A fully-managed real-time secure and reliable geo-replicated RESTful Cloud Pub/Sub streaming message/job service.
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- Google Cloud Pub/Sub
- Amazon kenesis/SQS
- kenesis is aws kafka
- SQS is aws beanstalkd
- Azure EventHub
- Yahoo Pulsar
- IBM Bluemix Message Hub
- uber Cherami
- qcloud CMQ
- aliyun MNS
- order not guaranteed
- backtracking not supported
- misc
- pubnub
- pusher
- firebase
- parse
- pubsubhubbub
- aliyun ONS
- http/https/websocket/http2 interface for Pub/Sub
- Support both FIFO and Schedulable queue
- Flexible delivery options
- Both push- and pull-style subscriptions supported
- Communication can be
- one-to-many (fan-out)
- many-to-one (fan-in)
- many-to-many
- Systemic Quality Requirements
- Performance & Throughput
100K msg/sec delivery on a single host without batch
- fully benchmark tested and profiler'ed
- Scalability
- scales to 1M msg/sec
- elastic scales
- Latency
- Availability
- Graceful shutdown without downtime
- Long polling
- Graceful Degrade
- throttle
- circuit breaker
- hinted handoff
- Fully-managed
- Discovery
- Create versioned topics, subscribe to topics
- Rich real-time tagged metrics, fully-functional dashboard and alarming
- Easy trouble shooting
- Controlled GC
- Visualize message flow
- Managed integration service via Webhooks
- Hot configurable
- Multi-tenant
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Quotas
- Optional hardware isolation
- REST API for provisioning, admin and stats
- swagger documentation
- Mirror across data centers
- Replicated storage and guaranteed at-least-once message delivery
- Functional Features
- schedulable message
- server side message filter by tag
- managed message routing
- avro based message schema registration and versioning
- retry|dead queue
- sub in batch
- message backtracking
- hot dryrun topic
- multi-tenant metrics
- self-servicable topic scaling and message rentention SLA
- user can check sub status/lag
- topic owners can check subscribers and their status
- configurable lag alerting
- Enables sophisticated streaming data processing
- Load balancer friendly
- Quotas and rate limit, QoS
- Flow control: Dynamic rate limiting
- Encryption of all message data on the wire
Common scenarios
- Balancing workloads in network clusters
- Implementing asynchronous workflows
- Distributing event notifications
- Refreshing distributed caches
- Logging to multiple systems
- Data streaming from various processes or devices
- Reliability improvement
POST /v1/msgs/:topic/:ver
POST /v1/ws/msgs/:topic/:ver
POST /v1/jobs/:topic/:ver
DELETE /v1/jobs/:topic/:ver
GET /v1/msgs/:appid/:topic/:ver
GET /v1/ws/msgs/:appid/:topic/:ver
POST /v1/shadow/:appid/:topic/:ver/:group
DELETE /v1/groups/:appid/:topic/:ver/:group
GET /v1/subd/:topic/:ver
GET /v1/status/:appid/:topic/:ver
The Big Picture
| VirtualIP |
+--------------+ Alert SOS Dashboard
| | | | | gk
| | | | | | |
| +----------+ +----------+ | | | |
| | ehaproxy | | ehaproxy | | V | |
| +----------+ +----------+ | | | |
| | | | discovery | | | |
| +----------------+ | +-------------+ |
| | LB | | |
| | | +--------------------+ +--------+ |
| | +---| | election | | watch |
| |keepalive | zookeeper ensemble |-----------| kguard |-------------+ |
| | +---| | | | aggragator | |
| | | +--------------------+ +--------+ | |
| | +-------+ | | |
| | | registry | orchestration | | +- Pub
| +---------------+ |-----------+ +---------+ | | REST |
| | | | | | kateway |--|----|------|
| +---------+ +---------+ +--------+ +--------+ +---------+ | | |
| | kateway | | kateway | | actord | | actord | | | +- Sub
| +---------+ +---------+ +--------+ +--------+ | |
| | hh | | hh | | executor | |
| +----+ +----+ +--------------+ | |
| | | | | |
| | +---------+ +---------+ push | |
| +--------+ | JobTube | | Webhook |------------>-----------------|----|---Endpoints
| | | +---------+ +---------+ | |
| | | | scheduler | sub | |
| auth | |job WAL | dispatch | | |
| +------+ +---------------------------+------------------+ | |
| | | tenant shard | pubsub | flush | |
| +----------+ +---------+ +-------+ +------+ | |
| | auth DB | | DB Farm | | kafka | | TSDB | | |
| +----------+ +---------+ +-------+ +------+ | |
| | | | | | |
| | +----------------------------------------------+ | |
| | | | |
| | +-------------------------------------------+ |
| | |
| | zone |
GET /alive
GET /v1/status
GET /v1/clusters
GET /v1/clients
GET /v1/partitions/:cluster/:appid/:topic/:ver
POST /v1/topics/:cluster/:appid/:topic/:ver
DELETE /v1/counter/:name
why named kateway?
