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Published: Feb 9, 2022 License: Apache-2.0



pact testing in go


To use pact testing add the following make task as part of your build to install the pact-go daemon:

platform := $(shell uname)

ifeq (${platform},Darwin)
pact_filename := "pact-${pact_version}-osx.tar.gz"
pact_filename := "pact-${pact_version}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz"

	@if [ ! -d ./pact ]; then \
		echo "pact-go not installed, installing..."; \
		wget https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact-ruby-standalone/releases/download/v${pact_version}/${pact_filename} -O /tmp/pactserver.tar.gz && tar -xvf /tmp/pactserver.tar.gz -C .; \

To integrate with the pact broker, add the following tasks to fetch pacts, publish pacts and publish pact verifications.

publish: pact-publish-verification docker-publish

	@test "${PACT_BROKER_KEY_ID}" || (echo "you must define PACT_BROKER_KEY_ID to get pacts")
	@test "${PACT_BROKER_ACCESS_KEY}" || (echo "you must define PACT_BROKER_ACCESS_KEY to get pacts")

pact-get: pact-test-config
	@exec sh -c '"$(CURDIR)/scripts/pact-get.sh" {}'

pact-publish: pact-test-config
	@exec sh -c '"$(CURDIR)/scripts/pact-publish.sh" {}'

pact-publish-verification: pact-test-config
	@exec sh -c '"$(CURDIR)/scripts/pact-publish-verifications.sh" {}'

You need to add the following lines to your .gitignore


Pact Consumer Testing

Consumer testing uses pact files to define mocks for any dependent services which your tests interact with. These can be used to provide expected responses to tests and also verify that interactions were indeed made. Once testing is complete, consumer pacts are uploaded to the pact broker via the pact-publish task, for verification by provider tests.

Consumer testing uses the pact standalone ruby executable. This will be left running after the test completes so that future iterations of the test run faster.

There are two ways to define consumer tests - the original integration test or the newer DSL test.


DSL tests define interactions and verify responses as part of the test. This may result in more expressive tests when using BDD style tests

// pact servers can be optionally started during test setup. A free port is chosen automatically. This may be useful if the url needs to be injected into the service under test.
url := pacttesting.EnsurePactRunning("testservicea", "go-pact-testing")

// pact servers are re-used, so it is best to remove the interactions before or after the each test. This can be configured in the test stage creation.

// given
// test service returns 200 for a get request
// .. either from json
assert.NoError(t, pacttesting.AddPact("testservicea.get.test"))
// .. or via code
assert.NoError(t, pacttesting.AddPactInteraction("testservicea", "go-pact-testing", (&dsl.Interaction{}).
		UponReceiving("Request for a test endpoint A").
			Method: "GET",
			Path:   dsl.String("/v1/test"),
			Status:  200,
			Headers: dsl.MapMatcher{"Content-Type": dsl.String("application/json; charset=utf-8")},
			Body:    map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},

// when 
// ... functionality that invokes the service

// then
// check that the interactions are called
assert.NoError(pacttesting.VerifyInteractions("testservicea", "go-pact-testing"))
Integration Test

Consumer tests can be written using the IntegrationTest function. Pacts should be stored in a directory called 'pacts':

IntegrationTest([]Pact{"testservicea.get.test", "testserviceb.get.test"}, func() {
    // test-code-here. 

Pact Provider Testing

Provider testing involves taking the pacts written by consumers and ensuring that the service produces the output that the consumer has declared via the pact that they expect it to produce.

Pacts can be obtained from the pact broker via the pact-get make task. Tests will produce verifications which can be uploaded to the broker with pact-publish-verification. This includes full details of provider and consumer versions, so the broker can be used to check which versions are compatible.

Provider tests can be written with the assistance of VerifyProviderPacts. Note that this can either be configured with the pacts from the broker, or locally (which is more useful when developing pacts)

    Testing: t,
    Pacts:                  "build/incoming-pacts/*.json",
    AuthToken:             token,
    ProviderVersion:       "v0.0.1",
    BaseURL:               viper.GetString(settings.ServiceName + "-address"),
    ProviderStateSetupURL: viper.GetString(settings.ServiceName + "-address") + "/pact-setup",

Most pacts will require some existing state on the server. This must be configured via a url on the provider service. The handler for this will need to check the state name and provide the initial state matching that required by the pact

Pact Messaging Provider Testing

Pact messaging is typically used for non-http and asynchronous services, such as SQS queues. Like regular pacts, provider states can be defined within the pact json. These should be used to invoke the service in such a way that it generates a message on the queue, e.g. submitting a payment to add a message to the validation queue. The messaging tests then requires a messageProducer to obtain the message from the queue. The test framework exposes these message produces through a new http service and invokes the pact client to verify the service against the pact files. See the tests for further details of how to configure pact messaging provider tests.


Splitting PACT tests before test run

PACT tests may fail while running against bulk files (with many interactions).

To circumvent it, you can split bulk file into smaller ones like following:

func TestPactProviders(t *testing.T) {

	testOrganisationId, _ := uuid.FromString("743d5b63-8e6f-432e-a8fa-c5d8d2ee5fcb")
	testOrganisationId2, _ := uuid.FromString("6e9224ee-9753-47b2-b235-b155e951ab64")
	token := buildDefaultToken(testOrganisationId, testOrganisationId2)

	pactFilesFilter := viper.GetString("PACT_FILES_FILTER")
	if pactFilesFilter == "" {
		pactFilesFilter = "../../../build/incoming-pacts/*.json"
	log.Info("PACT file filter set to: ", pactFilesFilter)

	pactFiles, pactFilesErr := filepath.Glob(pactFilesFilter)
	if len(pactFiles) == 0 {
		t.Fatal("No PACT files found using filter: ", pactFilesFilter)
	} else if pactFilesErr != nil {
		t.Fatal("Couldn't find pact files: ", pactFilesErr)
	testCaseDir := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), uuid.NewV1().String())
	for _, pactFile := range pactFiles {
		log.Info("Splitting PACT file into smaller ones: ", pactFile)
		if tcError := pacttesting.SplitPactBulkFile(pactFile, testCaseDir); tcError != nil {
			t.Fatal("Couldn't split PACT file - file: ", pactFile, ", error: ", tcError)

	log.Info("Running PACT tests: ", pactFiles)
	t.Run("FOO gateway Pacts", func(t *testing.T) {
		runPactTests(t, token, filepath.Join(testCaseDir, "*.json"))



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