Index ¶
- type AuditStore
- func (_m *AuditStore) Get(user_id string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *AuditStore) PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *AuditStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *AuditStore) Save(audit *model.Audit) store.StoreChannel
- type ChannelMemberHistoryStore
- func (_m *ChannelMemberHistoryStore) GetUsersInChannelDuring(startTime int64, endTime int64, channelId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelMemberHistoryStore) LogJoinEvent(userId string, channelId string, joinTime int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelMemberHistoryStore) LogLeaveEvent(userId string, channelId string, leaveTime int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelMemberHistoryStore) PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) store.StoreChannel
- type ChannelStore
- func (_m *ChannelStore) AnalyticsDeletedTypeCount(teamId string, channelType string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) AnalyticsTypeCount(teamId string, channelType string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) AutocompleteInTeam(teamId string, term string, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) AutocompleteInTeamForSearch(teamId string, userId string, term string, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) ClearCaches()
- func (_m *ChannelStore) CreateDirectChannel(userId string, otherUserId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) Delete(channelId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetAll(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersForUser(userId string, allowFromCache bool, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannel(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetAllChannels(page int, perPage int, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetAllChannelsForExportAfter(limit int, afterId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetByName(team_id string, name string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetByNameIncludeDeleted(team_id string, name string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetByNames(team_id string, names []string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetChannelCounts(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetChannelMembersForExport(userId string, teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetChannelMembersTimezones(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetChannelUnread(channelId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetChannels(teamId string, userId string, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetChannelsByScheme(schemeId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetDeleted(team_id string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetDeletedByName(team_id string, name string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetForPost(postId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetFromMaster(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMember(channelId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMemberCount(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMemberCountFromCache(channelId string) int64
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMemberForPost(postId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMembers(channelId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMembersByIds(channelId string, userIds []string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMembersForUser(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMoreChannels(teamId string, userId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetPinnedPosts(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam(teamId string, channelIds []string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsForTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) GetTeamChannels(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) IncrementMentionCount(channelId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) InvalidateAllChannelMembersForUser(userId string)
- func (_m *ChannelStore) InvalidateCacheForChannelMembersNotifyProps(channelId string)
- func (_m *ChannelStore) InvalidateChannel(id string)
- func (_m *ChannelStore) InvalidateChannelByName(teamId string, name string)
- func (_m *ChannelStore) InvalidateMemberCount(channelId string)
- func (_m *ChannelStore) IsUserInChannelUseCache(userId string, channelId string) bool
- func (_m *ChannelStore) MigrateChannelMembers(fromChannelId string, fromUserId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) MigratePublicChannels() error
- func (_m *ChannelStore) PermanentDelete(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByChannel(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) RemoveAllDeactivatedMembers(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) RemoveMember(channelId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) ResetAllChannelSchemes() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) ResetLastPostAt() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) Restore(channelId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) Save(channel *model.Channel, maxChannelsPerTeam int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) SaveDirectChannel(channel *model.Channel, member1 *model.ChannelMember, ...) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) SaveMember(member *model.ChannelMember) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) SearchAllChannels(term string, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) SearchInTeam(teamId string, term string, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) SearchMore(userId string, teamId string, term string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) SetDeleteAt(channelId string, deleteAt int64, updateAt int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) Update(channel *model.Channel) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) UpdateLastViewedAt(channelIds []string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ChannelStore) UpdateMember(member *model.ChannelMember) store.StoreChannel
- type ClusterDiscoveryStore
- func (_m *ClusterDiscoveryStore) Cleanup() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ClusterDiscoveryStore) Delete(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ClusterDiscoveryStore) Exists(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ClusterDiscoveryStore) GetAll(discoveryType string, clusterName string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ClusterDiscoveryStore) Save(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ClusterDiscoveryStore) SetLastPingAt(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) store.StoreChannel
- type CommandStore
- func (_m *CommandStore) AnalyticsCommandCount(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *CommandStore) Delete(commandId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *CommandStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *CommandStore) GetByTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *CommandStore) GetByTrigger(teamId string, trigger string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *CommandStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *CommandStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *CommandStore) Save(webhook *model.Command) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *CommandStore) Update(hook *model.Command) store.StoreChannel
- type CommandWebhookStore
- type ComplianceStore
- func (_m *ComplianceStore) ComplianceExport(compliance *model.Compliance) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ComplianceStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ComplianceStore) GetAll(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ComplianceStore) MessageExport(after int64, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ComplianceStore) Save(compliance *model.Compliance) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ComplianceStore) Update(compliance *model.Compliance) store.StoreChannel
- type EmojiStore
- func (_m *EmojiStore) Delete(id string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *EmojiStore) Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *EmojiStore) GetByName(name string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *EmojiStore) GetList(offset int, limit int, sort string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *EmojiStore) GetMultipleByName(names []string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *EmojiStore) Save(emoji *model.Emoji) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *EmojiStore) Search(name string, prefixOnly bool, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- type FileInfoStore
- func (_m *FileInfoStore) AttachToPost(fileId string, postId string, creatorId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *FileInfoStore) ClearCaches()
- func (_m *FileInfoStore) DeleteForPost(postId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *FileInfoStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *FileInfoStore) GetByPath(path string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *FileInfoStore) GetForPost(postId string, readFromMaster bool, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *FileInfoStore) GetForUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *FileInfoStore) InvalidateFileInfosForPostCache(postId string)
- func (_m *FileInfoStore) PermanentDelete(fileId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *FileInfoStore) PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *FileInfoStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *FileInfoStore) Save(info *model.FileInfo) store.StoreChannel
- type GroupStore
- func (_m *GroupStore) Create(group *model.Group) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) CreateGroupSyncable(groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) CreateOrRestoreMember(groupID string, userID string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) Delete(groupID string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) DeleteGroupSyncable(groupID string, syncableID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) DeleteMember(groupID string, userID string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) Get(groupID string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) GetAllBySource(groupSource model.GroupSource) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) GetAllGroupSyncablesByGroupId(groupID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) GetByRemoteID(remoteID string, groupSource model.GroupSource) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) GetGroupSyncable(groupID string, syncableID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) GetMemberCount(groupID string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) GetMemberUsers(groupID string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) GetMemberUsersPage(groupID string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) PendingAutoAddChannelMembers(minGroupMembersCreateAt int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) PendingAutoAddTeamMembers(minGroupMembersCreateAt int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) Update(group *model.Group) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *GroupStore) UpdateGroupSyncable(groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable) store.StoreChannel
- type JobStore
- func (_m *JobStore) Delete(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *JobStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *JobStore) GetAllByStatus(status string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *JobStore) GetAllByType(jobType string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *JobStore) GetAllByTypePage(jobType string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *JobStore) GetAllPage(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *JobStore) GetCountByStatusAndType(status string, jobType string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *JobStore) GetNewestJobByStatusAndType(status string, jobType string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *JobStore) Save(job *model.Job) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *JobStore) UpdateOptimistically(job *model.Job, currentStatus string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *JobStore) UpdateStatus(id string, status string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *JobStore) UpdateStatusOptimistically(id string, currentStatus string, newStatus string) store.StoreChannel
- type LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Audit() store.AuditStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Channel() store.ChannelStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ChannelMemberHistory() store.ChannelMemberHistoryStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Close()
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ClusterDiscovery() store.ClusterDiscoveryStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Command() store.CommandStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) CommandWebhook() store.CommandWebhookStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Compliance() store.ComplianceStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) DropAllTables()
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Emoji() store.EmojiStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) FileInfo() store.FileInfoStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Group() store.GroupStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupCreate(ctx context.Context, group *model.Group, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupCreateGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupCreateOrRestoreMember(ctx context.Context, groupID string, userID string, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupDelete(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupDeleteGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableID string, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupDeleteMember(ctx context.Context, groupID string, userID string, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGet(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetAllBySource(ctx context.Context, groupSource model.GroupSource, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetAllGroupSyncablesByGroup(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetByRemoteID(ctx context.Context, remoteID string, groupSource model.GroupSource, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableID string, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetMemberCount(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetMemberUsers(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetMemberUsersPage(ctx context.Context, groupID string, offset int, limit int, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupUpdate(ctx context.Context, group *model.Group, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupUpdateGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Job() store.JobStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) License() store.LicenseStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) LinkMetadata() store.LinkMetadataStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) LockToMaster()
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) MarkSystemRanUnitTests()
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Next() store.LayeredStoreSupplier
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) OAuth() store.OAuthStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) PendingAutoAddChannelMembers(ctx context.Context, minGroupMembersCreateAt int64, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) PendingAutoAddTeamMembers(ctx context.Context, minGroupMembersCreateAt int64, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Plugin() store.PluginStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Post() store.PostStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Preference() store.PreferenceStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Reaction() store.ReactionStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionDelete(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName(ctx context.Context, emojiName string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionGetForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionPermanentDeleteBatch(ctx context.Context, endTime int64, limit int64, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionSave(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionsBulkGetForPosts(ctx context.Context, postIds []string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Role() store.RoleStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleDelete(ctx context.Context, roldId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleGet(ctx context.Context, roleId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleGetByName(ctx context.Context, name string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleGetByNames(ctx context.Context, names []string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RolePermanentDeleteAll(ctx context.Context, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleSave(ctx context.Context, role *model.Role, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Scheme() store.SchemeStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeDelete(ctx context.Context, schemeId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeGet(ctx context.Context, schemeId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeGetAllPage(ctx context.Context, scope string, offset int, limit int, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeGetByName(ctx context.Context, schemeName string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemePermanentDeleteAll(ctx context.Context, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeSave(ctx context.Context, scheme *model.Scheme, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Session() store.SessionStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SetChainNext(_a0 store.LayeredStoreSupplier)
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Status() store.StatusStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) System() store.SystemStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Team() store.TeamStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) TermsOfService() store.TermsOfServiceStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Token() store.TokenStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) TotalMasterDbConnections() int
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) TotalReadDbConnections() int
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) TotalSearchDbConnections() int
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) UnlockFromMaster()
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) User() store.UserStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) UserAccessToken() store.UserAccessTokenStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) UserTermsOfService() store.UserTermsOfServiceStore
- func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Webhook() store.WebhookStore
- type LayeredStoreSupplier
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupCreate(ctx context.Context, group *model.Group, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupCreateGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupCreateOrRestoreMember(ctx context.Context, groupID string, userID string, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupDelete(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupDeleteGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableID string, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupDeleteMember(ctx context.Context, groupID string, userID string, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGet(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetAllBySource(ctx context.Context, groupSource model.GroupSource, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetAllGroupSyncablesByGroup(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetByRemoteID(ctx context.Context, remoteID string, groupSource model.GroupSource, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableID string, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetMemberCount(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetMemberUsers(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetMemberUsersPage(ctx context.Context, groupID string, offset int, limit int, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupUpdate(ctx context.Context, group *model.Group, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupUpdateGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) Next() store.LayeredStoreSupplier
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) PendingAutoAddChannelMembers(ctx context.Context, minGroupMembersCreateAt int64, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) PendingAutoAddTeamMembers(ctx context.Context, minGroupMembersCreateAt int64, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionDelete(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName(ctx context.Context, emojiName string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionGetForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionPermanentDeleteBatch(ctx context.Context, endTime int64, limit int64, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionSave(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionsBulkGetForPosts(ctx context.Context, postIds []string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleDelete(ctx context.Context, roldId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleGet(ctx context.Context, roleId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleGetByName(ctx context.Context, name string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleGetByNames(ctx context.Context, names []string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) RolePermanentDeleteAll(ctx context.Context, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleSave(ctx context.Context, role *model.Role, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeDelete(ctx context.Context, schemeId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeGet(ctx context.Context, schemeId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeGetAllPage(ctx context.Context, scope string, offset int, limit int, ...) *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeGetByName(ctx context.Context, schemeName string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemePermanentDeleteAll(ctx context.Context, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeSave(ctx context.Context, scheme *model.Scheme, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
