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Published: Oct 27, 2017 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 19 Imported by: 0


InfraKit Flavor Plugin - Swarm

A reference implementation of a Flavor Plugin that creates a Docker cluster in Swarm Mode.

Schema & Templates

This plugin has a schema that looks like this:

   "InitScriptTemplateURL": "http://your.github.io/your/project/swarm/worker-init.sh",
   "SwarmJoinIP": "",
   "Docker" : {
     "Host" : "tcp://"
   "EngineLabels": {
     "storage": "ssd",
     "data": ""

Note that the Docker connection information, as well as what IP in the Swarm the managers and workers should use to join the swarm, are now part of the plugin configuration.

This plugin makes heavy use of Golang template to enable customization of instance behavior on startup. For example, the InitScriptTemplateURL field above is a URL where a init script template is served. The plugin will fetch this template from the URL and processes the template to render the final init script for the instance.

The plugin exposes a set of template functions that can be used, along with primitives already in [Golang template] (https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/) and functions from Sprig. This makes it possible to have complex templates for generating the user data / init script of the instances.

For example, this is a template for the init script of a manager node:

set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o xtrace

{{/* Install Docker */}}
{{ include "install-docker.sh" }}

mkdir -p /etc/docker
cat << EOF > /etc/docker/daemon.json
  "labels": {{ INFRAKIT_LABELS | jsonEncode }}

{{/* Reload the engine labels */}}
kill -s HUP $(cat /var/run/docker.pid)
sleep 5


  {{/* The first node of the special allocations will initialize the swarm. */}}
  docker swarm init --advertise-addr {{ INSTANCE_LOGICAL_ID }}

  # Tell Docker to listen on port 4243 for remote API access. This is optional.
  echo DOCKER_OPTS="\"-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock\"" >> /etc/default/docker

  # Restart Docker to let port listening take effect.
  service docker restart

{{ else }}

  {{/* The rest of the nodes will join as followers in the manager group. */}}
  docker swarm join --token {{ SWARM_JOIN_TOKENS.Manager }} {{ SPEC.SwarmJoinIP }}:2377

{{ end }}

There are tags such as {{ SWARM_JOIN_TOKENS.Manager }} or {{ INSTANCE_LOGICAL_ID }}: these are made available by the plugin and they are evaluated / interpolated during the Prepare phase of the plugin. The plugin will substitute these 'placeholders' with actual values. The templating engine also supports inclusion of other templates / files, as seen in the {{ include "install-docker.sh" }} tag above. This makes it easy to embed actual shell scripts, and other texts, without painful and complicated escapes to meet the JSON syntax requirements. For example, the 'include' tag above will embed the install-docker.sh template/file:

# Tested on Ubuntu/trusty

apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y
wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh

# Tell Docker to listen on port 4243 for remote API access. This is optional.
echo DOCKER_OPTS=\"-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock\" >> /etc/default/docker

# Restart Docker to let port listening take effect.
service docker restart

A Word on Security

Since Swarm Mode uses join-tokens to authorize nodes, initializing the Swarm requires:

a. exposing the Docker remote API for the InfraKit plugin to access join tokens b. running InfraKit on the manager nodes to access join tokens via the Docker socket

We recommend approach (b) for anything but demonstration purposes unless the Docker daemon socket is secured. For simplicity, this example does not secure Docker socket.

Building & Running -- An Example

There are scripts in this directory to illustrate how to start up the InfraKit plugin ensemble and examples for creating a Docker swarm via vagrant.

