This is a tiny binary Chowny threw together to simulate a high-cardinality event in Prometheus.
It's extremely simple, but could be expanded as you please.
How to Run it
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
Deploy to minikube
minikube start --cpus 4 --memory 8192
cd ksonnet
ks apply --insecure-skip-tls-verify local
If that doesn't work, it's most likely because your minikube context differs from mine.
Tweak ksonnet's app.yaml
and it should work.
Once it starts, statspitter
will simply expose a single gauge metric named statspitter_high_card_test_gauge_vec
There will be one "nice" series that kicks out a normal set of data points:
statspitter_high_card_test_gauge_vec{type="stable", value="foo"}
This acts as a control of sorts.
There will also be a set of series that are created at a rate of approximately 10/s:
statspitter_high_card_test_gauge_vec{type="volatile", value=<time.Now()>}
All series are perpetually set to 0.0, as values don't matter here.
If you want to turn off the explosion of series, simply run the following:
curl $(mk service ss --url)/toggle
As the endpoint implies, GET'ing this URL again will re-enabel series explosion.