- func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SetChainNext(_a0 store.LayeredStoreSupplier)
- type LicenseStore
- type LinkMetadataStore
- type OAuthStore
- func (_m *OAuthStore) DeleteApp(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) GetAccessData(token string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) GetAccessDataByRefreshToken(token string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) GetAccessDataByUserForApp(userId string, clientId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) GetApp(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) GetAppByUser(userId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) GetApps(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) GetAuthData(code string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) GetAuthorizedApps(userId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) GetPreviousAccessData(userId string, clientId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) PermanentDeleteAuthDataByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) RemoveAccessData(token string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) RemoveAuthData(code string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) SaveAccessData(accessData *model.AccessData) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) SaveApp(app *model.OAuthApp) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) SaveAuthData(authData *model.AuthData) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) UpdateAccessData(accessData *model.AccessData) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *OAuthStore) UpdateApp(app *model.OAuthApp) store.StoreChannel
- type ObjectCache
- func (_m *ObjectCache) AddWithDefaultExpires(key interface{}, value interface{})
- func (_m *ObjectCache) AddWithExpiresInSecs(key interface{}, value interface{}, expireAtSecs int64)
- func (_m *ObjectCache) Get(key interface{}) (interface{}, bool)
- func (_m *ObjectCache) GetInvalidateClusterEvent() string
- func (_m *ObjectCache) Len() int
- func (_m *ObjectCache) Name() string
- func (_m *ObjectCache) Purge()
- func (_m *ObjectCache) Remove(key interface{})
- type PluginStore
- func (_m *PluginStore) Delete(pluginId string, key string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PluginStore) DeleteAllExpired() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PluginStore) DeleteAllForPlugin(PluginId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PluginStore) Get(pluginId string, key string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PluginStore) List(pluginId string, page int, perPage int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PluginStore) SaveOrUpdate(keyVal *model.PluginKeyValue) store.StoreChannel
- type PostStore
- func (_m *PostStore) AnalyticsPostCount(teamId string, mustHaveFile bool, mustHaveHashtag bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) AnalyticsPostCountsByDay(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) AnalyticsUserCountsWithPostsByDay(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) ClearCaches()
- func (_m *PostStore) Delete(postId string, time int64, deleteByID string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetEtag(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetFlaggedPosts(userId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetFlaggedPostsForChannel(userId string, channelId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetFlaggedPostsForTeam(userId string, teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetMaxPostSize() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetOldest() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetParentsForExportAfter(limit int, afterId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetPosts(channelId string, offset int, limit int, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetPostsAfter(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetPostsBatchForIndexing(startTime int64, endTime int64, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetPostsBefore(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetPostsByIds(postIds []string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetPostsCreatedAt(channelId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetPostsSince(channelId string, time int64, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetRepliesForExport(parentId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) GetSingle(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) InvalidateLastPostTimeCache(channelId string)
- func (_m *PostStore) Overwrite(post *model.Post) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) PermanentDeleteByChannel(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) Save(post *model.Post) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) Search(teamId string, userId string, params *model.SearchParams) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PostStore) Update(newPost *model.Post, oldPost *model.Post) store.StoreChannel
- type PreferenceStore
- func (_m *PreferenceStore) CleanupFlagsBatch(limit int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PreferenceStore) Delete(userId string, category string, name string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PreferenceStore) DeleteCategory(userId string, category string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PreferenceStore) DeleteCategoryAndName(category string, name string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PreferenceStore) Get(userId string, category string, name string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PreferenceStore) GetAll(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PreferenceStore) GetCategory(userId string, category string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PreferenceStore) IsFeatureEnabled(feature string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PreferenceStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *PreferenceStore) Save(preferences *model.Preferences) store.StoreChannel
- type ReactionStore
- func (_m *ReactionStore) BulkGetForPosts(postIds []string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ReactionStore) Delete(reaction *model.Reaction) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ReactionStore) DeleteAllWithEmojiName(emojiName string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ReactionStore) GetForPost(postId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ReactionStore) PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *ReactionStore) Save(reaction *model.Reaction) store.StoreChannel
- type RoleStore
- func (_m *RoleStore) Delete(roldId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *RoleStore) Get(roleId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *RoleStore) GetByName(name string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *RoleStore) GetByNames(names []string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *RoleStore) PermanentDeleteAll() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *RoleStore) Save(role *model.Role) store.StoreChannel
- type SchemeStore
- func (_m *SchemeStore) Delete(schemeId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SchemeStore) Get(schemeId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SchemeStore) GetAllPage(scope string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SchemeStore) GetByName(schemeName string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SchemeStore) PermanentDeleteAll() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SchemeStore) Save(scheme *model.Scheme) store.StoreChannel
- type SessionStore
- func (_m *SessionStore) AnalyticsSessionCount() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SessionStore) Cleanup(expiryTime int64, batchSize int64)
- func (_m *SessionStore) Get(sessionIdOrToken string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SessionStore) GetSessions(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SessionStore) GetSessionsWithActiveDeviceIds(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SessionStore) PermanentDeleteSessionsByUser(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SessionStore) Remove(sessionIdOrToken string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SessionStore) RemoveAllSessions() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SessionStore) Save(session *model.Session) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SessionStore) UpdateDeviceId(id string, deviceId string, expiresAt int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SessionStore) UpdateLastActivityAt(sessionId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SessionStore) UpdateRoles(userId string, roles string) store.StoreChannel
- type SqlStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) AlterColumnDefaultIfExists(tableName string, columnName string, mySqlColDefault *string, ...) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) AlterColumnTypeIfExists(tableName string, columnName string, mySqlColType string, ...) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) Audit() store.AuditStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Channel() store.ChannelStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Close()
- func (_m *SqlStore) ClusterDiscovery() store.ClusterDiscoveryStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Command() store.CommandStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) CommandWebhook() store.CommandWebhookStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Compliance() store.ComplianceStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) CreateColumnIfNotExists(tableName string, columnName string, mySqlColType string, ...) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) CreateColumnIfNotExistsNoDefault(tableName string, columnName string, mySqlColType string, ...) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) CreateCompositeIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnNames []string) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) CreateFullTextIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) CreateIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) CreateUniqueIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) DoesColumnExist(tableName string, columName string) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) DoesTableExist(tablename string) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) DoesTriggerExist(triggerName string) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) DriverName() string
- func (_m *SqlStore) Emoji() store.EmojiStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) FileInfo() store.FileInfoStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) GetAllConns() []*gorp.DbMap
- func (_m *SqlStore) GetCurrentSchemaVersion() string
- func (_m *SqlStore) GetMaster() *gorp.DbMap
- func (_m *SqlStore) GetMaxLengthOfColumnIfExists(tableName string, columnName string) string
- func (_m *SqlStore) GetReplica() *gorp.DbMap
- func (_m *SqlStore) GetSearchReplica() *gorp.DbMap
- func (_m *SqlStore) Job() store.JobStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) License() store.LicenseStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) LinkMetadata() store.LinkMetadataStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) LockToMaster()
- func (_m *SqlStore) MarkSystemRanUnitTests()
- func (_m *SqlStore) OAuth() store.OAuthStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Plugin() store.PluginStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Post() store.PostStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Preference() store.PreferenceStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Reaction() store.ReactionStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) RemoveColumnIfExists(tableName string, columnName string) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) RemoveIndexIfExists(indexName string, tableName string) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) RemoveTableIfExists(tableName string) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) RenameColumnIfExists(tableName string, oldColumnName string, newColumnName string, colType string) bool
- func (_m *SqlStore) Role() store.RoleStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Scheme() store.SchemeStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Session() store.SessionStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Status() store.StatusStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) System() store.SystemStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Team() store.TeamStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) TermsOfService() store.TermsOfServiceStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Token() store.TokenStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) TotalMasterDbConnections() int
- func (_m *SqlStore) TotalReadDbConnections() int
- func (_m *SqlStore) TotalSearchDbConnections() int
- func (_m *SqlStore) UnlockFromMaster()
- func (_m *SqlStore) User() store.UserStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) UserAccessToken() store.UserAccessTokenStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) UserTermsOfService() store.UserTermsOfServiceStore
- func (_m *SqlStore) Webhook() store.WebhookStore
- type SqlSupplier
- type StatusStore
- func (_m *StatusStore) Get(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *StatusStore) GetAllFromTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *StatusStore) GetByIds(userIds []string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *StatusStore) GetOnline() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *StatusStore) GetOnlineAway() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *StatusStore) GetTotalActiveUsersCount() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *StatusStore) ResetAll() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *StatusStore) SaveOrUpdate(status *model.Status) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *StatusStore) UpdateLastActivityAt(userId string, lastActivityAt int64) store.StoreChannel
- type Store
- func (_m *Store) Audit() store.AuditStore
- func (_m *Store) Channel() store.ChannelStore
- func (_m *Store) ChannelMemberHistory() store.ChannelMemberHistoryStore
- func (_m *Store) Close()
- func (_m *Store) ClusterDiscovery() store.ClusterDiscoveryStore
- func (_m *Store) Command() store.CommandStore
- func (_m *Store) CommandWebhook() store.CommandWebhookStore
- func (_m *Store) Compliance() store.ComplianceStore
- func (_m *Store) DropAllTables()
- func (_m *Store) Emoji() store.EmojiStore
- func (_m *Store) FileInfo() store.FileInfoStore
- func (_m *Store) Group() store.GroupStore
- func (_m *Store) Job() store.JobStore
- func (_m *Store) License() store.LicenseStore
- func (_m *Store) LinkMetadata() store.LinkMetadataStore
- func (_m *Store) LockToMaster()
- func (_m *Store) MarkSystemRanUnitTests()
- func (_m *Store) OAuth() store.OAuthStore
- func (_m *Store) Plugin() store.PluginStore
- func (_m *Store) Post() store.PostStore
- func (_m *Store) Preference() store.PreferenceStore
- func (_m *Store) Reaction() store.ReactionStore
- func (_m *Store) Role() store.RoleStore
- func (_m *Store) Scheme() store.SchemeStore
- func (_m *Store) Session() store.SessionStore
- func (_m *Store) Status() store.StatusStore
- func (_m *Store) System() store.SystemStore
- func (_m *Store) Team() store.TeamStore
- func (_m *Store) TermsOfService() store.TermsOfServiceStore
- func (_m *Store) Token() store.TokenStore
- func (_m *Store) TotalMasterDbConnections() int
- func (_m *Store) TotalReadDbConnections() int
- func (_m *Store) TotalSearchDbConnections() int
- func (_m *Store) UnlockFromMaster()
- func (_m *Store) User() store.UserStore
- func (_m *Store) UserAccessToken() store.UserAccessTokenStore
- func (_m *Store) UserTermsOfService() store.UserTermsOfServiceStore
- func (_m *Store) Webhook() store.WebhookStore
- type SystemStore
- func (_m *SystemStore) Get() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SystemStore) GetByName(name string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SystemStore) PermanentDeleteByName(name string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SystemStore) Save(system *model.System) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SystemStore) SaveOrUpdate(system *model.System) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *SystemStore) Update(system *model.System) store.StoreChannel
- type TeamStore
- func (_m *TeamStore) AnalyticsGetTeamCountForScheme(schemeId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) AnalyticsTeamCount() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetActiveMemberCount(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetAll() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetAllForExportAfter(limit int, afterId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetAllPage(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetAllTeamListing() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetAllTeamPageListing(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetByInviteId(inviteId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetByName(name string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetChannelUnreadsForAllTeams(excludeTeamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetChannelUnreadsForTeam(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetMember(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetMembers(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetMembersByIds(teamId string, userIds []string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetTeamMembersForExport(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetTeamsByScheme(schemeId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetTeamsByUserId(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetTeamsForUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) GetTotalMemberCount(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) MigrateTeamMembers(fromTeamId string, fromUserId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) PermanentDelete(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) RemoveAllMembersByTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) RemoveAllMembersByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) RemoveMember(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) ResetAllTeamSchemes() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) Save(team *model.Team) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) SaveMember(member *model.TeamMember, maxUsersPerTeam int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) SearchAll(term string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) SearchByName(name string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) SearchOpen(term string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) Update(team *model.Team) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) UpdateDisplayName(name string, teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) UpdateLastTeamIconUpdate(teamId string, curTime int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *TeamStore) UpdateMember(member *model.TeamMember) store.StoreChannel
- type TermsOfServiceStore
- type TokenStore
- type UserAccessTokenStore
- func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) Delete(tokenId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) DeleteAllForUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) Get(tokenId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) GetAll(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) GetByToken(tokenString string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) GetByUser(userId string, page int, perPage int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) Save(token *model.UserAccessToken) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) Search(term string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) UpdateTokenDisable(tokenId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) UpdateTokenEnable(tokenId string) store.StoreChannel
- type UserStore
- func (_m *UserStore) AnalyticsActiveCount(time int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) AnalyticsGetInactiveUsersCount() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) AnalyticsGetSystemAdminCount() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) AnalyticsUniqueUserCount(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) ClearCaches()