Building the binaries - do this from the top level project directory:

make binaries

Start required plugins. We use the infrakit plugin start utility and a plugins.json to start up all the plugins, along with the InfraKit manager:

~/projects/src/github.com/docker/infrakit$ examples/flavor/swarm/start-plugins.sh
Starting up manager
Starting up group-stateless
INFO[0000] Waiting for manager to start: {
                "Cmd" : "infrakit-manager --name group  --proxy-for-group group-stateless os --leader-file /Users/me/.infrakit/leader --store-dir /Users/me/.infrakit/configs > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/manager.log 2>&1"
INFO[0000] OS launcher: Plugin manager setPgId= true starting infrakit-manager --name group  --proxy-for-group group-stateless os --leader-file /Users/me/.infrakit/leader --store-dir /Users/me/.infrakit/configs > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/manager.log 2>&1 
INFO[0000] Running /bin/sh /bin/sh -c infrakit-manager --name group  --proxy-for-group group-stateless os --leader-file /Users/me/.infrakit/leader --store-dir /Users/me/.infrakit/configs > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/manager.log 2>&1 
INFO[0000] Starting with <nil> sh= infrakit-manager --name group  --proxy-for-group group-stateless os --leader-file /Users/me/.infrakit/leader --store-dir /Users/me/.infrakit/configs > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/manager.log 2>&1 
INFO[0000] Waiting for group-stateless to start: {
                "Cmd" : "infrakit-group-default --poll-interval 10s --name group-stateless --log 5 > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/group-stateless.log 2>&1"
INFO[0000] OS launcher: Plugin group-stateless setPgId= true starting infrakit-group-default --poll-interval 10s --name group-stateless --log 5 > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/group-stateless.log 2>&1 
INFO[0000] Running /bin/sh /bin/sh -c infrakit-group-default --poll-interval 10s --name group-stateless --log 5 > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/group-stateless.log 2>&1 
manager started.
Starting up flavor-swarm
INFO[0000] Starting with <nil> sh= infrakit-group-default --poll-interval 10s --name group-stateless --log 5 > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/group-stateless.log 2>&1 
INFO[0000] Waiting for flavor-swarm to start: {
                "Cmd" : "infrakit-flavor-swarm --log 5 > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/flavor-swarm.log 2>&1"
INFO[0000] OS launcher: Plugin flavor-swarm setPgId= true starting infrakit-flavor-swarm --log 5 > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/flavor-swarm.log 2>&1 
INFO[0000] Running /bin/sh /bin/sh -c infrakit-flavor-swarm --log 5 > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/flavor-swarm.log 2>&1 
group-stateless started.
Starting up instance-vagrant
INFO[0000] Starting with <nil> sh= infrakit-flavor-swarm --log 5 > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/flavor-swarm.log 2>&1 
INFO[0000] Waiting for instance-vagrant to start: {
                "Cmd" : "infrakit-instance-vagrant --log 5 > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/instance-vagrant.log 2>&1"
INFO[0000] OS launcher: Plugin instance-vagrant setPgId= true starting infrakit-instance-vagrant --log 5 > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/instance-vagrant.log 2>&1 
INFO[0000] Running /bin/sh /bin/sh -c infrakit-instance-vagrant --log 5 > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/instance-vagrant.log 2>&1 
flavor-swarm started.
INFO[0000] Starting with <nil> sh= infrakit-instance-vagrant --log 5 > /Users/me/.infrakit/logs/instance-vagrant.log 2>&1 
instance-vagrant started.
Plugins started.
Do something like: infrakit manager commit file:///Users/me/projects/src/github.com/docker/infrakit/examples/flavor/swarm/groups-fast.json

Now start up the cluster comprised of a manager and a worker group. In this case, see groups-fast.json where we will create a manager group of 3 nodes and a worker group of 3 nodes. The topology in this is a single ensemble of infrakit running on your local machine that manages 6 vagrant vms running Docker in Swarm Mode. The groups-fast.json is named fast because we are using a Vagrant box (image) that already has Docker installed. A slower version, that uses just ubuntu/trusty64 and a full Docker install, can be found in groups.json.

