Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddString(s ...string) string
- func AddStringBytes(s ...string) []byte
- func AesCBCDeB58(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func AesCBCDeB64(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func AesCBCDeHex(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func AesCBCDePKCS7B58(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func AesCBCDePKCS7B64(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func AesCBCDePKCS7Hex(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func AesCBCDePKCS7StringB58(s string, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCDePKCS7StringB64(s string, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCDePKCS7StringHex(s string, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCDeStringB58(s string, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCDeStringB64(s string, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCDeStringHex(s string, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCDecrypt(asPKCS7 bool, ciphertext, key []byte, ivs ...[]byte) (plaintext []byte)
- func AesCBCDecryptE(asPKCS7 bool, ciphertext, key []byte, ivs ...[]byte) ([]byte, error)
- func AesCBCEnB58(b, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCEnB64(b, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCEnHex(b, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCEnPKCS7B58(b, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCEnPKCS7B64(b, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCEnPKCS7Hex(b, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCEnPKCS7StringB58(s string, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCEnPKCS7StringB64(s string, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCEnPKCS7StringHex(s string, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCEnStringB58(s string, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCEnStringB64(s string, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCEnStringHex(s string, key []byte) string
- func AesCBCEncrypt(asPKCS7 bool, plaintext, key []byte, ivs ...[]byte) (ciphertext []byte)
- func AesCBCEncryptE(asPKCS7 bool, plaintext, key []byte, ivs ...[]byte) ([]byte, error)
- func AesGCMDeB58(s string, key, nonce []byte) []byte
- func AesGCMDeB64(s string, key, nonce []byte) []byte
- func AesGCMDeHex(s string, key, nonce []byte) []byte
- func AesGCMDeStringB58(s string, key, nonce []byte) string
- func AesGCMDeStringB64(s string, key, nonce []byte) string
- func AesGCMDeStringHex(s string, key, nonce []byte) string
- func AesGCMDecrypt(ciphertext, key, nonce []byte) (plaintext []byte)
- func AesGCMDecryptWithNonce(ciphertext, key, nonce, additionalData []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func AesGCMEnB58(b, key []byte) (string, []byte)
- func AesGCMEnB64(b, key []byte) (string, []byte)
- func AesGCMEnHex(b, key []byte) (string, []byte)
- func AesGCMEnStringB58(s string, key []byte) (string, []byte)
- func AesGCMEnStringB64(s string, key []byte) (string, []byte)
- func AesGCMEnStringHex(s string, key []byte) (string, []byte)
- func AesGCMEncrypt(plaintext, key []byte) (ciphertext []byte, nonce []byte)
- func AesGCMEncryptWithNonce(plaintext, key, nonce, additionalData []byte) ([]byte, []byte, error)
- func AssertEqual(t testing.TB, expected, actual interface{}, description ...string)
- func AssertPanics(t *testing.T, title string, f func())
- func B2S(b []byte) string
- func B64Decode(s string) []byte
- func B64Encode(b []byte) string
- func B64UrlDecode(s string) []byte
- func B64UrlEncode(b []byte) string
- func BeginOfDay(t time.Time) time.Time
- func BeginOfHour(t time.Time) time.Time
- func BeginOfLastMonth(t time.Time) time.Time
- func BeginOfLastWeek(t time.Time) time.Time
- func BeginOfMinute(t time.Time) time.Time
- func BeginOfMonth(t time.Time) time.Time
- func BeginOfNextMonth(t time.Time) time.Time
- func BeginOfNextWeek(t time.Time) time.Time
- func BeginOfTomorrow(t time.Time) time.Time
- func BeginOfWeek(t time.Time) time.Time
- func BeginOfYear(t time.Time) time.Time
- func BeginOfYesterday(t time.Time) time.Time
- func BigComma(b *big.Int) string
- func BigCommaf(v *big.Float) string
- func Bigoom(n, b *big.Int) (float64, int)
- func CPUTicks() int64
- func CallPath() string
- func Comma(v int64) string
- func Commaf(v float64) string
- func Commai(v int) string
- func Commau(v uint64) string
- func CopyB2S(b []byte) string
- func CopyBytes(b []byte) []byte
- func CopyS2B(s string) []byte
- func CopyString(s string) string
- func Decrypt(value, secret string) string
- func DesCBCDeB58(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func DesCBCDeB64(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func DesCBCDeHex(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func DesCBCDePKCS7B58(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func DesCBCDePKCS7B64(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func DesCBCDePKCS7Hex(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func DesCBCDePKCS7StringB58(s string, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCDePKCS7StringB64(s string, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCDePKCS7StringHex(s string, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCDeStringB58(s string, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCDeStringB64(s string, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCDeStringHex(s string, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCDecrypt(asPKCS7 bool, ciphertext, key []byte, ivs ...[]byte) (plaintext []byte)