- func (_m *UserStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetAll() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetAllAfter(limit int, afterId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetAllProfiles(options *model.UserGetOptions) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetAllProfilesInChannel(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetAllUsingAuthService(authService string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetAnyUnreadPostCountForChannel(userId string, channelId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetByAuth(authData *string, authService string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetByEmail(email string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetByUsername(username string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetEtagForAllProfiles() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetEtagForProfiles(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetEtagForProfilesNotInTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetForLogin(loginId string, allowSignInWithUsername bool, allowSignInWithEmail bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetNewUsersForTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetProfileByIds(userId []string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetProfiles(options *model.UserGetOptions) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetProfilesByUsernames(usernames []string, teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetProfilesInChannel(channelId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetProfilesInChannelByStatus(channelId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetProfilesNotInChannel(teamId string, channelId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetProfilesNotInTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetProfilesWithoutTeam(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetRecentlyActiveUsersForTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetSystemAdminProfiles() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetTotalUsersCount() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetUnreadCount(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) GetUnreadCountForChannel(userId string, channelId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) InferSystemInstallDate() store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) InvalidatProfileCacheForUser(userId string)
- func (_m *UserStore) InvalidateProfilesInChannelCache(channelId string)
- func (_m *UserStore) InvalidateProfilesInChannelCacheByUser(userId string)
- func (_m *UserStore) PermanentDelete(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) ResetLastPictureUpdate(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) Save(user *model.User) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) Search(teamId string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) SearchInChannel(channelId string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) SearchNotInChannel(teamId string, channelId string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) SearchNotInTeam(notInTeamId string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) SearchWithoutTeam(term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) Update(user *model.User, allowRoleUpdate bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) UpdateAuthData(userId string, service string, authData *string, email string, resetMfa bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) UpdateFailedPasswordAttempts(userId string, attempts int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) UpdateLastPictureUpdate(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) UpdateMfaActive(userId string, active bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) UpdateMfaSecret(userId string, secret string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) UpdatePassword(userId string, newPassword string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) UpdateUpdateAt(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *UserStore) VerifyEmail(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- type UserTermsOfServiceStore
- type WebhookStore
- func (_m *WebhookStore) AnalyticsIncomingCount(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) AnalyticsOutgoingCount(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) ClearCaches()
- func (_m *WebhookStore) DeleteIncoming(webhookId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) DeleteOutgoing(webhookId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) GetIncoming(id string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) GetIncomingByChannel(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) GetIncomingByTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) GetIncomingList(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) GetOutgoing(id string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) GetOutgoingByChannel(channelId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) GetOutgoingByTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) GetOutgoingList(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) InvalidateWebhookCache(webhook string)
- func (_m *WebhookStore) PermanentDeleteIncomingByChannel(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) PermanentDeleteIncomingByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) PermanentDeleteOutgoingByChannel(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) PermanentDeleteOutgoingByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) SaveIncoming(webhook *model.IncomingWebhook) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) SaveOutgoing(webhook *model.OutgoingWebhook) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) UpdateIncoming(webhook *model.IncomingWebhook) store.StoreChannel
- func (_m *WebhookStore) UpdateOutgoing(hook *model.OutgoingWebhook) store.StoreChannel
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AuditStore ¶
AuditStore is an autogenerated mock type for the AuditStore type
func (*AuditStore) Get ¶
func (_m *AuditStore) Get(user_id string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: user_id, offset, limit
func (*AuditStore) PermanentDeleteBatch ¶
func (_m *AuditStore) PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteBatch provides a mock function with given fields: endTime, limit
func (*AuditStore) PermanentDeleteByUser ¶
func (_m *AuditStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*AuditStore) Save ¶
func (_m *AuditStore) Save(audit *model.Audit) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: audit
type ChannelMemberHistoryStore ¶
ChannelMemberHistoryStore is an autogenerated mock type for the ChannelMemberHistoryStore type
func (*ChannelMemberHistoryStore) GetUsersInChannelDuring ¶
func (_m *ChannelMemberHistoryStore) GetUsersInChannelDuring(startTime int64, endTime int64, channelId string) store.StoreChannel
GetUsersInChannelDuring provides a mock function with given fields: startTime, endTime, channelId
func (*ChannelMemberHistoryStore) LogJoinEvent ¶
func (_m *ChannelMemberHistoryStore) LogJoinEvent(userId string, channelId string, joinTime int64) store.StoreChannel
LogJoinEvent provides a mock function with given fields: userId, channelId, joinTime
func (*ChannelMemberHistoryStore) LogLeaveEvent ¶
func (_m *ChannelMemberHistoryStore) LogLeaveEvent(userId string, channelId string, leaveTime int64) store.StoreChannel
LogLeaveEvent provides a mock function with given fields: userId, channelId, leaveTime
func (*ChannelMemberHistoryStore) PermanentDeleteBatch ¶
func (_m *ChannelMemberHistoryStore) PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteBatch provides a mock function with given fields: endTime, limit
type ChannelStore ¶
ChannelStore is an autogenerated mock type for the ChannelStore type
func (*ChannelStore) AnalyticsDeletedTypeCount ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) AnalyticsDeletedTypeCount(teamId string, channelType string) store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsDeletedTypeCount provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, channelType
func (*ChannelStore) AnalyticsTypeCount ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) AnalyticsTypeCount(teamId string, channelType string) store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsTypeCount provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, channelType
func (*ChannelStore) AutocompleteInTeam ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) AutocompleteInTeam(teamId string, term string, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
AutocompleteInTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, term, includeDeleted
func (*ChannelStore) AutocompleteInTeamForSearch ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) AutocompleteInTeamForSearch(teamId string, userId string, term string, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
AutocompleteInTeamForSearch provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId, term, includeDeleted
func (*ChannelStore) ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments() store.StoreChannel
ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ChannelStore) ClearCaches ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) ClearCaches()
ClearCaches provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ChannelStore) CreateDirectChannel ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) CreateDirectChannel(userId string, otherUserId string) store.StoreChannel
CreateDirectChannel provides a mock function with given fields: userId, otherUserId
func (*ChannelStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) Delete(channelId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, time
func (*ChannelStore) Get ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: id, allowFromCache
func (*ChannelStore) GetAll ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetAll(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
GetAll provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*ChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersForUser ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersForUser(userId string, allowFromCache bool, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
GetAllChannelMembersForUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId, allowFromCache, includeDeleted
func (*ChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannel ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetAllChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannel(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetAllChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, allowFromCache
func (*ChannelStore) GetAllChannels ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetAllChannels(page int, perPage int, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
GetAllChannels provides a mock function with given fields: page, perPage, includeDeleted
func (*ChannelStore) GetAllChannelsForExportAfter ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetAllChannelsForExportAfter(limit int, afterId string) store.StoreChannel
GetAllChannelsForExportAfter provides a mock function with given fields: limit, afterId
func (*ChannelStore) GetByName ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetByName(team_id string, name string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetByName provides a mock function with given fields: team_id, name, allowFromCache
func (*ChannelStore) GetByNameIncludeDeleted ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetByNameIncludeDeleted(team_id string, name string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetByNameIncludeDeleted provides a mock function with given fields: team_id, name, allowFromCache
func (*ChannelStore) GetByNames ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetByNames(team_id string, names []string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetByNames provides a mock function with given fields: team_id, names, allowFromCache
func (*ChannelStore) GetChannelCounts ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetChannelCounts(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetChannelCounts provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId
func (*ChannelStore) GetChannelMembersForExport ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetChannelMembersForExport(userId string, teamId string) store.StoreChannel
GetChannelMembersForExport provides a mock function with given fields: userId, teamId
func (*ChannelStore) GetChannelMembersTimezones ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetChannelMembersTimezones(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
GetChannelMembersTimezones provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*ChannelStore) GetChannelUnread ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetChannelUnread(channelId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetChannelUnread provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, userId
func (*ChannelStore) GetChannels ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetChannels(teamId string, userId string, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
GetChannels provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId, includeDeleted
func (*ChannelStore) GetChannelsByScheme ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetChannelsByScheme(schemeId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetChannelsByScheme provides a mock function with given fields: schemeId, offset, limit
func (*ChannelStore) GetDeleted ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetDeleted(team_id string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetDeleted provides a mock function with given fields: team_id, offset, limit
func (*ChannelStore) GetDeletedByName ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetDeletedByName(team_id string, name string) store.StoreChannel
GetDeletedByName provides a mock function with given fields: team_id, name
func (*ChannelStore) GetForPost ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetForPost(postId string) store.StoreChannel
GetForPost provides a mock function with given fields: postId
func (*ChannelStore) GetFromMaster ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetFromMaster(id string) store.StoreChannel
GetFromMaster provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*ChannelStore) GetMember ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMember(channelId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetMember provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, userId
func (*ChannelStore) GetMemberCount ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMemberCount(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetMemberCount provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, allowFromCache
func (*ChannelStore) GetMemberCountFromCache ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMemberCountFromCache(channelId string) int64
GetMemberCountFromCache provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*ChannelStore) GetMemberForPost ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMemberForPost(postId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetMemberForPost provides a mock function with given fields: postId, userId
func (*ChannelStore) GetMembers ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMembers(channelId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetMembers provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, offset, limit
func (*ChannelStore) GetMembersByIds ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMembersByIds(channelId string, userIds []string) store.StoreChannel
GetMembersByIds provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, userIds
func (*ChannelStore) GetMembersForUser ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMembersForUser(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetMembersForUser provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId
func (*ChannelStore) GetMoreChannels ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetMoreChannels(teamId string, userId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetMoreChannels provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId, offset, limit
func (*ChannelStore) GetPinnedPosts ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetPinnedPosts(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
GetPinnedPosts provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*ChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam(teamId string, channelIds []string) store.StoreChannel
GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, channelIds
func (*ChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsForTeam ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetPublicChannelsForTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetPublicChannelsForTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, offset, limit
func (*ChannelStore) GetTeamChannels ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) GetTeamChannels(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
GetTeamChannels provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*ChannelStore) IncrementMentionCount ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) IncrementMentionCount(channelId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
IncrementMentionCount provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, userId
func (*ChannelStore) InvalidateAllChannelMembersForUser ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) InvalidateAllChannelMembersForUser(userId string)
InvalidateAllChannelMembersForUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*ChannelStore) InvalidateCacheForChannelMembersNotifyProps ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) InvalidateCacheForChannelMembersNotifyProps(channelId string)
InvalidateCacheForChannelMembersNotifyProps provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*ChannelStore) InvalidateChannel ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) InvalidateChannel(id string)
InvalidateChannel provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*ChannelStore) InvalidateChannelByName ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) InvalidateChannelByName(teamId string, name string)
InvalidateChannelByName provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, name
func (*ChannelStore) InvalidateMemberCount ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) InvalidateMemberCount(channelId string)
InvalidateMemberCount provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*ChannelStore) IsUserInChannelUseCache ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) IsUserInChannelUseCache(userId string, channelId string) bool
IsUserInChannelUseCache provides a mock function with given fields: userId, channelId
func (*ChannelStore) MigrateChannelMembers ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) MigrateChannelMembers(fromChannelId string, fromUserId string) store.StoreChannel
MigrateChannelMembers provides a mock function with given fields: fromChannelId, fromUserId
func (*ChannelStore) MigratePublicChannels ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) MigratePublicChannels() error
MigratePublicChannels provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ChannelStore) PermanentDelete ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) PermanentDelete(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDelete provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*ChannelStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteByTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*ChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByChannel ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByChannel(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteMembersByChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*ChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByUser ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) PermanentDeleteMembersByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteMembersByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*ChannelStore) RemoveAllDeactivatedMembers ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) RemoveAllDeactivatedMembers(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
RemoveAllDeactivatedMembers provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*ChannelStore) RemoveMember ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) RemoveMember(channelId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
RemoveMember provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, userId
func (*ChannelStore) ResetAllChannelSchemes ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) ResetAllChannelSchemes() store.StoreChannel
ResetAllChannelSchemes provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ChannelStore) ResetLastPostAt ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) ResetLastPostAt() store.StoreChannel
ResetLastPostAt provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ChannelStore) Restore ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) Restore(channelId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
Restore provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, time
func (*ChannelStore) Save ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) Save(channel *model.Channel, maxChannelsPerTeam int64) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: channel, maxChannelsPerTeam
func (*ChannelStore) SaveDirectChannel ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) SaveDirectChannel(channel *model.Channel, member1 *model.ChannelMember, member2 *model.ChannelMember) store.StoreChannel
SaveDirectChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channel, member1, member2
func (*ChannelStore) SaveMember ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) SaveMember(member *model.ChannelMember) store.StoreChannel
SaveMember provides a mock function with given fields: member
func (*ChannelStore) SearchAllChannels ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) SearchAllChannels(term string, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
