducer"
	Reducers     map[string]interface{} `json:"reducers"`
	Sort         []QuerySort            `json:"sort,omitempty"`
	Filter       map[string]interface{} `json:"filter,omitempty"`
	SearchQuery  string                 `json:"searchQuery"`
	UserTimeZone string                 `json:"userTimeZone"` // e.g. "America/Los_Angeles" from User.Locale

func MakeLoaderReducer

func MakeLoaderReducer(query *Query) *LoaderReducer

type NotionID

type NotionID struct {
	DashID   string
	NoDashID string

func NewNotionID

func NewNotionID(maybeID string) *NotionID

type NotionUser

type NotionUser struct {
	ID                         string `json:"id"`
	Version                    int    `json:"version"`
	Email                      string `json:"email"`
	GivenName                  string `json:"given_name"`
	FamilyName                 string `json:"family_name"`
	ProfilePhoto               string `json:"profile_photo"`
	OnboardingCompleted        bool   `json:"onboarding_completed"`
	MobileOnboardingCompleted  bool   `json:"mobile_onboarding_completed"`
	ClipperOnboardingCompleted bool   `json:"clipper_onboarding_completed"`
	Name                       string `json:"name"`

	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

type Operation

type Operation struct {
	ID      string      `json:"id"`      // id of the block being modified
	Table   string      `json:"table"`   // "block" etc.
	Path    []string    `json:"path"`    // e.g. ["properties", "title"]
	Command string      `json:"command"` // "set", "update", "listAfter"
	Args    interface{} `json:"args"`

Operation describes a single operation sent

type Page

type Page struct {
	ID       string
	NotionID *NotionID

	// expose raw records for all data associated with this page
	BlockRecords          []*Record
	UserRecords           []*Record
	CollectionRecords     []*Record
	CollectionViewRecords []*Record
	DiscussionRecords     []*Record
	CommentRecords        []*Record
	SpaceRecords          []*Record

	// for every block of type collection_view and its view_ids
	// we } TableView representing that collection view_id
	TableViews []*TableView
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Page describes a single Notion page

func (*Page) BlockByID

func (p *Page) BlockByID(nid *NotionID) *Block

BlockByID returns a block by its id

func (*Page) CollectionByID

func (p *Page) CollectionByID(nid *NotionID) *Collection

CollectionByID returns a collection by its id

func (*Page) CollectionViewByID

func (p *Page) CollectionViewByID(nid *NotionID) *CollectionView

CollectionViewByID returns a collection view by its id

func (*Page) CommentByID

func (p *Page) CommentByID(nid *NotionID) *Comment

CommentByID returns a comment by its id

func (*Page) DiscussionByID

func (p *Page) DiscussionByID(nid *NotionID) *Discussion

DiscussionByID returns a discussion by its id

func (*Page) ForEachBlock

func (p *Page) ForEachBlock(cb func(*Block))

ForEachBlock recursively calls cb for each block in the page

func (*Page) GetNotionID

func (p *Page) GetNotionID() *NotionID

func (*Page) GetSubPages

func (p *Page) GetSubPages() []*NotionID

GetSubPages return list of ids for direct sub-pages of this page

func (*Page) IsRoot

func (p *Page) IsRoot(block *Block) bool

IsRoot returns true if this block is root block of the page i.e. of type BlockPage and very first block

func (*Page) IsSubPage

func (p *Page) IsSubPage(block *Block) bool

IsSubPage returns true if a given block is BlockPage and a direct child of this page (as opposed to a link to arbitrary page)

func (*Page) NotionURL

func (p *Page) NotionURL() string

NotionURL returns url of this page on

func (*Page) NotionUserByID

func (p *Page) NotionUserByID(nid *NotionID) *NotionUser

UserByID returns a user by its id

func (*Page) Root

func (p *Page) Root() *Block

Root returns a root block representing a page

func (*Page) SetFormat

func (p *Page) SetFormat(args map[string]interface{}) error

SetFormat changes format properties of a page. Valid values are: page_full_width (bool), page_small_text (bool)

func (*Page) SetTitle

func (p *Page) SetTitle(s string) error

SetTitle changes page title

func (*Page) SpaceByID

func (p *Page) SpaceByID(nid *NotionID) *Space

SpaceByID returns a space by its id

type Permission

type Permission struct {
	Type string `json:"type"`

	// common to some permission types
	Role interface{} `json:"role"`

	// if Type == "user_permission"
	UserID *string `json:"user_id,omitempty"`

	AddedTimestamp int64 `json:"added_timestamp"`

	// if Type == "public_permission"
	AllowDuplicate            bool `json:"allow_duplicate"`
	AllowSearchEngineIndexing bool `json:"allow_search_engine_indexing"`

