Basic id pool implementation. Unique ids can be pulled from and released back into the pool as needed.
Useful for tagging things with a life cycle.
package main
import (
idp "github.com/franklange/go-idpool"
func main() {
p := idp.Idpool{}
n0 := p.Next()
fmt.Println(n0) // 0
n1 := p.Next()
fmt.Println(n1) // 1
n2 := p.Next()
fmt.Println(n2) // 2
ok := p.Release(n1)
fmt.Println(ok) // true, release 1 back into the id pool
n3 := p.Next()
fmt.Println(n3) // 1, lowest free id in the pool after previous release
nok := p.Release(99)
fmt.Println(nok) // false, can't release ids that haven't been given out
p.SetStart(100) // set first id to be pulled (resets pool)
n100 := p.Next()
fmt.Println(n100) // 100