SearchAllChannels provides a mock function with given fields: term, includeDeleted
func (*ChannelStore) SearchInTeam ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) SearchInTeam(teamId string, term string, includeDeleted bool) store.StoreChannel
SearchInTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, term, includeDeleted
func (*ChannelStore) SearchMore ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) SearchMore(userId string, teamId string, term string) store.StoreChannel
SearchMore provides a mock function with given fields: userId, teamId, term
func (*ChannelStore) SetDeleteAt ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) SetDeleteAt(channelId string, deleteAt int64, updateAt int64) store.StoreChannel
SetDeleteAt provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, deleteAt, updateAt
func (*ChannelStore) Update ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) Update(channel *model.Channel) store.StoreChannel
Update provides a mock function with given fields: channel
func (*ChannelStore) UpdateLastViewedAt ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) UpdateLastViewedAt(channelIds []string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
UpdateLastViewedAt provides a mock function with given fields: channelIds, userId
func (*ChannelStore) UpdateMember ¶
func (_m *ChannelStore) UpdateMember(member *model.ChannelMember) store.StoreChannel
UpdateMember provides a mock function with given fields: member
type ClusterDiscoveryStore ¶
ClusterDiscoveryStore is an autogenerated mock type for the ClusterDiscoveryStore type
func (*ClusterDiscoveryStore) Cleanup ¶
func (_m *ClusterDiscoveryStore) Cleanup() store.StoreChannel
Cleanup provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ClusterDiscoveryStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *ClusterDiscoveryStore) Delete(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: discovery
func (*ClusterDiscoveryStore) Exists ¶
func (_m *ClusterDiscoveryStore) Exists(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) store.StoreChannel
Exists provides a mock function with given fields: discovery
func (*ClusterDiscoveryStore) GetAll ¶
func (_m *ClusterDiscoveryStore) GetAll(discoveryType string, clusterName string) store.StoreChannel
GetAll provides a mock function with given fields: discoveryType, clusterName
func (*ClusterDiscoveryStore) Save ¶
func (_m *ClusterDiscoveryStore) Save(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: discovery
func (*ClusterDiscoveryStore) SetLastPingAt ¶
func (_m *ClusterDiscoveryStore) SetLastPingAt(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) store.StoreChannel
SetLastPingAt provides a mock function with given fields: discovery
type CommandStore ¶
CommandStore is an autogenerated mock type for the CommandStore type
func (*CommandStore) AnalyticsCommandCount ¶
func (_m *CommandStore) AnalyticsCommandCount(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsCommandCount provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*CommandStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *CommandStore) Delete(commandId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: commandId, time
func (*CommandStore) Get ¶
func (_m *CommandStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*CommandStore) GetByTeam ¶
func (_m *CommandStore) GetByTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
GetByTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*CommandStore) GetByTrigger ¶
func (_m *CommandStore) GetByTrigger(teamId string, trigger string) store.StoreChannel
GetByTrigger provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, trigger
func (*CommandStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam ¶
func (_m *CommandStore) PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteByTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*CommandStore) PermanentDeleteByUser ¶
func (_m *CommandStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*CommandStore) Save ¶
func (_m *CommandStore) Save(webhook *model.Command) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: webhook
func (*CommandStore) Update ¶
func (_m *CommandStore) Update(hook *model.Command) store.StoreChannel
Update provides a mock function with given fields: hook
type CommandWebhookStore ¶
CommandWebhookStore is an autogenerated mock type for the CommandWebhookStore type
func (*CommandWebhookStore) Cleanup ¶
func (_m *CommandWebhookStore) Cleanup()
Cleanup provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*CommandWebhookStore) Get ¶
func (_m *CommandWebhookStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*CommandWebhookStore) Save ¶
func (_m *CommandWebhookStore) Save(webhook *model.CommandWebhook) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: webhook
func (*CommandWebhookStore) TryUse ¶
func (_m *CommandWebhookStore) TryUse(id string, limit int) store.StoreChannel
TryUse provides a mock function with given fields: id, limit
type ComplianceStore ¶
ComplianceStore is an autogenerated mock type for the ComplianceStore type
func (*ComplianceStore) ComplianceExport ¶
func (_m *ComplianceStore) ComplianceExport(compliance *model.Compliance) store.StoreChannel
ComplianceExport provides a mock function with given fields: compliance
func (*ComplianceStore) Get ¶
func (_m *ComplianceStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*ComplianceStore) GetAll ¶
func (_m *ComplianceStore) GetAll(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetAll provides a mock function with given fields: offset, limit
func (*ComplianceStore) MessageExport ¶
func (_m *ComplianceStore) MessageExport(after int64, limit int) store.StoreChannel
MessageExport provides a mock function with given fields: after, limit
func (*ComplianceStore) Save ¶
func (_m *ComplianceStore) Save(compliance *model.Compliance) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: compliance
func (*ComplianceStore) Update ¶
func (_m *ComplianceStore) Update(compliance *model.Compliance) store.StoreChannel
Update provides a mock function with given fields: compliance
type EmojiStore ¶
EmojiStore is an autogenerated mock type for the EmojiStore type
func (*EmojiStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *EmojiStore) Delete(id string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: id, time
func (*EmojiStore) Get ¶
func (_m *EmojiStore) Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: id, allowFromCache
func (*EmojiStore) GetByName ¶
func (_m *EmojiStore) GetByName(name string) store.StoreChannel
GetByName provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*EmojiStore) GetList ¶
func (_m *EmojiStore) GetList(offset int, limit int, sort string) store.StoreChannel
GetList provides a mock function with given fields: offset, limit, sort
func (*EmojiStore) GetMultipleByName ¶
func (_m *EmojiStore) GetMultipleByName(names []string) store.StoreChannel
GetMultipleByName provides a mock function with given fields: names
func (*EmojiStore) Save ¶
func (_m *EmojiStore) Save(emoji *model.Emoji) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: emoji
func (*EmojiStore) Search ¶
func (_m *EmojiStore) Search(name string, prefixOnly bool, limit int) store.StoreChannel
Search provides a mock function with given fields: name, prefixOnly, limit
type FileInfoStore ¶
FileInfoStore is an autogenerated mock type for the FileInfoStore type
func (*FileInfoStore) AttachToPost ¶
func (_m *FileInfoStore) AttachToPost(fileId string, postId string, creatorId string) store.StoreChannel
AttachToPost provides a mock function with given fields: fileId, postId, creatorId
func (*FileInfoStore) ClearCaches ¶
func (_m *FileInfoStore) ClearCaches()
ClearCaches provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*FileInfoStore) DeleteForPost ¶
func (_m *FileInfoStore) DeleteForPost(postId string) store.StoreChannel
DeleteForPost provides a mock function with given fields: postId
func (*FileInfoStore) Get ¶
func (_m *FileInfoStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*FileInfoStore) GetByPath ¶
func (_m *FileInfoStore) GetByPath(path string) store.StoreChannel
GetByPath provides a mock function with given fields: path
func (*FileInfoStore) GetForPost ¶
func (_m *FileInfoStore) GetForPost(postId string, readFromMaster bool, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetForPost provides a mock function with given fields: postId, readFromMaster, allowFromCache
func (*FileInfoStore) GetForUser ¶
func (_m *FileInfoStore) GetForUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetForUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*FileInfoStore) InvalidateFileInfosForPostCache ¶
func (_m *FileInfoStore) InvalidateFileInfosForPostCache(postId string)
InvalidateFileInfosForPostCache provides a mock function with given fields: postId
func (*FileInfoStore) PermanentDelete ¶
func (_m *FileInfoStore) PermanentDelete(fileId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDelete provides a mock function with given fields: fileId
func (*FileInfoStore) PermanentDeleteBatch ¶
func (_m *FileInfoStore) PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteBatch provides a mock function with given fields: endTime, limit
func (*FileInfoStore) PermanentDeleteByUser ¶
func (_m *FileInfoStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*FileInfoStore) Save ¶
func (_m *FileInfoStore) Save(info *model.FileInfo) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: info
type GroupStore ¶
GroupStore is an autogenerated mock type for the GroupStore type
func (*GroupStore) Create ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) Create(group *model.Group) store.StoreChannel
Create provides a mock function with given fields: group
func (*GroupStore) CreateGroupSyncable ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) CreateGroupSyncable(groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable) store.StoreChannel
CreateGroupSyncable provides a mock function with given fields: groupSyncable
func (*GroupStore) CreateOrRestoreMember ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) CreateOrRestoreMember(groupID string, userID string) store.StoreChannel
CreateOrRestoreMember provides a mock function with given fields: groupID, userID
func (*GroupStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) Delete(groupID string) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: groupID
func (*GroupStore) DeleteGroupSyncable ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) DeleteGroupSyncable(groupID string, syncableID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType) store.StoreChannel
DeleteGroupSyncable provides a mock function with given fields: groupID, syncableID, syncableType
func (*GroupStore) DeleteMember ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) DeleteMember(groupID string, userID string) store.StoreChannel
DeleteMember provides a mock function with given fields: groupID, userID
func (*GroupStore) Get ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) Get(groupID string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: groupID
func (*GroupStore) GetAllBySource ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) GetAllBySource(groupSource model.GroupSource) store.StoreChannel
GetAllBySource provides a mock function with given fields: groupSource
func (*GroupStore) GetAllGroupSyncablesByGroupId ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) GetAllGroupSyncablesByGroupId(groupID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType) store.StoreChannel
GetAllGroupSyncablesByGroupId provides a mock function with given fields: groupID, syncableType
func (*GroupStore) GetByRemoteID ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) GetByRemoteID(remoteID string, groupSource model.GroupSource) store.StoreChannel
GetByRemoteID provides a mock function with given fields: remoteID, groupSource
func (*GroupStore) GetGroupSyncable ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) GetGroupSyncable(groupID string, syncableID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType) store.StoreChannel
GetGroupSyncable provides a mock function with given fields: groupID, syncableID, syncableType
func (*GroupStore) GetMemberCount ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) GetMemberCount(groupID string) store.StoreChannel
GetMemberCount provides a mock function with given fields: groupID
func (*GroupStore) GetMemberUsers ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) GetMemberUsers(groupID string) store.StoreChannel
GetMemberUsers provides a mock function with given fields: groupID
func (*GroupStore) GetMemberUsersPage ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) GetMemberUsersPage(groupID string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetMemberUsersPage provides a mock function with given fields: groupID, offset, limit
func (*GroupStore) PendingAutoAddChannelMembers ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) PendingAutoAddChannelMembers(minGroupMembersCreateAt int64) store.StoreChannel
PendingAutoAddChannelMembers provides a mock function with given fields: minGroupMembersCreateAt
func (*GroupStore) PendingAutoAddTeamMembers ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) PendingAutoAddTeamMembers(minGroupMembersCreateAt int64) store.StoreChannel
PendingAutoAddTeamMembers provides a mock function with given fields: minGroupMembersCreateAt
func (*GroupStore) Update ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) Update(group *model.Group) store.StoreChannel
Update provides a mock function with given fields: group
func (*GroupStore) UpdateGroupSyncable ¶
func (_m *GroupStore) UpdateGroupSyncable(groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable) store.StoreChannel
UpdateGroupSyncable provides a mock function with given fields: groupSyncable
type JobStore ¶
JobStore is an autogenerated mock type for the JobStore type
func (*JobStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *JobStore) Delete(id string) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*JobStore) Get ¶
func (_m *JobStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*JobStore) GetAllByStatus ¶
func (_m *JobStore) GetAllByStatus(status string) store.StoreChannel
GetAllByStatus provides a mock function with given fields: status
func (*JobStore) GetAllByType ¶
func (_m *JobStore) GetAllByType(jobType string) store.StoreChannel
GetAllByType provides a mock function with given fields: jobType
func (*JobStore) GetAllByTypePage ¶
GetAllByTypePage provides a mock function with given fields: jobType, offset, limit
func (*JobStore) GetAllPage ¶
func (_m *JobStore) GetAllPage(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetAllPage provides a mock function with given fields: offset, limit
func (*JobStore) GetCountByStatusAndType ¶
func (_m *JobStore) GetCountByStatusAndType(status string, jobType string) store.StoreChannel
GetCountByStatusAndType provides a mock function with given fields: status, jobType
func (*JobStore) GetNewestJobByStatusAndType ¶
func (_m *JobStore) GetNewestJobByStatusAndType(status string, jobType string) store.StoreChannel
GetNewestJobByStatusAndType provides a mock function with given fields: status, jobType
func (*JobStore) Save ¶
func (_m *JobStore) Save(job *model.Job) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: job
func (*JobStore) UpdateOptimistically ¶
UpdateOptimistically provides a mock function with given fields: job, currentStatus
func (*JobStore) UpdateStatus ¶
func (_m *JobStore) UpdateStatus(id string, status string) store.StoreChannel
UpdateStatus provides a mock function with given fields: id, status
func (*JobStore) UpdateStatusOptimistically ¶
func (_m *JobStore) UpdateStatusOptimistically(id string, currentStatus string, newStatus string) store.StoreChannel
UpdateStatusOptimistically provides a mock function with given fields: id, currentStatus, newStatus
type LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer ¶
LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer is an autogenerated mock type for the LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer type
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Audit ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Audit() store.AuditStore
Audit provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Channel ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Channel() store.ChannelStore
Channel provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ChannelMemberHistory ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ChannelMemberHistory() store.ChannelMemberHistoryStore
ChannelMemberHistory provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Close ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Close()
Close provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ClusterDiscovery ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ClusterDiscovery() store.ClusterDiscoveryStore
ClusterDiscovery provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Command ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Command() store.CommandStore
Command provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) CommandWebhook ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) CommandWebhook() store.CommandWebhookStore
CommandWebhook provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Compliance ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Compliance() store.ComplianceStore
Compliance provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) DropAllTables ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) DropAllTables()
DropAllTables provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Emoji ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Emoji() store.EmojiStore
Emoji provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) FileInfo ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) FileInfo() store.FileInfoStore
FileInfo provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Group ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Group() store.GroupStore
Group provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupCreate ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupCreate(ctx context.Context, group *model.Group, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupCreate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, group, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupCreateGroupSyncable ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupCreateGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupCreateGroupSyncable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupSyncable, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupCreateOrRestoreMember ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupCreateOrRestoreMember(ctx context.Context, groupID string, userID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupCreateOrRestoreMember provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, userID, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupDelete ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupDelete(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupDelete provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupDeleteGroupSyncable ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupDeleteGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupDeleteGroupSyncable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, syncableID, syncableType, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupDeleteMember ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupDeleteMember(ctx context.Context, groupID string, userID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupDeleteMember provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, userID, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGet ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGet(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetAllBySource ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetAllBySource(ctx context.Context, groupSource model.GroupSource, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetAllBySource provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupSource, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetAllGroupSyncablesByGroup ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetAllGroupSyncablesByGroup(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetAllGroupSyncablesByGroup provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, syncableType, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetByRemoteID ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetByRemoteID(ctx context.Context, remoteID string, groupSource model.GroupSource, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetByRemoteID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, remoteID, groupSource, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetGroupSyncable ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetGroupSyncable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, syncableID, syncableType, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetMemberCount ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetMemberCount(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetMemberCount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetMemberUsers ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetMemberUsers(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetMemberUsers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetMemberUsersPage ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupGetMemberUsersPage(ctx context.Context, groupID string, offset int, limit int, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetMemberUsersPage provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, offset, limit, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupUpdate ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupUpdate(ctx context.Context, group *model.Group, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupUpdate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, group, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupUpdateGroupSyncable ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) GroupUpdateGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupUpdateGroupSyncable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupSyncable, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Job ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Job() store.JobStore