Permission represents user permissions o

type Pointer

type Pointer struct {
	Table string `json:"table"`
	ID    string `json:"id"`

type PointerWithVersion

type PointerWithVersion struct {
	Pointer Pointer `json:"pointer"`
	Version int     `json:"version"`

type Query

type Query struct {
	Sort         []QuerySort            `json:"sort"`
	Aggregate    []QueryAggregate       `json:"aggregate"`
	Aggregations []QueryAggregation     `json:"aggregations"`
	Filter       map[string]interface{} `json:"filter"`

type QueryAggregate

type QueryAggregate struct {
	ID              string `json:"id"`
	Type            string `json:"type"`
	Property        string `json:"property"`
	ViewType        string `json:"view_type"`
	AggregationType string `json:"aggregation_type"`

type QueryAggregation

type QueryAggregation struct {
	Property   string `json:"property"`
	Aggregator string `json:"aggregator"`

type QueryCollectionRequest

type QueryCollectionRequest struct {
	Collection struct {
		ID      string `json:"id"`
		SpaceID string `json:"spaceId"`
	} `json:"collection"`
	CollectionView struct {
		ID      string `json:"id"`
		SpaceID string `json:"spaceId"`
	} `json:"collectionView"`
	Loader interface{} `json:"loader"` // e.g. LoaderReducer

/api/v3/queryCollection request

type QueryCollectionResponse

type QueryCollectionResponse struct {
	RecordMap *RecordMap `json:"recordMap"`
	Result    struct {
		Type string `json:"type"`
		// TODO: there's probably more
		ReducerResults *ReducerResults `json:"reducerResults"`
	} `json:"result"`
	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

QueryCollectionResponse is json response for /api/v3/queryCollection

type QuerySort

type QuerySort struct {
	ID        string `json:"id"`
	Type      string `json:"type"`
	Property  string `json:"property"`
	Direction string `json:"direction"`

type Record

type Record struct {
	// fields returned by the server
	Role string `json:"role"`
	// polymorphic value of the record, which we decode into Block, Space etc.
	Value json.RawMessage `json:"value"`

	// fields calculated from Value based on type
	ID             string          `json:"-"`
	Table          string          `json:"-"`
	Activity       *Activity       `json:"-"`
	Block          *Block          `json:"-"`
	Space          *Space          `json:"-"`
	NotionUser     *NotionUser     `json:"-"`
	UserRoot       *UserRoot       `json:"-"`
	UserSettings   *UserSettings   `json:"-"`
	Collection     *Collection     `json:"-"`
	CollectionView *CollectionView `json:"-"`
	Comment        *Comment        `json:"-"`
	Discussion     *Discussion     `json:"-"`

Record represents a polymorphic record

type RecordMap

type RecordMap struct {
	Version         int                `json:"__version__"`
	Activities      map[string]*Record `json:"activity"`
	Blocks          map[string]*Record `json:"block"`
	Spaces          map[string]*Record `json:"space"`
	NotionUsers     map[string]*Record `json:"notion_user"`
	UsersRoot       map[string]*Record `json:"user_root"`
	UserSettings    map[string]*Record `json:"user_setting"`
	Collections     map[string]*Record `json:"collection"`
	CollectionViews map[string]*Record `json:"collection_view"`
	Comments        map[string]*Record `json:"comment"`
	Discussions     map[string]*Record `json:"discussion"`

RecordMap contains a collections of blocks, a space, users, and collections.

type ReducerCollectionGroupResults

type ReducerCollectionGroupResults struct {
	Type  string `json:"type"`
	Limit int    `json:"limit"`

type ReducerResults

type ReducerResults struct {
	// TODO: probably more types
	CollectionGroupResults *CollectionGroupResults `json:"collection_group_results"`

type Reminder

type Reminder struct {
	Time  string `json:"time"` // e.g. "09:00"
	Unit  string `json:"unit"` // e.g. "day"
	Value int64  `json:"value"`