~/projects/src/github.com/docker/infrakit$ infrakit manager commit file:///Users/davidchung/projects/src/github.com/docker/infrakit/examples/flavor/swarm/groups-fast.json
INFO[0000] Found manager group is leader =  true        
INFO[0000] Found manager as group at /Users/davidchung/.infrakit/plugins/group 
INFO[0000] Using file:///Users/davidchung/projects/src/github.com/docker/infrakit/examples/flavor/swarm/groups-fast.json for reading template
Group swarm-workers with plugin group plan: Managing 3 instances
Group swarm-managers with plugin group plan: Managing 3 instances

Now it will take some time for the entire cluster to come up. During this, you may want to see the Vagrant and Swarm plugins in action. If you look at the plugins.json you will see that the plugins are started with stdout and stderr being directed to a {{env "INFRAKIT_HOME"}}/logs directory. The $INFRAKIT_HOME environment variable is set by the start-plugins.sh script and is set to ~/.infrakit.

So, to look at the logs, just do this in another terminal:

tail -f ~/.infrakit/logs/*.log

You will see the sequential interactions of the plugins. Here's an example:

==> group-stateless.log <==
time="2017-01-31T16:38:22-08:00" level=debug msg="Received response HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 1288\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nDate: Wed, 01 Feb 2017 00:38:22 GMT\r\n\r\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"result\":{\"Type\":\"manager\",\"Spec\":{\"Properties\":{\"Box\":\"ubuntu/trusty64\"},\"Tags\":{\"infrakit-link\":\"HmjVIS7jEMNMu3mU\",\"infrakit-link-context\":\"swarm/t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw/manager\",\"infrakit.config_sha\":\"UBS6BBMA84vUjjtMceeraQGP_eQ=\",\"infrakit.group\":\"swarm-managers\",\"swarm-id\":\"t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw\"},\"Init\":\"#!/bin/sh\\nset -o errexit\\nset -o nounset\\nset -o xtrace\\n\\n\\n\\n# Tested on Ubuntu/trusty\\n\\napt-get update -y\\napt-get upgrade -y\\nwget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh\\n\\n# Tell Docker to listen on port 4243 for remote API access. This is optional.\\necho DOCKER_OPTS=\\\\\\\"-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock\\\\\\\" \\u003e\\u003e /etc/default/docker\\n\\n# Restart Docker to let port listening take effect.\\nservice docker restart\\n\\n\\nmkdir -p /etc/docker\\ncat \\u003c\\u003c EOF \\u003e /etc/docker/daemon.json\\n{\\n  \\\"labels\\\": [\\n  \\\"infrakit-link=HmjVIS7jEMNMu3mU\\\",\\n  \\\"infrakit-link-context=swarm/t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw/manager\\\"\\n]\\n}\\nEOF\\n\\n\\nkill -s HUP $(cat /var/run/docker.pid)\\nsleep 5\\n\\n\\n\\n  \\n  \\n\\n  \\n  docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-69316t20viiyh4bwwg8ae2rx6p6obqojfnnxbwfo4dbn3b0npx-68n9c4khokso84f3unn53c15h\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"LogicalID\":\"\",\"Attachments\":null}},\"id\":204406773822125757}\n" 
time="2017-01-31T16:38:22-08:00" level=debug msg="Received response HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 1289\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\r\nDate: Wed, 01 Feb 2017 00:38:22 GMT\r\n\r\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"result\":{\"Type\":\"manager\",\"Spec\":{\"Properties\":{\"Box\":\"ubuntu/trusty64\"},\"Tags\":{\"infrakit-link\":\"gOII3YTODwN55QNZ\",\"infrakit-link-context\":\"swarm/t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw/manager\",\"infrakit.config_sha\":\"UBS6BBMA84vUjjtMceeraQGP_eQ=\",\"infrakit.group\":\"swarm-managers\",\"swarm-id\":\"t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw\"},\"Init\":\"#!/bin/sh\\nset -o errexit\\nset -o nounset\\nset -o xtrace\\n\\n\\n\\n# Tested on Ubuntu/trusty\\n\\napt-get update -y\\napt-get upgrade -y\\nwget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh\\n\\n# Tell Docker to listen on port 4243 for remote API access. This is optional.\\necho DOCKER_OPTS=\\\\\\\"-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock\\\\\\\" \\u003e\\u003e /etc/default/docker\\n\\n# Restart Docker to let port listening take effect.