- func DesCBCDecryptE(asPKCS7 bool, ciphertext, key []byte, ivs ...[]byte) ([]byte, error)
- func DesCBCEnB58(b, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCEnB64(b, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCEnHex(b, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCEnPKCS7B58(b, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCEnPKCS7B64(b, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCEnPKCS7Hex(b, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCEnPKCS7StringB58(s string, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCEnPKCS7StringB64(s string, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCEnPKCS7StringHex(s string, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCEnStringB58(s string, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCEnStringB64(s string, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCEnStringHex(s string, key []byte) string
- func DesCBCEncrypt(asPKCS7 bool, plaintext, key []byte, ivs ...[]byte) (ciphertext []byte)
- func DesCBCEncryptE(asPKCS7 bool, plaintext, key []byte, ivs ...[]byte) ([]byte, error)
- func Djb33(s string) uint32
- func EncodeUUID(id []byte) []byte
- func Encrypt(value, secret string) string
- func EndOfDay(t time.Time) time.Time
- func EndOfHour(t time.Time) time.Time
- func EndOfLastMonth(t time.Time) time.Time
- func EndOfLastWeek(t time.Time) time.Time
- func EndOfMinute(t time.Time) time.Time
- func EndOfMonth(t time.Time) time.Time
- func EndOfNextMonth(t time.Time) time.Time
- func EndOfNextWeek(t time.Time) time.Time
- func EndOfTomorrow(t time.Time) time.Time
- func EndOfWeek(t time.Time) time.Time
- func EndOfYear(t time.Time) time.Time
- func EndOfYesterday(t time.Time) time.Time
- func EqualFold(b, s string) (equals bool)
- func EqualFoldBytes(b, s []byte) (equals bool)
- func Executable(evalSymlinks ...bool) string
- func ExecutableDir(evalSymlinks ...bool) string
- func FastIntn(n int) int
- func FastRand() uint32
- func FastRandBytes(n int) []byte
- func FastRandn(n uint32) uint32
- func FnvHash(s string) uint64
- func FnvHash32(s string) uint32
- func GCMDeB58(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func GCMDeB64(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func GCMDeHex(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func GCMDeStringB58(s string, key []byte) string
- func GCMDeStringB64(s string, key []byte) string
- func GCMDeStringHex(s string, key []byte) string
- func GCMDecrypt(encrypted, key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func GCMEnB58(b, key []byte) string
- func GCMEnB64(b, key []byte) string
- func GCMEnHex(b, key []byte) string
- func GCMEnStringB58(s string, key []byte) string
- func GCMEnStringB64(s string, key []byte) string
- func GCMEnStringHex(s string, key []byte) string
- func GCMEncrypt(plaintext, key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func GenRSAKey(bits int) (publicKey, privateKey []byte)
- func GetBytes(v interface{}, defaultVal ...[]byte) []byte
- func GetIPPort(addr net.Addr) (ip net.IP, port int, err error)
- func GetInt(v interface{}, defaultInt int
- func GetMonthDays(t time.Time) int
- func GetNotInternalIPv4(ip, defaultIP net.IP, flag ...bool) net.IP
- func GetNotInternalIPv4String(ip, defaultIP string, flag ...bool) string
- func GetSafeB2S(b []byte, defaultVal ...string) string
- func GetSafeBytes(b []byte, defaultVal ...[]byte) []byte
- func GetSafeS2B(s string, defaultVal ...[]byte) []byte
- func GetSafeString(s string, defaultVal ...string) string
- func GetString(v interface{}, defaultVal ...string) string
- func GetenvDecrypt(key string, secret string) string
- func Hash(b []byte, h hash.Hash) []byte
- func HashBytes(b ...[]byte) string
- func HashBytesUint64(b ...[]byte) uint64
- func HashString(s ...string) string
- func HashStringUint64(s ...string) uint64
- func Hmac(b []byte, key []byte, h func() hash.Hash) []byte
- func HmacSHA1(b, key []byte) []byte
- func HmacSHA1Hex(s, key string) string
- func HmacSHA256(b, key []byte) []byte
- func HmacSHA256Hex(s, key string) string
- func HmacSHA512(b, key []byte) []byte
- func HmacSHA512Hex(s, key string) string
- func HumanBaseBytes(v uint64, base float64, sizes []string) string
- func HumanBigBytes(s *big.Int) string
- func HumanBigIBytes(s *big.Int) string
- func HumanBigKbps(s *big.Int) string
- func HumanBytes(v uint64) string
- func HumanGBMB(v uint64) string
- func HumanIBytes(v uint64) string
- func HumanIntBytes(v int) string
- func HumanIntIBytes(v int) string
- func HumanIntKbps(v int) string
- func HumanKbps(v uint64) string
- func IPv42Long(ip net.IP) int
- func IPv4String2Long(ip string) int
- func InIPNet(ip net.IP, ipNets map[*net.IPNet]struct{}) bool
- func InIPNetString(ip string, ipNets map[*net.IPNet]struct{}) bool
