This plugin can tail multiple files and generate events via the events SPI so that the client
can follow log files remotely.
You can use infrakit plugin start
to start the plugin. Without a configuration JSON for
defining rules on starting up plugins, you can do:
# Assuming at the top of the project directory
# Run a file logger
pkg/plugin/event/tailer/test1.sh & # will generate a file called test1.log in the same diretory
INFRAKIT_EVENT_TAILER_PATH=${PWD}/pkg/plugin/event/tailer/test1.log infrakit plugin start tailer:mylogfile
This is the simplest case of using the tailer. Using the infrakit
CLI, you will see
$ infrakit
infrakit command line interface
infrakit [command]
Available Commands:
event Access event exposed by infrakit plugins
manager Access the manager
metadata Access metadata exposed by infrakit plugins
mylogfile Access plugin mylogfile which implements Event/0.1.0,Metadata/0.1.0 <----- This is new
playbook Manage playbooks
plugin Manage plugins
remote Manage remotes
Now you can see the topics:
$ infrakit mylogfile event ls -al
total 1:
And you can tail the file
$ infrakit mylogfile event tail Users/.../pkg/plugin/event/tailer/test1.log
INFO[0000] Connecting to broker url= unix://mylogfile topic= Users/davidchung/project3/src/github.com/docker/infrakit/pkg/plugin/event/tailer/test1.log opts= {/Users/davidchung/.infrakit/plugins /events}
Mon Aug 14 01:16:42 PDT 2017 -- 16675
Mon Aug 14 01:16:43 PDT 2017 -- 18597
Mon Aug 14 01:16:44 PDT 2017 -- 21251
For more complex configuration, you can use a config JSON file (see plugins.json).
In this example there are two keys applogs
and syslogs
, and each rule uses the tailer
kind to tail
at least one file. To start both you can simply
infrakit --log 5 plugin start --config-url file://${PWD}/pkg/plugin/event/tailer/plugins.json syslogs applogs
Note the args syslogs
and applogs
are keys in the plugins.json file. Once this starts, you can see
there are two event plugins visible. One with the name applogs
and the other, syslogs