Notify someone from some place about your success
go install github.com/fullpipe/herald@latest
herald help
For example we want to notify grafana from local git repository
export GRAFANA_API_KEY=abirvalg
herald git grafana --host https://grafana.example.com:3000 --api-key ${GRAFANA_API_KEY} --tag TASK-123 --tag release --tag wtf-project
# or you could modify message
herald git grafana --host https://grafana.example.com:3000 --api-key ${GRAFANA_API_KEY} --tag TASK-123 --tag release --tag wtf-project -m "Project {{.project}} deployed. Going home."
Add anotations |
Feel the difference |
Place tries to generate project metadata if possible.
You could find available place options by herald PLACE help
Place |
Description |
nowhere |
set meta as you want |
git |
reads meta from local git repository |
gitlab |
reads meta from gitlab ci env vars |
You could use metadata in message templates. For example:
Project {{.project}} deployed
Project: {{ or .project "none"}}
URL: {{ or .url "none"}}
Branch: {{ or .branch "none"}}
CommitSHA: {{ or .sha "none"}}
Author: {{ or .author "none"}}
It's where you will see your success.
You could find available target options by herald nowhere TARGET --help
Target |
Description |
Required options |
cli |
just prints out to your terminal |
grafana |
creates grafana annotation with tags |
--host , --api-key |
slack |
send message to Slack channel |
--webhook |
- ci
- wrap in docker container
- error handling
- lint
- commit message as meta.Description?
- more targets
- more places