\\nservice docker restart\\n\\n\\nmkdir -p /etc/docker\\ncat \\u003c\\u003c EOF \\u003e /etc/docker/daemon.json\\n{\\n  \\\"labels\\\": [\\n  \\\"infrakit-link=gOII3YTODwN55QNZ\\\",\\n  \\\"infrakit-link-context=swarm/t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw/manager\\\"\\n]\\n}\\nEOF\\n\\n\\nkill -s HUP $(cat /var/run/docker.pid)\\nsleep 5\\n\\n\\n\\n  \\n  \\n\\n  \\n  docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-69316t20viiyh4bwwg8ae2rx6p6obqojfnnxbwfo4dbn3b0npx-68n9c4khokso84f3unn53c15h\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"LogicalID\":\"\",\"Attachments\":null}},\"id\":5501896949660804411}\n" 
time="2017-01-31T16:38:22-08:00" level=debug msg="Sending request POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: a\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"Instance.Provision\",\"params\":{\"Type\":\"\",\"Spec\":{\"Properties\":{\"Box\":\"ubuntu/trusty64\"},\"Tags\":{\"infrakit-link\":\"HmjVIS7jEMNMu3mU\",\"infrakit-link-context\":\"swarm/t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw/manager\",\"infrakit.config_sha\":\"UBS6BBMA84vUjjtMceeraQGP_eQ=\",\"infrakit.group\":\"swarm-managers\",\"swarm-id\":\"t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw\"},\"Init\":\"#!/bin/sh\\nset -o errexit\\nset -o nounset\\nset -o xtrace\\n\\n\\n\\n# Tested on Ubuntu/trusty\\n\\napt-get update -y\\napt-get upgrade -y\\nwget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh\\n\\n# Tell Docker to listen on port 4243 for remote API access. This is optional.\\necho DOCKER_OPTS=\\\\\\\"-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock\\\\\\\" \\u003e\\u003e /etc/default/docker\\n\\n# Restart Docker to let port listening take effect.\\nservice docker restart\\n\\n\\nmkdir -p /etc/docker\\ncat \\u003c\\u003c EOF \\u003e /etc/docker/daemon.json\\n{\\n  \\\"labels\\\": [\\n  \\\"infrakit-link=HmjVIS7jEMNMu3mU\\\",\\n  \\\"infrakit-link-context=swarm/t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw/manager\\\"\\n]\\n}\\nEOF\\n\\n\\nkill -s HUP $(cat /var/run/docker.pid)\\nsleep 5\\n\\n\\n\\n  \\n  \\n\\n  \\n  docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-69316t20viiyh4bwwg8ae2rx6p6obqojfnnxbwfo4dbn3b0npx-68n9c4khokso84f3unn53c15h\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"LogicalID\":\"\",\"Attachments\":null}},\"id\":3237913983924951943}" 
time="2017-01-31T16:38:22-08:00" level=debug msg="Sending request POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: a\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"Instance.Provision\",\"params\":{\"Type\":\"\",\"Spec\":{\"Properties\":{\"Box\":\"ubuntu/trusty64\"},\"Tags\":{\"infrakit-link\":\"gOII3YTODwN55QNZ\",\"infrakit-link-context\":\"swarm/t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw/manager\",\"infrakit.config_sha\":\"UBS6BBMA84vUjjtMceeraQGP_eQ=\",\"infrakit.group\":\"swarm-managers\",\"swarm-id\":\"t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw\"},\"Init\":\"#!/bin/sh\\nset -o errexit\\nset -o nounset\\nset -o xtrace\\n\\n\\n\\n# Tested on Ubuntu/trusty\\n\\napt-get update -y\\napt-get upgrade -y\\nwget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh\\n\\n# Tell Docker to listen on port 4243 for remote API access. This is optional.\\necho DOCKER_OPTS=\\\\\\\"-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock\\\\\\\" \\u003e\\u003e /etc/default/docker\\n\\n# Restart Docker to let port listening take effect.\\nservice docker restart\\n\\n\\nmkdir -p /etc/docker\\ncat \\u003c\\u003c EOF \\u003e /etc/docker/daemon.json\\n{\\n  \\\"labels\\\": [\\n  \\\"infrakit-link=gOII3YTODwN55QNZ\\\",\\n  \\\"infrakit-link-context=swarm/t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw/manager\\\"\\n]\\n}\\nEOF\\n\\n\\nkill -s HUP $(cat /var/run/docker.pid)\\nsleep 5\\n\\n\\n\\n  \\n  \\n\\n  \\n  docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-69316t20viiyh4bwwg8ae2rx6p6obqojfnnxbwfo4dbn3b0npx-68n9c4khokso84f3unn53c15h\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"LogicalID\":\"\",\"Attachments\":null}},\"id\":823635831294852014}" 