Admittedly, it is not a good name. Just short for kafka gateway
how to batch messages in Pub?
It is http client's job to put the variant length data into json array
how to consume multiple messages in Sub?
add param batch
when Sub.
kateway uses chunked transfer encoding and client MUST use TLV to decode.
http header size limit?
what is limit of a pub message in size?
1 ~ 512KB
what is limit of a job message in size?
1 ~ 16KB
if sub with no arriving message, how long do client get http 204?
- github.com/samuel/go-zookeeper
- github.com/Shopify/sarama
kguard watch GC for zk/kafka
tag move from body to key, only store hash(tag)
kw id replaced by zk sequence
cleanup of the idle->active pub clients during shutdown
sub status display raw kafka offset status
mirror, when destination dies stop consuming
tagged metrics
Content-Length if batch pub
haproxy metrics export to InfluxDB
raft consensus
hh should use AsyncPub method instead of SyncPub
hh index
integration: bad Pub/Sub rate limit
when consumer group decision didn't change, refuse to rebalance
Pub pool will create up to 100 * (count(topic) + count(partition)) goroutines
mysql slave of manager to data sync with manager in memory
kguard apperr.go Line:128 restart if kafka conn broken
kguard watch for same group consuming multiple topics
when startup, hh Empty?
man /v1/clusters director of cluster distribution
bug: /Users/funky/gopkg/src/github.com/samuel/go-zookeeper/zk/conn.go 511
panic: non-positive interval for NewTicker
go over all zk watchers, handle expire
- ehaproxy
- kateway registry
- actord
- kguard
ehaproxy sometimes haproxy process didn't exit normally
bug: when shutdown, consumer group is not sync'ed with sub server stop
1 consumer group can only Sub 1(not 2 or more) topic
- lessen the thundering hurd because rebalance when group members change
- better manageable
when delete a topic, remove its all consumer groups
bug: kateway gone, but kguard kateway.pubsub.fail didn't notice
zk session expires and ephemeral znodes?
IO load balance for hinted handoff
metrics for hh
reject Sub when the group is being used for another topic
pause a webhook
kafka timeout 1ms can work with hinted handoff
DFS/Kahn webhook dead loop detection
- pause/resume a job
- job state machine
- partition table?
deregister before web listener closed
github.com/funkygao/go-metrics/sample.go:151 heap
failure tolerance
- pub breaker
- migration partition from a to b
- what if a broker killed
async pub mem pool
sub: what if broker moved
topic name obfuscation
sub with delayed ack
- StatusNotModified
- what if rebalanced, and ack buffered p/o
pub/sub a disabled topic, discard?
features confirm
- delayed job
- bury
- msg tag
- avro schema registry
fetchShadowQueueRecords enable
- authentication and authorization
- transform
- hooks
check hack pkg
https, outer ip must https
Update to glibc 2.20 or higher
- gzip sub response
- Pub HTTP POST Request compress
- compression in kafka