A Command-line tool that lists transaction snapshots of mixin application, allowing you to easily check and analyze accounts.
go version <= 1.16
go get
go install
$ wallet-analyzer -h
Usage of wallet-analyzer:
-asset string
Asset id
-client string
Mixin client id
-end string
End time, RFC3339 format
-format string
Snapshot format (default "id: {{ .SnapshotID }} -> (asset: {{ .AssetID }}, amount: {{ .Amount }})")
-opponent string
Opponent id
-output string
Output file path
-secret string
Mixin client secret
-start string
Start time, RFC3339 format
-token string
Access token
Invoke by client and secret
If you don't have an existing token, you can set client and secret, it will open your browser and start the OAuth flow, and once the authentication is completed then you can copy the code from the address bar.
$ wallet-analyzer -asset=b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b -client=$YOUR_CLIENT -secret=$YOUR_SECRET
OAuth Code: 8024fbb034283008e0d7cb60c23c083aa0c6ceae88cd7fd4d4cbf24f602ecce5
token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhaWQiOiIzYjUwNmI4OS00MTVkLTQ1NTAtYTZjMS05ZTdmODk1NDk5NmMiLCJleHAiOjE2ODI5NTQyOTksImlhdCI6MTY1MTQxODI5OSwiaXNzIjoiYTQ4YjFlNfEtOWI1ZS00NzBkLWJjNzAtOTc0ZDE3ZWExNjxjIiwic3NwFjxiUFJPRklMRTpSRUFEIFNOQVBTSE9UUzpSRUFEIn0.HrLev8DpPkJfMSpsXvDhEDsl51UVnmYnNAlMSbblXvO8He8GiFzLawLEqL8O6Kh9oWuEIfcs-SUF9Hb_eLmcP_g4ULpLmiMRBkpM9i7d_7hbAgkKHxJHAGU7RW6hebE0BHXoJYm2nCwnZGu49Xn9-3ayAsuf0gL9Ben7jz1j72o
id: d1f38bfc-f60e-4a6c-a588-0e2f8ad4297c -> (asset: b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b, amount: 9)
ids: ('d1f38bfc-f60e-4a6c-a588-0e2f8ad4297c')
asset: b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b -> (count: 1, total: 9)
Invoke by token
As you can see, if you call through the client and secret, the output will print the generated token, save it, and then you can use the token call to avoid repeated authentication.
$ wallet-analyzer -asset=b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b -token=$YOUR_TOKEN
id: d1f38bfc-f60e-4a6c-a588-0e2f8ad4297c -> (asset: b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b, amount: 9)
ids: ('d1f38bfc-f60e-4a6c-a588-0e2f8ad4297c')
asset: b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b -> (count: 1, total: 9)
Apply filters
You can set the start time, end time, asset id and opponent id to filter the snapshot results.
$ wallet-analyzer -asset=b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b -token=$YOUR_TOKEN
$ wallet-analyzer -asset=b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b -opponent=d1f38bfc-f60e-4a6c-a588-0e2f8ad4297c -token=$YOUR_TOKEN
$ wallet-analyzer -asset=b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b -opponent=d1f38bfc-f60e-4a6c-a588-0e2f8ad4297c -token=$YOUR_TOKEN -start=2022-03-23T03:27:27Z -end=2022-05-01T03:27:27Z
Custom output snapshot format
By default, only the snapshoot id, asset id and amount are output, you can change the behavior by passing the format parameter, it's golang template syntax, the available data you can find in Snapshoot Record.
$ wallet-analyzer -asset=b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b -token=$YOUR_TOKEN -format="id: {{ .SnapshotID }} -> (asset: {{ .AssetID }}, amount: {{ .Amount }}, type: {{ .Type }}, created: {{ .CreatedAt }})"
id: d1f38bfc-f60e-4a6c-a588-0e2f8ad4297c -> (asset: b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b, amount: 9, type: deposit, created: 2022-01-18 02:59:58.487811 +0000 UTC)
ids: ('d1f38bfc-f60e-4a6c-a588-0e2f8ad4297c')
asset: b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b -> (count: 1, total: 9)
Save output to file
Of course, you can use pipelines to save the output, but it will save unnecessary info, such as token, you can avoid this by using output param.
$ wallet-analyzer -asset=b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b -client=$YOUR_CLIENT -secret=$YOUR_SECRET -output=./result.txt
OAuth Code: 1b7581510ccd465b3ccd246dfd03369cecf265d43ae12d5b79dcf62080057ac7
token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhaWQiOiIyNWY4OWIxYi0zMDhjLTQxZjYtOWJmMS0yNzViZDRmNzgwOTgiLCJleHAiOjE2ODI5NTgyNzUsImlhdCI6MTY1MTQyMjI3NSwiaXNzIjoiYTQ4YjFlNTEtOWI1ZS00NzBkLWJjNzAtOTc0ZDE3ZWExNjJjIiwxc2NwIjoiUFJPRklMRTpSRUFEIFNOQVBTSE9pzZLzaUFEzn1.BJS9WEe8iWQdoKTnDWXEa15P62Fjl0QZy6-NG_4OJjVZ96tVdMdNXZs9XQIHYpO2dzeIkXyVmVDUHXy7YsinRe6iEMa0puT58Htu57zk9Ybeazs71jrlhMlMm-5_3hkSVvLhkRb3hk-5Q79w2oEWuRESfxhcl-Cq06jdvgEKfLw
$ cat result.txt
id: d1f38bfc-f60e-4a6c-a588-0e2f8ad4297c -> (asset: b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b, amount: 9)
ids: ('d1f38bfc-f60e-4a6c-a588-0e2f8ad4297c')
asset: b91e18ff-a9ae-3dc7-8679-e935d9a4b34b -> (count: 1, total: 9)
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.