gomeme is a cli for Control-M, based on
Control-M Automation API
and loosely inspired by govc.
go install github.com/freedge/gomeme
export GOMEME_ENDPOINT=https://.../automation-api
export GOMEME_CERT_DIR=~/certs
gomeme login -u toto
gomeme qr -n PRD*
Use the --dump
option to output in a Go-like format. --json
option outputs in json format.
Helps for commands can be accessed with -h
Traffic received from ctm server can be dumped with --debug
Usage on Windows:
It might be installed using the msix released.
gomeme login -u workbench
$Jobs = & gomeme lj -s Executing -f *appli* --json | ConvertFrom-Json
$Jobs.statuses | Out-GridView
SSL config
If GOMEME_ENDPOINT is using https, gomeme must be able to verify the identity of the server.
When the certificate of the server is signed by an unknown authority, that certificate should be placed under a folder
referenced by SSL_CERT_DIR or GOMEME_CERT_DIR environment variable.
- create a certs folder
- retrieve the server certificate using
echo | openssl s_client -prexit -connect myserver:443 | openssl x509 > certs/out.pem
- ensure the server name in the certificate can be resolved (possibly, add it in etc/hosts)
- from the certs folder, run
c_rehash .
(so that curl will be able to use --capath, though it does not seem mandatory)
SSL_CERT_DIR usually can be a column separated list of folders, but go (https://github.com/golang/go/issues/35325) considers it
as a single folder. GOMEME_CERT_DIR environment variable can be used as an alternative to SSL_CERT_DIR (to avoid breaking
other tools).
openssl and go tls package do not validate certificates identically (it seems you need to trust the whole chain, including
the root CA, for openssl to work fine). As such, you may want to run
echo | openssl s_client -prexit -connect myserver:443 -showcerts
and put the root CA certificate in your certs folder.
Annotations can be provided with the --subject
and --description
, job.modify
, job.order
require an annotation to be set even if audit is not activated on server side.
Get a token for a user. Writes it into a .token file in the current directory.
The password must be provided either through the GOMEME_PASSWORD environment variable, or
through the terminal.
User defaults to $USER if not specified.
gomeme login --user toto
list qrs
gomeme qr --name PRD-*
list jobs (default limit is 1000). Use -v
for more info. Outputs a csv with --csv
gomeme lj --application TOTO-PRD --status Executing --limit 30
gomeme lj -a TOTO-PRD --host *pk1*
when listing a single jobid, one can use the deps option to go through the jobs in the neighbour of that job.
gomeme lj --deps --jobid FOOSRV:5rxwz -v
set a qr
gomeme qr.set --name DEV-FOO --ctm BARCT4T --max 5 --subject reason
get the output or logs of a job id
gomeme job.log --jobid FOOCCT4P:5nq1c
gomeme job.log --jobid FOOCCT4P:5nq1c --output
gomeme job.log --jobid FOOCCT4P:5nq1c --output --run 3
order a job or a whole folder
gomeme job.order --ctm FOOCT4T --folder ABC-DEV-OND --subject Test1234
gomeme job.order --ctm FOOCT4T --folder ABC-DEV-OND --jobs dABC1 --subject Test1234
By default the job is held unless the -D
option is provided.
Gomeme tries to get the job id of the created job and retry a few times (waiting 1s between each try). Default is 2 tries, use --retries 0
to not wait.
An annotation is required.
hold/delete/undelete/confirm/setToOk a job
gomeme job.action --action delete --jobid FOOCT4T:3z553
rerun a job
gomeme job.rerun --jobid FOOCT4T:3z553
Tries to draw a tree of jobs with their dependencies.
This generates quite a lot of queries to control-m (1 per job to retrieve dependencies),
so it must be run carefully. Ensure there is no more than 100 jobs to analyse
when running tree.
The output looks like
which means that A and E do not have known predecessor
(in the list of selected nodes) and that B must complete before C starts, A must complete
before B and D starts.
We ensure the longest chain of jobs is shown, so if all jobs take the same amount of time to complete, in above
example C should start after B finishes, but there could be dependencies not appearing, such as C depending on
the completion of D, that are not reflected.
This command takes the same parameters as lj
gomeme job.tree --application TOTO-PRD --limit 10
gomeme job.tree --application TOTO-PRD --limit 10 --back # instead of following dependencies, follow predecessors
Just outputs the curl command to run to target the API by hand
gomeme curl
Same as curl but with a call to Invoke-RestMethod PowerShell cmdlet.
Powershell has no equivalent for capath, so we will skip server verification entirely in that case. Tested against PowerShell 7 preview.
$ps=& gomeme ps
Invoke-Expression $ps/config/servers
List all servers
gomeme config.servers
List all agents and hostgroups for a specific server
gomeme config.server --ctm FOO123
List parameters specific to an agent. Uses --all
to show all parameters.
gomeme config.agent --ctm FOO123 --host toto.net
Ping an agent, so that it ends up in config.agents output. Default timeout is 10s, use d to discover.
gomeme config.ping -H foo -c FOO
Returns the list of agents parts of a hostgroup
gomeme config.hostgroup -c foo -g group
Return definition of jobs in folder
gomeme deploy.get --ctm FOO --folder toto --xml
gomeme deploy.get --ctm FOO --folder toto
Upload the definition of jobs
gomeme deploy.put --filename foo.json --subject "Record1234" --ctm FOOCTM
Retrieve status, waiting info, parameters of a single job
gomeme job.get -j FOO:123
Change the parameters of a held job
gomeme job.modify --subject "Record 1234" -n jobname -j FOOBAR:09otj -- param1 param2
secret things
gomeme logout
Local dev
vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
bats tests.bats
bats philo.bats
vagrant up
will start a localdev environment, including a running controlm workbench.
After adding workbench
the workbench can be access from https://workbench:8443/automation-api
gomeme compiled under windows can be launched from VSCode terminal with
.\gomeme.exe login -u workbench
however the bats tests must be started under Linux.
Azure pipelines
These are some links used to set-up this repository. Current pipeline under Azure is missing the "integration tests" (that are run
under Travis on a Linux box), but includes a step to package as a msix, release an appinstaller file, and deploy
a server for that appinstaller on Openshift.
Set-up for go:
Create the manifest file:
not sure if needed : Create the package manifest using MakeAppx.exe
Create a certificate
New-SelfSignedCertificate -Type Custom -Subject "CN=Frigocorp, O=Frigocorp, L=Gotham, S=Hyrule, C=France" -KeyUsage DigitalSignature -FriendlyName "Frigo certificate" -CertStoreLocation "Cert:\CurrentUser\My" -TextExtension @("{text}", "{text}")
Set-up the pipeline