Reminder represents a date reminder

type RequestCacheEntry

type RequestCacheEntry struct {
	// request info
	Method string
	URL    string
	Body   string

	// response
	Response []byte
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

RequestCacheEntry has info about request (method/url/body) and response

type Space

type Space struct {
	ID                  string                  `json:"id"`
	Version             float64                 `json:"version"`
	Name                string                  `json:"name"`
	Domain              string                  `json:"domain"`
	Permissions         []*SpacePermissions     `json:"permissions,omitempty"`
	PermissionGroups    []SpacePermissionGroups `json:"permission_groups"`
	Icon                string                  `json:"icon"`
	EmailDomains        []string                `json:"email_domains"`
	BetaEnabled         bool                    `json:"beta_enabled"`
	Pages               []string                `json:"pages,omitempty"`
	DisablePublicAccess bool                    `json:"disable_public_access"`
	DisableGuests       bool                    `json:"disable_guests"`
	DisableMoveToSpace  bool                    `json:"disable_move_to_space"`
	DisableExport       bool                    `json:"disable_export"`
	CreatedBy           string                  `json:"created_by"`
	CreatedTime         int64                   `json:"created_time"`
	LastEditedBy        string                  `json:"last_edited_by"`
	LastEditedTime      int64                   `json:"last_edited_time"`

	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

Space describes Notion workspace.

type SpacePermissionGroups

type SpacePermissionGroups struct {
	ID      string   `json:"id"`
	Name    string   `json:"name"`
	UserIds []string `json:"user_ids,omitempty"`

SpacePermissionGroups represesnts group permissions for space

type SpacePermissions

type SpacePermissions struct {
	Role   string `json:"role"`
	Type   string `json:"type"` // e.g. "user_permission"
	UserID string `json:"user_id"`

SpacePermissions represents permissions for space

type SubscriptionData

type SubscriptionData struct {
	Type              string                       `json:"type"`
	SpaceUsers        []SubscriptionDataSpaceUsers `json:"spaceUsers"`
	Credits           []SubscriptionDataCredits    `json:"credits"`
	TotalCredit       int                          `json:"totalCredit"`
	AvailableCredit   int                          `json:"availableCredit"`
	CreditEnabled     bool                         `json:"creditEnabled"`
	CustomerID        string                       `json:"customerId"`
	CustomerName      string                       `json:"customerName"`
	VatID             string                       `json:"vatId"`
	IsDelinquent      bool                         `json:"isDelinquent"`
	ProductID         string                       `json:"productId"`
	BillingEmail      string                       `json:"billingEmail"`
	Plan              string                       `json:"plan"`
	PlanAmount        int                          `json:"planAmount"`
	AccountBalance    int                          `json:"accountBalance"`
	MonthlyPlanAmount int                          `json:"monthlyPlanAmount"`
	YearlyPlanAmount  int                          `json:"yearlyPlanAmount"`
	Quantity          int                          `json:"quantity"`
	Billing           string                       `json:"billing"`
	Address           SubscriptionDataAddress      `json:"address"`
	Last4             string                       `json:"last4"`
	Brand             string                       `json:"brand"`
	Interval          string                       `json:"interval"`
	Created           int64                        `json:"created"`
	PeriodEnd         int64                        `json:"periodEnd"`
	NextInvoiceTime   int64                        `json:"nextInvoiceTime"`
	NextInvoiceAmount int                          `json:"nextInvoiceAmount"`
	IsPaid            bool                         `json:"isPaid"`
	Members           []interface{}                `json:"members"`

	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

type SubscriptionDataAddress

type SubscriptionDataAddress struct {
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	BusinessName string `json:"businessName"`
	AddressLine1 string `json:"addressLine1"`
	AddressLine2 string `json:"addressLine2"`
	ZipCode      string `json:"zipCode"`
	City         string `json:"city"`
	State        string `json:"state"`
	Country      string `json:"country"`

type SubscriptionDataCredits

type SubscriptionDataCredits struct {
	ID               string `json:"id"`
	Version          int    `json:"version"`
	UserID           string `json:"user_id"`
	Amount           int    `json:"amount"`
	Activated        bool   `json:"activated"`
	CreatedTimestamp string `json:"created_timestamp"`
	Type             string `json:"type"`