Job provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) License ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) License() store.LicenseStore
License provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) LinkMetadata ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) LinkMetadata() store.LinkMetadataStore
LinkMetadata provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) LockToMaster ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) LockToMaster()
LockToMaster provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) MarkSystemRanUnitTests ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) MarkSystemRanUnitTests()
MarkSystemRanUnitTests provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Next ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Next() store.LayeredStoreSupplier
Next provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) OAuth ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) OAuth() store.OAuthStore
OAuth provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) PendingAutoAddChannelMembers ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) PendingAutoAddChannelMembers(ctx context.Context, minGroupMembersCreateAt int64, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
PendingAutoAddChannelMembers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, minGroupMembersCreateAt, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) PendingAutoAddTeamMembers ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) PendingAutoAddTeamMembers(ctx context.Context, minGroupMembersCreateAt int64, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
PendingAutoAddTeamMembers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, minGroupMembersCreateAt, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Plugin ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Plugin() store.PluginStore
Plugin provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Post ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Post() store.PostStore
Post provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Preference ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Preference() store.PreferenceStore
Preference provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Reaction ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Reaction() store.ReactionStore
Reaction provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionDelete ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionDelete(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
ReactionDelete provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reaction, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName(ctx context.Context, emojiName string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, emojiName, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionGetForPost ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionGetForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
ReactionGetForPost provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, postId, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionPermanentDeleteBatch ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionPermanentDeleteBatch(ctx context.Context, endTime int64, limit int64, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
ReactionPermanentDeleteBatch provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, endTime, limit, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionSave ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionSave(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
ReactionSave provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reaction, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionsBulkGetForPosts ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) ReactionsBulkGetForPosts(ctx context.Context, postIds []string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
ReactionsBulkGetForPosts provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, postIds, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Role ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Role() store.RoleStore
Role provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleDelete ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleDelete(ctx context.Context, roldId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
RoleDelete provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, roldId, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleGet ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleGet(ctx context.Context, roleId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
RoleGet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, roleId, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleGetByName ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleGetByName(ctx context.Context, name string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
RoleGetByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleGetByNames ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleGetByNames(ctx context.Context, names []string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
RoleGetByNames provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, names, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RolePermanentDeleteAll ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RolePermanentDeleteAll(ctx context.Context, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
RolePermanentDeleteAll provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleSave ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) RoleSave(ctx context.Context, role *model.Role, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
RoleSave provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, role, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Scheme ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Scheme() store.SchemeStore
Scheme provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeDelete ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeDelete(ctx context.Context, schemeId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
SchemeDelete provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, schemeId, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeGet ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeGet(ctx context.Context, schemeId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
SchemeGet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, schemeId, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeGetAllPage ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeGetAllPage(ctx context.Context, scope string, offset int, limit int, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
SchemeGetAllPage provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, scope, offset, limit, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeGetByName ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeGetByName(ctx context.Context, schemeName string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
SchemeGetByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, schemeName, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemePermanentDeleteAll ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemePermanentDeleteAll(ctx context.Context, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
SchemePermanentDeleteAll provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeSave ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SchemeSave(ctx context.Context, scheme *model.Scheme, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
SchemeSave provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, scheme, hints
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Session ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Session() store.SessionStore
Session provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SetChainNext ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) SetChainNext(_a0 store.LayeredStoreSupplier)
SetChainNext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Status ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Status() store.StatusStore
Status provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) System ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) System() store.SystemStore
System provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Team ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Team() store.TeamStore
Team provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) TermsOfService ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) TermsOfService() store.TermsOfServiceStore
TermsOfService provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Token ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Token() store.TokenStore
Token provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) TotalMasterDbConnections ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) TotalMasterDbConnections() int
TotalMasterDbConnections provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) TotalReadDbConnections ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) TotalReadDbConnections() int
TotalReadDbConnections provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) TotalSearchDbConnections ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) TotalSearchDbConnections() int
TotalSearchDbConnections provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) UnlockFromMaster ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) UnlockFromMaster()
UnlockFromMaster provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) User ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) User() store.UserStore
User provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) UserAccessToken ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) UserAccessToken() store.UserAccessTokenStore
UserAccessToken provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) UserTermsOfService ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) UserTermsOfService() store.UserTermsOfServiceStore
UserTermsOfService provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Webhook ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer) Webhook() store.WebhookStore
Webhook provides a mock function with given fields:
type LayeredStoreSupplier ¶
LayeredStoreSupplier is an autogenerated mock type for the LayeredStoreSupplier type
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupCreate ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupCreate(ctx context.Context, group *model.Group, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupCreate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, group, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupCreateGroupSyncable ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupCreateGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupCreateGroupSyncable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupSyncable, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupCreateOrRestoreMember ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupCreateOrRestoreMember(ctx context.Context, groupID string, userID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupCreateOrRestoreMember provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, userID, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupDelete ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupDelete(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupDelete provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupDeleteGroupSyncable ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupDeleteGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupDeleteGroupSyncable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, syncableID, syncableType, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupDeleteMember ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupDeleteMember(ctx context.Context, groupID string, userID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupDeleteMember provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, userID, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGet ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGet(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetAllBySource ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetAllBySource(ctx context.Context, groupSource model.GroupSource, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetAllBySource provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupSource, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetAllGroupSyncablesByGroup ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetAllGroupSyncablesByGroup(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetAllGroupSyncablesByGroup provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, syncableType, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetByRemoteID ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetByRemoteID(ctx context.Context, remoteID string, groupSource model.GroupSource, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetByRemoteID provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, remoteID, groupSource, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetGroupSyncable ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetGroupSyncable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, syncableID, syncableType, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetMemberCount ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetMemberCount(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetMemberCount provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetMemberUsers ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetMemberUsers(ctx context.Context, groupID string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetMemberUsers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetMemberUsersPage ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupGetMemberUsersPage(ctx context.Context, groupID string, offset int, limit int, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupGetMemberUsersPage provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupID, offset, limit, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupUpdate ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupUpdate(ctx context.Context, group *model.Group, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupUpdate provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, group, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupUpdateGroupSyncable ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) GroupUpdateGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
GroupUpdateGroupSyncable provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, groupSyncable, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) Next ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) Next() store.LayeredStoreSupplier
Next provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) PendingAutoAddChannelMembers ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) PendingAutoAddChannelMembers(ctx context.Context, minGroupMembersCreateAt int64, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
PendingAutoAddChannelMembers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, minGroupMembersCreateAt, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) PendingAutoAddTeamMembers ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) PendingAutoAddTeamMembers(ctx context.Context, minGroupMembersCreateAt int64, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
PendingAutoAddTeamMembers provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, minGroupMembersCreateAt, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionDelete ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionDelete(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
ReactionDelete provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reaction, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName(ctx context.Context, emojiName string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
ReactionDeleteAllWithEmojiName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, emojiName, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionGetForPost ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionGetForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
ReactionGetForPost provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, postId, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionPermanentDeleteBatch ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionPermanentDeleteBatch(ctx context.Context, endTime int64, limit int64, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
ReactionPermanentDeleteBatch provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, endTime, limit, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionSave ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionSave(ctx context.Context, reaction *model.Reaction, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
ReactionSave provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, reaction, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionsBulkGetForPosts ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) ReactionsBulkGetForPosts(ctx context.Context, postIds []string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
ReactionsBulkGetForPosts provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, postIds, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleDelete ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleDelete(ctx context.Context, roldId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
RoleDelete provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, roldId, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleGet ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleGet(ctx context.Context, roleId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
RoleGet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, roleId, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleGetByName ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleGetByName(ctx context.Context, name string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
RoleGetByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, name, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleGetByNames ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleGetByNames(ctx context.Context, names []string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
RoleGetByNames provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, names, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) RolePermanentDeleteAll ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) RolePermanentDeleteAll(ctx context.Context, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
RolePermanentDeleteAll provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleSave ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) RoleSave(ctx context.Context, role *model.Role, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
RoleSave provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, role, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeDelete ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeDelete(ctx context.Context, schemeId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
SchemeDelete provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, schemeId, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeGet ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeGet(ctx context.Context, schemeId string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
SchemeGet provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, schemeId, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeGetAllPage ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeGetAllPage(ctx context.Context, scope string, offset int, limit int, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
SchemeGetAllPage provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, scope, offset, limit, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeGetByName ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeGetByName(ctx context.Context, schemeName string, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
SchemeGetByName provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, schemeName, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemePermanentDeleteAll ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemePermanentDeleteAll(ctx context.Context, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
SchemePermanentDeleteAll provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeSave ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SchemeSave(ctx context.Context, scheme *model.Scheme, hints *store.LayeredStoreSupplierResult
SchemeSave provides a mock function with given fields: ctx, scheme, hints
func (*LayeredStoreSupplier) SetChainNext ¶
func (_m *LayeredStoreSupplier) SetChainNext(_a0 store.LayeredStoreSupplier)
SetChainNext provides a mock function with given fields: _a0
type LicenseStore ¶
LicenseStore is an autogenerated mock type for the LicenseStore type
func (*LicenseStore) Get ¶
func (_m *LicenseStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*LicenseStore) Save ¶
func (_m *LicenseStore) Save(license *model.LicenseRecord) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: license
type LinkMetadataStore ¶