==> instance-vagrant.log <==
time="2017-01-31T16:38:22-08:00" level=debug msg="Received request POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: a\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\r\nContent-Length: 1311\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nUser-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1\r\n\r\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"Instance.Provision\",\"params\":{\"Type\":\"\",\"Spec\":{\"Properties\":{\"Box\":\"ubuntu/trusty64\"},\"Tags\":{\"infrakit-link\":\"HmjVIS7jEMNMu3mU\",\"infrakit-link-context\":\"swarm/t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw/manager\",\"infrakit.config_sha\":\"UBS6BBMA84vUjjtMceeraQGP_eQ=\",\"infrakit.group\":\"swarm-managers\",\"swarm-id\":\"t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw\"},\"Init\":\"#!/bin/sh\\nset -o errexit\\nset -o nounset\\nset -o xtrace\\n\\n\\n\\n# Tested on Ubuntu/trusty\\n\\napt-get update -y\\napt-get upgrade -y\\nwget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh\\n\\n# Tell Docker to listen on port 4243 for remote API access. This is optional.\\necho DOCKER_OPTS=\\\\\\\"-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock\\\\\\\" \\u003e\\u003e /etc/default/docker\\n\\n# Restart Docker to let port listening take effect.\\nservice docker restart\\n\\n\\nmkdir -p /etc/docker\\ncat \\u003c\\u003c EOF \\u003e /etc/docker/daemon.json\\n{\\n  \\\"labels\\\": [\\n  \\\"infrakit-link=HmjVIS7jEMNMu3mU\\\",\\n  \\\"infrakit-link-context=swarm/t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw/manager\\\"\\n]\\n}\\nEOF\\n\\n\\nkill -s HUP $(cat /var/run/docker.pid)\\nsleep 5\\n\\n\\n\\n  \\n  \\n\\n  \\n  docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-69316t20viiyh4bwwg8ae2rx6p6obqojfnnxbwfo4dbn3b0npx-68n9c4khokso84f3unn53c15h\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"LogicalID\":\"\",\"Attachments\":null}},\"id\":3237913983924951943}" 
time="2017-01-31T16:38:22-08:00" level=debug msg="Received request POST / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: a\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip\r\nContent-Length: 1310\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\nUser-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1\r\n\r\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"Instance.Provision\",\"params\":{\"Type\":\"\",\"Spec\":{\"Properties\":{\"Box\":\"ubuntu/trusty64\"},\"Tags\":{\"infrakit-link\":\"gOII3YTODwN55QNZ\",\"infrakit-link-context\":\"swarm/t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw/manager\",\"infrakit.config_sha\":\"UBS6BBMA84vUjjtMceeraQGP_eQ=\",\"infrakit.group\":\"swarm-managers\",\"swarm-id\":\"t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw\"},\"Init\":\"#!