- func InInts(slice []int, n int) bool
- func InStrings(ss []string, s string) bool
- func IsDir(s string) bool
- func IsExist(s string) bool
- func IsFile(s string) bool
- func IsInternalIPv4(ip net.IP) bool
- func IsInternalIPv4String(ip string) bool
- func IsNil(i interface{}) bool
- func IsPrivateIP(ip net.IP) bool
- func IsPrivateIPString(ip string) bool
- func JoinBytes(b ...[]byte) []byte
- func LeftPad(s, pad string, n int) string
- func LeftPadBytes(b, pad []byte, n int) []byte
- func Logn(n, b float64) float64
- func Long2IPv4(n int) net.IP
- func Long2IPv4String(n int) string
- func MD5(b []byte) []byte
- func MD5BytesHex(bs []byte) string
- func MD5Hex(s string) string
- func MD5Reader(r io.Reader) (string, error)
- func MD5Sum(filename string) (string, error)
- func MaxInt(a, b int) int
- func MemHash(s string) uint64
- func MemHash32(s string) uint32
- func MemHashb(b []byte) uint64
- func MemHashb32(b []byte) uint32
- func MinInt(a, b int) int
- func MustBool(v interface{}) bool
- func MustInt(v interface{}) int
- func MustJSON(v interface{}) []byte
- func MustJSONIndent(v interface{}) []byte
- func MustJSONIndentString(v interface{}) string
- func MustJSONString(v interface{}) string
- func MustMD5Sum(filename string) string
- func MustParseHumanBigBytes(s string, defaultVal ...*big.Int) *big.Int
- func MustParseHumanBytes(s string, defaultVal ...uint64) uint64
- func MustString(v interface{}) string
- func NanoTime() int64
- func NewRand(seed ...int64) *rand.Rand
- func Pad(s, pad string, n int) string
- func PadBytes(s, pad []byte, n int) []byte
- func Padding(b []byte, bSize int, pkcs7 bool) []byte
- func ParseHumanBigBytes(s string) (*big.Int, error)
- func ParseHumanBytes(s string) (uint64, error)
- func ParsePrivateKey(privateKey []byte) (priv *rsa.PrivateKey, err error)
- func ParsePublicKey(publicKey []byte) (pub *rsa.PublicKey, err error)
- func RSADecrypt(ciphertext, privateKey []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func RSAEncrypt(plaintext, publicKey []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func RSASign(data, privateKey []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func RSASignVerify(data, publicKey, sig []byte) error
- func RandBytes(n int) []byte
- func RandHex(nHalf int) string
- func RandInt(min, max int) int
- func RandString(n int) string
- func RandUint32(min, max uint32) uint32
- func RemoveString(ss []string, s string) ([]string, bool)
- func ReplaceHost(a, b string) string
- func RightPad(s, pad string, n int) string
- func RightPadBytes(b, pad []byte, n int) []byte
- func Round(v float64, precision int) float64
- func RunPath() string
- func S2B(s string) []byte
- func SearchInt(slice []int, n int) int
- func SearchString(ss []string, s string) int
- func SetenvEncrypt(key, value, secret string) (string, error)
- func Sha1(b []byte) []byte
- func Sha1Hex(s string) string
- func Sha256(b []byte) []byte
- func Sha256Hex(s string) string
- func Sha512(b []byte) []byte
- func Sha512Hex(s string) string
- func SplitHostPort(hostPort string) (host, port string)
- func Str2Bytes(s string) (b []byte)
- func StrToBytes(s string) []byte
- func String2Bytes(s string) (b []byte)
- func StringToBytes(s string) (b []byte)
- func Sum32(s string) uint32
- func Sum64(s string) uint64
- func SumInt(v int
- func ToLower(b string) string
- func ToLowerBytes(b []byte) []byte
- func ToUpper(b string) string
- func ToUpperBytes(b []byte) []byte
- func Trim(s string, cutset byte) string
- func TrimBytes(b []byte, cutset byte) []byte
- func TrimLeft(s string, cutset byte) string
- func TrimLeftBytes(b []byte, cutset byte) []byte
- func TrimRight(s string, cutset byte) string
- func TrimRightBytes(b []byte, cutset byte) []byte
- func UUID() []byte
- func UUIDShort() string
- func UUIDSimple() string
- func UUIDString() string
- func UnPadding(b []byte, pkcs7 bool) []byte
- func Unzip(data []byte) (src []byte, err error)
- func ValidOptionalPort(port string) bool
- func WaitNextMinute()
- func XOR(src, key []byte) []byte
- func XORDeB58(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func XORDeB64(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func XORDeHex(s string, key []byte) []byte
- func XORDeStringB58(s string, key []byte) string
- func XORDeStringB64(s string, key []byte) string
- func XORDeStringHex(s string, key []byte) string
- func XORE(src, key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func XOREnB58(b, key []byte) string
- func XOREnB64(b, key []byte) string
- func XOREnHex(b, key []byte) string
- func XOREnStringB58(s string, key []byte) string
- func XOREnStringB64(s string, key []byte) string
- func XOREnStringHex(s string, key []byte) string
- func Zip(data []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func ZipLevel(data []byte, level int) (dst []byte, err error)
Constants ¶
const ( Byte = 1 << (iota * 10) KiByte MiByte GiByte TiByte PiByte EiByte )
Ref: dustin/go-humanize IEC Sizes. kibis of bits
const ( IByte = 1 KByte = IByte * 1000 MByte = KByte * 1000 GByte = MByte * 1000 TByte = GByte * 1000 PByte = TByte * 1000 EByte = PByte * 1000 )
SI Sizes.