LinkMetadataStore is an autogenerated mock type for the LinkMetadataStore type
func (*LinkMetadataStore) Get ¶
func (_m *LinkMetadataStore) Get(url string, timestamp int64) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: url, timestamp
func (*LinkMetadataStore) Save ¶
func (_m *LinkMetadataStore) Save(linkMetadata *model.LinkMetadata) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: linkMetadata
type OAuthStore ¶
OAuthStore is an autogenerated mock type for the OAuthStore type
func (*OAuthStore) DeleteApp ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) DeleteApp(id string) store.StoreChannel
DeleteApp provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*OAuthStore) GetAccessData ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) GetAccessData(token string) store.StoreChannel
GetAccessData provides a mock function with given fields: token
func (*OAuthStore) GetAccessDataByRefreshToken ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) GetAccessDataByRefreshToken(token string) store.StoreChannel
GetAccessDataByRefreshToken provides a mock function with given fields: token
func (*OAuthStore) GetAccessDataByUserForApp ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) GetAccessDataByUserForApp(userId string, clientId string) store.StoreChannel
GetAccessDataByUserForApp provides a mock function with given fields: userId, clientId
func (*OAuthStore) GetApp ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) GetApp(id string) store.StoreChannel
GetApp provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*OAuthStore) GetAppByUser ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) GetAppByUser(userId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetAppByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId, offset, limit
func (*OAuthStore) GetApps ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) GetApps(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetApps provides a mock function with given fields: offset, limit
func (*OAuthStore) GetAuthData ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) GetAuthData(code string) store.StoreChannel
GetAuthData provides a mock function with given fields: code
func (*OAuthStore) GetAuthorizedApps ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) GetAuthorizedApps(userId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetAuthorizedApps provides a mock function with given fields: userId, offset, limit
func (*OAuthStore) GetPreviousAccessData ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) GetPreviousAccessData(userId string, clientId string) store.StoreChannel
GetPreviousAccessData provides a mock function with given fields: userId, clientId
func (*OAuthStore) PermanentDeleteAuthDataByUser ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) PermanentDeleteAuthDataByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteAuthDataByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*OAuthStore) RemoveAccessData ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) RemoveAccessData(token string) store.StoreChannel
RemoveAccessData provides a mock function with given fields: token
func (*OAuthStore) RemoveAuthData ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) RemoveAuthData(code string) store.StoreChannel
RemoveAuthData provides a mock function with given fields: code
func (*OAuthStore) SaveAccessData ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) SaveAccessData(accessData *model.AccessData) store.StoreChannel
SaveAccessData provides a mock function with given fields: accessData
func (*OAuthStore) SaveApp ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) SaveApp(app *model.OAuthApp) store.StoreChannel
SaveApp provides a mock function with given fields: app
func (*OAuthStore) SaveAuthData ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) SaveAuthData(authData *model.AuthData) store.StoreChannel
SaveAuthData provides a mock function with given fields: authData
func (*OAuthStore) UpdateAccessData ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) UpdateAccessData(accessData *model.AccessData) store.StoreChannel
UpdateAccessData provides a mock function with given fields: accessData
func (*OAuthStore) UpdateApp ¶
func (_m *OAuthStore) UpdateApp(app *model.OAuthApp) store.StoreChannel
UpdateApp provides a mock function with given fields: app
type ObjectCache ¶
ObjectCache is an autogenerated mock type for the ObjectCache type
func (*ObjectCache) AddWithDefaultExpires ¶
func (_m *ObjectCache) AddWithDefaultExpires(key interface{}, value interface{})
AddWithDefaultExpires provides a mock function with given fields: key, value
func (*ObjectCache) AddWithExpiresInSecs ¶
func (_m *ObjectCache) AddWithExpiresInSecs(key interface{}, value interface{}, expireAtSecs int64)
AddWithExpiresInSecs provides a mock function with given fields: key, value, expireAtSecs
func (*ObjectCache) Get ¶
func (_m *ObjectCache) Get(key interface{}) (interface{}, bool)
Get provides a mock function with given fields: key
func (*ObjectCache) GetInvalidateClusterEvent ¶
func (_m *ObjectCache) GetInvalidateClusterEvent() string
GetInvalidateClusterEvent provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ObjectCache) Len ¶
func (_m *ObjectCache) Len() int
Len provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ObjectCache) Name ¶
func (_m *ObjectCache) Name() string
Name provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ObjectCache) Purge ¶
func (_m *ObjectCache) Purge()
Purge provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*ObjectCache) Remove ¶
func (_m *ObjectCache) Remove(key interface{})
Remove provides a mock function with given fields: key
type PluginStore ¶
PluginStore is an autogenerated mock type for the PluginStore type
func (*PluginStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *PluginStore) Delete(pluginId string, key string) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: pluginId, key
func (*PluginStore) DeleteAllExpired ¶
func (_m *PluginStore) DeleteAllExpired() store.StoreChannel
DeleteAllExpired provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*PluginStore) DeleteAllForPlugin ¶
func (_m *PluginStore) DeleteAllForPlugin(PluginId string) store.StoreChannel
DeleteAllForPlugin provides a mock function with given fields: PluginId
func (*PluginStore) Get ¶
func (_m *PluginStore) Get(pluginId string, key string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: pluginId, key
func (*PluginStore) List ¶
func (_m *PluginStore) List(pluginId string, page int, perPage int) store.StoreChannel
List provides a mock function with given fields: pluginId, page, perPage
func (*PluginStore) SaveOrUpdate ¶
func (_m *PluginStore) SaveOrUpdate(keyVal *model.PluginKeyValue) store.StoreChannel
SaveOrUpdate provides a mock function with given fields: keyVal
type PostStore ¶
PostStore is an autogenerated mock type for the PostStore type
func (*PostStore) AnalyticsPostCount ¶
func (_m *PostStore) AnalyticsPostCount(teamId string, mustHaveFile bool, mustHaveHashtag bool) store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsPostCount provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, mustHaveFile, mustHaveHashtag
func (*PostStore) AnalyticsPostCountsByDay ¶
func (_m *PostStore) AnalyticsPostCountsByDay(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsPostCountsByDay provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*PostStore) AnalyticsUserCountsWithPostsByDay ¶
func (_m *PostStore) AnalyticsUserCountsWithPostsByDay(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsUserCountsWithPostsByDay provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*PostStore) ClearCaches ¶
func (_m *PostStore) ClearCaches()
ClearCaches provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*PostStore) Delete ¶
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: postId, time, deleteByID
func (*PostStore) Get ¶
func (_m *PostStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*PostStore) GetEtag ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetEtag(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetEtag provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, allowFromCache
func (*PostStore) GetFlaggedPosts ¶
GetFlaggedPosts provides a mock function with given fields: userId, offset, limit
func (*PostStore) GetFlaggedPostsForChannel ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetFlaggedPostsForChannel(userId string, channelId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetFlaggedPostsForChannel provides a mock function with given fields: userId, channelId, offset, limit
func (*PostStore) GetFlaggedPostsForTeam ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetFlaggedPostsForTeam(userId string, teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetFlaggedPostsForTeam provides a mock function with given fields: userId, teamId, offset, limit
func (*PostStore) GetMaxPostSize ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetMaxPostSize() store.StoreChannel
GetMaxPostSize provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*PostStore) GetOldest ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetOldest() store.StoreChannel
GetOldest provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*PostStore) GetParentsForExportAfter ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetParentsForExportAfter(limit int, afterId string) store.StoreChannel
GetParentsForExportAfter provides a mock function with given fields: limit, afterId
func (*PostStore) GetPosts ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetPosts(channelId string, offset int, limit int, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetPosts provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, offset, limit, allowFromCache
func (*PostStore) GetPostsAfter ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetPostsAfter(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) store.StoreChannel
GetPostsAfter provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, postId, numPosts, offset
func (*PostStore) GetPostsBatchForIndexing ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetPostsBatchForIndexing(startTime int64, endTime int64, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetPostsBatchForIndexing provides a mock function with given fields: startTime, endTime, limit
func (*PostStore) GetPostsBefore ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetPostsBefore(channelId string, postId string, numPosts int, offset int) store.StoreChannel
GetPostsBefore provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, postId, numPosts, offset
func (*PostStore) GetPostsByIds ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetPostsByIds(postIds []string) store.StoreChannel
GetPostsByIds provides a mock function with given fields: postIds
func (*PostStore) GetPostsCreatedAt ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetPostsCreatedAt(channelId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
GetPostsCreatedAt provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, time
func (*PostStore) GetPostsSince ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetPostsSince(channelId string, time int64, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetPostsSince provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, time, allowFromCache
func (*PostStore) GetRepliesForExport ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetRepliesForExport(parentId string) store.StoreChannel
GetRepliesForExport provides a mock function with given fields: parentId
func (*PostStore) GetSingle ¶
func (_m *PostStore) GetSingle(id string) store.StoreChannel
GetSingle provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*PostStore) InvalidateLastPostTimeCache ¶
InvalidateLastPostTimeCache provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*PostStore) Overwrite ¶
func (_m *PostStore) Overwrite(post *model.Post) store.StoreChannel
Overwrite provides a mock function with given fields: post
func (*PostStore) PermanentDeleteBatch ¶
func (_m *PostStore) PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteBatch provides a mock function with given fields: endTime, limit
func (*PostStore) PermanentDeleteByChannel ¶
func (_m *PostStore) PermanentDeleteByChannel(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteByChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*PostStore) PermanentDeleteByUser ¶
func (_m *PostStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*PostStore) Save ¶
func (_m *PostStore) Save(post *model.Post) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: post
func (*PostStore) Search ¶
func (_m *PostStore) Search(teamId string, userId string, params *model.SearchParams) store.StoreChannel
Search provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId, params
type PreferenceStore ¶
PreferenceStore is an autogenerated mock type for the PreferenceStore type
func (*PreferenceStore) CleanupFlagsBatch ¶
func (_m *PreferenceStore) CleanupFlagsBatch(limit int64) store.StoreChannel
CleanupFlagsBatch provides a mock function with given fields: limit
func (*PreferenceStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *PreferenceStore) Delete(userId string, category string, name string) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: userId, category, name
func (*PreferenceStore) DeleteCategory ¶
func (_m *PreferenceStore) DeleteCategory(userId string, category string) store.StoreChannel
DeleteCategory provides a mock function with given fields: userId, category
func (*PreferenceStore) DeleteCategoryAndName ¶
func (_m *PreferenceStore) DeleteCategoryAndName(category string, name string) store.StoreChannel
DeleteCategoryAndName provides a mock function with given fields: category, name
func (*PreferenceStore) Get ¶
func (_m *PreferenceStore) Get(userId string, category string, name string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: userId, category, name
func (*PreferenceStore) GetAll ¶
func (_m *PreferenceStore) GetAll(userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetAll provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*PreferenceStore) GetCategory ¶
func (_m *PreferenceStore) GetCategory(userId string, category string) store.StoreChannel
GetCategory provides a mock function with given fields: userId, category
func (*PreferenceStore) IsFeatureEnabled ¶
func (_m *PreferenceStore) IsFeatureEnabled(feature string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
IsFeatureEnabled provides a mock function with given fields: feature, userId
func (*PreferenceStore) PermanentDeleteByUser ¶
func (_m *PreferenceStore) PermanentDeleteByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*PreferenceStore) Save ¶
func (_m *PreferenceStore) Save(preferences *model.Preferences) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: preferences
type ReactionStore ¶
ReactionStore is an autogenerated mock type for the ReactionStore type
func (*ReactionStore) BulkGetForPosts ¶
func (_m *ReactionStore) BulkGetForPosts(postIds []string) store.StoreChannel
BulkGetForPosts provides a mock function with given fields: postIds
func (*ReactionStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *ReactionStore) Delete(reaction *model.Reaction) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: reaction
func (*ReactionStore) DeleteAllWithEmojiName ¶
func (_m *ReactionStore) DeleteAllWithEmojiName(emojiName string) store.StoreChannel
DeleteAllWithEmojiName provides a mock function with given fields: emojiName
func (*ReactionStore) GetForPost ¶
func (_m *ReactionStore) GetForPost(postId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetForPost provides a mock function with given fields: postId, allowFromCache
func (*ReactionStore) PermanentDeleteBatch ¶
func (_m *ReactionStore) PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteBatch provides a mock function with given fields: endTime, limit
func (*ReactionStore) Save ¶
func (_m *ReactionStore) Save(reaction *model.Reaction) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: reaction
type RoleStore ¶
RoleStore is an autogenerated mock type for the RoleStore type
func (*RoleStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *RoleStore) Delete(roldId string) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: roldId
func (*RoleStore) Get ¶
func (_m *RoleStore) Get(roleId string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: roleId
func (*RoleStore) GetByName ¶
func (_m *RoleStore) GetByName(name string) store.StoreChannel
GetByName provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*RoleStore) GetByNames ¶
func (_m *RoleStore) GetByNames(names []string) store.StoreChannel
GetByNames provides a mock function with given fields: names
func (*RoleStore) PermanentDeleteAll ¶
func (_m *RoleStore) PermanentDeleteAll() store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteAll provides a mock function with given fields:
type SchemeStore ¶
SchemeStore is an autogenerated mock type for the SchemeStore type
func (*SchemeStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *SchemeStore) Delete(schemeId string) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: schemeId
func (*SchemeStore) Get ¶
func (_m *SchemeStore) Get(schemeId string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: schemeId
func (*SchemeStore) GetAllPage ¶
func (_m *SchemeStore) GetAllPage(scope string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetAllPage provides a mock function with given fields: scope, offset, limit
func (*SchemeStore) GetByName ¶
func (_m *SchemeStore) GetByName(schemeName string) store.StoreChannel
GetByName provides a mock function with given fields: schemeName
func (*SchemeStore) PermanentDeleteAll ¶
func (_m *SchemeStore) PermanentDeleteAll() store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteAll provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SchemeStore) Save ¶
func (_m *SchemeStore) Save(scheme *model.Scheme) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: scheme
type SessionStore ¶
SessionStore is an autogenerated mock type for the SessionStore type
func (*SessionStore) AnalyticsSessionCount ¶
func (_m *SessionStore) AnalyticsSessionCount() store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsSessionCount provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SessionStore) Cleanup ¶
func (_m *SessionStore) Cleanup(expiryTime int64, batchSize int64)
Cleanup provides a mock function with given fields: expiryTime, batchSize
func (*SessionStore) Get ¶
func (_m *SessionStore) Get(sessionIdOrToken string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: sessionIdOrToken
func (*SessionStore) GetSessions ¶
func (_m *SessionStore) GetSessions(userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetSessions provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*SessionStore) GetSessionsWithActiveDeviceIds ¶
func (_m *SessionStore) GetSessionsWithActiveDeviceIds(userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetSessionsWithActiveDeviceIds provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*SessionStore) PermanentDeleteSessionsByUser ¶
func (_m *SessionStore) PermanentDeleteSessionsByUser(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteSessionsByUser provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*SessionStore) Remove ¶
func (_m *SessionStore) Remove(sessionIdOrToken string) store.StoreChannel
Remove provides a mock function with given fields: sessionIdOrToken
func (*SessionStore) RemoveAllSessions ¶
func (_m *SessionStore) RemoveAllSessions() store.StoreChannel
RemoveAllSessions provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SessionStore) Save ¶
func (_m *SessionStore) Save(session *model.Session) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: session
func (*SessionStore) UpdateDeviceId ¶
func (_m *SessionStore) UpdateDeviceId(id string, deviceId string, expiresAt int64) store.StoreChannel
UpdateDeviceId provides a mock function with given fields: id, deviceId, expiresAt
func (*SessionStore) UpdateLastActivityAt ¶
func (_m *SessionStore) UpdateLastActivityAt(sessionId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
UpdateLastActivityAt provides a mock function with given fields: sessionId, time
func (*SessionStore) UpdateRoles ¶
func (_m *SessionStore) UpdateRoles(userId string, roles string) store.StoreChannel
UpdateRoles provides a mock function with given fields: userId, roles
type SqlStore ¶
SqlStore is an autogenerated mock type for the SqlStore type
func (*SqlStore) AlterColumnDefaultIfExists ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) AlterColumnDefaultIfExists(tableName string, columnName string, mySqlColDefault *string, postgresColDefault *string) bool
AlterColumnDefaultIfExists provides a mock function with given fields: tableName, columnName, mySqlColDefault, postgresColDefault
func (*SqlStore) AlterColumnTypeIfExists ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) AlterColumnTypeIfExists(tableName string, columnName string, mySqlColType string, postgresColType string) bool
AlterColumnTypeIfExists provides a mock function with given fields: tableName, columnName, mySqlColType, postgresColType
func (*SqlStore) Audit ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Audit() store.AuditStore
Audit provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) Channel ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Channel() store.ChannelStore
Channel provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) Close ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Close()
Close provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) ClusterDiscovery ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) ClusterDiscovery() store.ClusterDiscoveryStore
ClusterDiscovery provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) Command ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Command() store.CommandStore