/bin/sh\\nset -o errexit\\nset -o nounset\\nset -o xtrace\\n\\n\\n\\n# Tested on Ubuntu/trusty\\n\\napt-get update -y\\napt-get upgrade -y\\nwget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh\\n\\n# Tell Docker to listen on port 4243 for remote API access. This is optional.\\necho DOCKER_OPTS=\\\\\\\"-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock\\\\\\\" \\u003e\\u003e /etc/default/docker\\n\\n# Restart Docker to let port listening take effect.\\nservice docker restart\\n\\n\\nmkdir -p /etc/docker\\ncat \\u003c\\u003c EOF \\u003e /etc/docker/daemon.json\\n{\\n  \\\"labels\\\": [\\n  \\\"infrakit-link=gOII3YTODwN55QNZ\\\",\\n  \\\"infrakit-link-context=swarm/t9vg5zqmdtw8ovhniwifszwbw/manager\\\"\\n]\\n}\\nEOF\\n\\n\\nkill -s HUP $(cat /var/run/docker.pid)\\nsleep 5\\n\\n\\n\\n  \\n  \\n\\n  \\n  docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-69316t20viiyh4bwwg8ae2rx6p6obqojfnnxbwfo4dbn3b0npx-68n9c4khokso84f3unn53c15h\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\",\"LogicalID\":\"\",\"Attachments\":null}},\"id\":823635831294852014}" 
time="2017-01-31T16:38:25-08:00" level=info msg="Vagrant STDOUT: Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...\n" 
time="2017-01-31T16:38:25-08:00" level=info msg="Vagrant STDOUT: Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...\n" 
time="2017-01-31T16:38:25-08:00" level=info msg="Vagrant STDOUT: ==> default: Importing base box 'ubuntu/trusty64'...\n" 
time="2017-01-31T16:38:25-08:00" level=info msg="Vagrant STDOUT: ==> default: Importing base box 'ubuntu/trusty64'...\n" 
time="2017-01-31T16:38:40-08:00" level=info msg="Vagrant STDOUT: \r\x1b[KProgress: 90%\r\x1b[K==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...\n" 
time="2017-01-31T16:38:40-08:00" level=info msg="Vagrant STDOUT: \r\x1b[KProgress: 90%\r\x1b[K==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...\n" 
time="2017-01-31T16:38:40-08:00" level=info msg="Vagrant STDOUT: ==> default: Checking if box 'ubuntu/trusty64' is up to date...\n" 
time="2017-01-31T16:38:40-08:00" level=info msg="Vagrant STDOUT: ==> default: Checking if box 'ubuntu/trusty64' is up to date...\n" 