Variables ¶
var ( // BigByte is one byte in bit.Ints BigByte = big.NewInt(1) // BigKiByte is 1,024 bytes in bit.Ints BigKiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigByte, bigIECExp) // BigMiByte is 1,024 k bytes in bit.Ints BigMiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigKiByte, bigIECExp) // BigGiByte is 1,024 m bytes in bit.Ints BigGiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigMiByte, bigIECExp) // BigTiByte is 1,024 g bytes in bit.Ints BigTiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigGiByte, bigIECExp) // BigPiByte is 1,024 t bytes in bit.Ints BigPiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigTiByte, bigIECExp) // BigEiByte is 1,024 p bytes in bit.Ints BigEiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigPiByte, bigIECExp) // BigZiByte is 1,024 e bytes in bit.Ints BigZiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigEiByte, bigIECExp) // BigYiByte is 1,024 z bytes in bit.Ints BigYiByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigZiByte, bigIECExp) )
Ref: dustin/go-humanize
var ( // BigSIByte is one SI byte in big.Ints BigSIByte = big.NewInt(1) // BigKByte is 1,000 SI bytes in big.Ints BigKByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigSIByte, bigSIExp) // BigMByte is 1,000 SI k bytes in big.Ints BigMByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigKByte, bigSIExp) // BigGByte is 1,000 SI m bytes in big.Ints BigGByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigMByte, bigSIExp) // BigTByte is 1,000 SI g bytes in big.Ints BigTByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigGByte, bigSIExp) // BigPByte is 1,000 SI t bytes in big.Ints BigPByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigTByte, bigSIExp) // BigEByte is 1,000 SI p bytes in big.Ints BigEByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigPByte, bigSIExp) // BigZByte is 1,000 SI e bytes in big.Ints BigZByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigEByte, bigSIExp) // BigYByte is 1,000 SI z bytes in big.Ints BigYByte = (&big.Int{}).Mul(BigZByte, bigSIExp) )
var Rand = NewRand()
Rand goroutine-safe, use instead of
var Seed = FastRand()
Functions ¶
func AddStringBytes ¶
AddStringBytes 拼接字符串, 返回 bytes from bytes.Join()
func AesCBCDeB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesCBCDeB58 解密, ZerosPadding
func AesCBCDePKCS7B58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesCBCDePKCS7B58 解密, Pkcs7Padding
func AesCBCDePKCS7B64 ¶
AesCBCDePKCS7B64 解密, Pkcs7Padding
func AesCBCDePKCS7Hex ¶
AesCBCDePKCS7Hex 解密, Pkcs7Padding
func AesCBCDePKCS7StringB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesCBCDePKCS7StringB58 解密, Pkcs7Padding
func AesCBCDePKCS7StringB64 ¶
AesCBCDePKCS7StringB64 解密, Pkcs7Padding
func AesCBCDePKCS7StringHex ¶
AesCBCDePKCS7StringHex 解密, Pkcs7Padding
func AesCBCDeStringB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesCBCDeStringB58 解密, ZerosPadding
func AesCBCDeStringB64 ¶
AesCBCDeStringB64 解密, ZerosPadding
func AesCBCDeStringHex ¶
AesCBCDeStringHex 解密, ZerosPadding
func AesCBCDecrypt ¶
AesCBCDecrypt AES-CBC 解密
func AesCBCDecryptE ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesCBCDecryptE AES-CBC 解密, 密码分组链接模式 (Cipher Block Chaining (CBC))
func AesCBCEnB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesCBCEnB58 加密, ZerosPadding
func AesCBCEnPKCS7B58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesCBCEnPKCS7B58 加密, Pkcs7Padding
func AesCBCEnPKCS7B64 ¶
AesCBCEnPKCS7B64 加密, Pkcs7Padding
func AesCBCEnPKCS7Hex ¶
AesCBCEnPKCS7Hex 加密, Pkcs7Padding
func AesCBCEnPKCS7StringB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesCBCEnPKCS7StringB58 加密, Pkcs7Padding
func AesCBCEnPKCS7StringB64 ¶
AesCBCEnPKCS7StringB64 加密, Pkcs7Padding
func AesCBCEnPKCS7StringHex ¶