Command provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) CommandWebhook ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) CommandWebhook() store.CommandWebhookStore
CommandWebhook provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) Compliance ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Compliance() store.ComplianceStore
Compliance provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) CreateColumnIfNotExists ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) CreateColumnIfNotExists(tableName string, columnName string, mySqlColType string, postgresColType string, defaultValue string) bool
CreateColumnIfNotExists provides a mock function with given fields: tableName, columnName, mySqlColType, postgresColType, defaultValue
func (*SqlStore) CreateColumnIfNotExistsNoDefault ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) CreateColumnIfNotExistsNoDefault(tableName string, columnName string, mySqlColType string, postgresColType string) bool
CreateColumnIfNotExistsNoDefault provides a mock function with given fields: tableName, columnName, mySqlColType, postgresColType
func (*SqlStore) CreateCompositeIndexIfNotExists ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) CreateCompositeIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnNames []string) bool
CreateCompositeIndexIfNotExists provides a mock function with given fields: indexName, tableName, columnNames
func (*SqlStore) CreateFullTextIndexIfNotExists ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) CreateFullTextIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool
CreateFullTextIndexIfNotExists provides a mock function with given fields: indexName, tableName, columnName
func (*SqlStore) CreateIndexIfNotExists ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) CreateIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool
CreateIndexIfNotExists provides a mock function with given fields: indexName, tableName, columnName
func (*SqlStore) CreateUniqueIndexIfNotExists ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) CreateUniqueIndexIfNotExists(indexName string, tableName string, columnName string) bool
CreateUniqueIndexIfNotExists provides a mock function with given fields: indexName, tableName, columnName
func (*SqlStore) DoesColumnExist ¶
DoesColumnExist provides a mock function with given fields: tableName, columName
func (*SqlStore) DoesTableExist ¶
DoesTableExist provides a mock function with given fields: tablename
func (*SqlStore) DoesTriggerExist ¶
DoesTriggerExist provides a mock function with given fields: triggerName
func (*SqlStore) DriverName ¶
DriverName provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) Emoji ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Emoji() store.EmojiStore
Emoji provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) FileInfo ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) FileInfo() store.FileInfoStore
FileInfo provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) GetAllConns ¶
GetAllConns provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) GetCurrentSchemaVersion ¶
GetCurrentSchemaVersion provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) GetMaxLengthOfColumnIfExists ¶
GetMaxLengthOfColumnIfExists provides a mock function with given fields: tableName, columnName
func (*SqlStore) GetReplica ¶
GetReplica provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) GetSearchReplica ¶
GetSearchReplica provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) License ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) License() store.LicenseStore
License provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) LinkMetadata ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) LinkMetadata() store.LinkMetadataStore
LinkMetadata provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) LockToMaster ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) LockToMaster()
LockToMaster provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) MarkSystemRanUnitTests ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) MarkSystemRanUnitTests()
MarkSystemRanUnitTests provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) OAuth ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) OAuth() store.OAuthStore
OAuth provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) Plugin ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Plugin() store.PluginStore
Plugin provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) Preference ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Preference() store.PreferenceStore
Preference provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) Reaction ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Reaction() store.ReactionStore
Reaction provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) RemoveColumnIfExists ¶
RemoveColumnIfExists provides a mock function with given fields: tableName, columnName
func (*SqlStore) RemoveIndexIfExists ¶
RemoveIndexIfExists provides a mock function with given fields: indexName, tableName
func (*SqlStore) RemoveTableIfExists ¶
RemoveTableIfExists provides a mock function with given fields: tableName
func (*SqlStore) RenameColumnIfExists ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) RenameColumnIfExists(tableName string, oldColumnName string, newColumnName string, colType string) bool
RenameColumnIfExists provides a mock function with given fields: tableName, oldColumnName, newColumnName, colType
func (*SqlStore) Scheme ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Scheme() store.SchemeStore
Scheme provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) Session ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Session() store.SessionStore
Session provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) Status ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Status() store.StatusStore
Status provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) System ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) System() store.SystemStore
System provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) TermsOfService ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) TermsOfService() store.TermsOfServiceStore
TermsOfService provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) Token ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Token() store.TokenStore
Token provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) TotalMasterDbConnections ¶
TotalMasterDbConnections provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) TotalReadDbConnections ¶
TotalReadDbConnections provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) TotalSearchDbConnections ¶
TotalSearchDbConnections provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) UnlockFromMaster ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) UnlockFromMaster()
UnlockFromMaster provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) UserAccessToken ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) UserAccessToken() store.UserAccessTokenStore
UserAccessToken provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) UserTermsOfService ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) UserTermsOfService() store.UserTermsOfServiceStore
UserTermsOfService provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SqlStore) Webhook ¶
func (_m *SqlStore) Webhook() store.WebhookStore
Webhook provides a mock function with given fields:
type SqlSupplier ¶
SqlSupplier is an autogenerated mock type for the SqlSupplier type
func (*SqlSupplier) GetMaster ¶
func (_m *SqlSupplier) GetMaster() *gorp.DbMap
GetMaster provides a mock function with given fields:
type StatusStore ¶
StatusStore is an autogenerated mock type for the StatusStore type
func (*StatusStore) Get ¶
func (_m *StatusStore) Get(userId string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*StatusStore) GetAllFromTeam ¶
func (_m *StatusStore) GetAllFromTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
GetAllFromTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*StatusStore) GetByIds ¶
func (_m *StatusStore) GetByIds(userIds []string) store.StoreChannel
GetByIds provides a mock function with given fields: userIds
func (*StatusStore) GetOnline ¶
func (_m *StatusStore) GetOnline() store.StoreChannel
GetOnline provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*StatusStore) GetOnlineAway ¶
func (_m *StatusStore) GetOnlineAway() store.StoreChannel
GetOnlineAway provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*StatusStore) GetTotalActiveUsersCount ¶
func (_m *StatusStore) GetTotalActiveUsersCount() store.StoreChannel
GetTotalActiveUsersCount provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*StatusStore) ResetAll ¶
func (_m *StatusStore) ResetAll() store.StoreChannel
ResetAll provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*StatusStore) SaveOrUpdate ¶
func (_m *StatusStore) SaveOrUpdate(status *model.Status) store.StoreChannel
SaveOrUpdate provides a mock function with given fields: status
func (*StatusStore) UpdateLastActivityAt ¶
func (_m *StatusStore) UpdateLastActivityAt(userId string, lastActivityAt int64) store.StoreChannel
UpdateLastActivityAt provides a mock function with given fields: userId, lastActivityAt
type Store ¶
Store is an autogenerated mock type for the Store type
func (*Store) Audit ¶
func (_m *Store) Audit() store.AuditStore
Audit provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Channel ¶
func (_m *Store) Channel() store.ChannelStore
Channel provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) ChannelMemberHistory ¶
func (_m *Store) ChannelMemberHistory() store.ChannelMemberHistoryStore
ChannelMemberHistory provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) ClusterDiscovery ¶
func (_m *Store) ClusterDiscovery() store.ClusterDiscoveryStore
ClusterDiscovery provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Command ¶
func (_m *Store) Command() store.CommandStore
Command provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) CommandWebhook ¶
func (_m *Store) CommandWebhook() store.CommandWebhookStore
CommandWebhook provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Compliance ¶
func (_m *Store) Compliance() store.ComplianceStore
Compliance provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) DropAllTables ¶
func (_m *Store) DropAllTables()
DropAllTables provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Emoji ¶
func (_m *Store) Emoji() store.EmojiStore
Emoji provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) FileInfo ¶
func (_m *Store) FileInfo() store.FileInfoStore
FileInfo provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Group ¶
func (_m *Store) Group() store.GroupStore
Group provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) License ¶
func (_m *Store) License() store.LicenseStore
License provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) LinkMetadata ¶
func (_m *Store) LinkMetadata() store.LinkMetadataStore
LinkMetadata provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) LockToMaster ¶
func (_m *Store) LockToMaster()
LockToMaster provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) MarkSystemRanUnitTests ¶
func (_m *Store) MarkSystemRanUnitTests()
MarkSystemRanUnitTests provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) OAuth ¶
func (_m *Store) OAuth() store.OAuthStore
OAuth provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Plugin ¶
func (_m *Store) Plugin() store.PluginStore
Plugin provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Preference ¶
func (_m *Store) Preference() store.PreferenceStore
Preference provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Reaction ¶
func (_m *Store) Reaction() store.ReactionStore
Reaction provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Scheme ¶
func (_m *Store) Scheme() store.SchemeStore
Scheme provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Session ¶
func (_m *Store) Session() store.SessionStore
Session provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Status ¶
func (_m *Store) Status() store.StatusStore
Status provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) System ¶
func (_m *Store) System() store.SystemStore
System provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) TermsOfService ¶
func (_m *Store) TermsOfService() store.TermsOfServiceStore
TermsOfService provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Token ¶
func (_m *Store) Token() store.TokenStore
Token provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) TotalMasterDbConnections ¶
TotalMasterDbConnections provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) TotalReadDbConnections ¶
TotalReadDbConnections provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) TotalSearchDbConnections ¶
TotalSearchDbConnections provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) UnlockFromMaster ¶
func (_m *Store) UnlockFromMaster()
UnlockFromMaster provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) UserAccessToken ¶
func (_m *Store) UserAccessToken() store.UserAccessTokenStore
UserAccessToken provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) UserTermsOfService ¶
func (_m *Store) UserTermsOfService() store.UserTermsOfServiceStore
UserTermsOfService provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*Store) Webhook ¶
func (_m *Store) Webhook() store.WebhookStore
Webhook provides a mock function with given fields:
type SystemStore ¶
SystemStore is an autogenerated mock type for the SystemStore type
func (*SystemStore) Get ¶
func (_m *SystemStore) Get() store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*SystemStore) GetByName ¶
func (_m *SystemStore) GetByName(name string) store.StoreChannel
GetByName provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*SystemStore) PermanentDeleteByName ¶
func (_m *SystemStore) PermanentDeleteByName(name string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteByName provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*SystemStore) Save ¶
func (_m *SystemStore) Save(system *model.System) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: system
func (*SystemStore) SaveOrUpdate ¶
func (_m *SystemStore) SaveOrUpdate(system *model.System) store.StoreChannel
SaveOrUpdate provides a mock function with given fields: system
func (*SystemStore) Update ¶
func (_m *SystemStore) Update(system *model.System) store.StoreChannel
Update provides a mock function with given fields: system
type TeamStore ¶
TeamStore is an autogenerated mock type for the TeamStore type
func (*TeamStore) AnalyticsGetTeamCountForScheme ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) AnalyticsGetTeamCountForScheme(schemeId string) store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsGetTeamCountForScheme provides a mock function with given fields: schemeId
func (*TeamStore) AnalyticsTeamCount ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) AnalyticsTeamCount() store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsTeamCount provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*TeamStore) ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments() store.StoreChannel
ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*TeamStore) Get ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*TeamStore) GetActiveMemberCount ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetActiveMemberCount(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
GetActiveMemberCount provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*TeamStore) GetAll ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetAll() store.StoreChannel
GetAll provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*TeamStore) GetAllForExportAfter ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetAllForExportAfter(limit int, afterId string) store.StoreChannel
GetAllForExportAfter provides a mock function with given fields: limit, afterId
func (*TeamStore) GetAllPage ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetAllPage(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetAllPage provides a mock function with given fields: offset, limit
func (*TeamStore) GetAllTeamListing ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetAllTeamListing() store.StoreChannel
GetAllTeamListing provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*TeamStore) GetAllTeamPageListing ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetAllTeamPageListing(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetAllTeamPageListing provides a mock function with given fields: offset, limit
func (*TeamStore) GetByInviteId ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetByInviteId(inviteId string) store.StoreChannel
GetByInviteId provides a mock function with given fields: inviteId
func (*TeamStore) GetByName ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetByName(name string) store.StoreChannel
GetByName provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*TeamStore) GetChannelUnreadsForAllTeams ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetChannelUnreadsForAllTeams(excludeTeamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetChannelUnreadsForAllTeams provides a mock function with given fields: excludeTeamId, userId
func (*TeamStore) GetChannelUnreadsForTeam ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetChannelUnreadsForTeam(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetChannelUnreadsForTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId
func (*TeamStore) GetMember ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetMember(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetMember provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId
func (*TeamStore) GetMembers ¶
GetMembers provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, offset, limit
func (*TeamStore) GetMembersByIds ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetMembersByIds(teamId string, userIds []string) store.StoreChannel
GetMembersByIds provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userIds
func (*TeamStore) GetTeamMembersForExport ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetTeamMembersForExport(userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetTeamMembersForExport provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*TeamStore) GetTeamsByScheme ¶
GetTeamsByScheme provides a mock function with given fields: schemeId, offset, limit
func (*TeamStore) GetTeamsByUserId ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetTeamsByUserId(userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetTeamsByUserId provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*TeamStore) GetTeamsForUser ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetTeamsForUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetTeamsForUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*TeamStore) GetTotalMemberCount ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) GetTotalMemberCount(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
GetTotalMemberCount provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*TeamStore) MigrateTeamMembers ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) MigrateTeamMembers(fromTeamId string, fromUserId string) store.StoreChannel
MigrateTeamMembers provides a mock function with given fields: fromTeamId, fromUserId
func (*TeamStore) PermanentDelete ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) PermanentDelete(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDelete provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*TeamStore) RemoveAllMembersByTeam ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) RemoveAllMembersByTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
RemoveAllMembersByTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*TeamStore) RemoveAllMembersByUser ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) RemoveAllMembersByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
RemoveAllMembersByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*TeamStore) RemoveMember ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) RemoveMember(teamId string, userId string) store.StoreChannel
RemoveMember provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, userId
func (*TeamStore) ResetAllTeamSchemes ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) ResetAllTeamSchemes() store.StoreChannel
ResetAllTeamSchemes provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*TeamStore) Save ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) Save(team *model.Team) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: team
func (*TeamStore) SaveMember ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) SaveMember(member *model.TeamMember, maxUsersPerTeam int) store.StoreChannel
SaveMember provides a mock function with given fields: member, maxUsersPerTeam
func (*TeamStore) SearchAll ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) SearchAll(term string) store.StoreChannel
SearchAll provides a mock function with given fields: term
func (*TeamStore) SearchByName ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) SearchByName(name string) store.StoreChannel
SearchByName provides a mock function with given fields: name
func (*TeamStore) SearchOpen ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) SearchOpen(term string) store.StoreChannel
SearchOpen provides a mock function with given fields: term
func (*TeamStore) Update ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) Update(team *model.Team) store.StoreChannel
Update provides a mock function with given fields: team
func (*TeamStore) UpdateDisplayName ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) UpdateDisplayName(name string, teamId string) store.StoreChannel
UpdateDisplayName provides a mock function with given fields: name, teamId
func (*TeamStore) UpdateLastTeamIconUpdate ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) UpdateLastTeamIconUpdate(teamId string, curTime int64) store.StoreChannel