That's a lot of log entries! You can always lower the volume by adjusting the --log parameters in the plugins.json for the next time.

After some time, you should be able to see the Swarm cluster up and running by doing:

vagrant global-status

or conveniently in a separate window,

watch -d vagrant global-status  # using watch to monitor the vagrant vms

Now check the swarm:

~/projects/src/github.com/docker/infrakit$ docker -H tcp:// node ls
1ag3s3m1avdahg19933io5xjr *  infrakit   Ready   Active        Leader
3pbow8fnfwf0y5d8pvibpx7or    localhost  Ready   Active        
45x97w5jipsm9xonprgj5393y    localhost  Ready   Active        Reachable
6v91xdon6e6lommqne9eeb776    localhost  Ready   Active        
c4z4a4h3p2jz5vwg36zy2rww9    localhost  Ready   Active        
ezkfjfjqmphi90daup2ur1yas    localhost  Ready   Active        Reachable

Or use Infrakit group describe to see the instances:

~/projects/src/github.com/docker/infrakit$ infrakit group describe swarm-managers
ID                            	LOGICAL                       	TAGS
infrakit-240440289                    	infrakit-link-context=swarm/37phvxcyelv8js1lyqi76hnau/manager,infrakit-link=nbix0txooYIoyiUQ,infrakit.config_sha=mt39WMxI1MX4mFIg03moQjy4OjA=,infrakit.group=swarm-managers,swarm-id=37phvxcyelv8js1lyqi76hnau
infrakit-428836874                    	infrakit-link-context=swarm/37phvxcyelv8js1lyqi76hnau/manager,infrakit-link=dmVwcQ7w49aTj6K7,infrakit.config_sha=mt39WMxI1MX4mFIg03moQjy4OjA=,infrakit.group=swarm-managers,swarm-id=37phvxcyelv8js1lyqi76hnau
infrakit-541061527                    	infrakit-link-context=swarm/?/manager,infrakit-link=wz5NEiBoC02DtO4q,infrakit.config_sha=mt39WMxI1MX4mFIg03moQjy4OjA=,infrakit.group=swarm-managers,swarm-id=?
~/projects/src/github.com/docker/infrakit$ infrakit group describe swarm-workers
ID                            	LOGICAL                       	TAGS
infrakit-177710302            	  -                           	infrakit-link-context=swarm/37phvxcyelv8js1lyqi76hnau/worker,infrakit-link=Q9Pu1jBVSbwMF8mz,infrakit.config_sha=TbwYlrX9Efh6_wIrLKG6B7Zd24s=,infrakit.group=swarm-workers,swarm-id=
infrakit-266730661            	  -                           	infrakit-link-context=swarm/37phvxcyelv8js1lyqi76hnau/worker,infrakit-link=BQe9jpmy5cx24XVd,infrakit.config_sha=TbwYlrX9Efh6_wIrLKG6B7Zd24s=,infrakit.group=swarm-workers,swarm-id=
infrakit-782909388            	  -                           	infrakit-link-context=swarm/37phvxcyelv8js1lyqi76hnau/worker,infrakit-link=jjAgxzSlQrpEVLo3,infrakit.config_sha=TbwYlrX9Efh6_wIrLKG6B7Zd24s=,infrakit.group=swarm-workers,swarm-id=

We can clean up vms after this brief demo:

~/projects/src/github.com/docker/infrakit$ infrakit group destroy swarm-workers
destroy swarm-workers initiated
~/projects/src/github.com/docker/infrakit$ infrakit group destroy swarm-managers
destroy swarm-managers initiated

And stop all the plugins:

~/projects/src/github.com/docker/infrakit$ infrakit plugin stop --all
INFO[0000] Stopping flavor-swarm at PID= 69525          
INFO[0000] Process for flavor-swarm exited              
INFO[0000] Stopping group at PID= 69522                 
INFO[0000] Process for group exited                     
INFO[0000] Stopping group-stateless at PID= 69524       
INFO[0000] Process for group-stateless exited           
INFO[0000] Stopping instance-vagrant at PID= 69527      
INFO[0000] Process for instance-vagrant exited




View Source
const (
	// DefaultManagerInitScriptTemplate is the default template for the init script which
	// the flavor injects into the user data of the instance to configure Docker Swarm Managers
	DefaultManagerInitScriptTemplate = `` /* 929-byte string literal not displayed */

	// DefaultWorkerInitScriptTemplate is the default template for the init script which
	// the flavor injects into the user data of the instance to configure Docker Swarm.
	DefaultWorkerInitScriptTemplate = `` /* 334-byte string literal not displayed */

View Source
const (

	// AllInstances as a special logical ID for use in the Attachments map
	AllInstances = instance.LogicalID("*")


This section is empty.


func DockerClient

func DockerClient(spec Spec) (docker.APIClientCloser, error)

DockerClient checks the validity of input spec and connects to Docker engine


type ManagerFlavor

type ManagerFlavor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ManagerFlavor is the flavor for swarm managers

func NewManagerFlavor

func NewManagerFlavor(plugins func() discovery.Plugins, connect func(Spec) (docker.APIClientCloser, error),
	templ *template.Template,
	stop <-chan struct{}) *ManagerFlavor

NewManagerFlavor creates a flavor.Plugin that creates manager and worker nodes connected in a swarm.

