pjx is a tool helps auto-generate server side directories and some go code.Supporting linux, windows, mac.
Table of Contents generated with DocToc
1. Start
way 1:
go get -u
way 2:
git clone
cd pjx
go install
git clone
go install
Make sure in cmd type pjx --version
, output normal.
2. Module
pjx now provides functional flows below:
2.1 Directory generate
For developing golang server project, pjx can auto-generate projects.
Take helloWorld project for example:
pjx new helloworld
cd helloworld
pjx module user
The generated directories will look like:
| -- module
| -- config
| -- dependence
| -- independence
| -- main.go
What are they?
- appName: project name, for example
- module: all modules about service, for example
. Each module has inner directories.They're documented below. - config: some config of the project.
- dependence: packages or files of common util tool. These packages and files might import project's inner package.
- independence: packages or files of common util tool. These pkg and files will not import any of this project.It can be no-harm add, remove, reuse-copy.
- main.go: project entrance.
Module divides project into modules such as user
, shop
.Its generated directories will look like:
| -- user
| | -- userPb
| | -- userModel
| | -- userRouter
| | -- userService
| | -- userTestClient
| | -- userExport
| | -- userControl
| | -- userJob
| | -- main.go
| ...
What are they?
- user: module name.
- userPb: proto file and generated go file.
- userModel: db model or service model.
- userRouter: http, tcp router.
- userControl: place to receive request body from router, also a place to handle error.
- userService: http, tcp service codes.Errors from here will be return.
- userTestClient: generate test as client codes.
- userExport: export user module as another single server.It's a sub-node of user/main.go
- userJob: cron jobs.
Commands are below:
- pjx new appName
- pjx module moduleName
Design your own directories refers to 4.2. How to design module directories as wanted?
// - pjx test-client functionName [--http] [--tcp] [--grpc]
2.2 Package storage and migration
Make sure configure system env pjx_path
.This will let pjx know where to storage package locally
For storing and migrating local package, pjx provides commands below:
Take helloworld for example:
pjx add helloworld
add a package named helloword in current dir into repo
pjx use helloworld
insert a package from repo to current dir
Make sure configure system env pjx_path
.This will let pjx know where to storage package locally.If not well set, it still work and will save packages in user-home/pjx_path
and use
keyword ruled below:
(value in '<>' is necessary, '[]' is optional. if namespace
, tag
not set, use 'global' and 'master'. ':value' means it's a value not fixed.)
pjx add <packageName> [:namespace] [:tag] [-f]
it will add a package in current dir into repo ${pjx_path}/:namespace/:package-name@:tag
.Optional args:
force add package, if exist, replace old.
pjx use <packageName> [:namespace] [:tag] [-o :rename]
it will insert a package from repo into current dir.Optional args:
add package with another name.
2.3 Config files encrypt and decrypt
refer to
3. Commands
3.1 new
pjx new <appName>
new a project
pjx new hello
3.2 module
pjx module <moduleName> [-m <key>]
using specific template to generate module.
- To select module template, you can refer to 5.2. How to design module directories as wanted?.
pjx module user
pjx module shop -m test
3.3 add
pjx add <packageName> [namespace] [tag] [-f]
add package into repo(at ${pjx_path}
). If pjx_path not set, they will be stored in user-home/pjx_path.
pjx add hello // package hello will be add into pjx_path/global/hello
pjx add hello fwhezfwhez master// package hello will be add into pjx_path/fwhezfwhez/hello
pjx add hello global tmp // package hello will be add into pjx_path/global/hello@tmp
3.4 use
pjx use <packageName> [namespace] [tag] [-o <rename>]
use a package from repo and insert to current dir.If pjx_path not set, use pjx_path default user-home/pjx_path
pjx use hello // use pjx_path/global/hello and insert to current dir.
pjx use hello fwhezfwhez tmp -o hello2 // use pjx_path/fwhezfwhez/hello@tmp and insert into current dir with name hello2
3.5 merge
pjx merge <path> <namespace> [-f/-u]
merge all packages in path into namespace
pjx merge /home/web/repo global -f // copy all /home/web/repo's sub dir into pjx_path/global, if exists, replace the old.
pjx merge /Users/web/repo fwhezfwhez -u // copy all /Users/web/repo's sub dir into pjx_path/fwhezfwhez, if exists, jump this.
3.6 clone
**need install git. type git --version
has well output**
pjx clone url.git [-u/-f]` clone a remote repo,and copy all sub dir in it to pjx_path/
pjx clone global -u jump the existing case
pjx clone global -f replace the existing old
3.7 encrypt
, decrypt
encrypt config files and decrypt.
pjx encrypt *.json
encrypt config files into old_name.crt
pjx decrypt *.crt
decrypt config files ended with .crt back
4. Optional args
value | meaning | example | why | scope |
-l | open log | pjx add xxx -l | show log | all |
-f | add package by force | pjx add xxx -f | avoid package exist error | add, merge, clone |
-o | use package in another name | pjx use xxx -o xxx2 | avoid package exist error | use |
-m | choose module template,it's at 'pjx/module-template.go' | pjx module user -m test | to design module directories as wanted | module |
-u | jump existed package with the same name when meet command merge and clone |
PJX merge g:/repo fwhezfwhez -u | avoid package exist error | merge, clone |
5. FAQ
5.1. pjx command not found?
go get -u ...
or go install
will put pjx
execute file into ${GOPATH}/bin. Make sure your ${GOPATH}/bin is in your system path.
5.2. How to design module directories as wanted?
If you don't like xRouter
, xService
... this kind of directories, you can just modify module-template.go
.By default, there is two keys default
and test
to refer the template.Pjx will choose as below:
pjx module user
using default key,and generate xRouter,xService,xModel,xPb,xTestClient,xExportpjx module user -m test
using test key, and generate xModel,xService,xRouter.
After you modify module-template.go, don't forget to run go install
to refresh pjx command
5.3. Permission deny?
Make sure the spot you execute pjx
has proper permission. For instance, when you execute pjx add xx
, you must has read permission to the package xx and write permission to pjx_path.This kind of question should never depend on pjx to fix it.
5.4. Pjx-repo for sharing?
Here is my personal repo sharing.It might change by time and might have dependency.But their usage will be easy and with specific doc.
5.5. Add modules in specific folder whose name is not 'module'?
# add module 'order' into your folder.
pjx module order -p 'your-folder-name'
There is no documentation for this package.