AesCBCEnPKCS7StringHex 加密, Pkcs7Padding
func AesCBCEnStringB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesCBCEnStringB58 加密, ZerosPadding
func AesCBCEnStringB64 ¶
AesCBCEnStringB64 加密, ZerosPadding
func AesCBCEnStringHex ¶
AesCBCEnStringHex 加密, ZerosPadding
func AesCBCEncrypt ¶
AesCBCEncrypt AES-CBC 加密
func AesCBCEncryptE ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesCBCEncryptE AES-CBC 加密, 密码分组链接模式 (Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)) key 长度分别是 16 (AES-128), 24 (AES-192?), 32 (AES-256?) asPKCS7: false (ZerosPadding), true (Pkcs7Padding)
func AesGCMDeB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMDeB58 解密
func AesGCMDeB64 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMDeB64 解密
func AesGCMDeHex ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMDeHex 解密
func AesGCMDeStringB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMDeStringB58 解密
func AesGCMDeStringB64 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMDeStringB64 解密
func AesGCMDeStringHex ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMDeStringHex 解密
func AesGCMDecrypt ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMDecrypt AES-GCM 解密
func AesGCMDecryptWithNonce ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMDecryptWithNonce AES-GCM 解密, (Galois/Counter Mode (GCM))
func AesGCMEnStringB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMEnStringB58 加密
func AesGCMEnStringB64 ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMEnStringB64 加密
func AesGCMEnStringHex ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMEnStringHex 加密
func AesGCMEncrypt ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMEncrypt AES-GCM 加密
func AesGCMEncryptWithNonce ¶ added in v0.0.3
AesGCMEncryptWithNonce AES-GCM 加密, (Galois/Counter Mode (GCM)) key 长度分别是 16 (AES-128), 32 (AES-256)
func AssertEqual ¶
AssertEqual checks if values are equal Ref: gofiber/utils
func B64UrlEncode ¶
B64UrlEncode Base64 解码, 安全 URL, 替换: "+/" 为 "-_"
func BeginOfLastMonth ¶ added in v0.4.0
BeginOfLastMonth 上月第一天 0 点
func BeginOfLastWeek ¶ added in v0.4.0
BeginOfLastWeek 上周一 0 点
func BeginOfNextMonth ¶ added in v0.4.0
BeginOfNextMonth 下月第一天 0 点
func BeginOfNextWeek ¶ added in v0.4.0
BeginOfNextWeek 下周一 0 点
func BeginOfTomorrow ¶ added in v0.4.0
BeginOfTomorrow 明天 0 点
func BeginOfYesterday ¶ added in v0.4.0
BeginOfYesterday 昨天 0 点
func CallPath ¶
func CallPath() string
CallPath 运行时路径, 编译目录 假如: mklink E:\tmp\linkapp.exe D:\Fufu\Test\abc\app.exe 执行: E:\tmp\linkapp.exe CallPath: E:\Go\src\\fufuok\utils\tmp\osext
func Comma ¶ added in v0.1.3
Comma 整数转千分位分隔字符串 Ref: dustin/go-humanize e.g. Comma(834142) -> 834,142
func Commaf ¶ added in v0.1.3
Commaf 浮点数转千分位分隔字符串 Ref: dustin/go-humanize e.g. Commaf(834142.32) -> 834,142.32
func CopyString ¶
CopyString Immutable, string to string e.g. fiberParam := utils.CopyString(c.Params("test")) e.g. utils.CopyString(s[500:1000]) // 可以让 s 被 GC 回收
func DesCBCDeB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
DesCBCDeB58 解密, ZerosPadding
func DesCBCDePKCS7B58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
DesCBCDePKCS7B58 解密, Pkcs7Padding
func DesCBCDePKCS7B64 ¶
DesCBCDePKCS7B64 解密, Pkcs7Padding
func DesCBCDePKCS7Hex ¶
DesCBCDePKCS7Hex 解密, Pkcs7Padding
func DesCBCDePKCS7StringB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
DesCBCDePKCS7StringB58 解密, Pkcs7Padding
func DesCBCDePKCS7StringB64 ¶
DesCBCDePKCS7StringB64 解密, Pkcs7Padding
func DesCBCDePKCS7StringHex ¶
DesCBCDePKCS7StringHex 解密, Pkcs7Padding
func DesCBCDeStringB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
DesCBCDeStringB58 解密, ZerosPadding
func DesCBCDeStringB64 ¶
DesCBCDeStringB64 解密, ZerosPadding
func DesCBCDeStringHex ¶
DesCBCDeStringHex 解密, ZerosPadding
func DesCBCDecrypt ¶