type SubscriptionDataSpaceUsers

type SubscriptionDataSpaceUsers struct {
	UserID       string        `json:"userId"`
	Role         string        `json:"role"`
	IsGuest      bool          `json:"isGuest"`
	GuestPageIds []interface{} `json:"guestPageIds"`

type SyncRecordValuesResponse

type SyncRecordValuesResponse struct {
	RecordMap *RecordMap `json:"recordMap"`

	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

SyncRecordValuesResponse represents response to /api/v3/syncRecordValues api Note: it depends on Table type in request

type TableProperty

type TableProperty struct {
	Width    int    `json:"width"`
	Visible  bool   `json:"visible"`
	Property string `json:"property"`

TableProperty describes property of a table

type TableRow

type TableRow struct {
	// TableView that owns this row
	TableView *TableView

	// data for row is stored as properties of a page
	Page *Block

	// values extracted from Page for each column
	Columns [][]*TextSpan

type TableView

type TableView struct {
	// original data
	Page           *Page
	CollectionView *CollectionView
	Collection     *Collection

	// easier to work representation we calculate
	Columns []*ColumnInfo
	Rows    []*TableRow

TableView represents a view of a table (Notion calls it a Collection View) Meant to be a representation that is easier to work with

func (*TableView) CellContent

func (t *TableView) CellContent(row, col int) []*TextSpan

func (*TableView) ColumnCount

func (t *TableView) ColumnCount() int

func (*TableView) RowCount

func (t *TableView) RowCount() int

type TextAttr

type TextAttr = []string

TextAttr describes attributes of a span of text First element is name of the attribute (e.g. AttrLink) The rest are optional information about attribute (e.g. for AttrLink it's URL, for AttrUser it's user id etc.)

type TextSpan

type TextSpan struct {
	Text  string     `json:"Text"`
	Attrs []TextAttr `json:"Attrs"`

TextSpan describes a text with attributes

func ParseTextSpans

func ParseTextSpans(raw interface{}) ([]*TextSpan, error)

ParseTextSpans parses content from JSON into an easier to use form

func (*TextSpan) IsPlain

func (t *TextSpan) IsPlain() bool

IsPlain returns true if this InlineBlock is plain text i.e. has no attributes

type UserRoot

type UserRoot struct {
	Role  string `json:"role"`
	Value struct {
		ID                string   `json:"id"`
		Version           int      `json:"version"`
		SpaceViews        []string `json:"space_views"`
		LeftSpaces        []string `json:"left_spaces"`
		SpaceViewPointers []struct {
			ID      string `json:"id"`
			Table   string `json:"table"`
			SpaceID string `json:"spaceId"`
		} `json:"space_view_pointers"`
	} `json:"value"`

	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`

type UserSettings

type UserSettings struct {
	ID       string `json:"id"`
	Version  int    `json:"version"`
	Settings struct {
		Type                          string   `json:"type"`
		Locale                        string   `json:"locale"`
		Source                        string   `json:"source"`
		Persona                       string   `json:"persona"`
		TimeZone                      string   `json:"time_zone"`
		UsedMacApp                    bool     `json:"used_mac_app"`
		PreferredLocale               string   `json:"preferred_locale"`
		UsedAndroidApp                bool     `json:"used_android_app"`
		UsedWindowsApp                bool     `json:"used_windows_app"`
		StartDayOfWeek                int      `json:"start_day_of_week"`
		UsedMobileWebApp              bool     `json:"used_mobile_web_app"`
		UsedDesktopWebApp             bool     `json:"used_desktop_web_app"`
		SeenViewsIntroModal           bool     `json:"seen_views_intro_modal"`
		PreferredLocaleOrigin         string   `json:"preferred_locale_origin"`
		SeenCommentSidebarV2          bool     `json:"seen_comment_sidebar_v2"`
		SeenPersonaCollection         bool     `json:"seen_persona_collection"`
		SeenFileAttachmentIntro       bool     `json:"seen_file_attachment_intro"`
		HiddenCollectionDescriptions  []string `json:"hidden_collection_descriptions"`
		CreatedEvernoteGettingStarted bool     `json:"created_evernote_getting_started"`
	} `json:"settings"`

	RawJSON map[string]interface{} `json:"-"`


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? : This menu
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