UpdateLastTeamIconUpdate provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, curTime
func (*TeamStore) UpdateMember ¶
func (_m *TeamStore) UpdateMember(member *model.TeamMember) store.StoreChannel
UpdateMember provides a mock function with given fields: member
type TermsOfServiceStore ¶
TermsOfServiceStore is an autogenerated mock type for the TermsOfServiceStore type
func (*TermsOfServiceStore) Get ¶
func (_m *TermsOfServiceStore) Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: id, allowFromCache
func (*TermsOfServiceStore) GetLatest ¶
func (_m *TermsOfServiceStore) GetLatest(allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetLatest provides a mock function with given fields: allowFromCache
func (*TermsOfServiceStore) Save ¶
func (_m *TermsOfServiceStore) Save(termsOfService *model.TermsOfService) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: termsOfService
type TokenStore ¶
TokenStore is an autogenerated mock type for the TokenStore type
func (*TokenStore) Cleanup ¶
func (_m *TokenStore) Cleanup()
Cleanup provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*TokenStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *TokenStore) Delete(token string) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: token
func (*TokenStore) GetByToken ¶
func (_m *TokenStore) GetByToken(token string) store.StoreChannel
GetByToken provides a mock function with given fields: token
func (*TokenStore) Save ¶
func (_m *TokenStore) Save(recovery *model.Token) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: recovery
type UserAccessTokenStore ¶
UserAccessTokenStore is an autogenerated mock type for the UserAccessTokenStore type
func (*UserAccessTokenStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) Delete(tokenId string) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: tokenId
func (*UserAccessTokenStore) DeleteAllForUser ¶
func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) DeleteAllForUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
DeleteAllForUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*UserAccessTokenStore) Get ¶
func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) Get(tokenId string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: tokenId
func (*UserAccessTokenStore) GetAll ¶
func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) GetAll(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetAll provides a mock function with given fields: offset, limit
func (*UserAccessTokenStore) GetByToken ¶
func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) GetByToken(tokenString string) store.StoreChannel
GetByToken provides a mock function with given fields: tokenString
func (*UserAccessTokenStore) GetByUser ¶
func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) GetByUser(userId string, page int, perPage int) store.StoreChannel
GetByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId, page, perPage
func (*UserAccessTokenStore) Save ¶
func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) Save(token *model.UserAccessToken) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: token
func (*UserAccessTokenStore) Search ¶
func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) Search(term string) store.StoreChannel
Search provides a mock function with given fields: term
func (*UserAccessTokenStore) UpdateTokenDisable ¶
func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) UpdateTokenDisable(tokenId string) store.StoreChannel
UpdateTokenDisable provides a mock function with given fields: tokenId
func (*UserAccessTokenStore) UpdateTokenEnable ¶
func (_m *UserAccessTokenStore) UpdateTokenEnable(tokenId string) store.StoreChannel
UpdateTokenEnable provides a mock function with given fields: tokenId
type UserStore ¶
UserStore is an autogenerated mock type for the UserStore type
func (*UserStore) AnalyticsActiveCount ¶
func (_m *UserStore) AnalyticsActiveCount(time int64) store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsActiveCount provides a mock function with given fields: time
func (*UserStore) AnalyticsGetInactiveUsersCount ¶
func (_m *UserStore) AnalyticsGetInactiveUsersCount() store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsGetInactiveUsersCount provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*UserStore) AnalyticsGetSystemAdminCount ¶
func (_m *UserStore) AnalyticsGetSystemAdminCount() store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsGetSystemAdminCount provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*UserStore) AnalyticsUniqueUserCount ¶
func (_m *UserStore) AnalyticsUniqueUserCount(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsUniqueUserCount provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*UserStore) ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments ¶
func (_m *UserStore) ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments() store.StoreChannel
ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*UserStore) ClearCaches ¶
func (_m *UserStore) ClearCaches()
ClearCaches provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*UserStore) Get ¶
func (_m *UserStore) Get(id string) store.StoreChannel
Get provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*UserStore) GetAll ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetAll() store.StoreChannel
GetAll provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*UserStore) GetAllAfter ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetAllAfter(limit int, afterId string) store.StoreChannel
GetAllAfter provides a mock function with given fields: limit, afterId
func (*UserStore) GetAllProfiles ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetAllProfiles(options *model.UserGetOptions) store.StoreChannel
GetAllProfiles provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*UserStore) GetAllProfilesInChannel ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetAllProfilesInChannel(channelId string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetAllProfilesInChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, allowFromCache
func (*UserStore) GetAllUsingAuthService ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetAllUsingAuthService(authService string) store.StoreChannel
GetAllUsingAuthService provides a mock function with given fields: authService
func (*UserStore) GetAnyUnreadPostCountForChannel ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetAnyUnreadPostCountForChannel(userId string, channelId string) store.StoreChannel
GetAnyUnreadPostCountForChannel provides a mock function with given fields: userId, channelId
func (*UserStore) GetByAuth ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetByAuth(authData *string, authService string) store.StoreChannel
GetByAuth provides a mock function with given fields: authData, authService
func (*UserStore) GetByEmail ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetByEmail(email string) store.StoreChannel
GetByEmail provides a mock function with given fields: email
func (*UserStore) GetByUsername ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetByUsername(username string) store.StoreChannel
GetByUsername provides a mock function with given fields: username
func (*UserStore) GetEtagForAllProfiles ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetEtagForAllProfiles() store.StoreChannel
GetEtagForAllProfiles provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*UserStore) GetEtagForProfiles ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetEtagForProfiles(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
GetEtagForProfiles provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*UserStore) GetEtagForProfilesNotInTeam ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetEtagForProfilesNotInTeam(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
GetEtagForProfilesNotInTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*UserStore) GetForLogin ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetForLogin(loginId string, allowSignInWithUsername bool, allowSignInWithEmail bool) store.StoreChannel
GetForLogin provides a mock function with given fields: loginId, allowSignInWithUsername, allowSignInWithEmail
func (*UserStore) GetNewUsersForTeam ¶
GetNewUsersForTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, offset, limit
func (*UserStore) GetProfileByIds ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetProfileByIds(userId []string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetProfileByIds provides a mock function with given fields: userId, allowFromCache
func (*UserStore) GetProfiles ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetProfiles(options *model.UserGetOptions) store.StoreChannel
GetProfiles provides a mock function with given fields: options
func (*UserStore) GetProfilesByUsernames ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetProfilesByUsernames(usernames []string, teamId string) store.StoreChannel
GetProfilesByUsernames provides a mock function with given fields: usernames, teamId
func (*UserStore) GetProfilesInChannel ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetProfilesInChannel(channelId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetProfilesInChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, offset, limit
func (*UserStore) GetProfilesInChannelByStatus ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetProfilesInChannelByStatus(channelId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetProfilesInChannelByStatus provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, offset, limit
func (*UserStore) GetProfilesNotInChannel ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetProfilesNotInChannel(teamId string, channelId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetProfilesNotInChannel provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, channelId, offset, limit
func (*UserStore) GetProfilesNotInTeam ¶
GetProfilesNotInTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, offset, limit
func (*UserStore) GetProfilesWithoutTeam ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetProfilesWithoutTeam(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetProfilesWithoutTeam provides a mock function with given fields: offset, limit
func (*UserStore) GetRecentlyActiveUsersForTeam ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetRecentlyActiveUsersForTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetRecentlyActiveUsersForTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, offset, limit
func (*UserStore) GetSystemAdminProfiles ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetSystemAdminProfiles() store.StoreChannel
GetSystemAdminProfiles provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*UserStore) GetTotalUsersCount ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetTotalUsersCount() store.StoreChannel
GetTotalUsersCount provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*UserStore) GetUnreadCount ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetUnreadCount(userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetUnreadCount provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*UserStore) GetUnreadCountForChannel ¶
func (_m *UserStore) GetUnreadCountForChannel(userId string, channelId string) store.StoreChannel
GetUnreadCountForChannel provides a mock function with given fields: userId, channelId
func (*UserStore) InferSystemInstallDate ¶
func (_m *UserStore) InferSystemInstallDate() store.StoreChannel
InferSystemInstallDate provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*UserStore) InvalidatProfileCacheForUser ¶
InvalidatProfileCacheForUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*UserStore) InvalidateProfilesInChannelCache ¶
InvalidateProfilesInChannelCache provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*UserStore) InvalidateProfilesInChannelCacheByUser ¶
InvalidateProfilesInChannelCacheByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*UserStore) PermanentDelete ¶
func (_m *UserStore) PermanentDelete(userId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDelete provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*UserStore) ResetLastPictureUpdate ¶
func (_m *UserStore) ResetLastPictureUpdate(userId string) store.StoreChannel
ResetLastPictureUpdate provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*UserStore) Save ¶
func (_m *UserStore) Save(user *model.User) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: user
func (*UserStore) Search ¶
func (_m *UserStore) Search(teamId string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) store.StoreChannel
Search provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, term, options
func (*UserStore) SearchInChannel ¶
func (_m *UserStore) SearchInChannel(channelId string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) store.StoreChannel
SearchInChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, term, options
func (*UserStore) SearchNotInChannel ¶
func (_m *UserStore) SearchNotInChannel(teamId string, channelId string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) store.StoreChannel
SearchNotInChannel provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, channelId, term, options
func (*UserStore) SearchNotInTeam ¶
func (_m *UserStore) SearchNotInTeam(notInTeamId string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) store.StoreChannel
SearchNotInTeam provides a mock function with given fields: notInTeamId, term, options
func (*UserStore) SearchWithoutTeam ¶
func (_m *UserStore) SearchWithoutTeam(term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) store.StoreChannel
SearchWithoutTeam provides a mock function with given fields: term, options
func (*UserStore) UpdateAuthData ¶
func (_m *UserStore) UpdateAuthData(userId string, service string, authData *string, email string, resetMfa bool) store.StoreChannel
UpdateAuthData provides a mock function with given fields: userId, service, authData, email, resetMfa
func (*UserStore) UpdateFailedPasswordAttempts ¶
func (_m *UserStore) UpdateFailedPasswordAttempts(userId string, attempts int) store.StoreChannel
UpdateFailedPasswordAttempts provides a mock function with given fields: userId, attempts
func (*UserStore) UpdateLastPictureUpdate ¶
func (_m *UserStore) UpdateLastPictureUpdate(userId string) store.StoreChannel
UpdateLastPictureUpdate provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*UserStore) UpdateMfaActive ¶
func (_m *UserStore) UpdateMfaActive(userId string, active bool) store.StoreChannel
UpdateMfaActive provides a mock function with given fields: userId, active
func (*UserStore) UpdateMfaSecret ¶
func (_m *UserStore) UpdateMfaSecret(userId string, secret string) store.StoreChannel
UpdateMfaSecret provides a mock function with given fields: userId, secret
func (*UserStore) UpdatePassword ¶
func (_m *UserStore) UpdatePassword(userId string, newPassword string) store.StoreChannel
UpdatePassword provides a mock function with given fields: userId, newPassword
func (*UserStore) UpdateUpdateAt ¶
func (_m *UserStore) UpdateUpdateAt(userId string) store.StoreChannel
UpdateUpdateAt provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*UserStore) VerifyEmail ¶
func (_m *UserStore) VerifyEmail(userId string) store.StoreChannel
VerifyEmail provides a mock function with given fields: userId
type UserTermsOfServiceStore ¶
UserTermsOfServiceStore is an autogenerated mock type for the UserTermsOfServiceStore type
func (*UserTermsOfServiceStore) Delete ¶
func (_m *UserTermsOfServiceStore) Delete(userId string, termsOfServiceId string) store.StoreChannel
Delete provides a mock function with given fields: userId, termsOfServiceId
func (*UserTermsOfServiceStore) GetByUser ¶
func (_m *UserTermsOfServiceStore) GetByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
GetByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*UserTermsOfServiceStore) Save ¶
func (_m *UserTermsOfServiceStore) Save(userTermsOfService *model.UserTermsOfService) store.StoreChannel
Save provides a mock function with given fields: userTermsOfService
type WebhookStore ¶
WebhookStore is an autogenerated mock type for the WebhookStore type
func (*WebhookStore) AnalyticsIncomingCount ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) AnalyticsIncomingCount(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsIncomingCount provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*WebhookStore) AnalyticsOutgoingCount ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) AnalyticsOutgoingCount(teamId string) store.StoreChannel
AnalyticsOutgoingCount provides a mock function with given fields: teamId
func (*WebhookStore) ClearCaches ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) ClearCaches()
ClearCaches provides a mock function with given fields:
func (*WebhookStore) DeleteIncoming ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) DeleteIncoming(webhookId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
DeleteIncoming provides a mock function with given fields: webhookId, time
func (*WebhookStore) DeleteOutgoing ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) DeleteOutgoing(webhookId string, time int64) store.StoreChannel
DeleteOutgoing provides a mock function with given fields: webhookId, time
func (*WebhookStore) GetIncoming ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) GetIncoming(id string, allowFromCache bool) store.StoreChannel
GetIncoming provides a mock function with given fields: id, allowFromCache
func (*WebhookStore) GetIncomingByChannel ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) GetIncomingByChannel(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
GetIncomingByChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*WebhookStore) GetIncomingByTeam ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) GetIncomingByTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetIncomingByTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, offset, limit
func (*WebhookStore) GetIncomingList ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) GetIncomingList(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetIncomingList provides a mock function with given fields: offset, limit
func (*WebhookStore) GetOutgoing ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) GetOutgoing(id string) store.StoreChannel
GetOutgoing provides a mock function with given fields: id
func (*WebhookStore) GetOutgoingByChannel ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) GetOutgoingByChannel(channelId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetOutgoingByChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId, offset, limit
func (*WebhookStore) GetOutgoingByTeam ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) GetOutgoingByTeam(teamId string, offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetOutgoingByTeam provides a mock function with given fields: teamId, offset, limit
func (*WebhookStore) GetOutgoingList ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) GetOutgoingList(offset int, limit int) store.StoreChannel
GetOutgoingList provides a mock function with given fields: offset, limit
func (*WebhookStore) InvalidateWebhookCache ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) InvalidateWebhookCache(webhook string)
InvalidateWebhookCache provides a mock function with given fields: webhook
func (*WebhookStore) PermanentDeleteIncomingByChannel ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) PermanentDeleteIncomingByChannel(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteIncomingByChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*WebhookStore) PermanentDeleteIncomingByUser ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) PermanentDeleteIncomingByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteIncomingByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*WebhookStore) PermanentDeleteOutgoingByChannel ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) PermanentDeleteOutgoingByChannel(channelId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteOutgoingByChannel provides a mock function with given fields: channelId
func (*WebhookStore) PermanentDeleteOutgoingByUser ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) PermanentDeleteOutgoingByUser(userId string) store.StoreChannel
PermanentDeleteOutgoingByUser provides a mock function with given fields: userId
func (*WebhookStore) SaveIncoming ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) SaveIncoming(webhook *model.IncomingWebhook) store.StoreChannel
SaveIncoming provides a mock function with given fields: webhook
func (*WebhookStore) SaveOutgoing ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) SaveOutgoing(webhook *model.OutgoingWebhook) store.StoreChannel
SaveOutgoing provides a mock function with given fields: webhook
func (*WebhookStore) UpdateIncoming ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) UpdateIncoming(webhook *model.IncomingWebhook) store.StoreChannel
UpdateIncoming provides a mock function with given fields: webhook
func (*WebhookStore) UpdateOutgoing ¶
func (_m *WebhookStore) UpdateOutgoing(hook *model.OutgoingWebhook) store.StoreChannel
UpdateOutgoing provides a mock function with given fields: hook
Source Files
- AuditStore.go
- ChannelMemberHistoryStore.go
- ChannelStore.go
- ClusterDiscoveryStore.go
- CommandStore.go
- CommandWebhookStore.go
- ComplianceStore.go
- EmojiStore.go
- FileInfoStore.go
- GroupStore.go
- JobStore.go
- LayeredStoreDatabaseLayer.go
- LayeredStoreSupplier.go
- LicenseStore.go
- LinkMetadataStore.go
- OAuthStore.go
- ObjectCache.go
- PluginStore.go
- PostStore.go
- PreferenceStore.go
- ReactionStore.go
- RoleStore.go
- SchemeStore.go
- SessionStore.go
- SqlStore.go
- SqlSupplier.go
- StatusStore.go
- Store.go
- SystemStore.go
- TeamStore.go
- TermsOfServiceStore.go
- TokenStore.go
- UserAccessTokenStore.go
- UserStore.go
- UserTermsOfServiceStore.go
- WebhookStore.go