DesCBCDecrypt AES-CBC 解密
func DesCBCDecryptE ¶ added in v0.0.3
DesCBCDecryptE DES-CBC 解密, 密码分组链接模式 (Cipher Block Chaining (CBC))
func DesCBCEnB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
DesCBCEnB58 加密, ZerosPadding
func DesCBCEnPKCS7B58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
DesCBCEnPKCS7B58 加密, Pkcs7Padding
func DesCBCEnPKCS7B64 ¶
DesCBCEnPKCS7B64 加密, Pkcs7Padding
func DesCBCEnPKCS7Hex ¶
DesCBCEnPKCS7Hex 加密, Pkcs7Padding
func DesCBCEnPKCS7StringB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
DesCBCEnPKCS7StringB58 加密, Pkcs7Padding
func DesCBCEnPKCS7StringB64 ¶
DesCBCEnPKCS7StringB64 加密, Pkcs7Padding
func DesCBCEnPKCS7StringHex ¶
DesCBCEnPKCS7StringHex 加密, Pkcs7Padding
func DesCBCEnStringB58 ¶ added in v0.0.3
DesCBCEnStringB58 加密, ZerosPadding
func DesCBCEnStringB64 ¶
DesCBCEnStringB64 加密, ZerosPadding
func DesCBCEnStringHex ¶
DesCBCEnStringHex 加密, ZerosPadding
func DesCBCEncrypt ¶
DesCBCEncrypt AES-CBC 加密
func DesCBCEncryptE ¶ added in v0.0.3
DesCBCEncryptE DES-CBC 加密, 密码分组链接模式 (Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)) key 长度固定为 8 asPKCS7: false (ZerosPadding), true (Pkcs7Padding)
func Djb33 ¶ added in v0.3.3
Djb33 比 FnvHash32 更快的获取字符串哈希值 djb2 with better shuffling. 5x faster than FNV with the hash.Hash overhead. Ref: patrickmn/go-cache
func EndOfLastMonth ¶ added in v0.4.0
EndOfLastMonth 上月最后一刻
func EndOfLastWeek ¶ added in v0.4.0
EndOfLastWeek 上周一最后一刻
func EndOfNextMonth ¶ added in v0.4.0
EndOfNextMonth 下月最后一刻
func EndOfNextWeek ¶ added in v0.4.0
EndOfNextWeek 下周一最后一刻
func EndOfYesterday ¶ added in v0.4.0
EndOfYesterday 昨天最后时刻
func EqualFoldBytes ¶ added in v0.3.2
EqualFoldBytes the equivalent of bytes.EqualFold Ref: fiber
func Executable ¶ added in v0.1.2
Executable 当前执行程序绝对路径 true 时返回解析符号链接后的绝对路径 Excutable: E:\tmp\linkapp.exe Excutable(true): D:\Fufu\Test\abc\app.exe
func ExecutableDir ¶ added in v0.1.2
ExecutableDir 当前执行程序所在目录 true 时返回解析符号链接后的目录 ExcutableDir: E:\tmp ExcutableDir(true): D:\Fufu\Test\abc
func FastIntn ¶ added in v0.3.3
FastIntn this is similar to rand.Intn, but faster. A non-negative pseudo-random number in the half-open interval [0,n). Return 0 if n <= 0.
func FastRandBytes ¶ added in v0.3.3
FastRandBytes random bytes, but faster.
func FastRandn ¶ added in v0.3.3
FastRandn 等同于 FastRand() % n, 但更快 See
func GCMDeStringB58 ¶ added in v0.2.1
GCMDeStringB58 解密
func GCMDeStringB64 ¶ added in v0.2.1
GCMDeStringB64 解密
func GCMDeStringHex ¶ added in v0.2.1
GCMDeStringHex 解密
func GCMDecrypt ¶ added in v0.2.1
GCMDecrypt AES-GCM 解密
func GCMEnStringB58 ¶ added in v0.2.1
GCMEnStringB58 加密
func GCMEnStringB64 ¶ added in v0.2.1
GCMEnStringB64 加密
func GCMEnStringHex ¶ added in v0.2.1
GCMEnStringHex 加密
func GCMEncrypt ¶ added in v0.2.1
GCMEncrypt AES-GCM 加密
func GenRSAKey ¶ added in v0.1.10
GenRSAKey 生成 RSA 密钥对 openssl genrsa -out rsa_private_key.pem 1024 openssl rsa -in rsa_private_key.pem -pubout -out rsa_public_key.pem
func GetNotInternalIPv4 ¶ added in v0.1.5
GetNotInternalIPv4 如果是内网 IPv4 则使用默认值, flag 为真是必定返回一个 IP
func GetNotInternalIPv4String ¶ added in v0.1.5
GetNotInternalIPv4String 如果是内网 IPv4 则使用默认值
func GetSafeB2S ¶ added in v0.1.1
GetSafeB2S Immutable, 可选指定默认值
func GetSafeBytes ¶ added in v0.1.1
GetSafeBytes Immutable, 可选指定默认值
func GetSafeS2B ¶ added in v0.1.1
GetSafeS2B Immutable, 可选指定默认值
func GetSafeString ¶ added in v0.1.1
GetSafeString Immutable, 可选指定默认值
func GetenvDecrypt ¶
GetenvDecrypt 解密环境变量参数(string)
func HashBytesUint64 ¶ added in v0.3.11
func HashStringUint64 ¶ added in v0.3.11
func HmacSHA1Hex ¶
func HmacSHA256 ¶
func HmacSHA256Hex ¶
func HmacSHA512 ¶
func HmacSHA512Hex ¶
func HumanBaseBytes ¶ added in v0.1.3
HumanBaseBytes 数字的数量级表示
func HumanBigBytes ¶ added in v0.1.11
HumanBigBytes produces a human readable representation of an SI size.