func (ManagerFlavor) Drain

func (s ManagerFlavor) Drain(flavorProperties *types.Any, inst instance.Description) error

func (ManagerFlavor) Funcs

func (s ManagerFlavor) Funcs() []template.Function

Funcs implements the template.FunctionExporter interface that allows the RPC server to expose help on the functions it exports

func (ManagerFlavor) Get

func (s ManagerFlavor) Get(path types.Path) (*types.Any, error)

Get implements the metadata.Plugin SPI's List method

func (ManagerFlavor) Healthy

func (s ManagerFlavor) Healthy(flavorProperties *types.Any, inst instance.Description) (flavor.Health, error)

Healthy determines whether an instance is healthy. This is determined by whether it has successfully joined the Swarm.

func (ManagerFlavor) List

func (s ManagerFlavor) List(path types.Path) ([]string, error)

List implements the metadata.Plugin SPI's List method

func (*ManagerFlavor) Prepare

func (s *ManagerFlavor) Prepare(flavorProperties *types.Any,
	instanceSpec instance.Spec, allocation group_types.AllocationMethod,
	index group_types.Index) (instance.Spec, error)

Prepare sets up the provisioner / instance plugin's spec based on information about the swarm to join.

func (*ManagerFlavor) Validate

func (s *ManagerFlavor) Validate(flavorProperties *types.Any, allocation group_types.AllocationMethod) error

Validate checks whether the helper can support a configuration.

type Spec

type Spec struct {

	// Attachments indicate the devices that are to be attached to the instance.
	// If the logical ID is '*' (the AllInstances const) then the attachment applies to all instances.
	Attachments map[instance.LogicalID][]instance.Attachment

	// InitScriptTemplateURL overrides the template specified when the plugin started up.
	InitScriptTemplateURL string

	// SwarmJoinIP is the IP for managers and workers to join
	SwarmJoinIP string

	// Labels to apply on the Docker engine
	EngineLabels map[string]string

	// Docker holds the connection params to the Docker engine for join tokens, etc.
	Docker docker.ConnectInfo

Spec is the value passed in the `Properties` field of configs

type WorkerFlavor

type WorkerFlavor struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

WorkerFlavor implements the flavor and metadata plugins

func NewWorkerFlavor

func NewWorkerFlavor(plugins func() discovery.Plugins, connect func(Spec) (docker.APIClientCloser, error),
	templ *template.Template,
	stop <-chan struct{}) *WorkerFlavor

NewWorkerFlavor creates a flavor.Plugin that creates manager and worker nodes connected in a swarm.

func (*WorkerFlavor) Drain

func (s *WorkerFlavor) Drain(flavorProperties *types.Any, inst instance.Description) error

Drain in the case of worker will force a node removal in the swarm.

func (WorkerFlavor) Funcs

func (s WorkerFlavor) Funcs() []template.Function

Funcs implements the template.FunctionExporter interface that allows the RPC server to expose help on the functions it exports

func (WorkerFlavor) Get

func (s WorkerFlavor) Get(path types.Path) (*types.Any, error)

Get implements the metadata.Plugin SPI's List method

func (WorkerFlavor) Healthy

func (s WorkerFlavor) Healthy(flavorProperties *types.Any, inst instance.Description) (flavor.Health, error)

Healthy determines whether an instance is healthy. This is determined by whether it has successfully joined the Swarm.

func (WorkerFlavor) List

func (s WorkerFlavor) List(path types.Path) ([]string, error)

List implements the metadata.Plugin SPI's List method

func (*WorkerFlavor) Prepare

func (s *WorkerFlavor) Prepare(flavorProperties *types.Any, instanceSpec instance.Spec,
	allocation group_types.AllocationMethod,
	index group_types.Index) (instance.Spec, error)

Prepare sets up the provisioner / instance plugin's spec based on information about the swarm to join.

func (WorkerFlavor) Validate

func (s WorkerFlavor) Validate(flavorProperties *types.Any, allocation group_types.AllocationMethod) error

Validate checks the configuration of flavor plugin.

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