
Download Pre-compiled binaries
Checkout the releases page to download the latest executables for Linux, Mac, and Windows.
Global install using Go
go install
Then verify your installation:
networker -v
Compile from source
make install
Usage: networker [subcommand] [flags]
Description: A simple networking tool.
ls, list - List information on connected network devices.
lu, lookup - Lookup hostnames, IP addresses, internet service providers, nameservers, and networks.
r, req, request - Send an HTTP request.
s, scan - Scan hosts for open ports.
Usage: networker list [flags]
Aliases: ls
Description: List information on connected network devices.
networker list flags:
--json Output as json.
Usage: networker scan [flags]
Aliases: s
Description: Scan hosts for open ports.
networker scan flags:
-a, --all Scan all ports(scans first 1024 if not enabled).
--host string Host to scan(scans all hosts on LAN if not provided).
--json Output as json.
Usage: networker lookup [flags]
Aliases: lu
Description: Lookup hostnames, IP addresses, nameservers, and networks.
hostname - Lookup the hostname for a provided ip address.
ip - Lookup the ip address of the provided hostname.
network - Lookup the network address of a provided host.
nameservers - Lookup nameservers for the provided hostname.
isp - Lookup the internet service provider of a remote host.
Usage: networker request [flags]
Aliases: r, req
Description: Send an HTTP request.
networker request flags:
-b, --body string Request body. (you can use a JSON string literal or a path to a json file)
-H, --headers strings Request headers.(format(no quotes): key:value,key:value,key:value)
-j, --json-only Only output json.
-m, --method string Request method. (default "GET")
-u, --upload string Multi-part form. (format: formname=path/to/file1,path/to/file2,path/to/file3)