See also: ParseHumanBigBytes.
HumanBigBytes(82854982) -> 83 MB
func HumanBigIBytes ¶ added in v0.1.11
HumanBigIBytes produces a human readable representation of an IEC size.
See also: ParseHumanBigBytes.
HumanBigIBytes(82854982) -> 79 MiB
func HumanBigKbps ¶ added in v0.1.11
HumanBigKbps 1 Kbps = 1000 bit, 传输速率(bit per second, 位每秒) e.g. HumanBigKbps(82854982) -> 83 Mbps
func HumanBytes ¶ added in v0.1.3
HumanBytes 1 KB = 1000 B e.g. HumanBytes(82854982) -> 83 MB
func HumanIBytes ¶ added in v0.1.3
HumanIBytes 1 KiB = 1024 B e.g. HumanIBytes(82854982) -> 79 MiB
func HumanIntIBytes ¶ added in v0.1.4
HumanIntIBytes 1 KiB = 1024 B
func HumanKbps ¶ added in v0.1.11
HumanKbps 1 Kbps = 1000 bit, 传输速率(bit per second, 位每秒) e.g. HumanKbps(82854982) -> 83 Mbps
func IPv4String2Long ¶ added in v0.1.5
IPv4String2Long IPv4 字符串转数值
func InIPNetString ¶ added in v0.1.14
InIPNetString 是否包含在指定 IPNet 列表中
func IsInternalIPv4 ¶ added in v0.1.5
IsInternalIPv4 是否为内网 IPv4, 包含 NAT 专用网段 RFC6598, 比如华为云 ELB 的
func IsInternalIPv4String ¶ added in v0.1.5
IsInternalIPv4String 是否为内网 IPv4
func IsNil ¶ added in v0.1.8
func IsNil(i interface{}) bool
IsNil 判断对象(pointer, channel, func, interface, map, slice)是否为 nil nil 是一个 Type 类型的变量, Type 类型是基于 int 的类型 var 若变量本身是指针, 占用 8 字节, 指向类型内部结构体并置 0, 仅定义了变量本身, 此时为 nil
指针是非复合类型, 赋值 nil 时, 将 8 字节置 0, 即没有指向任何值的指针 0x0 map, channel: var 时仅定义了指针, 需要 make 初始化内部结构后才能使用, make 后非 nil
var 若变量非指针, 如 struct, int, 非 nil slice:
type slice struct, 占用 24 字节, 1 指针(array unsafe.Pointer) 2 个整型字段(len, cap int) var 定义后即可使用, 置 0 并分配, 此时 array 指针为 0 即没有实际数据时为 nil
type iface struct(interface 类型), type eface struct(空接口), 占用 16 字节 判断 data 指针为 0 即为 nil, 初始化后即非 0
func IsPrivateIP ¶ added in v0.2.1
IsPrivateIP reports whether ip is a private address, according to RFC 1918 (IPv4 addresses) and RFC 4193 (IPv6 addresses). Ref: go1.17+ func (ip IP) IsPrivate() bool
func IsPrivateIPString ¶ added in v0.2.1
IsPrivateIPString 是否为私有 IP
func LeftPadBytes ¶ added in v0.3.15
LeftPadBytes 从左填充到指定长度
func Long2IPv4String ¶ added in v0.1.5
Long2IPv4String 数值转 IPv4 字符串
func MD5BytesHex ¶ added in v0.4.3
func MustJSONIndent ¶ added in v0.1.7
func MustJSONIndent(v interface{}) []byte
MustJSONIndent 转 json 返回 []byte
func MustJSONIndentString ¶ added in v0.1.7
func MustJSONIndentString(v interface{}) string
MustJSONIndentString 转 json Indent 返回 string
func MustMD5Sum ¶ added in v0.4.4
func MustParseHumanBigBytes ¶ added in v0.3.13
MustParseHumanBigBytes 解析数字的数量级表示 e.g. MustParseHumanBigBytes("42 MB") -> 42000000 e.g. MustParseHumanBigBytes("-42 mib", 123) -> 123
func MustParseHumanBytes ¶ added in v0.3.13
MustParseHumanBytes 解析数字的数量级表示 e.g. MustParseHumanBytes("42 MB") -> 42000000 e.g. MustParseHumanBytes("-42 mib", 123) -> 123
func ParseHumanBigBytes ¶ added in v0.1.11
ParseHumanBigBytes parses a string representation of bytes into the number of bytes it represents.
See also: HumanBigBytes, HumanBigIBytes.
ParseHumanBigBytes("42 MB") -> 42000000, nil ParseHumanBigBytes("42 mib") -> 44040192, nil
func ParseHumanBytes ¶ added in v0.1.3
ParseHumanBytes 解析数字的数量级表示 e.g. ParseHumanBytes("42 MB") -> 42000000, nil e.g. ParseHumanBytes("42 mib") -> 44040192, nil
func ParsePrivateKey ¶ added in v0.1.10
func ParsePrivateKey(privateKey []byte) (priv *rsa.PrivateKey, err error)
ParsePrivateKey parses an RSA private key in PKCS #1, ASN.1 DER form.
func ParsePublicKey ¶ added in v0.1.10
ParsePublicKey parses a public key in PKIX, ASN.1 DER form.
func RSADecrypt ¶ added in v0.1.10
RSADecrypt 私钥解密
func RSAEncrypt ¶ added in v0.1.10
RSAEncrypt 公钥加密
func RSASignVerify ¶ added in v0.1.10
RSASignVerify 公钥验证签名
func RandHex ¶ added in v0.0.3
RandHex a random string containing only the following characters: 0123456789abcdef
func RandString ¶
RandString a random string, which may contain uppercase letters, lowercase letters and numbers. Ref: stackoverflow.icza
func RandUint32 ¶ added in v0.3.3
RandUint32 (>=)min - (<)max
func RemoveString ¶ added in v0.3.0
RemoveString 删除字符串元素
func ReplaceHost ¶ added in v0.3.2
ReplaceHost 返回 b 的主机名 + a 的端口 e.g. ReplaceHost("", "") == ""
func RightPadBytes ¶ added in v0.3.15
RightPadBytes 从右填充到指定长度
func Round ¶
Round 四舍五入, ROUND_HALF_UP 模式实现 返回将 val 根据指定精度 precision (十进制小数点后数字的数目) 进行四舍五入的结果 precision 也可以是负数或零 Ref: thinkeridea/go-extend
func SetenvEncrypt ¶
SetenvEncrypt 加密并设置环境变量(string)
func SplitHostPort ¶ added in v0.3.2
SplitHostPort separates host and port. If the port is not valid, it returns the entire input as host, and it doesn't check the validity of the host. Unlike net.SplitHostPort, but per RFC 3986, it requires ports to be numeric.
func StrToBytes ¶ added in v0.1.3
StrToBytes Ref: Allenxuxu / toolkit
func String2Bytes ¶ added in v0.0.3
String2Bytes Ref: fasthttp
func StringToBytes ¶ added in v0.0.3
StringToBytes Ref: csdn.u010853261
func ToLowerBytes ¶ added in v0.3.2
ToLowerBytes is the equivalent of bytes.ToLower Ref: fiber
func ToUpperBytes ¶ added in v0.3.2
ToUpperBytes is the equivalent of bytes.ToUpper Ref: fiber
func TrimLeftBytes ¶ added in v0.3.2
TrimLeftBytes is the equivalent of bytes.TrimLeft Ref: fiber
func TrimRightBytes ¶ added in v0.3.2
TrimRightBytes is the equivalent of bytes.TrimRight Ref: fiber
func ValidOptionalPort ¶ added in v0.3.2
ValidOptionalPort reports whether port is either an empty string or matches /^:\d*$/
func XORDeStringB58 ¶ added in v0.1.10
XORDeStringB58 解密
func XORDeStringB64 ¶ added in v0.1.10
XORDeStringB64 解密
func XORDeStringHex ¶ added in v0.1.10
XORDeStringHex 解密
func XOREnStringB58 ¶ added in v0.1.10
XOREnStringB58 加密
func XOREnStringB64 ¶ added in v0.1.10
XOREnStringB64 加密
func XOREnStringHex ¶ added in v0.1.10
XOREnStringHex 加密
Types ¶
This section is empty.
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
Package base58 provides an API for working with modified base58 and Base58Check encodings.
Package base58 provides an API for working with modified base58 and Base58Check encodings. |
环境变量加密工具 go run main.go -d=Fufu go run main.go -d="Fufu 777" go run main.go -d=Fufu -k=TestEnv go run main.go -k=TestEnv
环境变量加密工具 go run main.go -d=Fufu go run main.go -d="Fufu 777" go run main.go -d=Fufu -k=TestEnv go run main.go -k=TestEnv |
Package jsongen forked from darjun/json-gen
Package jsongen forked from darjun/json-gen |
本示例, 将启动一个后台运行的守护进程.
本示例, 将启动一个后台运行的守护进程. |
本示例, 将把进程转为后台运行, 并保留所有参数不变
本示例, 将把进程转为后台运行, 并保留所有参数不变 |
Package xid is a globally unique id generator suited for web scale Xid is using Mongo Object ID algorithm to generate globally unique ids: - 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch, - 3-byte machine identifier, - 2-byte process id, and - 3-byte counter, starting with a random value.
Package xid is a globally unique id generator suited for web scale Xid is using Mongo Object ID algorithm to generate globally unique ids: - 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch, - 3-byte machine identifier, - 2-byte process id, and - 3-byte counter, starting with a random value. |